Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Ask not for proof of My credentials .. nor shall ye demandeth proof of messiahship.

I am come unto thine evolving civilization .. not as slave to any man. I doeth not the bidding of any mortal.

Nor shall you attempt to have your worldly priests and intellectually trapped theologians decipher who I am and the true meaning of My words.

It is not mine to answer when men call. I come the Christ of God; I answer unto God alone.

My proof lies in My words and works .. and so .. if you will follow Me you will not lack for proof. You will find your rightful purpose .. your awaiting destiny shall appear in your own mind and tender heart, just as the emanation of sunlight appears upon thine terrestrial surface in accordance with the law .. the spinning of your world in space.

Michael Of Nebadon
City of Christ Michael

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Great Impulse of Infinity

The Universal Father Son Spirit Persons are Infinite Personality which can only be grasped in Infinity.

Yet, thine actual religious experience holds the promise of delivering you ever closer .. as you becometh raised daily in thine own character and consciousness through the ministering spirit of the Individualized Portion of the Universal Father living within thee.

You are inspired by his perfect demonstration of such an idealization of love .. such a generosity of giving .. such a benevolence of realization .. as you are gradually matured in this revelation of the personality of God in your  truly human experience.

And thine own personhood gains the exalted benefits as you ascribe to the Ideal of Deliverance .. as you become the self-directive governing consciousness in your life and world; unifying as one .. determining your place within the great universe of universes.

Michael Of Nebadon
The City Of Christ Michael

Saturday, July 20, 2019

I am Come

Fellows of Salvington wherein our apostleship blossoms and deepens together ...

I come once more into your human view in order to unify mortal experiences so that you maximize your evolutionary ascent. I coordinate all thine human endeavors making it possible for you to elevate thine personahood into light and life. I unify all life just as a conductor within this universe of our home and residence. I and the Universe Spirit Mother ennoble thine character and its drives and motivations, its purposes and proximity to truth and love, its priorities and urges and impulses which bring you closer to your destination with and in the Universal Father.

I come to simplify experience. I surround you always ever since My seventh bestowal mission fulfilled its outpouring emanations to all the kingdoms of the planet. I enter the human mind to bring renewal in truth and mercy, to elevate thine sight and hearing for truth everlasting, to transform thine instincts and impulses so much so that you are athirst for Absoluteness in the Goodness of the Father God.

I come to transfigure all thine urges and inclinations and the mind's approximations of its place in the universes so that you know and understand and directly experience your relationship with the One Deity Absolute and the Trinity Parenthood of Life.

And it is a literal truth that as you embody the principles which I am and which I teach all life .. as you absorb the emanations I am giving, and establish Me within thee .. ye are then, a new creature; as all the old things shall be gradually passing away; "behold", for I sayeth to all Mine disciples of the world .. "all things are becoming new in accordance with your wholehearted willingness to place thine hand in My Universal Hand with the express willingness to walk with Me into the Everlasting Eternity of thine destiny as the eternalizing sons and daughters of the Parenthood of Life.”

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ripening Receptivity and Reconciliation

I sayeth unto you who thirst for righteousness and who art himble to allow My guiding Hand Universal to be upon thine brow...

I am Father Son in this Universe .. in unified collaboration with the Creative Mother Spirit. Together, we art the representatives of Trinity Fountainhead .. and even further .. We are the Oceanic Presence of God the Supremacy .. everywhere present are We .. and ever surrounding thine earthly ventures towards Cosmic Citizenship.

Go ye forth and proclaim Mine coming .. counsel in My name, saying unto every woman and man who questioneth you with a tenderness of heart in their seekings, that the Father Mother of Existence hath a purpose and a plan for thine life mortal. She commands thee of thine free will decision to achieveth it for thine own eternal salvation.

The times have an augury in that they bring in blessings .. and only as ye stand poised and positioned to openly receive shall you know and experience this benevolence; ye are as the precious children of a Universal Shepherd that wandereth not afar.

The Shepherd I am hath a wisdom to lead you unto nourishment and our visionary Ideal. Be wise and athirst. Be patient and persevere. Be tolerant and humble and openly genuine. Knoweth not evil and iniquity that cometh of rebelliousness and the countenance of error and irreverence.

Speak no pronouncements that hath in it folly and flight from Reality .. yea even that folly that beareth mischiefs for thine brethren shall one day findeth its rectitude in My teaching precepts. 

And as ye acceptingly embrace Mine visionary Ideal for thine existence .. that which cometh unto thee shall overflow with purpose and purity .. perseverance and priority .. proximity and poise.

My Vision shall maketh of thee victory itself; for the Lord's Grace and Gentleness and his Generosity and Charity is as an armor, so great is this protective shield of mercy that is My upholding sword for the apostleship growing upon the earth that all which perplexeth thee and troubleth thine weary heart shall becometh as a living compass guiding thine sojourn inwards to the Temple of Life.

I shall point the Way .. the Truth .. and the Life that I AM .. and those individuals who have discarded their preconceptions of Me shall see Me, know Me, come hither to Me as one who desires advancement in the One Truth and the Ineffable and Indescribable Life I AM.

Yea .. even thine mortally capricious nature shall begin to establish stability and serenity. Safety shall you come to experience and Sovereignty shall findeth its expanding power  in thee.

Wisdom shall develop, and ye shall maketh no mockery of Mine yoke .. Mine principles of purity and power .. for thine very developing ardor in truth and love and empowerment will showeth itself to you and all others.

Ye shall be immersing thyselves within thine soul those worthy achievements of the Vine of the Heavens .. thine imperfect name shall becometh the Perfection Name of He and She who holds all lives within the palm of his Hand.

Ripen thine textures of character unto the sweetness of the mango plucked when readily ripened from the tree of the living.

I am Michael Of Nebadon .. Father Son Spirit Personified .. Love of God the Sevenfold .. Trinity Parenthood Unified.

Michael Of Nebadon
The City Of Christ Michael

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Be Thou of Good Cheer

Be thou of good cheer...

As ye have kept My commandments ..  that ye love one another .. and these are the greatest commandments of all. And that ye arise unto accountability for thine nature and destiny.

Be assured with certainty .. all which happeneth, cometh unto My notice.

I do not let you suffer overlong for those shortcomings that are not of your creating .. happenings planetarily that hinder your advancement.

Be of a mind ever to recall the love that is within our association .. and the mercy which is always flowing to you.

I say unto thee .. that merciful loving embrace shall always be as your motivating caress and inspiring impulse.

As you embody that love which hails from the highest regions, so shall you be protected in grace and exceeding generosity. 

When ye have need of My strength .. I bid that ye think on Me .. reaching for Me .. receiving of Mine Spirit of Truth ever with you.

I will send you My Spirit Comforter who  shall make known to you My whereabouts in thine vicinity.

I abide with you always .. I elevate thine empowering convictions of faith, and I purify thine worthiness of trust. The Father and I with the Spirit of the Universe Mother .. we prepare thee for the more abundantly available life.

Thine avenue of ascendancy unto the fulfillment of destiny .. the way of victory in the One Reality .. My Spirit and My love go with you at all times.

I sustain the highest intellect in you .. the most subtle mind which craves Truth. I knoweth the desire of thine heart to establish thine life existence in the processional of gaining closer proximity to the Universal First Cause.

I send unto you as a shield of protection My emanations; ye shall findeth peace and order and harmony from the world's alarms as you receive of Me. 

Ye are torn for love of Me .. yet .. when ye do have need .. call upon My Person .. and I shall show you truth through truthfulness and vulnerability and humility and subtlety.

Be not distressed. Knoweth that I am with you always .. even in those moments of blackest turmoil and despair. Even when ye art struggling with living the virtuous nature of our Ideal .. there I am.

I bid that ye trust in the Absoluteness of the Trinitarian Host. Believe with Me ..  and with certainty .. in thine ascent unto those awaiting spheres of glory as you traverse thine evolutionary journey towards Citizenship.

Faith .. I sayeth .. walk in faith and the  fullness of reliance upon our Eternity Engagement.

Michael Of Nebadon
The City of Christ Michael

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Kingdom Ascendancy

Be thou of a mind willingly embracing repentance...

I sayeth to the listening ones who have devoured their arrogance and have eaten of their stubbornness...

The Kingdom of the Heavens is the Father's everywhereness. And he hath brought himself near to you that ye shall ask .. arise .. acknowledge .. allow the purifying mercy of Infinity to cleanse thine wayward mind...

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Boldness Hath a Fury of Love

I say unto those personalities who truly walk with Me into their progressive advancement and ascendancy...

Arise and gain thy strengths of will determination to penetrate thyself.

Be thou bold and fervent in conquering thine weakness with the power of love omnipotence.

Smite thine lesser nature .. tackle thine foes .. stand upright in dignity and poise .. the evils of unworthiness and insecurity shall be overwhelmed by your love for Infinity .. your allegiance with the Lord God in you who is destiny and goodness.

Michael Of Nebadon