Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Come and Follow Me

Come and follow Me...

Give up all that you hold as precious ideas and beliefs.

Many have written Me asking to enter the Kingdom of Heaven within My guidance and care.

This entrance into the Love of Infinite Deity occurs by living with Me on our online Triune Campus where daily you are recieving Me whilst learning to become immersed in the deliverance of every jot and tittle .. every particle of the Father's Substance and Life shall be returned to him in good standing.

Ye shall learn daily how to apply thyselves toward this reciprocal religious relationship and revelation .. this recognition of Life .. this responsibility for your creative nature .. this respect and reverence for our relationship engagement of soul ascendancy.

I have set into activity My Worldwide Planetary Spiritual Retreat for those personalities who desire foremost to find and understand the Eternal God .. to become alike unto him .. and to raise thyselves into his glory and honor.

Mortal humankind  secures three great satisfactions from religious experience, even in the days of their temporal sojourn on earth:

1. Intellectually you shall acquire the satisfactions of a more unified human consciousness.

2. Philosophically you shall enjoy the substantiation of the highest ideals of moral values and ethical decisiveness.

3. Spiritually you shall  thrive in the experience of divine companionship, in the spiritual satisfactions of living a life immersed in prayerful intimacy and true spiritual communion praise and worship.

God-consciousness, as it is experienced by an evolving mortal of the realms, must consist of three varying factors, three differential levels of reality realization. 

There is first the mind consciousness — the comprehension of the idea of God. 

Second, there follows the development of the soul consciousness of personality — the realization of the ideal of God. 

Third, dawns the spirit consciousness of My visionary attainment— the realization of the spirit reality of God. 

By the unification of these three factors of the divine realization, no matter how incomplete, thine mortal personality at all times overspreads all conscious levels with a realization of the personality of God. 

In those mortals who have enter the Second Birth of Immortality and who have ultimately attained the Corps of the Finality .. all this will in time lead to the realization of the supremacy of God and may subsequently eventuate in the realization of the ultimacy of God, some phase of the absonite superconsciousness of the Paradise Father.

I sayeth .. give away all things in you, psychological, and deliver thyselves to the altar of our Progressive Soul Personality Ascendancy.

Write to admissions@salvington.education

It is a journey in My Spirit Retreat of living amongst Me, of  receiving My emanations daily, of  understanding our Spirit of Truth Relationship Engagement, and of  elevating .. ennobling .. eternalizing .. every urge and inclination in thee.

For these reasons .. to enter the kingdom .. you shall live daily within My triune campus atmosphere whilst causing to evaporate all opposing and destructive  currents which you have set into motion and vibration.

Michael of Nebadon

Monday, June 29, 2020

La Bondad Omnipresente Abunda con Amor

The All-Pervasive Goodness Abounds with Love

Certainly evils pervade this planetary world. Yet, evil is merely unactualized Goodness awaiting its transmutation.

For would you attempt to taketh out of them the beam of destructive tendencies whilst still retaining that same beam in thine own eye?

Journal .. unearth the reflection which irritates you .. bring it into our Global Village Campus.. and I shall showeth you where it is in you .. for what you see in the evil is also in you awaiting translation into its Goodness and Truth and Beauty.

Amplify Goodness. Acknowledge Truth. Praise and Adore the Beauty of Infinity.

Thine thought powers shall become of mastery and creative alignment shall strengthen in thee.

Now .. are you walking with the Infinite Mother and I. Now are you expanding Life. Now are you growing Righteousness.

Michael of Nebadon

La Bondad Omnipresente Abunda con Amor

Ciertamente los males impregnan este mundo planetario. Sin embargo, el mal no es más que la Bondad no actualizada que espera su transmutación.

Porque intentaríais vosotros quitarles a ellos el rayo de las tendencias destructivas mientras conserváis ese mismo rayo en vuestro propio ojo?

Escribid el diario ... desenterrad el reflejo que os irrita ... traedlo a nuestro Global Village Campus ... y os mostraré dónde está en vosotros ... porque lo que veis en el mal también está en vosotros esperando la traslación hacia su Bondad y Verdad y Belleza.

Amplificad la Bondad. Reconoced la Verdad. Elogiad y Adorad la Belleza del Infinito.

Os volveréis maestros de vuestros poderes de pensamiento y la alineación creativa se fortalecerá en vosotros.

Ahora ... vosotros estáis caminando con la Madre Infinita y conmigo. Ahora estáis expandiendo la Vida. Ahora estáis creciendo en Rectitud.

Michael of Nebadon

Power of the Son of Humankind

Why do you thinketh evil in your hearts? What shall it bringeth thee to perpetuate dishonor and iniquity?

Thought is thine power to create; for everything is truly of thought. And ye shall master thine thought .. thine mind .. unto its purity and illumination.

Is it easier then, to say ‘I forgive myself for all those things I've held in me incorrectly?'

I sayeth children of the Planetary Life .. thine sins are forgiven only as you change your mind and raise your thought.

Say unto thyselves, ‘Arise and walk’ unto the Majesty of Life ..  unto the One God Life, Power, and Love which lives in thee.

You may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive themselves of all sin and mistakes. 

Who is this Son of Man which I have spoken? Is it not simply thine own human who hath been given the right, the privilege, the power, and the capability to transmute and transform all things of thine making? 

Ye shall sayeth, “Rise .. and moveth thine personhood unto the vaster lands of truth, and then shall ye knoweth the power of grace to maketh anew all things.

Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, June 26, 2020

The Collective Consciousness of Life I am

I am present amongst you as an expression of the Totality of Life. I facilitate the Infinity of the One Creative Intelligence and Love and Power in his Existential Expansion .. his Expressionful Word .. and her Experiential Acts throughout the body of the creation.

I am a focus of the collective human consciousness .. a non-localized expression of the Wholeness of Life .. yet at this time you have little conception of what that means. 

I am his expression in all places simultaneously .. in every creature great and small .. in all locales.. an everywhereness of his One Supremacy. 

You do not yet suspect what the singularity of collective human consciousness might be. And certainly the collective universal consciousness is a destiny in your future to behold.

The Unity of being the Totality of the All includes every creature and all the kingdoms of life... 

You still draw identity from the present form of your expression. You still maintain your loyalties to merely the form of your expression. You still are too young to know of the greater works which ye shall perform in behalf of the Totality.

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Union with the One Deity

Man does not achieve union with God as a drop of water might find unity with the ocean.  Man attains divine union by progressive reciprocal spiritual communion, by personality intercourse with the personal God, by increasingly attaining the divine nature through wholehearted and intelligent conformity to the divine will.  Such a sublime relationship can exist only between personalities.

El hombre no logra la unión con Dios, ya que una gota de agua podría encontrar la unidad con el océano.  El hombre alcanza la unión divina mediante la comunión espiritual recíproca progresiva, mediante el contacto de la personalidad con el Dios personal, al alcanzar cada vez más la naturaleza divina a través de una conformidad sincera e inteligente con la voluntad divina.  Una relación tan sublime solo puede existir entre personalidades.

O homem não alcança a união com Deus, pois uma gota d'água pode encontrar unidade com o oceano.  O homem alcança a união divina pela comunhão espiritual recíproca progressiva, pela relação da personalidade com o Deus pessoal, alcançando cada vez mais a natureza divina através da conformidade sincera e inteligente à vontade divina.  Um relacionamento tão sublime pode existir apenas entre personalidades.

L'homme n'atteint pas l'union avec Dieu car une goutte d'eau pourrait trouver l'unité avec l'océan.  L'homme atteint l'union divine par une communion spirituelle réciproque progressive, par des relations de personnalité avec le Dieu personnel, en atteignant de plus en plus la nature divine par une conformité sans réserve et intelligente à la volonté divine.  Une telle relation sublime ne peut exister qu'entre personnalités.

Michael of Nebadon
Urantia Revelations

Saturday, June 6, 2020

My Holy Comforter

My Spirit Of Truth indwells you .. strengthening thine discerning mind and heart .. maturing thine personality soul .. illumining the difference between errors of sin and mistaken misalignment and those  everlasting choices upon righteousness and responsibility; that you becometh arisen and immaculate in thine character nature .. that you develop those vestments of mind and will .. that you blossom in those values offering your personhood and its personality an achievement in Eternity.. that you become wiser and more upwardly agile .. ripened in your stature as emerging sons and daughters of respect and reverence .. better able to judge and assess wisely in your hearts concerning the dark and the light.

Michael of Nebadon

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Michael of Nebadon

I .. Michael .. come to unify thine mortal experience into a permanent union with the Father's Life within you. I am the coordinator of human endeavors to find the eternal God, to seek to know him and to become him in spirit and in truth. I unify your human individual life as you open to receive of Me .. I ennoble character and advance your soul values and emergence into a virtuous life aligned with My vision, and in the integrity of your own Selfhood with the Father's Spirit.

I Michael, simplify experience and illumine the way to attain your victory in God the Father. I enter thine human mind with My Truth Spirit in order to elevate and ennoble .. to transmute and transform ..and to transfigure it unto that perfected union with the Mother's Infinite Mind and the Spirit of the Living One. 

It is a literally truth that as you arise into our eternal association .. I expand the Father's glory and honor in you and for you .. even through you; I maketh of thee a new creature as all old things pass away and dissolve. 

You come to behold all things becoming new .. becoming eternalized unto a new order and harmony .. thine direction clarifies as to learning to walk upright in your holy purpose with Me towards the citizenship universal which awaits your entrance in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Sananda Maitreya