Thursday, April 4, 2024

Exhilarating Consciousness of Possibilities

Thou children of the One Eternity . . . 

I speak to you of the Plan of Evolutionary Attainment.. the Purpose of these Lifetimes .. the Ennobling Priority bringing forth righteousness and significant meaning for your individual life .. a great Proximity of thine Heart emerges .. and a transcendent Purity is destined to blossom and emerge in its overflowing Joy.

This religiousness of truth and order and harmony hath a precise approach to be lived by you .. a true spiritual religious state of existence which brings forth new meanings to everyday challenges .. and with new meanings arrive an exhilarating consciousness of unconditional acceptance and cosmic understanding .. tolerance and real loving develop for you.

I am come into physicality of form .. and I have established my School of Salvington .. of personal illumination and the progressive ascendancy ..  giving purpose to every personality to embrace ..  that there is a plan to unfold .. a priority to cultivate .. that the possibilities for living a tremendously fulfilling existence are present in the here and now.

Michael Sananda Maitreya 
aka Michael Of Nebadon