Thursday, February 28, 2019

His Sovereign Kingdom

Humanity shall experience interacting with the living network of His Supremacy...the Host of Heaven...and the Order of the Immortal Ones.

My Father shall rule within all; for His spirit shall take up fuller residence in the hearts and minds, and bodies of the children of men.

The power of His Sovereign Kingdom shall be comprised of the establishing of His glory...the living glory of His spirit which presides directly with each living soul and personality.

This living spirit shall teach those receptive minds and will overtake rule within the hearts of the populace of this heavenly kingdom.

The newly-found sons of God shall find themselves walking in a brotherhood of mercy wherein righteousness reigns over all supremely.

Thine civilization shall become righteous and knowledgeable regarding the gift of free will. Peace and acceptance for any differences shall be reinstituted first in the soul of each personality, and then, it will be externalized in all the systems of this world.

Thine race shall be made to evolve and mature in a more unlimited fashion.

His Kingdom and Sovereignty is the fulfillment of all good men and women throughout all time and space within this planetary sphere.

It is the everpresent hope of all and every Kingdom within this Earth.

It will be the completion of a certain octave or frequency wherein all will have a greater ease and chance to graduate and complete their rounds of expression.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

His Everlasting Forgiveness

Good Day thou Emerging Christs of the Universe...

Be thou ever about the business of the Universal Absoluteness.

Carry thine attentions into this holy communion, and allow I and the Father .. Son .. Spirit .. to come alive for thee.

You are each Mine Body and Blood. Ever do I walk with you through all thine misfortunes and misqualifications .. thine conquests for knowing the God of thine hearts, and becoming impressed with his Glory by becoming alike unto the Nameless Infinity of the Father's Life.

I say this unto thee, not everyone will be able to pass through even the very first doorway of greater Life.

Only those personality souls who yield within themselves a deep and mature, sincere and full desire to surrender all and sacrifice all to find  God and enter His Kingdom therein.

The doing and living of His Will is of primary and essential importance.

Thine ability to alter the lifestyle ye have been enmeshed within, and to raise thine self into the eternal embrace for all time can only be accomplished with full determination, consecration, and cooperation in love and agility.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Our Eternity Engagement

Our Eternity Engagement is our Universe Fellowship.

And this Fellowship with the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter reveals me to you.

It causes ethics to bloom in you .. and morals to progress .. even despite those inherent and adverse material-animal tendencies and inclinations. You discover a spiritual power with my spirit .. an augmentation and additional strength conviction and faith trust confidence infusing itself in you.

Michael Of Nebadon

The Outpouring of My Spirit

The outpouring of my spirit effectively prepares all normal minds for intimate relationship with the universal bestowal of the Father’s spirit .. the Adjuster Presence .. upon all mankind.

My Eternity Persona is the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter .. and it is the combined presence and spiritual force of the Universal Father and I.

Our spirit surrounds each personality mind offering guidance and fellowship.

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, February 21, 2019

This Intimate Association

My religious living is built by the acts of faith and grown through the joy of trust in the Universal Father.

Thine faith trust vision opens the Eye of Faith wherein you are transformed; you give all  recognition to the Father Son and Spirit.

Thine inner urge to divine attainment is brought about by that advancing reception of My Spirit .. and by your mind maturities through the ministry of the adjutant spirits of the Mother.

Thine soul trust expands .. encompassing all of your personality .. your will and decisions .. your mind values and meanings.

You are achieving this intimate association .. this joyfulness of assurance that you are becoming conscious of the way of salvation .. cooperative with the technique of the survival of thy personality ..  and all those values which you have come to look upon as being true and beautiful and good are beckoning you forward towards your freedom.

Michael Of Nebadon

I AM the Vine of Life

The world .. it groweth weary of receiving back its own misunderstandings .. it yearneth for deliverance beyond the limitations of immoral immaturity.

I tell you .. I know thee. I watch over thine circumspections of heart. I listen to thine prayerful utterances. You are a race waiting to becometh ennobled by My Spirit of Truth. I guide all civilizations within the pond of My Universal Station.

Know that I giveth thee Instruction. I seek thine raising iIlumination much as I am thine Parent .. the Vine of Life readily distributing to each personality mind and heart the Infinity of existence; for the Life of Trinitarian Origins it passeth through Me on its way to thee.

This is My Station of Service by which God the Sevenfold which I am .. expands his reach into creation .. he creates .. controls all into his Order and Harmony and Happiness. .. he preserveth his creation of which all are members .. he upholds his creation with the scepter of Love and Mercy Eternal.

We have a plan to unfold for thine greater stature .. a task to fulfill .. a rejuvenation of the kingdoms to embark upon...

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Wheat of Chaff

As you learn to separate the wheat of God's Life from the chaff of circumstance .. then shall you transform all things.

The transmuting of thine existence into Absolute love and wisdom and freedom shall occur as you allow the removal of the protective husk from the grain of wheat.

Now .. ye are walking with Me into the Kingdom of the Heavens wherein ye shall discover all stability and security and serenity.

I say unto you that it is each man's privilege so to do for their very freedom.

Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, February 8, 2019

I Am Come to Renew Thine Mind

In every mortal creature there exists a twofold nature of both animal material tendencies and also the higher impulses and inclinations for progressive spirit advancement and soul receptivity .. the Life urge which is daily and hourly bringing you into higher moral decision and the loftier spirit choices.

In the course of your many lifetimes these two simultaneously acting urges are at play .. both operating .. and these two currents can hardly  become harmonized nor fully reconciled and unified unless you submit thyselves to Our Influences.

Yet .. the Spirit of Life ever ministers to each moral creature .. the Father's Life assists each one in gradually subjugating and directing the urges and inclinations of the flesh .. the senses .. and the immediate short-term viewpoints for gratification .. the Father's Sovereignty is seeking always to be quickening and maturing thine carnal inclinations .. eternalizing all of the ephemeral nature .. in becoming more greatly spiritualized .. capable of partaking of the more profound Life .. receptively making you athirst through the sublime leading of our Spirit directions.

Verily, do I say to those personalities who are athirst for righteousness and respect and relationship and reconciliation .. though you shall live your material life in the present limited biological expression .. and even though you cannot escape the temporal body and its incessant needs and all-engrossing demands .. yet, in this higher and divine purpose .. this loftier goal and purity Ideal .. you are daily empowered to awaken and quicken all human urges .. you are increasingly led to conquer thine animal, mechanical, and material nature into the fuller mastery of the Spirit Life.

Thou seekers and aspirants and disciples of The City of Christ Michael . . .

Thou Salvington .. Mine apostles of glory and dignity and grace .. within you exist these diverging forces which humanity has thought to be good and evil .. a conspiracy of opposing currents and powerful earthly momentums .. and simultaneously there dwells My living spiritual force of Comforter Spirit Consciousness .. a combined confederation of triune and divine powers .. Existential, Expressionful, and Experiential Growth Empowerments whose sole purpose is to transmute you towards your deliverance into the Second Birth of Cosmic Citizenship.

I am come to renew thine mind .. to vanquish all doubts .. to strengthen every constructive conviction of faith and trust in you; that you might reach for greatness, and even while stumbling you might persist and persevere and eventually prevail.

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, February 7, 2019

A Transformative Experience

The Experience Of Salvington brings transformative changes to the individual.

Students who enter into Salvington enjoy a sublime stability .. an elevated experience of their existence .. and a wholehearted faith realization in God.

You will be transmuting any unevenness in your personality mind. All imbalances shall dissolve with time and your dedication. You will transform your reactive negative tendencies into patience and neutralizing love, the inclination in the human experience for emotional ups and downs will become harmonized in your mortal existence as the capacities for unconditional love unfold for you.

Salvington strengthens your resolve to persevere with determination; your doubts and the unnecessary mistrust of others will fade away as certainty and security become established in you.

The certainty and safety of God’s goodness and beauty .. his care and guidance .. his unfathomable benevolence shall be made all the more clear for you as you learn and participate with us.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

I Am Come to Be Thine Shepherd

Let Me teach thee of true thankfulness and thine hearts shall gladden with the greatest joy. Forgiveness shall abound and ye shall find that thine moral nature grows and matures into its ripening fruits; the kingdom fruits shall erase all errors and temptations as you art accelerated into the Father's Light and Life.

In these ways shall you become birthed into a new creature with the capacity of receptivity for Truth Eternal.

Begin .. thou child of existence .. begin to acknowledge that all things that you are of goodness, truth, and beauty belong to the Father of thine Heart. He is the giver .. he is the gift .. and he is the receiver of all gifts.

Come forth into this new day with a heart overflowing with rejoicing and comfort; for I have overcome the temptations of the world .. I demonstrate to you the possibilities of God's glory.

The earth does overflow with this glory and honor .. and ye shall become the partaker of it as you learn to give thyself away to Me. As you understand My way of victory .. so then shall you enter the vibratory reality of the kingdom.

I sayeth to those personalities with the impulse for Truth and Life .. slow thyselves and breathe deeply .. and breathe with awareness and consciousness present. Breathe .. open thine chest and heart to relax and reward thineself with My glory which I have been given to extend to all lives; for I am the Universal Vine and you are each Mine branches.

Every answer resides in our engagement of eternity. All solutions for thine struggles shall become known unto thee only as you lay aside the short-term satisfactions, the tendency for immediate gratifications coming from the nature of the world.

See all things from My perspective. Gain Mine insight into the reality which underlies all form, and ye shall discover the brightness of a new day heightening thine spirit sense and expanding thine relationship with Me.

For I am come to be thine Shepherd .. directing thine wits into rational faith and reasonable trusting ways. And upon thee shall come Mine Word of Eternity to cleanse thine heart and resurrect thine personahood into Freedom.

Michael Of Nebadon

Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Living Father hath Residence with Thee

Behold .. the Living Father hath residence with thee .. his body is the Universal Creation.

All are his veritable members. Every portion of the Living One are his nodes of consciousness. They shall discover their receptivity only as they develop their emerging immortal soul; for it is the Soul Vestment that hungers for Truth .. and is readily athirst to follow the Vision of Eternity.

Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, February 1, 2019

The Living One

I arrive upon the very shores of your terrestrial habitat to say ..

Give audience to thine soul taskings .. pay homage to the living One who dwells in thine midst of life.

Thine destinies have an importance beyond your present perceptions.

Michael Of Nebadon

The Experience Of Salvington

The Experience Of Salvington brings transformative changes to the individual.

Students who enter into Salvington enjoy a sublime stability .. an elevated experience of their existence .. and a wholehearted faith realization in God.

You will be transmuting any unevenness in your personality mind. All imbalances shall dissolve with time and your dedication. You will transform your reactive negative tendencies into patience and neutralizing love, the inclination in the human experience for emotional ups and downs will become harmonized in your mortal existence as the capacities for unconditional love unfold for you.

Salvington strengthens your  resolve to persevere with determination; your doubts and the unnecessary mistrust of others will fade away as certainty and security become established in you.

The certainty and safety of God’s goodness and beauty .. his care and guidance .. his unfathomable benevolence shall be made all the more clear for you as you learn and participate with us.

Michael Of Nebadon