Saturday, December 27, 2014

Blessed are the Receptive Ones

Blessed are those who are ready and willing to listen; for they shall receive of their inheritance .. first, there shall come through Me their intellectual emancipation .. and then, they shall learn the value of application and obedience .. and their soul shall gather unto itself .. liberation .. and even their physical body and personality  .. these shall become illuminated, and shall enter into the Kingdom of God. They shall bypass even death; for the Universal Father rules the circle of eternity and everlasting life. He maketh not that which is impermanent .. for those are the  humanly misqualified and imperfect works of human beings  .. to erroneously create impermanence and unlastingly.

The Father creates thee anew .. in His immaculate conceiving and in His everlasting permanence. Hence, those who are ready to listen .. and who realize that they do not know what they think they know .. these shall see the Kingdom of His Sovereignty beyond their degeneration into death and the cycle of rebirth.

There shall be no need for their rebirth into another human womb .. for they shall have progressed into the purity and grace of the womb of the Infinite Universe Mother Spirit...

Michael of Nebadon

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Character Growth in the Kingdom of the Father

Moral choices and ethical decisions build character .. confidence .. cooperation .. and consecration in the individual’s mind and body. Gradually with time and space on your side supporting your refinements, choose wisely to be truthful in all thine proceedings.

As you follow doing the right thing in your conscience .. you will build self respect and self honor .. dignifying your life and personality.  These are a few of the virtues of the Paradise Father .. the Trinity Persons of the One Deity.

Loving unconditionally is the Ideal to strive for .. not through behavior changes .. but through the divine art of Transfiguration of all error and misqualified conditions in and around us.

Unworthiness comes from a few things .. not living up to your expectations .. not following the higher choices .. and not being utterly truthful to yourself and others. Finally .. rebelliousness to the Paradise Pattern of Perfection.

Rebel not against Our Infinite Mercy .. Our offering to Humanity is the way .. the truth .. and the life everlasting. Rebel not against giving thyself to the Spirit of God .. for He is your destiny in this journey.

This royal road is not a behavior change nor is it an act. You must walk in the knowledge and truthfulness .. so that you begin to understand in your direct experience what you are learning intellectually.

Thus .. it takes time .. and unworthiness must be transfigured as well. Yet .. so that you do not add to it .. or not to "sin again" .. you must walk your talk. This cannot be faked.

Hence, come into our association together to accelerate your progression into the Life that is absolute happiness and supreme harmony.

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Our New Momentum is an Overflowing Peace

Beloveds .. I look forward to being together tomorrow in our conference and fellowship. 

Bring unto Me thine blindness and struggles .. thine confusions and pains .. thine self-doubts and fears .. and I shall assist you to wash these away through the Father's Omnipotent Love .. the Son's Everpresent Mercy .. and the Spirit's Absolute Purity.

Together with you each .. and with this planetary administration of the Host of Heaven .. we are creating avenues for illumination and eternal harmony.

Be willing towards patience and perseverance .. purity and piousness. Open thine mind to perceive in you the ways of expanding the Kingdom of your Heart...

Amplify your faith and trust in the Father to work out the righteous plan for your lifetimes. His infinite and limitless Intelligence is truly indestructible and without taint nor error. His gracious generosity will flood you and your personal world with the Substance of Pure White Fire.

Thine way becomes grace filled as you deeply expand thy will and transmute all doubts and fears ...

Michael of Nebadon

Friday, December 19, 2014

Thine Direct Discipleship with Us Quickens Immortality

As My Father Son Spirit have given to Me of their Spirit and Life, so will I give to you of My Spirit. You need only ask and invite Me to come into thine prayers and contemplations, thine invocations and thine times when you are in worship of the Universal Originating Father Source of Us all.

As you ask and allow thyself to receive Me, I hold the capacity to flood you with My Spirit of Truth in order to guide and comfort you .. eventually leading you into all Truth. As you receive of My Comforter Spirit in your heart and mind, I will abide with you and renew thine mind into the vaster Mind. My Spirit of Truth will help you to know that you are the sons and daughters of the Universal Source.

By the old way you have sought to suppress, obey, and conform to the rules of human living; by the new way you are first transformed by My Spirit of Truth, and thereby strengthened in your heart, mind and soul by this continual spiritual renewing that I and the Universe Creative Mother Spirit offer to humanity at this time and always.

Illumination of thine life and existence is a living reality for those who are willing to receive of Us, and become partakers of the Father's bestowal Spirit in you. Hence, are you endowed with the power of the certain and joyous performance of the gracious, acceptable, and perfect will of God.

Be in His remembrance throughout thine day and evening; for it is thine faith trust relationship in the exceedingly great and precious promises of God that ensures your becoming partakers of His divine nature and ever uplifting character virtues.

First and foremost seek the Kingdom of His Consciousness which is the very Source of thine being and life. Recognition breeds remembrance, and this fosters relationship and nurtures deeper realization.
"Thine illuminated heart, soul, and mind shall be an ever-potent fountain .. a perpetual spring delivering to you daily the Sacred Waters of Life Everlasting.

Our eternal association is a beacon of Intelligence and Love .. Our dedicated cooperation with expanding His Kingdom in and through each member of humanity.

Reach unto the Fatherhood of God and to the Brotherhood of Humanity. Our purely religious educational fellowship brings an intellectual emancipation from any 'worn out' concepts, and a spiritual Illumination to the individual willing to dedicate themselves to discipleship with Us.

Michael of Nebadon

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Transfiguration Brings Forth Order and Harmony Forever

Purify all lesser vibratory activity in thine soul and personality by commanding thine Transfiguration. This is the fulfillment of law which brings Order and Harmony. To progress onward in your unfoldments, you must adhere to the law by Consciously Commanding the Divine Fire .. the Sacred Fire .. of the Mother’s Spirit through the Host of Heaven to quicken all obstructions to the expansion of His Sovereignty and Supremacy.

...and the more potent approach is in your receptivity of the Violet Consuming Flame of Saint Germain. He is the focalization and avatar for this next phase of evolution. The Violet Consuming Flame is an expression of the Infinite Spirit .. the Third Person of Existence. It is one of the primary ways that the Infinite Mind and Power reaches creature life .. upstepping human imperfection by raising the atomic activity in the field of energy of humanity.

You may invite the Flame of Mercy Violet Power:

"I AM Perfect Order Violet Forgiveness Flame Infinite Luminous Ascended Sacred Fire Love."

Feel deeply and breathe into your heart the expansion of the Kingdom of His Sovereignty.. the Father's Spirit.

Michael of Nebadon

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Threefold Atonement of the Ages

You are the one to capture the moment and enter into communion with the Undifferentiated Ocean. Thine breath is a doorway into the Kingdom of His Consciousness.

...breathe and while you become aware of your breathing .. become aware of the force of Consciousness that is breathing your breath. The Life Consciousness provides the energy presence and awareness in your Consciousness. He is the primordial underlying power that animates us everywhere and on every octave. Give Him praise and worship .. adoration and acknowledgement .. appreciate thine life in and as the Source. Acceptance of His Presence brings greater things.

Be conscious that you are His Consciousness Itself. Not an awareness of something around you or some idea or object .. but that you are the It of Itself.

Conscious that I AM Consciousness Itself. This subtly brings great happiness and terrific fulfillment into Our life.

You are this pure awakenedness of the universe. You are the Self Consciousness of the universes of creation .. the Nameless Undifferentiated Purity of Indestructible Light.

This is the one and only vast Intelligence and Power everywhere present. All people and animals and elementals and angels .. all masters ascended .. all beings are the Great Consciousness of the Supreme God expressing and acting.

Become in your vibrational field more of this greater field by redeeming the lowered vibratory activity in you. Practice your EEEs and build this powerful momentum by transfiguring the accumulated imperfections of density.

The obstructions to master all things within are merely energies of your own soul caught in the materializing influences of the differentiated density.

The Hindus call this One .. Brahman .. and the Taoists call it Tao. In Western Christian terms it is the Universal Christ.  Often I refer to this great Ocean of Consciousness as Father.

While the Universal Trinity does dwell in personality at the Center of Existence,  their Consciousness is spread out as the creation itself.

As you travel to work or enjoy your play time .. be this One in expression .. in you .. through you as a human person .. let him act for you .. and by you .. allow the expansion of His Kingdom as your own expansion and growth .. thine own unfoldment of all inherent potentials. Imagine you are this by claiming it right now .. own it now and at the same time you will transfigure all the unconsciousness.

You will be consciously commanding thine very own progressive unfoldment. You will be thine own Self Directive Governing I AM in Expression.

Thus, have you claimed your inheritance by seeking and finding the Universal Undifferentiated One .. and by tuning to His nature and identity.

His Will and Plan of Salvation thereby carries us into the Threefold Atonement of the Ages.

Michael of Nebadon

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thine Absolute Abundant Association with Us

Believe in this One all-permeating and Primordial Substance which is literally everywhere. Everything is made of this One Intelligence and Power. It is true that Spirit is the primary vibratory power and substance everywhere at the very same time. Your body .. mind .. soul .. and spirit is made of exactly the same thing.

The only difference is in the vibratory rate of the particles of this substance .. and the ratio of the particles.

All else is exactly of the very same thing. Through your thought and intensified thought which is feeling .. you can set into motion this one energy substance.  Emotion is truly this one energy set into motion .. E-Motion!

Faith filled conviction in this divine science is the alchemical agent of transmutation. Firm demand composed out from faith and righteous desire .. confident expectations .. and the inner knowledge of your place in life .. your relationship with and to the all-pervading Father .. this does cause the ethers of this One Substance to become drawn downward into human visible use.

As you progress further you will be able to stir this substance into your intended manifestation.  This I refer to as precipitation.

Thus... returning all misqualified imperfect materialized vibrational substance that you have at some point in time precipitated into material visible form ... this I call etherealization. It is transmutation or changing .. mutating .. the vibratory action back into the Undifferentiated formless Ocean of Consciousness.

In thine seeking godhood .. you are working towards this mastery. You are precipitating into visibleness .. the Christ Principle of thine own Selfhood .. and you are doing this by etherealizing the lower vibratory rates in your energy field .. your atomic field of mind body soul.

Michael of Nebadon

Be About Thine Father’s Agenda

Thine Avenues of Illumination

I clarify for you the avenues of approach to the Universal Father. Once you have read and contemplated Our offerings to you .. it remains for you each to take the necessary steps towards unfolding your own freedom and mastery.

Mastery occurs as you rely upon the indwelling Consciousness.  In this Consciousness is all love .. wisdom .. and power. And as you rightly use your own Consciousness and Life, then you gain more of it.

As you bring forward the unconscious tendencies and impulses of lifetimes .. and as you transfigure these misqualified conditions in you .. then this great Consciousness becomes more universally oriented. You .. in Consciousness .. begin to experience the spiritual endowment of the Paradise Trinity.

You are gaining the attitude of Paradise .. the way that the Indwelling Adjuster of tge Father .. perceives and hilds this plan. While doing this .. you are very quietly raising upwards your creature expression and experience.

Day by day you gain control over your energies and vibrations .. your priorities and values begin to more astutely adhere to the law of love .. and the Avenues of Perfection become more luminous for you.

Maturity unfolds one decision at a time .. and this maturing of character and consciousness in thine personality soul does require your participation.  It is not an automatic occurrence.

Michael of Nebadon

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thine Father Spirit Opens into an Infinite Horizon

Become daring .. bold .. and be courageous .. in seeking Truth in you. Truth is that which changes not. It is the unchanging all-permeating doorway to the Infinite God .. and this doorway to the Kingdom of Heaven is within you. Beyond the incessant machinations of thine lesser mind and reactive emotions .. thine assumptions and human opinions .. transcendent to thine subjective beliefs and ideas ..

...there is a force of life .. of Consciousness .. which is absolutely pure .. clear .. unconditional .. Undifferentiated and Immaculate.

It is this indwelling Primordial Fire .. this unending Intelligence .. that is attempting to blend with you .. eternally. The Father has bestowed a Fragment of His Consciousness .. His Life .. in you as thine true existence .. so be not deceived by all the synthetic appearances of existence .. these are merely of the senses .. the phantom of thine ephemeral human .. which must become blended and merged eternally with the Father’s Spirit. 

Then you become a new being .. a regenerated example of where humanity must reign going forward. You demonstrate the real and true Seamless Selfhood that all are craving.

I bid thee joy in thy search inward to discern Truth .. and to cause to evaporate all obstructions to living this Primordial Principle in its fullness.

...thine destiny!

Michael of Nebadon

Friday, November 14, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Our Eternal Association Offers Everlasting Life to Human Beings

Blessed are the poor in Spirit … in their thirst for happiness and harmony .. they shall crave and hunger for emancipation .. for liberation .. and for redemption.

Blessed are those who have failed in the world .. for the Spirit of the Father has closed their outer doors only to open wide the inner doorways of His Kingdom of Consciousness.

Blessed are the meek and surrendered in knowing that they, of themselves in their humanity, can do nothing .. for theirs is the Kingdom of all Glory upon their sacrifice and selflessness.

Blessed are the true children of the One Father Son Spirit .. for they know their own place in the Universes .. and through their right relationship to God, they shall become renewed .. regenerated .. refreshed .. and redeemed unto the Seamless Garment of Illumination.

Blessed are those who believe without seeing .. for their faith shall blossom into His Divine Insight, and their character shall become grown to maturity and wisdom in the eternal verities .. the be attitudes of godly virtues.

Blessed are those who have answered the call for freedom and mastery over the worldly frequencies… for they shall permanently rid themselves of all vain glories and the plague of vibrational separation.

Blessed are those who hunger to find God and become alike unto Him; for they shall be raised and renewed … they will become matured and refined into the greater light .. the life more abundant.

Blessed are the humbled ones who give credit for all good to the Father .. and finding their inner disciplines and obediences to adhere to the law of existence to so transfigure and take accounting for their evil ways…

Blessed are the accountable and obedient .. the cooperative and contemplative; for their reward shall be redemption .. that they are forgiven for all humiliating deceit and temporal dissatisfaction stemming from over involvement in the world.

Blessed are the faithful and the trusting; for they have not betrayed their trust with the Father, and they will enter the Kingdom of His Sovereignty and partake of the realization of His Supremacy.

At Salvington College we have designed a way for individuals who love God and desire to be more like Him .. to grow into becoming sincere aspirants who seek the greater life more abundant .. to enter into the Kingdom of His Love and Mercy .. preparing to bring completion and graduate from the evolution of the Earth .. to become a candidate of the Eternal Embrace through the threefold initiation of union with the Spark of God within them.

Sovrnty Society
Salvington College
Sovereign Societies

For further reading:

Bestowal of the Holy Comforter of Michael of Nebadonand Eternal Association with the Creator Son and Universe Mother

The Next Evolutionary Leap in Consciousness

Divine Fusion I Demonstrated in Galilee in Mine Ascension

Natural, physical death is not a mortal inevitability. The majority of advanced evolutionary beings, citizens on worlds existing in the final era of light and life, do not die; they are translated directly from the life in the flesh to the morontia existence.

This experience of translation from the material life to the morontia state — fusion of the immortal soul with the indwelling Adjuster — increases in frequency commensurate with the evolutionary progress of the planet. At first only a few mortals in each age attain translation levels of spiritual progress, but with the onset of the successive ages of the Teacher Sons, more and more Adjuster fusions occur before the termination of the lengthening lives of these progressing mortals; and by the time of the terminal mission of the Teacher Sons, approximately one quarter of these superb mortals are exempt from natural death.

Farther along in the era of light and life the midway creatures or their associates sense the approaching status of probable soul-Adjuster union and signify this to the destiny guardians, who in turn communicate these matters to the finaliter group under whose jurisdiction this mortal may be functioning; then there is issued the summons of the Planetary Sovereign for such a mortal to resign all planetary duties, bid farewell to the world of his origin, and repair to the inner temple of the Planetary Sovereign, there to await morontia transit, the translation flash, from the material domain of evolution to the morontia level of prespirit progression.

When the family, friends, and working group of such a fusion candidate have forgathered in the morontia temple, they are distributed around the central stage whereon the fusion candidates are resting, meantime freely conversing with their assembled friends. A circle of intervening celestial personalities is arranged to protect the material mortals from the action of the energies manifest at the instant of the “life flash” which delivers the ascension candidate from the bonds of material flesh, thereby doing for such an evolutionary mortal everything that natural death does for those who are thereby delivered from the flesh.

Many fusion candidates may be assembled in the spacious temple at the same time. And what a beautiful occasion when mortals thus forgather to witness the ascension of their loved ones in spiritual flames, and what a contrast to those earlier ages when mortals must commit their dead to the embrace of the terrestrial elements! The scenes of weeping and wailing characteristic of earlier epochs of human evolution are now replaced by ecstatic joy and the sublimest enthusiasm as these God-knowing mortals bid their loved ones a transient farewell as they are removed from their material associations by the spiritual fires of consuming grandeur and ascending glory. On worlds settled in light and life, “funerals” are occasions of supreme joy, profound satisfaction, and inexpressible hope.

The souls of these progressing mortals are increasingly filled with faith, hope, and assurance. The spirit permeating those gathered around the translation shrine resembles that of the joyful friends and relatives who might assemble at a graduating exercise for one of their group, or who might come together to witness the conferring of some great honor upon one of their number. And it would be decidedly helpful if less advanced mortals could only learn to view natural death with something of this same cheerfulness and lightheartedness.

Mortal observers can see nothing of their translated associates subsequent to the fusion flash. Such translated souls proceed by Adjuster transit direct to the resurrection hall of the appropriate morontia-training world. These transactions concerned with the translation of living human beings to the morontia world are supervised by an archangel who was assigned to such a world on the day when it was first settled in light and life.   Courtesy of

~Sovrnty Society

Also, visit one of our other sites on blogger:

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Our Worldwide Fellowship Satsanga at Sovrnty Society

Conference URL: Dial in number: 541-632-6603 No PIN Required International Access Numbers:

Monday, October 27, 2014

Yoga is Divine Alchemy ... the Transmutation of the Naught into the Aught

Yoga is really the true science of alchemy .. the changing of the temporal and limited into the eternal and unlimited. Yoga is evolving in the western world. It is encompassing more and still more of the precepts to find truth. Truth is the only thing that doesn’t change. Truth is reliable and stable. It is sturdy and secure. It is dependable and worthy. Truth, which again, is the only thing that is not subject to change, is the pinnacle of all personal destinations. What and where is truth? And is there really an absolute truth and a definitive and objective approach or way to find truth within us?

Take a moment and contemplate in a bit of silence .. a silent time .. if you can find some time .. and think about this. Attempting to find happiness by depending upon things that change .. well .. eventually, those things that we might wish to depend upon that are changeable, will let us down. Truth is stable and it is unchanging, and there is a part of our nature that is this truth .. this essence residing beyond all the world of change. To build our life upon the unchanging and the absolute…the objective…does bring about a harmony and happiness that surpasses a life that is constructed from the world of change…the world of appearances which come and go, and by their very nature simply cannot be relied upon to give us security and stability, clarity and conviction. Only the unchanging principle can do this. And this principle or truth resides within everybody, and everything.

Truth is the only thing that changes not. In all the world there are two things; the one is truth .. unchanging and stable, secure and sincerely present with us all of the time; the other is falsehood; and truth is that which is, and falsehood that which seems to be. Contemplate this, if you will … falsehood only seems to be .. it appears to be real and stable and objective, yet in the midst of upheaval when you are searching for the immediacy of finding something to depend upon, falsehood and the appearances of the relative world, simply cannot measure up.

Now truth is what I would call the ‘aught’, and has no cause, and yet it is the cause of everything .. and it is everywhere simultaneously all at the same time. Falsehood is what I may call ‘naught’, and yet it is the manifest of aught. Falsehood, or the naught, is really only the temporary effect of the aught…of truth .. of the unchanging principle within each human soul. And it is ultimately our goal .. our destination .. to build our values and priorities in seeking and living in truth .. in the aught .. to live as cause rather than a mere effect subject to the ups and downs of the society.

In our time together during the satsanga gatherings being offered, a field of stability and truth is present. It becomes slightly more visible and available for the students to touch its hem, to taste its beauty, to cultivate a purpose to find this truth, and to learn to live life in it and from it, and even as It. Truth delivers satisfaction and even fulfillment when we bring the fullness of it into our human experience. It delivers confidence and faith and the hope of goodness does become more palatable to our inner senses, as we gather with a single pointed focus and intention to uncover truth, and to make the truth within you .. your essential nature .. more conscious and user-friendly.

Whatever has been made with a mind that is but finite and imperfect will be unmade; and that which begins must someday end.  All things that can be experienced by the human senses are only the temporary .. the ephemeral effects. The senses can only reveal the manifests of aught, yet these are naught in that they are only an appearance and temporary, and so must pass away. We simply cannot build a life of happiness upon that which is intended to pass away. We must find the aught, and allow it to flourish in us.

The things we see with our human eyes are but reflexes just appearing, while the ethers vibrate so and so, and when conditions change they disappear. The Holy Breath which is also called the all-pervading One is truth; is that which was, and is, and evermore shall be; it cannot change nor pass away.

What is it to be human? A person is the truth and the falsehood strangely mixed together. Some days you wake up in the morning and you are feeling good, in touch, peaceful and tranquility is ever-present. These are the days when truth happens to make itself more available and known.

A human being is this living Holy Breath … this force of Life made flesh; so truth and falsehood are conjoined in him; and these two elements do strive and battle, and eventually naught goes down, is conquered by truth .. by the aught .. and truth abides. This is the inner yoga, the inner destination, above and beyond all worldly achievement and attainments. Yoga offers in so many virile and powerful ways, the opportunity to fulfill the alchemical laws of existence by changing falsehood into truth, and by allowing truth to take up residence in us more fruitfully in its expression.

Even the idea of power .. the very thing that so many human beings seek to possess in certain odd ways through the world .. power is a yet only a manifest of aught .. it is only temporary so it is as naught .. it is as not a thing to be building our life upon .. for power can be obtained and possessed, but only for so long until it is taken away by circumstances and changes in the environment; power is the result of force; it is but naught; it is illusion, nothing more. Force is truth, and it is an objective and stabilizing thing. Force and truth changes not, but power changes as the ethers change.

Force .. truth .. this is the will of God and is omnipotence itself, and worldly human position and power is that will in manifest .. made visible and manifest but only for a short time. These are things that have as their cause .. the spiritual force .. the Holy Breath … call it what ye may. It is the undeniably great integrator and unifier of all life. All is directed by this essence, of which a small part dwells within each human being, and must become unearthed to become available for greater constructive use.

There is power in the winds, a power in the waves, a power in the lightning's stroke, a power in the human arm, a power in the eye. The ethers which are as the omnipresent or all-pervading force and intelligence .. causes these outer temporal powers to be, and when we place the power of our creative impulse and free will decision through our thought into a direction that we desire to see manifest, then we are acting in creation, from that inner place of truth, of cause, and of force. Thought brings forth a blueprint and feeling ignites that blueprint with force in order to bring it into manifest view. Our thinking is a great power that holds the capacity to help us build our life upon truth, or to become a mere effectual and ineffective life which is erroneously built upon falsehood .. or the naught. Our daily Thought over time becomes our attitudes, and these do form our direction and destiny because thought and feeling directs the force.

In our Satsangas together, I offer students a fuller understanding of these divinely scientific laws of nature .. natural universal laws which operate in our lives every second of the day, and it is ‘up to us’ to determine how we shall make use of these laws for our betterment or not. To truly understand these things is to build our life upon the rock of knowledge. Yoga builds this knowledge in us one posture at a time whereupon our asana .. our position in life .. is determined by our attitudes of thought and feeling over long periods of gestation. Human beings can build for themselves the gnosis of the aught and of the naught, of falsehood and of truth. This is done through discrimination and discernment. It is the knowledge of the lower self; the sensing of the powers of man himself.

Even wisdom is brought forth through this yogic alchemical transmutation; by changing the lesser into the greater. Wisdom then, is the consciousness that man is aught; that God or the great universal light and man are one. That naught is naught; that power is but illusion; that heaven and earth and hell are not above, around, below, but in; which in the light of aught becomes the naught, and Spirit or light or God is all.

And through knowledge coupled with trust and true faith, we are brought to a surety; it is the surety and goodness of the omnipotence and omnipresence of the force of Life, in human beings and all around us. In this way, you can experience more of the beauty and truth and goodness that true certainty brings; and the inner faith that it is possible and even probable to reach the deific life in harmony and union with the particle of the Source within us.

True yoga becomes then, a ladder reaching from the heart of humanity to the very heart of the Source, Center, and Creative Fountainhead of all.

Yoga .. in our Satsangas .. offers a refinement of understanding which then lends itself to attainment and actualization. It brings forward the potential of human being .. its fruition. And in fruition faith is fulfilled by science and law; the yogic student is raised into a more deific life; when they are made to experience a life of cause, of truth, of love, and of union with their essential nature.

~ Michael of Nebadon

Worldwide Fellowship Satsanga with the Creator Father Son

Satsanga, Satsangam, Satsang (Sanskrit सत्सङ्ग sat = true, sanga = company)

Join us for an intimate gathering .. into a pure and gentle field of light .. where you can make that inner connection more potently with your own selfhood, understand yourself more deeply in order to make sense of your life experiences, clarify your purpose and direction by finding a more clear space and inner connection to all that is .. An immersion into your essence in this purified field of Consciousness that Michael brings forward into the evenings.  

These gatherings will enhance your receptivity to life, giving to you a renewal and a lightening of heart and mind by bathing in this field of awareness with Michael of Nebadon; you’ll feel the Infinite washing through your body, mind, and spirit allowing you to have a more continual and uninterrupted experience of unconditional acceptance and love, less reactivity to circumstances and struggles in relationships, a profound sense of peace and calm and safety, and the feeling of overflowing prosperity and the goodness of life even in the midst of a chaotic and unstable world.

Allow this genuine Avatar to show you how to establish real security and stability in your life within the undifferentiated absolute... the truth of your own essential nature.
Students learn to stretch into life, breathe into love, chant into joy, receive into a more expanded creative flow by bringing a greater illumination to any obstructions to unconditional loving, and finally, to learn to live the conscious yoga; a subtle and fulfilling union with the fullness of their own indwelling essence and eternal nature.

Receive this time as an opportunity to strengthen your connection and relationship with the Eternal One, to touch the ‘hem of the Infinite’, and to refine and heighten your experience of the immaculate purity, goodness, truth, and beauty of your own essential nature.

We look forward to the pleasure of your company on these certain Sundays.

~Sovrnty Society Satsanga

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Our Everlasting Association

"I come to reveal the Paradise path of divinity attainment. As my Father has given me of his spirit, so will I give you of my spirit. And this Spirit of Truth which I have bestowed upon you shall guide and comfort you and shall eventually lead you into all truth. And you will receive this gift in your hearts, and he will abide with you. And this Spirit of Truth, speaking for the spiritual endowments of your souls, will help you to know that you are the sons and daughters of God . . .

"By the old way you seek to suppress, obey, and conform to the rules of living; by the new way you are first transformed by the Spirit of Truth and thereby strengthened in your inner soul by the constant spiritual renewing of your mind, and so are you endowed with the power of the certain and joyous performance of the gracious, acceptable, and perfect will of God.

"Forget not — it is your personal faith in the exceedingly great and precious promises of God that ensures your becoming partakers of the divine nature."

~Michael of Nebadon

At Sovrnty Society and Salvington College, the illuminated cross symbolizes our dedicated cooperation with expanding the Kingdom of His Sovereignty and Supremacy by reaching inward and upward to the Fatherhood of God and extending love and mercy outward to the Brotherhood of Humanity.

Our educational fellowship brings an intellectual emancipation and a spiritual Illumination to the individual willing to dedicate themselves to discipleship with the Creator Son Michael and the Creative Mother Spirit.

Sovrnty Society is the public disseminating arm for all of Michael's writings .. while Salvington College is the private association and fellowship for those who desire to study more directly with the Creator Son and Creative Mother Spirit and who have applied for admission.

-Sovrnty Society

The Great Core of Existence is Unfolding Itself

The particular must reach for the Universal, and in this way, the Universal does reach for the particular .. the individualization of Itself. This is the way of the universes, not just for the human race upon the earth. The Universal reaches down into or outward from Its own Source and Center ... Its Hub and Core, and the Individualizations of Itself ... the particulars, the differences, then do reach for the Undifferentiated Universal. Always, this never-ending infinite giving and receiving is taking place.

Eventually and gradually, the creatures and the creation take upon themselves more and more of the Perfect Pattern of the Paradise Trinity Source; for there is a great plan underway wherein at some certain point in time and space, the creation and every creature shall become enlightened ... filled with the Creator Light and Love ... His Life... and in this will occur a great expansion of sorts that will expand the perimeters of the known creation, and overflow into the more outer extremities of this creation. A new creation will become readied to birth Itself. New creatures ... new individualizations ... will come blossoming forth, and you will come to see that you've been existing in the very beginnings of existence.

Michael of Nebadon

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Beatitudes of Michael

Blessed are the poor in Spirit … in their thirst for happiness and harmony .. they shall crave and hunger for emancipation .. for liberation .. and for redemption.

Blessed are those who have failed in the world .. for the Spirit of the Father has closed their outer doors only to open wide the inner doorways of His Kingdom of Consciousness.

Blessed are the meek and surrendered in knowing that they, of themselves in their humanity, can do nothing .. for theirs is the Kingdom of all Glory upon their sacrifice and selflessness.

Blessed are the true children of the One Father Son Spirit .. for they know their own place in the Universes .. and through their right relationship to God, they shall become renewed .. regenerated .. refreshed .. and redeemed unto the Seamless Garment of Illumination.

Blessed are those who believe without seeing .. for their faith shall blossom into His Divine Insight, and their character shall become grown to maturity and wisdom in the eternal verities .. the be attitudes of godly virtues.

Blessed are those who have answered the call for freedom and mastery over the worldly frequencies… for they shall permanently rid themselves of all vain glories and the plague of vibrational separation.

Blessed are those who hunger to find God and become alike unto Him; for they shall be raised and renewed … they will become matured and refined into the greater light .. the life more abundant.

Blessed are the humbled ones who give credit for all good to the Father .. and finding their inner disciplines and obediences to adhere to the law of existence to so transfigure and take accounting for their evil ways…

Blessed are the accountable and obedient .. the cooperative and contemplative; for their reward shall be redemption .. that they are forgiven for all humiliating deceit and temporal dissatisfaction stemming from over-involvement in the world.

Blessed are the faithful and the trusting; for they have not betrayed their trust with the Father, and they will enter the Kingdom of His Sovereignty and partake of the realization of His Supremacy.

At Salvington College we have designed a way for individuals who love God and desire to be more like Him .. to grow into becoming sincere aspirants who seek the greater life more abundant .. to enter into the Kingdom of His Love and Mercy .. preparing to bring completion and graduate from the evolution of the Earth .. to become a candidate of the Eternal Embrace through the threefold initiation of union with the Spark of God within them.

~Michael of Nebadon

Salvington College Admissions

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Salvington College Mission

Salvington College is an educational fellowship and eternal association with the Creator Son Christ Michael Aton and the Creative Mother Spirit.

The College is a place for those who wish to hold a more private and direct discipleship with Michael and the Universe Mother through our purely religious, universally spiritual, educational discipleship, and everlasting fellowship.

Salvington College illuminates the avenues of creature approach to the Universal Father and His Divine Circuit through the Paradise Trinity Endowment for humanity's evolutionary progression into greater and fuller light and life.

The association with Michael and the Mother through Salvington College offers students a deeper relationship with the Spirit of Truth of the Creator Father Son and the Holy Spirit of the Creative Mother Spirit.

For further information on the private study aspirancy curriculum at Salvington College, please email all inquiries in Spanish to and for English speakers .. you may contact

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blessed shall Ye be in the Fulfillment of thine Godly Aspirations

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Holy Moment of Convergence

In the Holy Moment of Convergence there is an opportunity to arrive at a higher state of consciousness .. to fulfill the great law of eternal harmony by redeeming certain things in thy soul.

As you aspire towards embracing eternity each day, Our association will accelerate the return of your soul energies which had been mistakenly misqualified by you in your past lifetimes or even in this present lifetime.

Every creature .. that is to say .. all souls .. must undergo the great harmonizing of their soul energies to prepare themselves for their convergence with the Father's Spirit.  In this way shall ye become renewed .. a new being with an immortal body of light .. and an eternal name that represents God's grace and generosity .. his goodness and grandeur.

These seven points of convergence comprise the Holy Moment of Convergence wherein the Infinite Intelligence constructs for you another stepping stone upin which ye shall walk into the Kingdom of Heaven ...

Acknowledgement of the moment is necessary.

Acceptance of those qualities that have returned to you.

Allowance of these soul energies to return through your heart of unconditional love.

Asking for the Omnipotence of Love to transfigure these prodigal qualities.

Adoring the Father in you as you allow and accept back your soul’s qualities for transfiguration.

Appreciation of the opportunity with gratitude in your heart for the chance to grow and mature in greater self empowerments of consciousness and light.

Ascending of your soul and personality frequencies upward and more closely in the securing establishment of your light.

Michael of Nebadon

Friday, October 10, 2014

His Immaculate Perceiving brings thee Honor

Ye must harness the power of this moment. Directly within you and all about you surrounding you, and interpenetrating all things .. is the Supreme God .. the finite God who has extended himself into and as the creation of the universes. All spirit intelligences and all creatures arising out from the evolutionary civilizations are a living part of this Supreme One. Ye are the Christos, the Brahman, the Supreme Essence, and ye are blessed with thine existence in and as him. And, to give back to him is to manifest his glory and honor, his consciousness of immaculate perceiving and the purity of his essence in its undifferentiated state of being.

What shall you decide to make of thine existence in the Father Supreme? Will you align with him in gratitude and honor? These decisions are only thine own to be determined by each personality soul .. each potential individualization of the One Primordial Father Source who has come to travel with you in your unfoldment into fuller stature. He desires inordinately and with full determination that you share thine personality soul with him. That you become as One being, one newly embodied soul with access to the higher spheres, the very next steps in thine evolutionary advancements, thine eternal career in and with and as the Father in time and space creation.

What shall ye accomplish with the gift of thine life and existence? For it is not enough to merely know this in theory, yet ye must attain to the Kingdom of His Sovereignty by unearthing thine potentials, thine inheritance of light and life.

I desire for thee the opportunity for you to blossom like a cosmic flower of grand proportions. To bring forth from deep within you this Father Primordial Presence, and in this to devour all lesser vibrational frequencies in the holy presence of his light.

Michael of Nebadon

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Thine Kingdom Expands

This living gospel ideal that I offer Mine aspirants who desire full union with the Father Principle within them .. it is a gospel of the resurrection of the dead and of the dying .. and of those who mistakenly would decompose due to the lack of bringing forth their own life force into flesh and bone .. it is an ideal built upon faithful trust and the willingness to raise thine accountability .. to own thine creative powers .. thine godhood .. it is a royal road of eternal life through the One Sonship of the Christos all-pervading, the daily drawing upon the omnipotent love of God which is made manifest to men through the living administration .. the Host of Heaven .. 

My human flesh is even now becoming rarified and refined. I come to demonstrate to you with eyes to see and the ears to hear .. a mind of receptivity and utter and complete humility .. I am in the throes of this transmutation .. being changed to higher form by love divine .. and once this transmutation is complete at the end of this round of my service to you .. I can manifest in flesh, or in the higher planes of life, at will. What I am doing ..  all men and women can do as ye abide obediently with My ideal .. 

Behold .. it is the gospel of the omnipotence of mankind once He and she is attuned and rectified with the Primordial Consciousness of the Source within. In this way, I come forth to feed my children these verities of eternity.

-Michael of Nebadon

Majesty of His Mercy Reigns with Complete Sovereignty

So ... the omnipresent Christos .. the true Self nature and identity for all sons and daughters of the Universal Father .. Christos will lift the sons and daughters of the human race, yea, every one of them before Our divine administration is finished with humanity .. from darkness and from the materialized graves of carnal things, unto light and everlasting life.

... and all of these attainments are accomplished in and through and with the Omnipotent Majestic Power of His Love and Mercy.

"I AM Pure Violet Consuming Flame Infinite Luminous Ascended Sacred Fire Love. "

-Michael of Nebadon

Invitation and Impregnation Powers of Free Will

This living gospel ideal that I offer Mine aspirants who desire full union with the Father Principle within them .. it is a gospel of the resurrection of the dead .. and of the dying .. and of those who mistakenly would decompose due to tbe lack of bringing forth their own life force into flesh and bone .. it is an ideal built upon faithful trust and the willingness to raise thine accountability .. to own tnine creative powers .. thine godhood .. it is a royal road of eternal life through the One Sonship of the Christos all-pervading, the daily drawing upon the omnipotent love of God which is made manifest to men through the living administration .. the Host of Heaven .. 

My human flesh is even now becoming rarified and refined. I come to demonstrate to you with eyes to see and the ears to hear .. a mind of receptivity and utter and complete humility .. I am in the tnroes of this transmutation .. being changed to higher form by love divine .. and once this transmutation is complete at the end of this round of my service to you .. I can manifest in flesh, or in the higher planes of life, at will. What I am doing ..  all men and women can do as ye abide obediently with My ideal .. 

Behold .. it is the gospel of the omnipotence of mankind once He and she is attuned and rectified with the Primordial Consciousness of the Source within.

"I AM Purity Absolute Immaculate Conception .. Absolute Purity Flame of the Resurrection."

Repeat slowly while visualizing the Flame coming through your own divinity parcel. Allow Its radiation in your acknowledgment and your adoration of Him .. to come into your field .. breathe Him into your heart. Breathe slowly and deeply while commanding with full determination and powerful passionate desire .. to become returned upward .. quickened .. into your full stature and your divine dignity .. you are honoring the Father-Son-Spirit as you command for the expansion of His Kingdom .. that He take His rightful dominion with you.

-Michael of Nebadon

Thine Omnipotent Flame of the Kingdom

This living gospel ideal that I offer Mine aspirants who desire full union with the Father Principle within them .. it is a gospel of the resurrection of the dead and of the dying .. and of those who mistakenly would decompose due to tbe lack of bringing forth tneir own life force into flesh and bone .. it is an ideal built upon faithful trust and the willingness to raise thine accountability .. to own tnine creative powers .. thine godhood .. it is a royal road of eternal life through the One Sonship of the Christos all-pervading, the daily drawing upon the omnipotent love of God which is made manifest to men through the living administration .. the Host of Heaven .. 

My human flesh is even now becoming rarified and refined. I come to demonstrate to you with eyes to see and the ears to hear .. a mind of receptivity and utter and complete humility .. I am in the tnroes of this transmutation .. being changed to higher form by love divine .. and once this transmutation is complete at the end of this round of my service to you .. I can manifest in flesh, or in the higher planes of life, at will. What I am doing ..  all men and women can do as ye abide obediently with My ideal .. 

Behold .. it is the gospel of the omnipotence of mankind once He and she is attuned and rectified with the Primordial Consciousness of the Source within.

-Michael of Nebadon

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Price to Pay for Thine Freedom and Mastery

Another thought for meditation:  when you go on this path, you must also prepare yourself to abide by another of the spiritual laws, which says that there is a price to be paid for everything. Whoever tries to avoid this will finally pay a much heavier price. Every single person is doing this constantly in one way or another; some do it more obviously, others more subtly and secretively. Many people are not doing it outwardly, but psychologically you are all doing it, particularly when you approach this path with only half-open eyes. Realize that there is a price, but the price is well worth it!  When you buy a house and you want a beautiful mansion, you are reconciled to paying an adequate price. You will not expect a mansion or a palace for the price of a shack. On the material level, you have no quarrel with this truth, but on the emotional, psychological, and spiritual levels you wish for a palace for the price of a hut—and sometimes you do not want to pay any price at all.

That is part of your sick soul. The price you pay by going on this path of development is certainly a high one, but there is absolutely no other means on earth or in heaven to gain harmony, love, happiness, and complete inner security where nothing evil can ever touch you or throw you off balance. The price is:  no self-pity, no self-delusion, utter severance with the little ego, time, effort, patience, perseverance, and courage. What you will receive for this price is indeed a hundred times worth it, but do not expect to see the reward right after you start. By start I mean a period of at least two years of work in this manner, provided you do not work half-heartedly. In other words, and speaking symbolically, your money must first be paid in full.

I know, my friends, that my words are not what a self-indulgent person likes to hear. There is no easy method and no magic formula by which you can obtain the happiness you all seek. I cannot promise you the precious gifts of heaven on earth and in the spiritual world if you merely do certain prayer exercises. If I were to tell you such things, you would be well justified in being suspicious and doubtful, even though you might undoubtedly prefer to hear this. What I am offering you is real and true. Each one of you has the chance to find out for yourself by trying and by following my advice.
My advice to begin with is:  Meditate upon the words I have given you here. Consider what the price must be, and what you must expect. Then make your decision. Are you willing to take this path?  

Oh, you may say, “It may take a few more lives. I am too tired.”  I can only answer that this again is very shortsighted; if you are tired or weak, it is because your inner forces exhaust themselves in the wrong channels so that your strength cannot organically renew itself as it does in a soul that functions well. If you would only start and not be dismayed by the first struggles, you would finally succeed in setting the inner current right. By doing so, you would set free in yourself a wonderful life force and a spark that will change your life completely.

I cannot promise you that all your problems will cease, for they are a necessary part of your path to begin with, a challenge you can learn from if you meet them maturely. However, I can promise you that after you have fulfilled certain fundamental conditions, you will not be depressed any more by your life and your difficulties. I can promise you that your tiredness will cease, and that you will have the strength to go through your difficulties and to bear your cross in the right way, knowing why and what it is all about.

The most difficult thing for you and the most weakening aspect of your life is that you cannot see the reason for anything that happens to you. Only on a path into yourself will you find out the reason, and this alone will give you the strength you need. Furthermore, I can promise you that after a certain time on the path you will enjoy life in spite of your difficulties even before they have actually begun to cease. You will come to relish life in a way you have never been able to do before. I can promise that you will be vibrantly alive—first at intervals, and later more consistently. To the extent you understand yourself and begin to put order into your soul, this vibrant life force will fill you. Life will be beautiful to you in all its reality. So I say to you truly, do not postpone this work for another life. It will not be easier for you then, and you can never get away with not doing the work, for it has to be done. No matter how late you think it is, it is never too late. Whatever you accomplish on this earth will have an eternal value. And when I speak of accomplishment, I do mean the conquering of your lower self.

Here is another thought, my friends, for this initial decision which you must approach with open eyes:  distinguish the three necessary types of work involved in purifying yourself on this path. One is your outer behavior, the recognition of your apparent faults and qualities, as well as every occurrence that is on the surface. The next phase—and these phases often overlap—is tackling that layer of yourself that does not belong directly to your subconscious, but which you are unaware of because you are deliberately escaping it. This layer has to be treated in a different manner which I will show you. The third and equally important layer is your subconscious mind. Do not believe that what is in the subconscious is so far away that it has no effect on you. You are constantly dominated by your subconscious without knowing it. It is very possible to find out, slowly but surely, what is in your subconscious, at least to some extent.

Distinguish the trends in you which stand in direct relationship to your conscious will and are thus directly controlled through an act of will. You will also discover trends in you which are connected with your emotions and cannot be directly forced to respond to your wishes. The world of emotion can only change by organic growth, not by pressure and voluntary action, except in an indirect way. 

Let us assume you find out that deep down you are lacking faith or love. You cannot force yourself to have faith or love, no matter how hard you try directly. But what you can make yourself do is to walk this path, to follow these steps, to overcome perhaps a lack of discipline that makes it so hard for you to work diligently on your path, or tackle whatever else stands in your way quite directly, for instance to work daily on your quota of self-observation and meditation in a detached way. By doing so, you will not work directly on your lack of love or faith, for instance, but you will simply get to know yourself and find out why you lack these attributes. When you gradually understand this without forcing yourself directly to have love or faith, eventually the life force will fill you and will automatically generate these feelings without any direct endeavor on your part. If your emotions begin to change after a few years, you can consider it a wonderful success. The change will happen so naturally that you may not even be fully aware of it at first.

Study these words now; think about them deeply. Take them to God and ask Him, if you have doubts. He will answer you provided your heart is really open. Believe me, my friends, all this is neither as difficult as it may seem to you now, nor is the path a miracle that will procure happiness for you without demanding from you all you have in honesty, willpower, and effort.

I want to say something else to you about this phase of preparation and decision:  expect to have a fight with yourself. It will be the fight between the lower self and the higher self, and your conscious self will determine which side will win. It cannot win without such a fight. It must be a long fight which at first will manifest itself perhaps by preventing you from following this path at all. The lower self may send messages such as,  “I do not believe in it,” or, “It may not be necessary after all,” or “I am too tired,” or “I have no time.”  It is necessary for you to recognize these messages for what they are, and understand where they come from. Use them as a starting point to delve deeper into your soul. Try to see clearly what is really speaking within you when you receive these hidden excuses and pretenses. If you expect this struggle beforehand, you will be able to look and listen and will have a first victory. Also, you will have learned already to some degree the process of uncovering your masks and wrong motives, which will stand you in good stead later on when the lower self will try to obstruct your path by other means. It will simply try to hold on to individual  soul-currents. By then you will already know how to deal with it a little better. Do not just put the superficial excuses aside. Test them, deal with them, examine them.

Many of you are scared of what may come out of your lower self, though you may not be conscious of that fear. It is important to learn to interpret and translate such perhaps vague feelings into concise thoughts. This fear is an important reason why a person shies away from meeting the self.

It is childish to imagine that whatever you do not cherish in you does not exist because you avoid facing it. The lower self is immature and ignorant—its very nature is faults and distortions. So I say to you:  Do not shy away from what is in you!  Many people go to psychiatrists and sometimes suffer a breakdown when they come face to face with their lower self in the course of the treatment. This cannot happen to those of you who know that your lower self is not your ultimate being. 

However, in psychoanalysis the mistaken idea that they are really their lower self can lead people to such self-rejection and self-disgust that they break down. All of you here know that the lower self is merely a temporary layer and does not constitute your entire personality. It is here now to be dealt with, but is not the real you—at least not entirely.

Excerpt Courtesy of The Pathwork Lecture Number 25
~Sovrnty Society

Monday, October 6, 2014

Sovrnty Society Satsanga on Sundays

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Embracing Eternity Exercises with Invitation Power

The Seventh Power of free will is Invitation for the descent of any one of the Flames of the Host which are coupled with your own Father Principle. This is thine command for purification of all past lives and the misqualifications that had taken place during those lifetimes and also this present lifetime.

The Violet Consuming Flame is God's Flame of Pure Divine Love.  It is the Majesty and Authority over everyone and everything. So .. as you invite with conviction and faith .. confidence and consistency each day .. the pure motivation to expand the Kingdom through you .. and in this you are entering into the Paradise Father’s Kingdom. You are quickening your field of density into the field of receptivity .. which is the prior condition before it can become a living field of light everlasting.

Visualize this Violet Consuming Flame passing through your four lower bodies .. mind, emotions, etheric memory body, and physical body. You are intending to cleanse each of these bodies of all  imperfections .. imperfectly vibrating Substance and Energy. You are .. with this power of Invitation .. dissolving and purify .. quickening .. all unnecessary and discordantly qualified substance and energy which you have used in all lives.

Thus, you are creating the space within your soul field to allow God’s immaculately pure Presence to outpour through you without any human interference. You are redeeming all error and "sin" by embracing eternity .. the eternal vibrations of your own divinity.


Concentrate with hour full attention upon your own presiding divinity .. Command with Conviction and the faith trust in knowing your own divinity desires you to apply these seven powers each and every day towards your freedom .. Its freedom .. Consecrate your will to expand into the higher will .. Embrace with an attitude of unconditional acceptance all qualities which arise in you to become purified.

Through this conscious application you become the Self Directive Governing I AM .. the Christos of thine own godhood.

Michael of Nebadon

Self-Confrontation and Purification

You must also recognize the reasons why your lower self turns you away from facing yourself. One reason is that to recognize yourself as imperfect is unpleasant. The other is that the lower self is lazy and never wants to work. Yet it requires work to face what is in you, especially when it comes to facing the unpleasant things. So the first step, my friends, in your decision to walk the path of self-development and purification is to become clear about this. It is the greatest decision a human being can ever make. 

It is the noblest of all fights humanity can ever engage in. But you must do so with open eyes; therefore realize what you ought to expect and what you have to search for. Do not start to search for perfection immediately. This again would be unrealistic because you cannot attain perfection quickly without having spent much time and effort. This search is the first and most important half of the truth of the path. If you proceed well on this part of the path, you have won half the battle already, and even more, my friends!  If you realize this, you will not be discouraged when you are busy on this first half of the work that is necessary. You can reach perfection only by going through your imperfections, not by going around them. You should meditate on this daily until such knowledge becomes part of you and until you are imbued with this truth.

Furthermore, prepare yourself that going on this path does not mean a constant and smooth improvement of yourself and your life conditions. This again is completely unrealistic. It is necessary for you to face the fact that the path is long and that repercussions and times of testing will not cease as quickly as you would like to believe. I might say at this point that a great deal of harm is being done when people are led to understand that by following certain rules of metaphysical teachings their problems will altogether cease, or that if they appear to cease for a time, that will prove a sign of success. 

There are many people who appear to have no outer problems whatsoever. Such people are certainly not on this path. They may be entities of lower development of whom less is expected in this incarnation and who have been given a chance to prove what they can do with an easy life. If they do not do their best now, they will have more difficult times in a future incarnation, perhaps so they can prove themselves. But to imagine that going on this path of purification will immediately lessen your troubles or problems is very immature and childish. Certainly your outer and inner problems will lessen and finally cease, but only after a long time, after you have first thoroughly understood your inner makeup and rearranged your inner currents. In this way you will dissolve inner images that are directly responsible for your conflicts. Once you have attained some victories over yourself you will fully realize this truth, but it will take a long time and years of work. Then very gradually the times of trial will lessen in impact and frequency, as harmony grows in your soul and as you take charge of yourself and become aware of who you are. When I say “aware of yourself,” I mean knowing your lower self utterly and completely, which does not have to mean that you have overcome it completely.

When you start on this path, my friends, you ought to meditate every day before you do anything further. Meditate on the fact that you can expect to find aspects of yourself you may be shocked about. Expect this and meet it halfway instead of hiding and escaping from it. Expect that just as you have had tests before you even started on this direct path, tests will still come your way for quite a time. 

The only difference is that a person who is on the path will, after some successful work, understand that each testing and each time of woe means something very specific. A particular message that there is something quite special to learn about the self is conveyed by each difficult period and every hardship. Only after a considerable time will your mind be trained in this direction so that you will find out faster and faster what the lesson is. The moment you will understand the significance of these periods, this particular testing will cease. As long as you have not understood it, the testing will be there. It may recede after a while, but it will come back in the same or similar form until you have learned the lesson. 

Those who have experienced what it means to understand the message of a particular hardship, to really understand it to its core, will realize what a blessing it is!  Then what I am saying here will not merely be words, but a deep experience.
Excerpt Courtesy of The Pathwork
Sovrnty Society