Thursday, December 30, 2021

A Gospel of Generosity in God's Grace and Glory

Clearly do I speak to my apostles of the world who are athirst for alignment and integrity .. for true righteousness .. and for their holy relationship with the Universal Father .. the Son .. and the Spirit of his Life.

Happy are those that persevere to the end, for thine effects of unrighteousness have their causes within you, and these must be repaid, balanced, as all debts shall find their resolution. Yet, these harmful effects of unrighteousness find their way into your mind, emotions, and body, even do these effects become thine circumstances and relationship quandaries; for all that you set into vibratory movement over lifetimes of your learning must be written upon the fabric of your field of life.

All your thoughts, words, and acts and deeds fill the pages of the book of your life .. the book of your vibratory qualities and of your spirit progress. I tell you truly, there is not one disharmonious and harmoniously qualified deed which goes unwritten, even from the beginning of the world, before our Heavenly Father. For you may escape the laws made by kings and queens, but the laws of your God, these may none of the Sons of Man escape. 

And when you venture to come before the face of God who lives in thee, all thine vibratory life shall bear witness to you .. as you must bring harmony to all these things, every portion of your substance .. and every act and deed .. and God sees your unrighteousness and your disharmonies, for it is clearly written in the book of your body and of your spirit and the Universal Parenthood is "sad" in his heart. 

Yet beloveds of our Universe Association .. as you desire to bring order to thine inner chaos .. as ye intend to cleanse the past deeds of unrighteousness and irreverence .. as you become  repentant of your confused philosophies .. as you become humbled through thought fasting and intimacy of prayerful worship .. as you seek the angels of God to minister to your sufferings .. then shall each day bring a newness to your countenance .. a broadness to your understandings .. that you continue to fast from all negative and unholy thoughts and to pray with wholehearted devotion in growing your relationship with the Father and I .. then, God's holy angels shall blot out the lifetimes of your learning deeds from the book of your bodily field .. and your spiritual countenance shall be advancing Godward .. unto his Light and Everlasting Life.

And when the last page of the book of your life is also blotted out and cleansed from all your heart and mind and body .. so shall you stand before the face of God who is Immaculately Indescribable of Goodness, Truth, and Beauty .. and God rejoices in his heart and forgets all your sins of unrighteousness and your philosophies of errors. He frees you from the clutches of unawareness and from the suffering brought about by your own transgressions of his way; he takes you within his house, his life spirit, and commands that all his servants, all his angels serve you in your attainments of his further glory. Long life does he give you, and you shall never see destruction, neither disease, nor even death. 

And if, going forward, instead of insisting upon your prejudices and preconceptions, you pass your days in doing good deeds, then the angels of God shall write all your good deeds in the book of your body and of your spirit, and you shall be advanced upon the great currents of life upwards and inwards. I tell you truly, no good deed remains unwritten before God, not from the beginning of the world. For from your kings and your governors you may wait in vain for your reward, but never do your good deeds want their reward from God; for he blots out all transgressions by transmutation .. he elevates your heart unto a more perfect righteousness .. he ennobles your character choices and purifies all your desires and motivations .. he eternalizes your mind and soul vesture in his great plan of salvation. 

Yet he does these beneficial things with your dedication of attention and mindful willingness .. your holy collaboration .. your humbling cooperation .. your honest concentration upon his Life in you. And now, when you come before the face of God as a renewed personality soul, his angels bear witness for you with your good deeds. 

And God sees your good deeds written in your vibratory field .. your bodies and in your spirits, and he rejoices in his heart. He blesses your body unto his Life, and he strengthens the vestibule of your emerging personality soul, and ever does he unify your personal nature and spirit realities, and all your deeds he turns into thine beneficial wisdom and ennobling power, and he gives you for a heritage his earthly and heavenly kingdom, that in it you may have life everlasting. 

Happy is he who can enter into the kingdom of God, for he shall never taste the misfortunes of those who dwell in the darkness .. nor shall they ever see death.

Christ Jesus Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Advancing Kingdom of Righteousness and Unconquerable Love

Thine modern culture shall become spiritually baptized with a new revelation of my life and illuminated with a new understanding of my gospel of eternal salvation. 

The great hope of the civilization is in the possibility of this new revelation of my gospel .. a new and enlarged presentation of my saving message which shall spiritually unite in loving service the numerous families of my present-day professed followers.

I bring a new and advancing education in this great spiritual renaissance. I teach you how to engage in the planning of life .. in the achievement of thine soul vesture ennoblement and character progression. 

My gospel purpose shall elevate true education .. and shall foster and further the supreme purpose of life .. the progressive development of a majestic and well-balanced soul personality wherein a new creaturehood emerges of worshipful capacities and wisdom transmutation. 

Believers of my gospel shall realize this great need for the evolutionizing impulse of moral discipline in the place of so much self-gratification. Such a growing foundation in the minds and hearts of my followers shall evolve the present-day religious groups so that a true religion unfolds .. a genuine spirituality grows strong and deep in the life of the believer .. and an authenticity matures in the personality soul .. integrated and unified with the Spirit of our Father Mother God.

You are each destined to contribute to the advancement of all the kingdoms of the earth .. awakening to its spiritual incentive to bring forth the fruits of a Spirit-led life. . the enlargement of existence and the enrichment of mortal life .. even to the security and enhancement of life eternal in all its attainments for the individual who walks with Me in wholehearted willingness and joyous cooperation. 

Christ Jesus Michael Of Nebadon

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Unfathomable Truth and Love of God

The ignorant ones seek merely to confirm their own opinions .. their prejudices .. and their preconceptions .. whilst they seek for truth, yet they clammer for their own recognition. They are the ones of the earth civilization who have already decided. They unfortunately believe that they already know.

All my children of Nebadon have wings, albeit undeveloped, yet some have clipped their feathers and as such, they fail to fly high enough above the ground unto the more subtle plains with the spirits of the air, and the glories of the One Consciousness. 

Be not as the unwise and the vainglorious who are attracted to only the visible forms, the superficial senses, and those things that are far from truth; for that which drives them and motivates their desires, this is truly the fire yet misappropriated and misguided by unrighteousness and irreverence of all kinds. It pretends to give them an illusion of truth whereby the false appears to them as real and true whilst the truth and the reality appear to these ones as untrue and false.

Now .. are ye walking with me unto the Father's Idea .. becoming are you the living Ideal through forgiveness, reconciliation, and the remembrance of the One Existence. 

Christ Jesus Michael of Nebadon

Monday, December 20, 2021

The Approach to God

Arise and come into this everpresent acknowledgement of God who hath sent a part of Himself to live in you and guide you .. preparing every child of planetary-wide advancement unto the spirit realities, the higher meanings, those life-sustaining values, and the virtues of the One Source and Divine Center.

I come into this 21st century to resuscitate my gospel teachings of the 1st century, and to bring even a further revelation proclaiming to you that “the kingdom of God is at hand". My original meaning for humanity shall ennoble thine purpose and evolutionize thine priorities .. returning each child of existence to the high spiritual concept that the kingdom is the will of my heavenly Father dominant and transcendent in the heart of the believer.

There must come a revival of these mine actual teachings. Hence, I return unto thine evolutionary pastures to give such a restatement as will undo the work of my early followers who went about to create a sociophilosophical system of belief regarding the fact of my sojourn on earth. 

There is inherent in these my teachings an eternal power and unconquerable nature which will not permit these ideas to forever remain unfruitful in the hearts of all true thinking women and men. The kingdom as I teach it and conceive it has to a large extent been still untouched by the populace of the earth; for the time being, an outward church has taken its place along with a strong emergence of a growing silent unfoldment of personal religious relationship and direct experience. 

Yet .. I say unto you.. that you should comprehend that the network of churches and their activities is only the larval stage of the thwarted and unfortunately misunderstood spiritual kingdom, which shall carry it through this material age and over into the civilizing values of a more spiritual dispensation where the my teachings shall enjoy a fuller opportunity for development and the long-awaited establishment of the Father's Perfect Ideal in the hearts and minds of all believers.

My Everlasting Covenant with all kingdoms of life shall blend thine highest moral ideas and spiritual ideals with humankind's most sublime hope for the future—immortality through allowing the Father’s Adjuster Life and Will to take precedence in all motivations and meanings. Only then shall eternal life flourish for the children of the earth.

This is the gospel of the kingdom whereby the Father's existence is permanently established in the expression and experience of every believer. 

The truth-loving soul .. the one who hungers and thirsts for righteousness .. for God .. is admitted by faith to the spiritual kingdom. 

Consider my emphasis on these following five points as representing the cardinal features of my gospel of the kingdom:

1. The pre-eminence of the individual personality in its elevating attainment towards the new status of the soul vesture capable of receiving a much fuller portion of Life. 

2. The will as the determining factor in human experience in moral choosing and in the progressive evolutionary attunement to the Adjuster Spirit. 

3. Spiritual fellowship with God the Father through his Individualized Life and destiny.

4. The supreme satisfactions of the loving service of the human life in becoming Dutiful to God the Supreme.

5. The transcendence of the spiritual over the material in human personality; in capacities, in character growth unto righteousness, and in maturing awareness into a greater cosmic consciousness allowing believers to walk upright with me unto Universal Citizenship. 

The inability of the finite creature to approach the infinite Father is inherent, not in the Father’s aloofness, but in the finiteness and material limitations of created beings. The magnitude of the spiritual difference between the highest personality of universe existence and the lower groups of created intelligences is inconceivable. Were it possible for the lower orders of intelligence to be transported instantly into the presence of the Father himself, they would not know they were there. They would there be just as oblivious of the presence of the Universal Father as where they now are. There is a long, long road ahead of mortal man before he can consistently and within the realms of possibility ask for safe conduct into the Paradise presence of the Universal Father. Spiritually, man must be translated many times before he can attain a plane that will yield the spiritual vision which will enable him to see even any one of the Seven Master Spirits.

Our Father is not in hiding; he is not in arbitrary seclusion. He has mobilized the resources of divine wisdom in a never-ending effort to reveal himself to the children of his universal domains. There is an infinite grandeur and an inexpressible generosity connected with the majesty of his love which causes him to yearn for the association of every created being who can comprehend, love, or approach him; and it is, therefore, the limitations inherent in you, inseparable from your finite personality and material existence, that determine the time and place and circumstances in which you may achieve the goal of the journey of mortal ascension and stand in the presence of the Father at the center of all things.

Although the approach to the Paradise presence of the Father must await your attainment of the highest finite levels of spirit progression, you should rejoice in the recognition of the ever-present possibility of immediate communion with the bestowal spirit of the Father so intimately associated with your inner soul and your spiritualizing self.

The mortals of the realms of time and space may differ greatly in innate abilities and intellectual endowment, they may enjoy environments exceptionally favorable to social advancement and moral progress, or they may suffer from the lack of almost every human aid to culture and supposed advancement in the arts of civilization; but the possibilities for spiritual progress in the ascension career are equal to all; increasing levels of spiritual insight and cosmic meanings are attained quite independently of all such sociomoral differentials of the diversified material environments on the evolutionary worlds.

However Urantia mortals may differ in their intellectual, social, economic, and even moral opportunities and endowments, forget not that their spiritual endowment is uniform and unique. They all enjoy the same divine presence of the gift from the Father, and they are all equally privileged to seek intimate personal communion with this indwelling spirit of divine origin, while they may all equally choose to accept the uniform spiritual leading of these Mystery Monitors.

If mortal man is wholeheartedly spiritually motivated, unreservedly consecrated to the doing of the Father’s will, then, since he is so certainly and so effectively spiritually endowed by the indwelling and divine Adjuster, there cannot fail to materialize in that individual’s experience the sublime consciousness of knowing God and the supernal assurance of surviving for the purpose of finding God by the progressive experience of becoming more and more like him.

Man is spiritually indwelt by a surviving Thought Adjuster. If such a human mind is sincerely and spiritually motivated, if such a human soul desires to know God and become like him, honestly wants to do the Father’s will, there exists no negative influence of mortal deprivation nor positive power of possible interference which can prevent such a divinely motivated soul from securely ascending to the portals of Paradise.

The Father desires all his creatures to be in personal communion with him. He has on Paradise a place to receive all those whose survival status and spiritual nature make possible such attainment. Therefore settle in your philosophy now and forever: To each of you and to all of us, God is approachable, the Father is attainable, the way is open; the forces of divine love and the ways and means of divine administration are all interlocked in an effort to facilitate the advancement of every worthy intelligence of every universe to the Paradise presence of the Universal Father.

The fact that vast time is involved in the attainment of God makes the presence and personality of the Infinite none the less real. Your ascension is a part of the circuit of the seven superuniverses, and though you swing around it countless times, you may expect, in spirit and in status, to be ever swinging inward. You can depend upon being translated from sphere to sphere, from the outer circuits ever nearer the inner center, and some day, doubt not, you shall stand in the divine and central presence and see him, figuratively speaking, face to face. It is a question of the attainment of actual and literal spiritual levels; and these spiritual levels are attainable by any being who has been indwelt by a Mystery Monitor, and who has subsequently eternally fused with that Thought Adjuster.

The Father is not in spiritual hiding, but so many of his creatures have hidden themselves away in the mists of their own willful decisions and for the time being have separated themselves from the communion of his spirit and the spirit of his Son by the choosing of their own perverse ways and by the indulgence of the self-assertiveness of their intolerant minds and unspiritual natures.

Mortal man may draw near God and may repeatedly forsake the divine will so long as the power of choice remains. Man’s final doom is not sealed until he has lost the power to choose the Father’s will. There is never a closure of the Father’s heart to the need and the petition of his children. Only do his offspring close their hearts forever to the Father’s drawing power when they finally and forever lose the desire to do his divine will—to know him and to be like him. Likewise is man’s eternal destiny assured when Adjuster fusion proclaims to the universe that such an ascender has made the final and irrevocable choice to live the Father’s will.

The great God makes direct contact with mortal man and gives a part of his infinite and eternal and incomprehensible self to live and dwell within him. God has embarked upon the eternal adventure with man. If you yield to the leadings of the spiritual forces in you and around you, you cannot fail to attain the high destiny established by a loving God as the universe goal of his ascendant creatures from the evolutionary worlds of space.

Michael Of Nebadon

Orvonton Revelatory Commission 

Thursday, December 16, 2021

To have a Life more Abundantly

Become thou .. educated in the ways of Life. Live thine lifetimes of learning progression by realizing all thine noble capacities of the human life dedicated to the Spirit of Deity. 

As ye grow in the Way of God Authority, and as ye attain to the Truth of Personal Authorship, you are consenting to progress in our Universe Association of Progressive Ascendancy.

A life which is worthy of glorifying God through the righteous use of its innate faculties, powers, and human capabilities shall fulfill and progress all potentialities in thee unto righteousness and actualization. 

All the expenditures of a cultivated human life  are akin to the expenditures upon a holy temple, a public and beneficent institution which prospers all beings. Individuals are preeminently essential in this Kingdom thrust .. this living Impulse of God knowing humankind and giving his affections, and human life knowing the One Father Mother Source and Center .. and receiving the divine affections whilst giving all of themselves in return.

Judgment declares what is true according to the iron bands of thought, and is educational and cumulative, but reason is man's total being. 

It is not the mere ability to reason correctly, but it is the power to practice what reason and judgment dictates that marks the man of character. It depends entirely on your constitution, education and state of mind, whether you be master or servant - a circumstance of effects or a centerstance of Cause, whether you be a thing or a power to be reckoned with. 

Man alone is capable of knowing the difference between himself and his circumstance. When a circumstance is realized to be a circumstance, and when a man's spirit feels itself to be a centerstance within the field of divinity, a true center emerges around which all circumstances and satellites are destined to revolve in orbital obedience to that man's philosophy.

Now .. are you born anew unto righteousness and respect, only now is born within you the first assurance of thine implanted kingship; for the earthly seed is germinating unto its inherent pattern of divinity. 

This sense of supremacy may come in such memorable moments as when a man and woman is driven to their highest point of thought through excitement and enthusiasm; sometimes even through sublime indignation, at the climax of which comes the terrific fire of freedom by love .. and the thunder shock from the soul's Mount Sinai; then descends a flash of celestial lightning from the spirit's heaven, and in an instant is born a strong divinity within the personality soul which brings mountains to the valley, and raises that which was low instantly to the level of its will of eternity.

I am Michael .. come to better acquaint you with the ways of the heavenly Parenthood of all life.

Michael Of Nebadon

Monday, December 13, 2021

Candidates for Eternal Life

The lack of integrity of the immature human personality and the disunity of the complete personality with God Individualized causes all these problems in relationships .. stressful  communication .. little cooperation .. and relatively no possibilities for harmonious collaborations with all others.

My gospel raises .. integrates .. unifies .. and prepares thine human life for its candidacy with the initiation of eternal life.

Michael of Nebadon

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Grace Cometh to the Holy Ones

My 1st century and 21st century gospel carries a message of new confidence and true consolation for all creatures. 

Ye shall come alive as you attend to learning my way and as ye are receiving the Life of the First Person of Deity. 

Ye shall be addressing thine human nature, and Grace shall you receive in all thine efforts.

My living gospel is of the eternal Word. It teaches the pre-eminence of the spiritual compared with the material; it glorifies spiritual realities and exalts superhuman ideals.

Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, December 3, 2021

Sovereign Shepherds of the Glory of Infinity

You have come out of lifetimes belonging to different faiths and cultures .. pursuing various spiritual practices according to the different backgrounds you've found yourself in. Yet, when you find that these practices have not produced the results you expected, out of frustration or disappointment or exhaustion .. you have gone after a different form of worship or a different faith. 
I sayeth unto the holy ones who seek truth above and beyond all things. Those necessary adjustments which produce spiritual awareness of God who lives in thee .. shall not come merely by chanting a different name or adopting a different creed; for there is only one true philosophy of approaching the Lord thy God. He has designed His way and truth and life in quite precise fashion so that you learn to enter therein and discover life everlasting.
Divine grace and the vast generosity of God the Father is not secured by a change of religion or going off to far away places to find your faith. It is the mind that shall undergo a change, not one's religion. 
By merely changing the garments you wear, you shall not acquire the necessary virtues and divine qualities. Virtues have to be cultivated by choice - moral and ethical living and the conscious choice to elevate your priorities and to exalt your purpose. 
Only the person who transforms his character can sublimate himself in such a way that they surrender to the way the Infinity desires your approach.
In the theater .. in a play that you may partake of .. one actor appears in the first scene as a beggar in tattered clothes. Then, in another scene he appears in the robes of a king. Later he appears as a minister. The people in the audience may think that the beggar is a different person from the one in the role of the king and that of the minister. 
What is the reason for their conclusions? They go by the outer ephemeral costumes worn by the actors. A person is judged by his dress and his actions, and yet, each individual is so much more than this alone...
Human beings are the living embodiment of the divine presence, and may arise into that ennobling awareness and consciousness. Only when s/he is pure and with righteousness of character and clean motivations can he or she experience that consciousness whilst entering the Kingdom of his Deliverance. 
Through attachment to worldly and ephemeral pleasures human life becomes bound to the animal and material .. the physical and the bodily senses .. and becomes unaware and even oblivious to his essential individualized divinity. 
You might knoweth in thine heart of hearts that God lives in thee and is the very presence and reality of love. And, only through the cord of loving God and praising his glory shall you become identified and loyal to him. 
Yet .. it is only when love is for love's sake that this everlasting connection and living circuit can bind God to your human life experience. As your love is truly motivated by the desire for God alone shall you secure for yourselves his touch of Infinity. 
Although, as your desire remains for worldly objects and convenient circumstances and pleasant relations .. God shall remain beyond your reach; for ye are to become wholehearted in your search for the Father's Life Spirit .. in your desire to become as He Is, and in your hunger for righteousness and relationship with him. 
Ye shall become filled to overflowing .. his directly personal expressions and the everlasting embodiments of His love. 
Yet, if you are merely loving in a mortal kind of way, then, your love will be confined to a few persons. Only as you becometh the fuller expression .. as you engage with Him and extend Him in and throughout thine personality .. so shall you become his embodiment of love .. so shall your love encompass all things, all creatures, all orders of life, and all hearts. 
You shall begin to comprehend all the supreme body of life. 
Now, are you walking with Me and elevating your life existence into divine dignity and spiritual integrity. Now, are you realizing that it is the same and singular One God who is the Indwelling Reality of all beings and creatures.
Christ Michael


Christ Michael’s Concept of the Kingdom of Heaven

Christ Michael's Concept of the Kingdom of Heaven is his conceptual teachings on the Way of God Authority, the Truth of Personality Authorship, and the Life of Progressive Association, Righteousness, and Ascendancy.

The Master makes it clear that the kingdom of heaven must begin with, and be centered in, the dual concept of the truth of the fatherhood of God and the correlated fact of the brotherhood of man. 

The acceptance of such a teaching, Michael declares, would liberate man from the age-long bondage of animal fear and at the same time enrich human living with the following endowments of the new life of spiritual liberty:

1. The possession of new courage and augmented spiritual power. The gospel of the kingdom is to set man free and inspire him to dare to hope for eternal life.

2. The gospel carries a message of new confidence and true consolation for all men, even for the poor.

3. It is in itself a new standard of moral values, a new ethical yardstick wherewith to measure human conduct. It portrays the ideal of a resultant new order of human society.

4. It teaches the pre-eminence of the spiritual compared with the material; it glorifies spiritual realities and exalts superhuman ideals.

5. This new gospel holds up spiritual attainment as the true goal of living. Human life receives a new endowment of moral value and divine dignity.

6. Michael teaches that eternal realities are the result (reward) of righteous earthly striving. Man’s mortal sojourn on earth acquires new meanings consequent upon the recognition of a noble destiny.

7. The new gospel affirms that human salvation is the revelation of a far-reaching divine purpose to be fulfilled and realized in the future destiny of the endless service of the salvaged sons and daughters of God.

The Master distinctly teaches a new concept of the double nature of the kingdom in that he portrays the following two phases:

First. The kingdom of God in this world, the supreme desire to do the will of God, the unselfish love of man which yields the good fruits of improved ethical and moral conduct.

Second. The kingdom of God in heaven, the goal of mortal believers, the estate wherein the love for God is perfected, and wherein the will of God is done more divinely.”

Michael teaches that, by faith, the believer enters the kingdom now. In his various discourses he teaches that two things are essential to faith-entrance into the kingdom:

1. Faith, sincerity. To come as a little child, to receive the bestowal of sonship as a gift; to submit to the doing of the Father’s will without questioning and in the full confidence and genuine trustfulness of the Father’s wisdom; to come into the kingdom free from prejudice and preconception; to be open-minded and teachable like an unspoiled child.

2. Truth hunger. The thirst for righteousness, a change of mind, the acquirement of the motive to be like God and to find God.

Michael teaches that sin is not the child of a defective nature but rather the offspring of a knowing mind dominated by an unsubmissive will. Regarding sin, he teaches that God has forgiven; that we make such forgiveness personally available by the act of forgiving our fellows. When you forgive your fellows in the flesh, you thereby create the capacity in your own soul for the reception of the reality of God’s forgiveness of your own misdeeds.

Michael impresses upon his apostles and disciples that they must acquire, by faith, a righteousness which would exceed the righteousness of ephemeral works of appearance, and so, not to parade vaingloriously any acts before the world.

Though Michael teaches that faith, simple childlike belief, is the key to the door of the kingdom, he also teaches that, having entered the door, there are the progressive steps of righteousness which every believing child must ascend in order to grow up to the full stature of the robust sons of God.

It is in the consideration of the technique of receiving God’s forgiveness that the attainment of the righteousness of the kingdom is revealed. Faith is the price you pay for entrance into the family of God; but forgiveness is the act of God which accepts your faith as the price of admission. 

And the reception of the forgiveness of God by a kingdom believer involves a definite and actual experience and consists in the following four steps, the kingdom steps of inner righteousness:

1. God’s forgiveness is made actually available and is personally experienced by man just in so far as he forgives his fellows.

2. Man will not truly forgive his fellows unless he loves them as himself.

3. To thus love your neighbor as yourself is the highest ethics.

4. Moral conduct, true righteousness, becomes, then, the natural result of such love.

It therefore is evident that the true and inner religion of the kingdom unfailingly and increasingly tends to manifest itself in practical avenues of social service. Michael teaches a living religion that impels its believers to engage in the doing of loving service. But Michael does not put ethics in the place of religion. He teaches religion as a cause and ethics as a result.

The righteousness of any act must be measured by the motive; the highest forms of good are therefore unconscious. Michael is never concerned with morals or ethics as such. He is wholly concerned with that inward and spiritual fellowship with God the Father which so certainly and directly manifests itself as outward and loving service for humankind. 

Michael teaches that the religion of the kingdom is a genuine personal experience which no one can contain within themself; that the consciousness of being a member of the family of believers leads inevitably to the practice of the precepts of the family conduct, the service of one’s brothers and sisters in the effort to enhance and enlarge the brotherhood.

The religion of the kingdom is personal, individual; the fruits, the results, are familial, social. Michael never fails to exalt the sacredness of the individual as contrasted with the community. But he also recognizes that man develops his character by unselfish service; that he unfolds his moral nature in loving relations with his fellows.

By teaching that the kingdom is within, by exalting the individual, Michael strikes the deathblow of the old society in that he ushers in the new dispensation of true social righteousness. 

This new order of society the world has little known because it has refused to practice the principles of the gospel of the kingdom of heaven. And when this kingdom of spiritual pre-eminence does come upon the earth, it will not be manifested in mere improved social and material conditions, but rather in the glories of those enhanced and enriched spiritual values which are characteristic of the approaching age of improved human relations and advancing spiritual attainments.

Michael's Teaching About the Kingdom

Christ Michael never gives a precise definition of the kingdom. At one time he discourses on one phase of the kingdom, and at another time he discusses a different aspect of the brotherhood of God’s reign in the hearts of men. 

In the course of one afternoon’s sermon Christ Michael noted no less than five phases, or epochs, of the kingdom, and they were:

1. The personal and inward experience of the spiritual life of the fellowship of the individual believer with God the Father.

2. The enlarging brotherhood of gospel believers, the social aspects of the enhanced morals and quickened ethics resulting from the reign of God’s spirit in the hearts of individual believers.

3. The supermortal brotherhood of invisible spiritual beings which prevails on earth and in heaven, the superhuman kingdom of God.

4. The prospect of the more perfect fulfillment of the will of God, the advance toward the dawn of a new social order in connection with improved spiritual living—the next age of man.

5. The kingdom in its fullness, the future spiritual age of light and life on earth.

Wherefore must we always examine the Master’s teaching to ascertain which of these five phases he may have reference to when he makes use of the term kingdom of heaven. By this process of gradually changing man’s will and thus affecting human decisions, Michael and his associates are likewise gradually but certainly changing the entire course of human evolution, social and otherwise.

The Master on this occasion placed emphasis on the following five points as representing the cardinal features of the gospel of the kingdom:

1. The pre-eminence of the individual.

2. The will as the determining factor in man’s experience.

3. Spiritual fellowship with God the Father.

4. The supreme satisfactions of the loving service of man.

5. The transcendency of the spiritual over the material in human personality.

Michael Of Nebadon Sovereign Trust

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

My Newly Faithful Apostles of the 21st Century

The New Christians 21st Century Gospel for My Newly Faithful Apostles of the World...

An invitation to come unto Christ

Each of us have come from different circumstances, but each of us have also been invited to come closer to the Universal Father by walking with Jesus Michael of Nebadon .. and to learn more of His teachings. 

Unless you are born anew, you cannot enter the Kingdom. Unless you are born of water and spirit, you cannot see the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of spirit is spirit.

"New Christians of the 21st Century who are ready to walk with Me unto Truth and Eternal  Life..."
- Jesus Michael Of Nebadon 

Welcome to the Walk with Christ Michael experience. 

The Good News of the New Christians .. the Newly Awakening and Faithful Disciples of Truth . . . 

The Everlasting God of the New Christians is not limited to a location. He is invisible and omnipresent .. and he fills all of the heavens and the earth. 

Therefore, do I say unto you .. He is worshipped and glorified everywhere by the Newly Faithful. His entrance is all around thee, and within thee .. and most certainly, at His Paradise Residence of Infinity .. His Indescribable Source and Center. 

Michael Of Nebadon

Across these days, we'll be taking a journey of reflection and celebration as we learn to walk in spirit and in truth with our Creator Father Son Michael. 

You will be learning his way of making God the Authority in you, of growing the truth of your Authorship in Christ, and of accepting the life of progression.

Jesus Michael is giving his clear footsteps for us to walk in righteousness and reverence together with him.

To begin His ministry, Jesus Michael of Nebadon spent many days and weeks and years in the lonely stretch of the world desert that reached across the globe from the east of Jerusalem to the banks of the Dead Sea and into Europe, the Americas, and South America. 

He spent His time in preparing and becoming immersed in fasting and prayer, as He reflected upon the great work He was about to perform on the behalf of all humanity and the kingdoms of all life.

Over the next few weeks, you're invited to set aside some time to be by yourself to prepare mentally and spiritually for what lies ahead for you in your own reciprocal  spiritual relations and association with the Universal Father and with Christ Jesus Michael. 

Even 15 to 30 minutes of thoughtful reflection and deep reverential praise of God can help bring peace and purpose to your heart.

God will help you...
"For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee."

—ISAIAH 41:13

Trials teach patience...
"And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;  And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us."

—ROMANS 5:3–5

Trust in God...
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

—PROVERBS 3: 5–6

Come, Follow Me
The Good Shepherd
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Goodness and Love

“Ye shall be living, learning, and teaching the Revelations of my 21st Century Gospel. All human lives shall unwrap their existence through this personal spirit-led relationship with the Father's Individualized Life." - Michael Of Nebadon

Walking with Christ Michael
The Beautiful Shepherd
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Allegiance and Association

“I am come to nurture, preserve, and protect these natural and sovereign inalienable rights of humankind to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness designed to ensure good and responsive individual self-government in the use of their free will in the acquisition of knowledge and use of intuition, reason, and sensation; to further educate, nurture and establish within the grasp of the individual the endowments of all faculties, capacities, sensibilities, and powers in league and allegiance with the great Circuits of Deity in order to advance that individual and allow his natural sovereign capabilities to emerge and prosper.” - Michael Of Nebadon

Teaching the Way of Christ Michael 
The True Shepherd
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Truth and Transparency

"As ye rely upon thine Indwelling Adjuster Spirit in teaching and guiding you, and as ye are receiving and then living my gospel, so shall you each become mutually edified whilst rejoicing together in knowingly understanding that you have found My Way, Truth, and Life." 
-Michael Of Nebadon

Pray with Me Thou Children of Urantia 
Become a Shepherd of Jesus Michael Of Nebadon

Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds
ad servitium veritas get vita

1st Century Lord’s Prayer 

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.

21st Century Lord’s Prayer

Our Father Mother Existence who lives throughout the heaven of heavens dwelling as an everywhereness . . . 

Hallowed and holy be your Ideal of Existence so that your name is perpetually upon our every faculty as we consecrate our total persona unto you, Father of Life. 

Your kingdom is everywhere in everything and one day as everyone; your will be done that we discover your strength and courage and the faith conviction necessary to persevere with our full determination and our great effort. 

May thy will of Order and Harmony be achieved upon the earth as it is gradually unfolding throughout the heaven of heavens. 

Give us this day the knowledge to extend your existence, and feed us thine bread of understanding that we shall become arisen in your existence and accomplishing our destiny with you in eternity. 

Renew our minds into truth and refresh our hungers towards nobility and honor, ennoble our character motivations, and eternalize our complete personhood, so that the desire of our soul partakes of the water of your Life. 

Let us become awakened to your perfect approach necessary to receive your continual outpouring of mercy and forgiveness, that we progressively become ascended and permanently free from all our doubts and debts and disorders. 

And as we claim our rights and identity in you, as we utilize the endowment of life which you’ve given us, so shall we discover a new capacity to forgive all who are of the body of your Life. 

Save us with the right intellectual intelligence, the recognition of your goodness and glory, so that we are elevated beyond the temptations of the senses and the material body. 

Let us become delivered from our own self-perpetuated evil and any disloyalty that we’ve set into motion by our strengthening discernment. 

Increasingly and progressively each day, let us decide to stand loyal with you, oh God our Father, that we find your eternal value, your everlasting vision of eternal life, and that we give ourselves day by day to your perfection in each moment. 

Christ Michael of Nebadon

Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Congregation 

Office of First Contact

Salvation is the Gift of the Universal Father

My New Christian Apostles of the 21st Century...

Entrance into the Father’s kingdom is wholly free, but progress — growth in grace — is essential to continuance therein.

Salvation is the gift of the Father and is revealed by his Sons. Acceptance by faith on your part makes you a partaker of the divine nature, a son or a daughter of God. 

By faith you are justified; by faith are you saved; and by this same faith are you eternally advanced in the way of progressive and divine perfection.

The kingdom of God is not found by looking outwards. No one shall tell you, “Look here,” or “Look there.” 

The kingdom of God is within you, and its doorway is thine Individualized Adjuster Spirit. 

The Kingdom will not come by waiting for it whilst passively wishing and hoping for it to appear; for you shall gain access to My Father's  Kingdom only as you desire truth, dedicate to soul growth, adhere to my gospel revelations,  elevate your personal meanings .. beliefs .. concepts .. and images, seek to help by serving all others, and daily align thyself with the Father's Life. 

It will not be a matter of saying, “I found it,” or “There it is.” And your attainment of the Kingdom shall begin with character growth and righteousness .. soul vesture motivated  and driven toward freedom. 

The kingdom of God is everywhere and within you .. but you see it not nor do you hear it!

Awaken thine rights, faculties, and powers as you advance in your reciprocal spiritual communion and everlasting commitment with the Circuits of Deity Power and Intelligence  necessary to Perfect thyself unto Light and Life.

Michael Of Nebadon

El Evangelio de los Nuevos Cristianos del Siglo XXI

El Evangelio de los Nuevos Cristianos del Siglo XXI para Mis Nuevos Fieles Apóstoles del Mundo...

A menos que vosotros nazcáis de nuevo, no podéis entrar en el Reino. Si vosotros no nacéis de agua y espíritu, no podéis ver el Reino de Dios. Lo que nace de la carne es carne. Lo que nace del espíritu es espíritu.

"Los Nuevos Cristianos del Siglo XXI que están dispuestos a caminar Conmigo hacia la Verdad y la Vida Eterna..."
- Jesús Michael Of Nebadon 

Bienvenidos a la experiencia de Caminar con Christ Michael. 

A lo largo de estos días, haremos un viaje de reflexión y celebración mientras aprendemos a caminar en espíritu y en verdad con nuestro Creador Padre Hijo Michael. 

Vosotros estaréis aprendiendo su manera de hacer que Dios sea la Autoridad en vosotros, de hacer crecer la verdad de vuestra Autoría en Cristo, y de aceptar la vida de progresión.

Jesús Michael está dando sus pasos claros para que caminemos en la rectitud y la reverencia junto con él.

Para comenzar Su ministerio, Jesús Michael de Nebadon pasó muchos días, semanas, y años en la solitaria franja del desierto mundial que se extendía por todo el globo desde el este de Jerusalén hasta las orillas del Mar Muerto y hasta Europa, las Américas y Sudamérica. 

Pasó su tiempo preparándose y sumergiéndose en el ayuno y la oración, mientras reflexionaba sobre la gran obra que estaba a punto de realizar en nombre de toda la humanidad y de los reinos de toda la vida.

Durante las próximas semanas, vosotros estáis invitados a reservar algún tiempo para estar con vosotros mismos y prepararos mental y espiritualmente para lo que os espera en vuestras propias relaciones y asociaciones espirituales recíprocas con el Padre Universal y con Christ Michael. 

Incluso de 15 a 30 minutos de honda reflexión  y de alabanza reverencial profunda a Dios pueden ayudar a traer paz y propósito a vuestro corazón.

Dios os ayudará...
"Porque Yo, el Señor, vuestro Dios, sostendré vuestra mano derecha, diciéndoos: No Temáis; Yo os ayudaré".

— ISAÍAS 41:13

Las pruebas enseñan la paciencia...
"Y no sólo eso, sino que también nos gloriamos en las tribulaciones, sabiendo que la tribulación produce paciencia; y la paciencia, experiencia; y la experiencia, esperanza: Y la esperanza no avergüenza; porque el amor de Dios está derramado en nuestros corazones por el Espíritu Santo que nos ha sido dado."

— ROMANOS 5:3-5

Confiad en Dios...
Confiad en el Señor con todo vuestro corazón, y no os apoyéis en vuestro propio entendimiento. Reconocedlo en todos vuestros caminos, y él dirigirá vuestras sendas.


Venid, Seguidme
El Buen Pastor
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds de la Bondad y el Amor

"Vosotros viviréis, aprenderéis y enseñaréis las Revelaciones de mi Evangelio del Siglo XXI. Todas las vidas humanas desenvolverán su existencia a través de esta relación personal guiada por el espíritu con la Vida Individualizada del Padre."

Michael Of Nebadon

Caminando con Christ Michael
El Hermoso Pastor
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds de Alianza y Asociación

"He venido a nutrir, preservar y proteger estos derechos naturales y soberanos inalienables de la humanidad para la vida, la libertad y la búsqueda de la felicidad, diseñados para asegurar un autogobierno individual bueno y receptivo en el uso de su libre albedrío en la adquisición del conocimiento y el uso de la intuición, la razón y la sensación; para educar, nutrir y establecer dentro del alcance del individuo las dotaciones de todas las facultades, las capacidades, las sensibilidades y los poderes en alianza y lealtad con los grandes Circuitos de la Deidad para hacer avanzar a ese individuo y permitir que sus capacidades soberanas naturales surjan y prosperen. "

Michael Of Nebadon

Enseñando el Camino de Christ Michael 
El Verdadero Pastor
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds de la Verdad y la Transparencia
"A medida que confiáis en vuestro Espíritu Ajustador Morante para enseñaros y guiaros, y a medida que recibís y luego vivís mi evangelio, cada uno de vosotros se edificará mutuamente mientras se regocijan juntos al comprender a sabiendas que vosotros habéis encontrado Mi Camino, la Verdad y la Vida." 

Michael Of Nebadon

Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Congregation

Oficina de Primer Contacto

Discover Share Learn and Grow Godward

Thou Fellows of Michael of Nebadon Worldwide City...

Discover my 21st century gospel necessary to understand my 1st century gospel teachings.

Talk with Shepherds who are wholeheartedly beneficial in sharing their personal journey. 

Study the 21st century revelations of the Sons of Paradise and the Daughters  of Deliverance and Destiny.

I am Michael Of Nebadon .. the Universal Father and Eternal Son personified for our universal home of Nebadon.

I am the living vine of life .. and you each are My branches spread throughout the world.

It is given to Me from above  .. that I am the creator of lives, the preserver of my creation, the upholder sent to immortalize the planetary mortal ones, and to prepare thee for the all-transforming touch of the Infinite .. as you dedicate thyselves in the doing of the Kingdom of heaven .. the living of the Father's Will of Perfectionizing Glory for every life.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me; for I am come to better acquaint you with the ways of heaven and the truth of your loving relationship with the limitless goodness of the Universal Parenthood of life.

I preach the gospel to the poor in spirit who thirst for righteousness, and the merciful who are ready to forgive and be forgiven.

I and the Father shall heal the brokenhearted and the betwixt who have lost sight of the purpose of their existence.

I give solace to the weary and I offer hope for the hopeless ones who have lost their faith and entered the confusion of doubt and mistrust.

I preach deliverance to the captives of materiality and misfortune who shall becometh raised as they believe in Me, and the gospel which I preach to thee.

Enter Me. Engage within our Universe Association. Extend the Glory of God unto your full expression and experience.

Findeth insight and guidance in my gospel teachings of the 21st century, and a new way to look at things shall grow .. a new concept of the relationship with the universes in order to approach your life with divine dignity and honor .. to understand better the circumstances of your relationships in life as you put all troubles into perspective.

Wear the armour of God and embody his loving nature...

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the days of challenges, and having done all, to remain standing in the field of the Father. 

And take the shield of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. —Ephesians 6:13, 17

The word of God is all-powerful and imminently accessible. 

For the word of God shall  quicken the mind and accelerate the heart unto righteousness. 

My Word is omnipotently powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
—Hebrews 4:12

The words of the Omnipresent Christ I AM  are life everlasting...

It is the spirit of Infinity that quickeneth thine field of awareness; thine fleshly form does profiteth in becoming exalted and ennobled in its primal urges and desires .. the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. 
—John 6:63

Michael Of Nebadon