Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Unfathomable Truth and Love of God

The ignorant ones seek merely to confirm their own opinions .. their prejudices .. and their preconceptions .. whilst they seek for truth, yet they clammer for their own recognition. They are the ones of the earth civilization who have already decided. They unfortunately believe that they already know.

All my children of Nebadon have wings, albeit undeveloped, yet some have clipped their feathers and as such, they fail to fly high enough above the ground unto the more subtle plains with the spirits of the air, and the glories of the One Consciousness. 

Be not as the unwise and the vainglorious who are attracted to only the visible forms, the superficial senses, and those things that are far from truth; for that which drives them and motivates their desires, this is truly the fire yet misappropriated and misguided by unrighteousness and irreverence of all kinds. It pretends to give them an illusion of truth whereby the false appears to them as real and true whilst the truth and the reality appear to these ones as untrue and false.

Now .. are ye walking with me unto the Father's Idea .. becoming are you the living Ideal through forgiveness, reconciliation, and the remembrance of the One Existence. 

Christ Jesus Michael of Nebadon