Monday, February 29, 2016

Thine Universal Citizenship Unfolds

Until the personality becomes vibrationally immersed in the Life force .. it remains unstable and unreliable.  It must become interwoven with the Spirit of the Father for stabilization into harmony.

Together let us silently chant an Invitation to the Planetary Ascended Host. ..

I AM Indigo Violet Forgiveness Flame Immersed in Love with Saint Germain.

Breathe thou deeply into your chest area.

Allow the Radiant Luminosity of the Universe Mother Spirit to fill and penetrate your cells and atomic structure.

This approach is our Protocol of Relationship. Your relationship with the Third Center and Source of the Preparatory Act of Infinite Spirit become actively awakened.

Ye are each one .. headed into evolving from a personality with mind and feelings somewhat vibrationally feeling separate from the Wholeness ... into becoming God's Personalization of Supremacy of Immortal Stature. This is the goal of all living beings.. Universal Citizenship.

For I come to raise thine vibratory activities into the Seamless Garment of Immaculate Illumination.

Michael of Nebadon
Michael Sananda Esu
Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Prepare Thee for Greatness and Grandeur

As ye shall give thyself into the Father's Initiatory Thought of Perfection .. His Presence in you .. He shall overflow into your personal mind and emotions.  He shall gradually erase your errors which have caused you pain and struggle in every way.

Be cultivating Worship and Wisdom of the Universe Mother Spirit. Contemplate Her Virtues and Values. These are the template which is the blueprint for creating a mind and personhood which is prerequisite for growing thine soul energies into receptivity.

...and thine receptivity preparations come before our sovereign discipleship can blossom in you. Before ye are receptive to Mine Comforter Being surrounding thee .. ye must create thine soul vessel by elevating all thoughts and feelings into fuller maturity.

I come here and now to bring thee forth with Me into the Kingdom of His Righteousness and Identity .. His Honor and Humility.

Taketh My Universal Hand in the Comforter Spirit of Truth. Walk with I and the Universe Mother Spirit .. with the administration of the Planetary Host. Prepare thyself for graduation into divine maturities of more Cosmic proportions.

I AM Michael of this universe .. Father Son Personified .. to reveal to you Mine Way .. Truth .. and Life.

Michael of Nebadon
Michael Sananda Esu
Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Mine Origins at the Core of Existence

I am a modern Universe Son .. sophisticated in the ways of your world and tempered like the strength of steel in My adherence to God's Law and Will; for ye shall not find Me sitting only upon a mountaintop in the rags of olden times. Nor shall I be imprisoned in the stagnant waters of misperception regarding My Spirit Personality.

Yet .. always am I to be discovered in the gentle sweetness of righteousness and rectitude .. respect for the One God Life that I AM  .. and immersed in the everlasting attunement with mine Origins at the Core where there is to be found the Infinite Persons of Trinity Paradise.

I am not one to be found wearing showy flowing robes nor open-toed sandals from times past. At this time in your earth's history ..

I AM a modern man with the utter humility of serving the Wholeness of Life ..  and one who is .. as well .. the personified presence of the Father Son in My nature and identity .. my purpose and consciousness; for I know Myself as the Totality that we share .. and I AM given the responsibility to guide all creatures within this mine domain universally.

Yet .. I am one who knows your challenges of heart .. and as a visiting member of your race .. I am known to have entered deeply into your systems of living to gain thine perspectives and to capture in My being thine experiences of evolutionary progression.

I have paid mine dues of entering into your daily experiences .. living  upon thine mortal shores  .. and partaking of humanity's quest for security and stability .. harmony and happiness .. wholeness and peace.

Be natural beloveds. Be ever honest with thine gift of personhood. Attempt not to make thine presentation to the world as one who is already perfected in all ways.

Take up thine cross with humility and dignity .. honor and the goodly accounting for your life experiences .. be they tragic or delightfully joyous.

Embrace all things that arise .. and ye shall find in your horizons a destiny of fulfillment and happier times.

The greater perfection is attainable only through discipline and obedience .. and your daily applicable focus upon the Kingdom of God's nature shall position you for the more abundant Life everlasting as the days change to night and as the orb of the planet spins upon its concentric axis...

Michael of Nebadon
Michael Sananda Esu
Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Thine Evolutionary Atonement

Behold .. I AM the Heart of the Universes come to heal and bless thine countenance. I hear and observe and do respond to all who hunger for their freedom from darkness.

I taketh orderings joyously as the One Supremacy of Deity; for mine Eye surrounds thee and does wait for our eternal intimacies to emerge.

I am sent of the Initiatory Father and the Revelatory Son along with the Spirit of Eternity .. and His very Selfhood as the Universe Mother. We come in unison at this time because the cycle is at an end.

We come to prepare thee and to help raise upwards all creatures who are ready to go the distance with Us into their own Sovereign Light...

The great and good .. the immaculately generous Father of Lights .. He calls upward with the Primal Son all the creation at this time.

He is sending even just now during this time the beginning of His Infinite Luminosity into all creation... and every creature shall become transfigured as they surrender their hesitations .. as they silence their lesser thinkings of separation .. abandonment .. and unworthiness.

Behold .. I AM the Heart and Hand of the Father Son .. their focalization. We reach for the parched minds who needeth drink. We offer each one the Eternal Waters of Everlasting Glory.

Behold .. I AM the Hand that is extending from on High in Paradise. I intend to reach unto thee should you be feeling the desire to will the will of Heaven .. to bring sight to thine sightless unawareness. For I AM the guarding Mind which holds open the gates of immortality for each one to receive their Universal Citizenship.

I AM the One .. I.. Michael Of Nebadon .. Also you call Me .. Michael Sananda Esu .. and Sananda Kumara .. yet I AM the very same Stream of Spirit Personality who initialized this one universe of many with Nebadonia thine Mother herself .. the Universe Son am I, beloveds. I come in warmth and an eternal welcoming gesture of faith and trust in thee .. to show thee Our way and truth .. and to elevate thine mortal nature unto Mine Deliverance of Divinity.

I AM beloveds .. the privilege of the centuries of humanity's search .. for I AM the very promise of your escape from the endless cycles of coming into flesh matter and going out from flesh matter back into the regions of the levels of earth. Yet .. these levels are not the Heaven you hope but are grades of consciousness with mostly good and kindhearted creatures. Alas .. there is so much more to aspire towards. So much to arise into as you will.

Over and over ye have searched and sought freedom from thine mind's disease. Ever and anon ye have quivered with confusions and doubts as to the existence of anything higher and beyond.

As ye desire .. Love .. ye must pave thine way through purpose and purity .. to create Love's opportunity to come through thine mortality; and as love findeth it's course in you and throughout thine life .. so shall ye become Love .. Mercy .. and Our true sons and daughters in this wondrous universe.

May My peace and order overwhelm all thine inadvertent atrocities .. thine infections of rebelliousness and resistance. May the Primordial Protocol of the Ages give you Impulse in expanding His unearthly Kingdom.

Michael of Nebadon
Michael Sananda Esu
Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

When thine Spiritual Eye be Single, thine Whole Body shall be of Light and Life

Keep your eye upon the Lord thine God Life and ye shall be taking all dominion of the effects of your creating. Then .. all else in your consciousness and surrounding world of appearance will become aligned with what you've commanded for your life through your focused attention.

Hence .. you are given this freedom of will to choose where to place your focus .. and as you place this creative beam of your focus upon your choices and values .. all shall become rightly magnetized to you.

Our Ideal elevates your Vision for living .. and refines your Virtues .. heightening your Values for the greatest growth possible. These three V's do lead the aspirant and disciple to their Victory in Eternity.

For you are .. each one .. the Life of God .. blossoming and expanding in you and through you .. this One Life by carrying your misqualifications into this Immaculately Luminous Life of God. You are the Creative Consciousness of this One Life designed to create perfection in your place within our universe.

A perfectly conceived plan and purpose awaits you in developing your Paradise Career towards the abundance of the fuller higher Life of God. So, cast out of thine thoughts and feelings all doubts and fears of attaining to the Vision of the Kingdom.

Acknowledge and adore the One God Life which is everywhere present before thee. He controls and directs all things into His harmony and Order, yet you must hand over your will by transfiguring and fulfilling His great Law of balancing all the past creations you've set into motion.

... and when thine Eye of Awareness be single upon the reality of this One God Life that I AM .. thine whole body and existence shall become as pure God Light. You shall be regenerated and renewed into the Seamless Garment of Eternal Life.

Michael of Nebadon
Michael Sananda Esu
Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Be as a Pure Child of God

Be not like the Christian fools who believe they are here to teach and offer unasked for guidance and ignorant advisings .. while 'helping' to save all others by bringing them to Christ that I AM; for these ones are the bastard children of the Race .. the ones who would prefer to pluck out of thine eye thy apparent error while their own short-sightedness is glossed over with blindness and their hearing is waxen deaf with the cold  solidity of their own misqualified density and self-destructive delusions.

Be as a pure child who is in awe of creation .. and ever-respectful of all thine brothers and sisters .. not believing ye are above them in your arrogance and ignorant status; for the ignorance and arrogance of the human Race hath no limits.

The masses are drunken full with senseless imaginings .. hallucinations of their own vanity and self-glory .. dreaming patently that they  themselves are enlightened beyond all others .. and sitting with the intoxicating prettiness of their fallen natures while their soul rots from misuse, and their personality mind is heavily involved in the darkness of their own self created lethargies.

Be always the true child of the Lord thine God .. considerate and conscious .. congruent in thought and feeling and act.

Consistency of Heart gifts the aspirant with a rhythmic attainment each day that builds their constructively qualified momentums into godly attainment.

A true and everlasting love for God Almighty.

I come .. not to save the lost ones who will need many more millenia of experience and learning to even begin to thaw themselves out from  their frozen spirals of unconsciousness.

I come to take by Mine Hand those seekers and aspirants and disciples who are made ready and willing by their definite decisions of determination and discernment for giving themselves to the Heavenly Father for all of their existence going forward. Those personalities who have grown their character with righteousness and rectitude .. governorship and generosity towards all creatures.

Stand thou .. tall and capable .. receptive and redeemed .. adoring and appreciative .. of the gift of thine personality and the immaculate Life of the Universal First Central Source who comes to give you of Himself in His Unchangeable and Unconditional Glory.

Michael of Nebadon
Michael Sananda Esu
Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter

Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Eros of God

Love hath a thousand million forms, in that every form known unto man is the unfoldment .. the actualizing expression of the Initiatory Thought of the Father.

Conceptualize Love .. not as emotion nor affection. Neither is Love the attractive force having its root in sexuality or eros. Love is the great integrator .. as I have shared with thee. All that is .. and was .. and ever shall be .. is Love.

Love is creation. It is the bonding of the omnipresence of ether into coagulation of substance. It is the weaving together of atoms and molecules through the potent reconstructive powers of attention and awareness .. focused thought and feeling; for you are the Universe localized with creative powers and authorities given to you .. and still emerging from out of thy beingness.

Love ties together .. it's power .. weaves together the particles of eternity into visible manifest creation. It is the bringing together of thought conceived and impressed upon the omnipresence .. the ethers .. that occurs through Love.

When ye love in human ways .. ye do stir the ethers into creation. Ye bring forth a bonding with your chosen object of admiration and acknowledgement. For this reasoning .. love the Father .. bring Him together with thy mortality. Adore His Purity Absolute .. His Immaculate Immortality. Weave with His Immortal Substance a new order of being for thyself.

Placing thine focused loving upon Him shall generate for you His Perfection and Purity. Ye shall become that which ye have worshipped with the instrumentality of thine thought awareness. Love creates. Love encompasses everything creative. It provides the alchemy of coalescing the unmanifest into visible sights.

Love is the great mammoth creative force that is in eternity on every plane of existence. .. in every conceivable corner of the universes; for it hath no beginning no ending. Love is an infinite substance beyond words .. yet.. this one force .. we call it .. Love.

Love hath no substance .. yet it possesseth all substance within itself. Eternal benefaction is Love. It is limitless force and unending grandeur.

Love calls thee forth to create. Hatred .. judgment .. and other misqualified conditions in the minds of creatures .. these do cause ye disintegration and destruction within the molecular structure. Atomic particles will not adhere to other particles .. and .. as such .. causes disintegration and degeneration and disease in the individual's consciousness and existence. As ye love .. ye generate the highest vibratory activities of Absolute Purity .. while expanding the Perfection of the Kingdom; for God only .. I say .. He only .. Loves .. Is Love.

Create and ye do love; hate and speak unkindly and act with hatred in thine heart .. and ye do destroy. Think ye well on this I have shared.

Love and ye create. Destroy and ye do hate. All hatreds .. every subtle againstness brings disintegrating momentums which accumulate .. and ye do destroy. Yet .. Love is the One Primordial Fire. When ye invite Love through the influence of our Universal Protocol of Father Son Spirit .. ye are acting in righteousness and honor .. acting as the governorship and the Self Directive Governing Agent of creation. Ye are co-creation with the power and substance of the Primordial Father Spirit .. and this is your great curriculum and learning upon the earth.

Michael of Nebadon
Michael Sananda Esu
Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Righteous Life of Authority

I teach a highly constructive confrontational approach towards your own human and divine conditions.

My approach is infused with the Cardinal Virtues of Nebadonia.

As you go forth in walking with Me into the Kingdom of His Immortality .. you are maturing your personality.  You are enhancing the soul values of eternity.

We have entered into this new age of Accountability wherein each becomes the Sovereign Shepherd through the Sevenfold Powers of Authority .. their own free will authority to qualify the Life of God the Father,  to redeem and requalify all their lifetimes of errors back into His Purity, to harness the powers of their attention and awareness of Consciousness by which to magnify the Absolute .. magnetize themselves into the Protocol of the Universes .. and create new momentums which raise Life into lasting Freedom.

Hence, each must attend to their own accountability . . .

Begin with love and acceptance of the God Life you hold within you .. then apply thine wisdom intelligence in only making real the Immaculate Life of God while reembracing your errors and misqualifications.

This will give you the undiluted strength and clarity and conviction to become one with the Inner Impulses of His One Power.

Your decisions will be then .. His decision. Your acts will be His acts. Your capacities for this unconquerable Love and unconditional acceptance will skyrocket in their usefulness.

Blessed are they who take with sincerity My words; for in their sincerity shall there be unveiled a sweet surrender .. a sacrifice of the  unreal immature things .. a selflessness will be dissolving themselves into the Universal Absolute of their own God Life Bestowal.

Then shall you be of service in your activities.  Only this can offer each personality mind and soul and body the direction of scintillating purpose, fruit bearing meanings for living, and a life of Sovereignty and ultimately, Significance.

Michael of Nebadon
Michael Sananda Esu
Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter