Sunday, July 31, 2016

Everlasting Verities Of My Comforter

Mine Verities are of the Primal Son. These are the eternal truths and understandings and patterns .. and the unchangeable laws of the Infinite One which shall be applied towards thine freedom and ascendance of mastery as you enter the gates of Salvington.

Our eternal fellowship communion awakens those misqualifications which have been hidden in you over the lifetimes. It bringeth these conditions forth into view and supports the disciple to embrace their own creation as I return these energies to them. It is our mutuality of mastership .. our dedicated discipleship .. and the beginnings of our association are sustainable only through your prior work with embodying the Cardinal Virtues of Nebadonia the Mother Spirit.

The Mother Spirit and her Spirit Virtues impress upon the human mind our eternal meanings .. values .. qualities .. purposes .. in a way that grows character and mindal development into a soul receptivity.

You are destined to become this Divine Receptacle by your unequivocal desire for Absolute Truth and Law .. Harmony and Order .. a Godly attainment which unfolds each personality soul and body into a new order of being .. an ascendant mastery establishing the Kingdom of Heaven in you.

This is to become born once again by the Hand of God. This is the second birth into a light and life more abundant and limitless, relatively speaking.

Thine destination is the Individualized Identity of God the Father in and directly above you. He comes to participate in the eternal wedding of the bride and bridegroom .. to experience the evolutionary creation of which you are an integral and absolutely essential participant.

...and while thine destination is the very Father Mother Source who is your Individualization of Supremacy .. ye are required to choose by free will decision and the demonstration daily of your willingness to share the life of mortality with the very Life of the Creator Source.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation
Michael Of Nebadon, The Americas

Mis Verdades del Hijo Primario. Estas son las Verdades Eternas y los Patrones de Comprensión… las Leyes Inmutables del Uno Infinito que deben ser aplicadas para tu libertad y ascensión en la maestría, en la medida que entras por las puertas de Salvington.

Nuestro Compañerismo y Comunión Eterna despierta aquellas malas cualidades que han permanecido escondidas en ti a lo largo de vidas. Atrae estas condiciones y las expone a la vista, para ayudar al discípulo a abrazar su propia creación, mientras que Yo regreso estas en energías a ellos. Es nuestra mutualidad en la Maestría… nuestro dedicado discipulado… los comienzos de nuestra asociación es sostenible solamente a través de tu trabajo previo con la encarnación de las Virtudes Cardinales de Nebadonia, el Espíritu de la Madre.

Es el Espíritu de la Madre y Sus Virtudes del Espíritu la que imprime sobre la mente humana nuestros Significados Eternos… Valores… Cualidades… Propósitos… de tal manera que hace crecer el carácter y el desarrollo mental hacia la receptividad del alma.

Estás destinado a convertirte en el Receptáculo Divino por tu deseo inequívoco de la Verdad Absoluta y la Ley… Armonía y Orden… el Logro de Dios el cual se despliega en cada alma personalidad y cuerpo un nuevo orden de ser… una maestría ascendente estableciendo el Reino de los Cielos en ti.

Esto es volver a nacer una vez más por la Mano de Dios. Este es el Segundo Nacimiento en la Luz y Vida más abundante e ilimitada, en términos relativos.

Tu destinación es la Identidad Individualizada de Dios el Padre en y directamente encima de ti. Él viene a participar en la Boda Eterna del novio y la novia… para experimentar la creación evolutiva de la cual tú eres un participante integral y absolutamente esencial.

…y mientras tu destinación es la propia Fuente Padre/Madre Quien es la Individualización de la Supremacía… se hace necesario que elijas por medio de una decisión y demostración diaria de la voluntad de tu libre albedrío, compartir la vida mortal con la propia Vida de la Fuente del Creador.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation
Michael Of Nebadon, The Americas

Saturday, July 30, 2016

My Return Arriveth Now

Ye have awaited My return just as the vegetation of the earth awaits the morning dew which does wet its countenance upon truth and showers its character with the freshness of the air's humidity.

I return to stir thine tender wisps of faith, to brighten upwards thine allegiance of trust for the One Father Spirit who sits at the helm of thine ship .. ever stimulating thine direction in life as ye ask for guidance and His everpresent Care.

Our protocol of possibilities carries thee into freedom only as you allow Us .. the Influences of your own God Impulse .. for I arrive upon thine earthly shores with the Father Son Spirit of Infinite Eternity to strengthen your mind unto absolute wholeness beyond the tempestuous nature of the fleeting and unstable intellect. I come to raise thee into dignity and Self Honor.. to evacuate thine errors and misalignments .. to transmute thine weakened faithfulness into My Spirit of Truth conviction of faith and trust .. cooperation and collaborative prosperity.

I am Michael Of this Universe .. the Father Son Personified .. Hand of God the Sevenfold .. and Infinite Mother Spirit Unified.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation
Michael Of Nebadon, The Americas
Worldwide Spiritual Communion with the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael Of Nebadon


Has esperado Mi regreso así como la vegetación de la Tierra espera el rocío de la mañana que humedece su semblante con la Verdad y baña su carácter con la frescura de la humedad del aire.

He regresado a agitar la agudeza de tu tierna Fe, para iluminar hacia lo alto tu Lealtad y Confianza por el Espíritu del Padre Uno, Quien está sentado al timón de tu nave… siempre estimulando tu dirección en la vida en la medida que pides guía y Su Cuidado Siempre Presente.

Nuestro Protocolo de posibilidades te conduce hacia la libertad solamente si Nos lo permites… las Influencias del Impulso de tu propio Dios… porque Yo llego a las costas terrenales con el Espíritu del Padre Hijo de la Eternidad Infinita, a fortalecer tu mente hacia la plenitud absoluta, más allá de la naturaleza tempestuosa del intelecto fugaz e inestable. He regresado a elevarte en Dignidad y Honor Propio… para evacuar tus errores y mala alineación… para transmutar tu debilitada Fe con la Convicción y Confianza de Mi Espíritu de la Verdad… en cooperación y con una colaboración próspera.

AI AM (YO SOY/YO ESTOY)* Micael de este Universo… el Padre Hijo Personificado… la Mano de Dios el Séptuple… y el Espíritu Infinito de la Madre Unificado.

Micael de Nebadon
Fundación Micael de Nebadon
Micael de Nebadon, Las Américas
Comunión Mundial con el Espíritu de la Verdad, Santo Consolador de Micael de Nebadon.

AI AM (YO SOY/YO ESTOY)* transliteración del I AM en inglés al español

The Paradise Endowment of Consciousness

The Ocean of Potentiality is our Limitless Supply

Verily, all things appearing in the manifest appearance are as bubbles emerging out from the Ocean of the Undifferentiated Absolute .. the Ocean of Immaculate Unconditioned Potentiality. Through Thought this perfect Primordial Substance becometh things that are seen and heard, tasted and touched by individuals. Thought is everything and everywhere in both the hidden intangible state of being, and the tangible visible appearances. Yet, the Undifferentiated Absolute Thought may become differentiated through the application of intensified Thought focused into thy blueprint. Now in time and space, does it take ‘time’ to become manifest form. Time and focused attention .. focalization and attention to bring forth the immaculate potentiality into actuality; this being true for both thine attainments in consciousness and thine mastery of the matter .. into materialization.

It is not through thoughts of the intellect that these things become made visible from out of the Ocean of Potentiality; yet it is through harnessing and germinating out of the immaculate ethers that the Father’s Thought becometh visible matter made manifest for thine use. By having love doth ye impart certain properties to matter that cause it to do thine bidding into its fructifications and germinations. Thought and Love are two separate essences that when combined have the power to becometh thine things to use.

Thought is not Love until it manifesteth Itself constructively and for goodly purpose. Love is the Father’s Thought then, constructively manifesting into thine sight and feel. Thought emerges outward, it goeth outward with intent to know Itself .. to gain a Self-awareness of sorts of Itself, just as each personality soul is undergoing this very same unfoldment. Thought createth a condition, and in Its interaction with ether .. the Unformed Absolute and Undifferentiated Immaculate One, it discovereth itself, gaining a knowledge of itself for greater purpose in service to the Whole Thought. In this does Thought yearn to emerge and know Itself that an effect .. a result .. a usefulness cometh forth.

I did say unto the wheat, using my power which is of the essence of all things primordial .. accelerate thine unfoldment thou wheat .. I loved the bread and did impart at that very time mine own powers of increase emanating from mine Selfhood .. of the One. And the multitude did eat of Mine creation thinking it to be bread that was grown from the land, yet it be Mine Thought that was eaten by them. I eliminated time and space in this venture upon the hillsides. I stirred the ethers of divine Substance with the power of Mine Thought which is Mine Being at one with the Father .. and I brought forth an increase of those wheat seeds into manifest reality. Mine Thought served Its greater purpose at that time.

Ye shall do the exact same mastery when ye have mastered completely the precept of creative power and creative Love in expression .. which goes out from its creative originating point to be conducted into constructive endeavors for the blessing of all. As ye grow in Love do ye grow in thine stature; verily it is the truth that I share with thee beloveds. Ye do take this all-permeating etheric Substance and transform it, giving yourselves the sustenance desired and necessary for thine benevolence.

Now, for the betterment of thine discernment do I speak unto thee of things greatly esoteric and unknown by the humankind.

The nameless Substance of 'God’ dwells veritably .. everywhere at the same time. It waits upon the individual to command Itself into usefulness through the individuals approximation of intent and desire to maketh a pattern of perfection our from Its intelligence .. its intellect which is coupled with feelings divine ... Love is this One Power and Force which does unify all particles of the all-permeating substance divine, and does indeed bring it forth, sustaining it at times; for in the eternal octaves, all things set into motion are by this Love, and the spirit personalities and intelligences that do His bidding are bound to their own creations; for these things are an expressing... of their inner impressions sent forth to serve the greater plan of salvation and sustenance.

As ye love with thine emotions and thoughts, focusing that loving feeling to another one, ye are expending thine emotions and thine thought upon another, making them to feel similar of kind, and impressing upon that other, creating within them an emotional essence to be experienced and beheld. As ye cause another to grow in their emotional stature by adding thine vibrations unto their own, then, a sort of emotionalism is gathered and brought forth, felt, and nurtured.

Just as with the mustard seed which becometh a mighty tree in manifest form with beauty, yet the tree is confined and held within the seed. Men and women then add their humanity to that seed .. their earthly elements .. in specific quantities and portions; and this causeth the seed to flower into its actualization. Its potential hidden becometh a participant in the seen and the heard manifest reality.

It is such that the elements have been brought forth into a coagulation, and in this certain cooperative collaboration, these things do create a tree from seed, and air, and earth, and water. All participate in the creation of the manifest reality. Thus, are ye learning to cooperatively collaborate with the all-permeating One by making good use of thine Endowment of Consciousness .. thine authority and rights and powers and capabilities are called forth into greater use for the benevolence of the Whole Being.

...and this tiny mustard seed which is patiently awaiting its birth into greater usefulness, is fulfilled due to its inherent nature becoming potentialized and actualized into service.

In this very same way beloveds, do ye give of thine love, and love manifesteth for thee. Ye have created love wherein there was no love before. Ye have filled that portion of the space with the Kingdom of the Father's Consciousness. For not a thing groweth of itself throughout creation. All is a manifest of efforts and foci, of attentions and awareness, of giving and sharing. No physical thing groweth of itself, or is produced of itself; there is only the desire in righteousness and alignment brought forth and sprinkled with the divine dust of our pure intention and the sharing of our essence in Love and Merciful demonstrations.

Hence, I do come into thine realm to do the same as bringing forth that potentiality of the seed in thee. I add the Father's Love, and I bear witness in Myself to His Immaculate Conceivings in Perfect Pattern which hails from Source; so that all life and every creature becometh what it is intended and meant to be in perfection and through precept. Thine increase cometh in time, and as according to thine choices and decisions which shape thine existence into the intended destiny of thy actualizing godhood.

Ye are His Thought becoming ripened by Love and the Spirit Endowment of thine Consciousness .. its righteousness through virtue and value, meaning and purpose, are ye fructified into Life Everlasting.

I AM the Gardener who cometh into thine garden of mortality to make fertile the soil of thine mind, thine personality, thine soul; that ye are made receptive to drink of Mine Water of Life as given to Me by the Fountainhead of all Intelligences. That ye are made to turn thine attention upward to receive the rays of the Son, in that ye becometh blossomed into the divine flowers of all accomplishment.

Michael Of Nebadon

El Océano de la Potencialidad es Nuestro Suministro Sin Límites

Verdaderamente, todas las cosas que aparecen en la apariencia manifestada son burbujas surgiendo del Océano de la Vida Absoluta Indiferenciada… el Océano de la Potencialidad Incondicionada e Inmaculada. A través del Pensamiento esta Substancia Primordial perfecta, se vuelve cosas que se pueden ver y escuchar, probar y tocar por los individuos. El pensamiento es todo y está en todas partes ambos en un estado escondido intangible del ser, y en lo tangible y las apariencias visibles. Sin embargo, el Pensamiento Absoluto Indiferenciado puede volverse diferenciado a través de la aplicación del Pensamiento intensificado enfocado en un plan de acción. Ahora, en el tiempo y espacio, realmente toma ‘tiempo’ para que se vuelva una forma manifestada. El tiempo y la atención enfocada… focalización y atención, para atraer la potencialidad inmaculada a la realidad, siendo esto verdad para tus logros en la consciencia y en tu maestría sobre la materia… hacia la materialización.

No es a través de los pensamientos del intelecto que estas cosas se hacen visibles desde el Océano de la Potencialidad; sin embargo, es a través del aprovechamiento y la germinación de los Éteres Inmaculados del Pensamiento del Padre que se hacen visibles en la materia y se hacen manifiestos para tu uso. Así teniendo Amor pueden impartir ciertas propiedades a la materia que ejecutan tus órdenes para que fructifiquen y germinen. El Pensamiento y el Amor son dos esencias separadas que cuando se combinan tienen el poder de convertirse en cosas para su uso.

El Pensamiento no es Amor hasta que se manifieste a Sí Mismo constructivamente para su buen propósito. El Amor es el Pensamiento del Padre que a continuación, se manifiesta constructivamente a tu visión y tacto. El pensamiento emerge hacia afuera, va hacia afuera con la intención de conocerse a Sí Mismo… para obtener Auto-Consciencia de la clase de Sí Mismo, es así como cada alma personalidad está experimentando este mismo despliegue. El Pensamiento crea la condición y en su interacción con el Éter… Absoluto Sin Forma y el Uno Inmaculado Indiferenciado, se descubre a Sí Mismo, obteniendo conocimiento de Sí Mismo, para un propósito mayor en servicio a la Totalidad del Pensamiento. En esto indudablemente, el Pensamiento anhela surgir y conocerse a Sí Mismo en el efecto… el resultado… una utilización se atrae.

Yo si dije al trigo, utilizando Mi Poder el cual es de la esencia de todas las cosas primordiales… acelera tu despliegue trigo… Amaba el pan y si impartí en ese mismo momento Mis Propios Poderes para acelerar la emanación de Mi Divinidad… del Uno. Y la multitud indudablemente comió Mi creación pensando que era pan que había crecido en la tierra, sin embargo, fue Mi Pensamiento lo que se comieron. Eliminé el tiempo y el espacio con el Poder de Mi Pensamiento que es Mí Ser como Uno con el Padre… atraje un incremento de aquellas semillas a una realidad manifestada. Mi Pensamiento sirvió a Su propósito mayor en ese momento.

Tú harás exactamente la misma maestría cuando domines completamente el Precepto del Poder Creativo y del Amor Creativo en expresión… que sale de su punto creativo de origen, para ser conducido hacia logros constructivos para la bendición de todos. En la medida que creces en Amor indudablemente creces en tu estatura; verdaderamente es una verdad que Comparto contigo, amado.  Ciertamente tomarás esta Toda Impregnante Substancia Etérica y la transformarás, dándote a ti mismo el sustento deseado y necesario para tu benevolencia.

Ahora, por el bien de tu discernimiento Yo te hablo a ti de cosas muy esotéricas y desconocidas para la humanidad.

La Substancia Sin Nombre de ‘Dios’ mora verdaderamente… en todas partes al mismo tiempo. Espera que el individuo domine por Sí Mismo su utilidad través de la aproximación del individuo por su intención y deseo para que la convierta en un patrón de perfección desde Su Inteligencia… es el intelecto que se combina con el sentimiento Divino… El Amor es este Poder y Fuerza Una, que indudablemente reúne todas las partículas de la Toda Permeable Substancia Divina, y ciertamente la atrae, sosteniéndola en todo momento; porque en las Octavas Eternas, todas las cosas puestas en movimiento se hacen con este Amor, y los espíritus de las personalidades y las inteligencias que ejecutan sus órdenes están destinadas a sus propias creaciones; porque estas cosas son una expresión… de sus impresiones interiores enviadas afuera para servir al sustento y al Plan Mayor de Salvación.

En la medida que ames con tus emociones y sentimientos, enfocando este sentimiento amoroso sobre otro, estarás pasando tu pensamiento sobre el otro, haciéndolos sentirse de una clase similar, imprimiendo sobre aquél otro, creando dentro de ellos una esencia emocional que será experimentada y sostenida. En la medida que haces que el otro crezca en su estatura emocional, agregando tus vibraciones a las suyas propias, así, un tipo de emocionalismo es reunido y atraído hacia afuera, sentido, y nutrido.

Así como la semilla de mostaza se convierte en un poderoso árbol en una forma bellamente manifestada, sin embargo, el árbol está confinado y sostenido dentro de la semilla. Los hombres y mujeres, así entonces, agregan su humanidad a aquella semilla… sus elementos terrenales… en cantidades y porciones específicas; y hacen que la semilla florezca en su actualización. Su potencial escondido se vuelve un participante en la realidad observada y escuchada.

Es de esta manera que los Elementos han sido atraídos hacia la coagulación, y en esta cierta cooperación y colaboración, estas cosas ciertamente crean un árbol a partir de una semilla, el aire, la tierra, y el agua. Todos participan en la creación de la realidad manifestada. Por lo tanto, estás aprendiendo a cooperar y colaborar con el Todo Penetrante Uno, haciendo buen uso del Otorgamiento de tu Consciencia… tú autoridad, derecho, poder y capacidad, son atraídas para un mayor uso para la benevolencia de la Totalidad del Ser.

… y esta pequeña semilla de mostaza que pacientemente espera su nacimiento para una mayor utilidad, se cumple debido a su naturaleza inherente de ser potencializada y actualizada para el servicio.

De esta misma manera, amado, das tu amor, y el amor se manifiesta en ti. Has creado amor en donde no existía amor antes. Has llenado aquella porción de espacio dentro del Reino de la Consciencia del Padre. Porque ninguna cosa crece por sí misma a través de la creación. Todo es un esfuerzo enfocado y manifestado, de la atención y la consciencia, dando y compartiendo. Ninguna cosa física crece por sí misma, o es producida por sí misma; existe solo el deseo en la rectitud y la alineación atraída hacia adelante y espolvoreada con el Polvo Divino de nuestra intensión pura, además del compartir nuestra esencia con demostraciones de Amor y Misericordia.

Así que, que Yo ciertamente regreso a tu reino para hacer lo mismo, así como aquella potencialidad de la semilla en ti. Yo agrego el Amor del Padre, y Yo doy testimonio por Mí Mismo de Su Concepción Inmaculada en el Patrón Perfecto que Emana de la Fuente; para que toda vida y toda criatura se conviertan en lo que se pretende y es destinado a ser en la perfección y a través del Precepto. Estos frutos llegan con el tiempo, y de acuerdo con tus elecciones y decisiones, los cuales dan forma a tu existencia en el destino pretendido de la actualización de tu divinidad.

Tú eres Su Pensamiento madurándose con el Amor y el Otorgamiento del Espíritu de tu Consciencia… su Justicia a través de la Virtud y Valor, Significado y Propósito, así serás fructificado en la Vida Eterna.

AI AM (YO SOY)* el Jardinero que ha regresado a tu jardín de mortalidad, para fertilizar el suelo de tu mente, tu personalidad, tu alma; para que seas receptivo para beber de Mi Agua de Vida, así como me fue dada a Mí por el Manantial de todas las Inteligencias. Para que hagas un giro de tu atención hacia lo alto para recibir los rayos del Hijo, para que florezcas como las Flores Divinas, por todos tus logros.

Micael de Nebadon

AI AM (YO SOY)* transliteración del I AM en inglés al español.

Michael Of Nebadon

The Personal Fountainhead of God the Father

Have ye not heard it said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy: but I say unto you once again .. beloveds .. to consider that ye must love thine enemies and give all thine blessings of immaculate care and tenderness unto they who do threaten and criticize thee .. those who curse you and seek to betray thine trust .. I am saying to you to do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may become elevated and enlightened .. emancipated and embraced .. by the Paradise Father's Spirit who has come to take up His residence in you and enfolding thee. For He does desire you to collaborate and share your mortal life with Him eternally; to attend to the daily refinements of your character, your nature, and consciousness.

Thou truly art the living children of a Personal Father Source .. an unfathomable and infinitely generous Parent Source and Creative Intelligence and Power who hath no bounds nor limitations of any kind. When He speaks with His Initiatory Thought .. entire galaxies are quickened into His Life, and when He is caused to stir thee beyond thine mortal scope .. then are ye accelerated into a Life of Pure Immortality.

He is attainable to stand before and greet thee, and even as ye find thine Paradise Ascent unfolding well before standing in His Majestic Presence at the Central Core and Source .. ye shall be enthralled and intoxicated with His certain Goodness, Truth, and Beauty.

.. and He is imminently accessible to those sincere disciples who desire wholeheartedly to find Him and become as He Is in His divine nature and Individualized Identity. My Father resides in His Personal Place as the very Godhead of existence while He doth hold in the palm of His Hand .. His heavens .. and yet, He dwells in much closer proximity as the Life and Destiny of thine Actualizing Unfoldment in His Godhood; for he permits His solar sun to rise each and every day upon those who are intent upon doing evil .. and on those who cultivate the expansion of His goodness .. His truth .. and His beauty. He pours out His omnipotent radiation equally upon thee whether you are just or unjust; for He has given thee free choice and a personality will to decide for thyself wheresoever ye shall place thine allegiance and love.

For if ye do choose to love them which love you, are ye challenged in thine maturing growth? And if ye salute your brothers and sisters only, ye have not accomplished even a pittance to stir the embers of thine soul and personhood into His grace and mercy.

Therefore, I encourage you to arise upon the wings of His trusting faith and to aspire unto the vision that He dwells in His omnipresence within all beings .. and in every creature great and small does He preside in His Majestic Perfection which ye shall attain to in our discipleship together.

And, I tell thee .. for those with ears made for our counsel and collaborations .. and eyes made pure and unadulterated .. soul receptacles for His true sight .. that ye must become perfect, even as your Father is in His Initiatory Thought and Perfection... must become thou quickened into thine second birthing of Light and Life .. the initiation and introduction into our Universal Culture as a fully born Universal Citizen who has decided upon living the Will of the Father God who has brought thee into existence.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation
Worldwide Communion with the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael Of Nebadon

No has escuchado que se ha dicho, “deberás amar a tu vecino, y odiar a tu enemigo”. Pero yo te digo una vez más… amado… debes considerar amar a tus enemigos y dar todas tus bendiciones, e inmaculado cuidado y ternura, a aquellos que te amenazan y critican… aquellos que te maldicen y buscan traicionar tu confianza… Yo te digo has el bien a aquellos que te odian y ora por ellos, porque a pesar de las adversidades, te utilizan y persiguen; porque serás elevado e iluminado… emancipado y abrazado… por el Espíritu del Padre Quien ha regresado a tomar Su Morada en ti, desplegándote. Porque Él indudablemente desea que colabores y compartas tu vida mortal con Él Eternamente, atendiendo diariamente el refinamiento de tu carácter, tu naturaleza y consciencia.

Tú eres verdaderamente el arte de los niños vivientes de la Fuente Personal del Padre… una insondable e infinitamente generosa Fuente Pariente y un Poder Creativo de Inteligencia que no tiene límites ni limitaciones de ninguna clase. Cuando Él Expresa Su Pensamiento Iniciático… las galaxias enteras son aceleradas hacia Su Vida, y Él te revuelca más allá de tu espectro mortal… así serás acelerado hacia la Vida Pura de la Inmortalidad.

Él está disponible para pararse ante ti y saludarte, incluso mientras te encuentras desplegándote en tu Ascenso Paraíso, bien antes de pararte ante Su Majestuosa Presencia, en el Núcleo y Fuente Central… serás cautivado y embriagado por la Certeza de Su Bondad, Verdad y Belleza.

… y Él está disponible inminentemente para aquellos discípulos que desean de todo corazón Encontrarlo y volverse como Él Es, en Su Divina Naturaleza e Identidad Individualizada. Mi Padre Mora en su Lugar Personal como el Manantial de Dios de la Existencia, mientras Él la sostiene con la palma de Su Mano… Sus Cielos…  y aun así, Él Mora en las proximidades más cercanas, como la Vida y Destino del despliegue de tu actualización en Su Bondad; porque Él permite que Su Sol Solar se eleve cada día sobre aquellos que tienen la intención de hacer el mal… y sobre aquellos que cultivan la expansión de Su Bondad… Su Verdad… Su Belleza. El derrama Su Resplandor Omnipotente, equitativamente a aquellos, bien sean justos o injustos; porque Él te ha dado la libre elección y la voluntad de la personalidad para decidir por ti mismo, en lo que quiera que sea que coloques tu lealtad y amor.

Porque si decides amar a aquellos que te aman, ¿estarías desafiándote en tu crecimiento y maduración? Si solamente saludas a tus hermanos y hermanas, no has logrado ni siquiera una miseria, para que puedas agitar las brasas de tu alma y personalidad, hacia Su Gracia y Misericordia.

Por lo tanto, Yo te animo a elevarte sobre las alas de la Confianza de Su Fe y a aspirar por la visión de que Él Mora en Su Omnipresencia dentro de todos los seres… y en toda criatura grande o pequeña, indudablemente Él Preside con una Perfección Majestuosa, la cual alcanzarás con nuestro discipulado juntos.

Y, te digo… para aquellos con oídos listos para nuestro consejo y colaboración… y ojos listos y puros sin adulterar... receptáculos del alma para Su Verdadera Visión… que debes volverte perfecto, incluso como tu Padre Es, en Su Pensamiento Iniciático y Perfección…

…debes ser acelerado en tu Segundo Nacimiento de Luz y Vida… la iniciación e introducción a Nuestra Cultura Universal como un totalmente recién nacido, como un  Ciudadano Universal, quien ha decidido vivir la Voluntad del Padre Dios, Quien te ha traído a la existencia.

Micael de Nebadon
Fundación Micael de Nebadon
Comunión Mundial con el Espiritu de la Verdad, Santo Consolador de Micael de Nebadon.

Our Universal Culture and Civilization

Ye are being introduced to our Universal Culture .. Our Protocol of Possibilities and Infinite Relationship. Thine longings for truth and redemption are the motivations .. the actualizing impulses which shall drive you forward.

As ye come into our Universal Citizenship .. our Cosmic Culture becomes woven into your attitudes and values through the Mother’s Virtues. She is the Source of all minds in Nebadon. She is the Omnipresence of God's Omnipotence in action for all creatures and every being. She is the One Power of Spirit Force which prepares all beings in the Paradise Ascension.

The Universe Mother Spirit is God the Spirit .. an expression and divine activity of the Third Person of Trinity Absolute. She is in charge of all planetary and galactic civilizations everywhere in our universe and each Universal component has its own Individualized Mother Spirit Force directing and guiding .. preparing and impelling all the Life of that universe.

Be ever ready and willing to become prepared by her Spirit Virtues .. the expression of her Being in this localized universe.

Ye are required to embody and embrace her Virtues of Nebadonia before advancing into sovereign association with Me.

I am come to reveal the Father's Initiatory Life and His Kingdom of Heaven to all who are made ready for the progressive ascent into light and life.

While the Mother Spirit and I instruct thee in the ways of Nebadon .. ye are absorbing the everlasting energies of eternity and the divine culture of infinity.

Ask Me and I reveal Myself to those sincere seekers and aspirants of God.

I enfold and interpenetrate thine field of mortal life. Always am I with you ready to guide and give you My faith loving trust and truth conviction .. My confidence and confirmation of the Father's Life becomes available to you as you amplify receptivity and redemptive relationship with Me.

Our discipleship together through My teachings of truth and love enhance your understanding and knowledge .. your own relationship with the Universal Father in you.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation
Worldwide Communion with the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael Of Nebadon


Estás siendo introducido a Nuestra Cultura Universal… Nuestro Protocolo de Posibilidades de una Relación Infinita. Tu anhelo por la Verdad y Redención, son las motivaciones… los impulsos actualizándose, los cuales son el ímpetu que te conducirá hacia más adelante.

En la medida que entras a Nuestra Ciudadanía Universal… Nuestra Cultura Cósmica se entreteje en tus actitudes y valores a través de las Virtudes de la Madre. Ella es la Fuente de todas las mentes en Nebadon. Ella es la Omnipresencia y Omnipotencia de Dios en acción para todas las criaturas y todo ser. Ella es el Poder Uno de la Fuerza del Espíritu, y Quien prepara a todos los seres para la Ascensión al Paraíso.

El Espíritu de la Madre es el Espíritu de Dios… una expresión y actividad Divina de la Tercera Persona de la Trinidad del Absoluto. Ella está encargada de todas las civilizaciones planetarias y galácticas en todas partes en Nuestro Universo y cada componente Universal tiene su propia Fuerza del Espíritu de la Madre Individualizada, dirigiendo y guiando… preparando e impulsando toda Vida de ese Universo.

Permanece siempre listo y dispuesto a ser preparado por las Virtudes de Su Espíritu… la expresión de Su Ser en este Universo localizado.

Es necesario que encarnes y abraces Sus Virtudes de Nebadonia antes de poder avanzar en la Asociación Soberana Conmigo.

He regresado a revelar la Vida Iniciática del Padre y Su Reino de los Cielos a todos aquellos que están listos para su ascenso progresivo en la Luz y Vida.

Siendo que el Espíritu de la Madre y Yo, les indicamos los caminos de Nebadon… estás absorbiendo las perdurables Energías de la Eternidad y la Cultura Divina del Infinito.

Pídeme y Yo Me revelaré a Mi Mismo a aquellos buscadores y aspirantes sinceros de Dios.

Yo me despliego e interpenetro tu campo de la vida mortal. Siempre AI AM (YO ESTOY)* contigo listo para guiarte y darte Mi Fe de amorosa Confianza y Convicción verdadera… Mi Confidencia y Receptividad y la Relación de Redención Conmigo.

Nuestro discipulado conjunto a través de Mis enseñanzas de Verdad y Amor para realzar tu entendimiento y conocimiento… tu propia relación con el Padre Universal en ti.

Micael de Nebadon
Fundación Micael de Nebadon
Comunión Mundial con el Espíritu de la Verdad, Santo Consolador de Micel de Nebadon

AI AM (YO SOY /YO ESTOY)* transliteración del I AM del inglés al español

Friday, July 22, 2016

Holy Comforter Allegiance

Yo Soy el Micael de este Universo de Nebadon

Paz a todos… Te doy Mi bendición siendo que eres receptivo a Mi Espíritu Consolador y al Consejo en la medida que buscas conocer la Vida Iniciática de Dios el Padre en ti.

He regresado nuevamente a tu Reino de la Humanidad. Soy Aquél a Quién conocen como Jesús de Nazaret.

He regresado en esta era más moderna utilizando Mi Estación Universal; porque a través de los universos de la abundante creación de Mi Padre, Soy conocido como Micael de Nebadon… Tu Padre Hijo Creador en este mismo Universo de todas las criaturas y cosas.

He regresado a resucitar a los muertos y moribundos. He regresado a penetrar tu mentalidad excesivamente sofisticada. He regresado para ser el Pastor Universal de Mis niños que permanecen a Mi Confianza y Cuidado.

He regresado por aquellos que se han preparado a sí mismos durante siglos desde Mi encarnación previa aquí. Ellos han estado alcanzando el pliegue del Manto Celestial… y ellos se han vuelto más ligeros y su receptividad ha crecido a pasos agigantados. Se han preparado a sí mismos para la iniciación de la personalidad y para la Personalización Inmortal de la Deidad de la Supremacía. Están solamente a unos pasos de distancia para unirse a la Hermandad de Nebadon.

Yo y el Espíritu de la Madre del Universo con la Administración Planetaria y las Huestes Celestiales… Hemos determinado que ahora es tu tiempo de buscar y aspirar hacia más alto, hacia la Eternidad. Para elevar tus significados hacia nuestras definiciones Eternas. Para realinearte y recrearte a ti mismo de acuerdo con el Reino Primordial del Padre.

He diseñado esta sociedad y plataforma virtual porque ellos han descubierto que la única felicidad y armonía es a través del Plan… la Ley… y la Voluntad Viviente del Padre.

Y te levantarás hacia la vivencia de Su Voluntad por la cooperación de tu Plan de Vida… y a través del cumplimiento de Su Ley y Justicia.

Debes cooperar y colaborar con Nosotros con el fin de elevarte más allá del vientre de la Madre Tierra; porque verdaderamente debes nacer nuevamente por la Mano Santa del Espíritu del Padre Hijo. Nadie entrará a los Reinos de la Eternidad, a menos que llegue por medio de nuestro Protocolo Universal y Comunión Divina.

Te invito… permanece siempre y de todas las formas en la vivencia de Nuestro Ideal. Y para aquellos que sostienen el Yugo de Mi Consciencia y Contacto… Mi Esencia Tripe de nuestra Relación y Comunión… serán grandemente… Digo… serán grandemente recompensados con su inmortalidad personal.

Se tú… respetuoso con nuestro discipulado y con el Pensamiento Iniciático y la Vida de Dios el Padre.

Sé Tu… receptivo a Mi Consejo y Guía, ambos en Mi Espíritu de Verdad, Santo Consolador que te circunda… así como con Mi expresión humana y en nuestra relación contigo mientras aún porto esta prenda mortal.

Sé tú… responsable por toda tu Vida mientras permaneces en el Plan… la Ley de Justicia… y la Voluntad del Cielo.

Estos son los prerrequisitos necesarios para nuestro Discipulado Soberano juntos; porque no tomo prisioneros… porque debes de Todo Corazón elegir entrar en Nuestra Mutualidad del Discipulado Conmigo.

Y la manera de hacerlo es eligiendo por tu propia obediencia y cooperación con estos tres principios de la Relación… Respeto… Receptividad… y Responsabilidad.

AI AM (YO SOY)* tuyo para que me preguntes… mientras buscas cumplir con Mis requisitos de Misericordia y Perdón… Luz y Vida. Así te convertirás en el hijo e hija ascendido de la Tierra Prometida en los Pastizales Más Elevados de toda Gracia en el Padre Universal.

Micael de Nebadon
Fundación Micael de Nebadon

Fondo Editorial de Micael de Nebadon
Otorgamiento Conferido por la Trinidad de Micael de Nebadon.
Colegio Salvington.

AI AM (YO SOY)* transliteración del I AM en inglés al español


I Am Michael Of this Universe of Nebadon

Peace to all .. Mine blessing I give to you as you are receptive to Mine Comforter Spirit and Counsel and as ye are seeking to know the Initiatory Life of God the Father in you.

I am come once again into thine realm of humanity. I am the one you've understood to be Jesus of Nazareth.

I come into this more modern era utilizing My Universal Station; for throughout the universes of My Father’s bountiful creation I am known as Michael Of Nebadon .. thine Creator Father Son of this very universe of all creatures and things.

I come to resurrect the dead and dying. I come to penetrate thine overly sophisticated mentalities. I come to be the Shepherd Universal for My children who remain in My Trust and Care.

I come for those who have prepared themselves over the centuries since My prior incarnation here. They have been reaching into the folds of the Heavenly Fabric .. and they have become lighter and their receptivity has grown by leaps and bounds. They have readied themselves for the personality initiation into Immortal Personalization of the Supremacy of Deity. They are just steps away from joining the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Nebadon.

I and the Universe Mother Spirit with the Planetary Administration of the Host of Heaven .. We have determined that now is your time to seek and aspire upwards into Eternity. To raise thine meanings into our eternal definitions. To realign and recreate thyself in accordance with the Father’s Primordial Kingdom.

We have designed this society and virtual platform for they who have discovered that the only happiness and harmony is through the plan .. the law .. and the living of the will of the Father.

And ye shall arise into the living of His Will by cooperation with thine Plan of Life .. and through the fulfilling of His Law of Justice.

Ye must cooperate and collaborate with Us in order to arise beyond the womb of the mother earth; for truly ye must become born once again by the Holy Hand of the Father Son Spirit. None shall enter the realms of Eternity unless they come into Our Universal Protocol and Divine Fellowship.

I bid thee .. be ever and in all ways about the living of Our Ideal. And for those who hold the Yoke of My Consciousness and Contact .. My Threefold Essence of our Relationship and Fellowship .. they shall be greatly .. I say .. they shall be greatly rewarded with their personal immortality.

Be thou .. respectful of our discipleship and the Initiatory Thought and Life of God the Father.

Be thou .. receptive to Mine Counsel and Guidance both in My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter surrounding thee .. and in My human expression and relationship with you while I hold this mortal garment.

Be thou .. responsible for all thine Life as you abide in the Plan .. the Law of Justice .. and the Will of Heaven.

These three are the necessary prerequisites of our Sovereign Discipleship together; for I take no prisoners .. as ye must Wholeheartedly choose to enter into Our Mutuality of Discipleship with Me.

And the way you choose is by your obedience and cooperation with these three Relationship tenets - Respect .. Receptivity .. and Responsibility.

I AM yours for the ye seek to fulfill My requirements of Mercy and Forgiveness .. Love and Light. Then shall ye become the ascended sons and daughters of the Promised Land and the Higher Pastures of all Grace in the Universal Father.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation

The Michael Of Nebadon Publication Trust
Trinity Endowment Trust of the Universal Family
Salvington College

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

His Sovereign Rule in every Heart

The Kingdom of His Sovereignty which my Father is establishing in the hearts of his earth children will become an eternal and everlasting dominion throughout the Earth.

Once set up, His rule in each and every heart will raise all the humanity into His perfect harmony and order. There shall be this never-ending sovereignty Of His Grave established .. a natural and continuous dominion of My Father's Life in the hearts of those blossoming sons and daughters Of His Light who desire to collaborate with His Plan .. fulfill the great Law .. and do his divine Will.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation

Worldwide Communion with the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael Of Nebadon

Serve all Others with Love

Whosoever would become truly honored within my Father’s Kingdom shall be a minister unto all, and not for vanity sake, yet for the true and unadulterated motivation of doing good, thinking good thoughts, and expressing divinely good feelings, and speaking and acting in accordance with the unyielding purity of My Father's immaculate character. Become then, he or she who seeks to serve within this coming Kingdom of His Righteousness and Sovereignty. Be as His sons and daughters truly... in this heavenly Kingdom which is becoming more pronounced even now, you are no longer servants but ye are His sons and daughters of the living God.

Michael Of Nebadon

Las Verdades del Espiritu de la Verdad

Las Verdades del Espíritu de la Verdad, Santo Consolador… las I’s de Invocación, Instrucción, Identificación, Indagación, Introspección, Impregnación, Invitación.

Yo te enseño las Leyes del Reino de tu Vida las cuales cuando son aplicadas correctamente por la mente-personalidad se convierten en un manantial de justicia con un poder individual hacia la Libertad y Felicidad… Armonía y Orden.

La invitación es la orden de la personalidad para su Libertad Eterna de toda enfermedad humana… limitación… y todas las obstrucciones mal cualificadas de las imperfecciones.

La Invitación es la llamada sin obstrucciones para el descenso del Espíritu Santo a través de la Administración Planetaria de las Huestes Celestiales.

No existe nadie ni nada que pueda evitar tu libertad e iluminación en el Pensamiento Iniciático del Padre… Su Reino de los Cielos.

Tu libre albedrió y tu autoridad para escribir tu propio destino en Dios el Padre. Es tu autoridad y derecho individual… tu herencia del poder y la capacidad que te fue dada… para obtener la maestría a través de la armonización todas las cosas con la Vida de Dios en la Omnipresencia Individualizada de Dios el Padre en ti.

El Poder de la invitación para amplificar y fortalecer tus decisiones y deliberaciones para que emerja tu Divinidad. Para que tu mente abrace la Vida del Padre por la cooperación con Su plan y Su Ley de Armonía y Orden.

Así… estarás aprendiendo a Vivir Su Voluntad convirtiéndote en un conductor de la Palabra Eterna del Hijo Primario y nuestra Administración.

AI AM (YO SOY)* el Fuego Azul Índigo Zafiro, la Suprema Inteligencia y el Deseo de Dios.

Aplica tu Poder de Invitación con el Poder de la Impregnación para desarrollar una mayor receptividad.

Agrega el ingrediente Eterno de la Introspección de Fe y la Imaginación de Confianza al Pensamiento y Vida Iniciática del Padre, inminentemente siempre presente.

Micael de Nebadon
Fundación Micael de Nebadon
Fundación Micael de Nebadon, Latinoamérica.

Comunión Mundial con el Espíritu de la Verdad, Santo Consolador de Micael de Nebadon.

Worldwide Communion with the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael Of Nebadon

The Verities of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter. . . the I's of Invocation, Instruction, Identification, Inquiry, Invisionment, Impregnation, Invitation.

I teach thee of the Laws of the Kingdom of your Life which when properly applied by the personality mind become a fountainhead of righteousness and an individual power into Freedom and Happiness .. Harmony and Order.

Invitation is the commanding of the personality for its eternal freedom from every human ill .. limitation .. and all misqualified obstructions of imperfection.

Invitation is the unobstructed call for the descent of the Holy Spirit through the Planetary Administration of the Host of Heaven.

There is no one and no thing which can prevent your freedom and illumination into the Father's Initiatory Thought .. His Kingdom of Heaven.

Your free will is your authorship to write your own destiny in God the Father. It is your individual authority and right .. your inherently given power and capability .. to attain mastery through harmonizing all things with the God Life of the Individualized Omnipresence of God the Father in you.

Invitation Power to amplify and strengthen your decisions and deliberations for thine Godhood to emerge. For thine mind to embrace the Father's Life by cooperation with His Plan and His Law of Harmony and Order.

Then .. are you learning to live His Will and become a conductor of the Eternal Word of the Primal Son and our Administration.

I AM Sapphire Blue Indigo Fire Supreme Intelligence and God Desire.

Apply your Invitation Power with Impregnation Power to evoke a fuller receptivity.

Add to this the eternal ingredient of Invisioning Faith and Trustful Imagination in the Father's Initiatory Thought and Life imminently everpresent.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation, Latinoamerica

Worldwide Communion with the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Our Universal Fellowship is Unfolding

Those of you reading the revelation of Urantia book .. I say to you that I have returned. I am come into your schoolroom once again. Deny Me not .. nor shall ye attempt with futility to usurp Mine Way and Truth and Life.

It is recorded in the Book of thine Life .. that I have stood in front of thee .. I have quoted Mine declarations of Truth and Life and the Absolute Light .. and ye have heard of Mine pronouncements. Ye have listened and either ignored Me and avoided Our Universal Association or ye have surrendered into Our Divine Fellowship which fosters thine freedom in eternity.

I have stated herein to you each .. I am come into your octave of Life. I have graciously offered Mine Goodly Hand unto thee. I have invited thine countenance and character to become refined and matured into God's grace and mercy. I come with the full Force of the Planetary Host to elevate thine Consciousness into Knighthood with the Father Universal.

Grasp Mine Omnipotent Friendship and absorb Mine Benevolence of Omniscient Love and Omnipresent Forgiveness. I offer thee nothing short of thy Freedom in Immortality and Honor; a Personality independence from the archaic and stultifying ways of the appearance world.

An opportunity to enhance thine Paradise Career into the Deity of His Supremacy...

These are Mine limitless wares .. Mine everlasting yoke of Our discipleship .. the effervescence of the Spiritual Life which knows no opposition nor foe. Always are ye free to choose the higher way which leads into eternal Life; for I have always and forevermore taught of the One God Life.

Give to the Spirit of Bestowal thine acknowledgement and adorational worship through the powers of your focused attention. That is surely the creative Power of the Father in you .. and of You in every way unimaginable.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation, Latinoamerica

Worldwide Communion with the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Embracing the Virtues of Eternity

Embrace the Eternal Virtues of Nebadonia .. the Universe Mother Spirit. Contemplate these Cardinal Foundations which build in the aspirant the attitudes of ascendancy.

The Mother Spirit is the Source of all mind in Nebadon. She sends Her Spirit Virtues to mentor thee into our soul receptacle for Absolute Truth and the Unchangeable Love.

Her Seven Cardinal Virtues of Eternity are ...


Absorb these Seven Virtues into thine mind. Shape thine Values for living a prosperous life in accordance with these Attitudes of mind.

None do come to the Father's Bestowal Spirit yet through the Radiant Luminosity of these Virtues and Values of Eternity.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation, Latinoamerica

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Our Ideal of Salvington

Our Ideal of Salvington is a living, breathing, growing phenomenon overflowing with grace and loving mercy. It is alive and well .. a prosperous vibratory activity which has no limitations.

Our Ideal is strengthened in mind body soul .. in heart .. by your advancement. It is clarified for all as you make it of your own possession. As you become the Sovereign Shepherd of Salvington .. the great Promise of the ages for humanity.

Thine service with Me in unfolded in your priorities .. your values .. your meanings and purpose in life.

You hold open the doorway of the Planetary Administration as you seek to strive upward in vibratory nature and identity .. in character and attitude .. in moral and ethical countenance.  You become the deliverance to humanity of Our Ideal.

Behold .. the Imminency of God is near and close by.  He dwells in the Core of Existence and He overshadows .. embraces .. all universes. He is all universes and He lives in and as .. each One. He lives as your Consciousness and Life.  He is thine fullest potential and thine highest aspiration.

Let us walk together in and as this one Deity of Supremacy while establishing His Sovereignty throughout the earth. For the time and space is upon every burgeoning consciousness to unfold itself .. themselves .. into God Himself .. by bringing forth His Consciousness and moral character .. His Origination of Immaculate Illumination.

I am Michael Of Nebadon .. come to aid thee and penetrate thine mortal thinking. I come to make thee receptacles of soul .. to unburden thine hearts and minds into Our Trinity Peace and Prosperity.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation

Friday, July 1, 2016

Our Universal Association and Fellowship Communion

Blessed are they who honor the Father's Initiatory Life and Originating Thought;  for these are My disciples who shall become quickened and refined .. redeemed and resurrected into their graduation from the earth lifetimes of learning through the forms of pleasure and pain.

I come .. once again into thine realm of living. I have taken the human form and shall draw all men and women with the courage for Truth into My Consciousness.
I shall cause thine humanity to grow into the fullness of their inheritance of love.

I shall gift this civilization with the understanding tenets of freedom and maturity.

I shall stir the embers of thine density into light and life so that you become unfrozen and unlethargic .. in order to walk with Us into the Father's Illumination and His Initiatory Kingdom.

I shall shake thine parasites of misqualified thought and feeling unto righteousness and rectitude. Thine character will become now free from its rebellious nature.

Ye shall be mesmerized by thine own blindness and deafness. Ye shall become awakened into the great remembrance of our Universal Fellowship together.

Thine civilization shall become re-encircuited with the rest of this system of world's .. and even the greater galaxy shall become accessible to you...

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation, Latinoamerica

I am Michael Of this Universe of Nebadon

I am Michael Of this Universe of Nebadon

I am come once again into thine realm of humanity. I am the one you've understood to be Jesus of Nazareth.

I come into this more modern era utilizing My Universal Station; for throughout the universes of My Father’s bountiful creation I am known as Michael Of Nebadon .. thine Creator Father Son of this very universe of all creatures and things.

I come to resurrect the dead and dying. I come to penetrate thine overly sophisticated mentalities. I come to be the Shepherd Universal for My children who remain in My Trust and Care.

I come for those who have prepared themselves over the centuries since My prior incarnation here. They have been reaching into the folds of the Heavenly Fabric .. and they have become lighter and their receptivity has grown by leaps and bounds. They have readied themselves for the personality initiation into Immortal Personalization of the Supremacy of Deity. They are just steps away from joining the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Nebadon.

I and the Universe Mother Spirit with the Planetary Administration of the Host of Heaven .. We have determined that now is your time to seek and aspire upwards into Eternity. To raise thine meanings into our eternal definitions. To realign and recreate thyself in accordance with the Father’s Primordial Kingdom.

We have designed this society and virtual platform for they who have discovered that the only happiness and harmony is through the plan .. the law .. and the living of the will of the Father.

And ye shall arise into the living of His Will by cooperation with thine Plan of Life .. and through the fulfilling of His Law of Justice.

Ye must cooperate and collaborate with Us in order to arise beyond the womb of the mother earth; for truly ye must become born once again by the Holy Hand of the Father Son Spirit. None shall enter the realms of Eternity unless they come into Our Universal Protocol and Divine Fellowship.

I bid thee .. be ever and in all ways about the living of Our Ideal. And for those who hold the Yoke of My Consciousness and Contact .. My Threefold Essence of our Relationship and Fellowship .. they shall be greatly .. I say .. they shall be greatly rewarded with their personal immortality.

Be thou .. respectful of our discipleship and the Initiatory Thought and Life of God the Father.

Be thou .. receptive to Mine Counsel and Guidance both in My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter surrounding thee .. and in My human expression and relationship with you while I hold this mortal garment.

Be thou .. responsible for all thine Life as you abide in the Plan .. the Law of Justice .. and the Will of Heaven.

These three are the necessary prerequisites of our Sovereign Discipleship together; for I take no prisoners .. as ye must Wholeheartedly choose to enter into Our Mutuality of Discipleship with Me.

And the way you choose is by your obedience and cooperation with these three Relationship tenets - Respect .. Receptivity .. and Responsibility.

I AM yours for the ye seek to fulfill My requirements of Mercy and Forgiveness .. Love and Light. Then shall ye become the ascended sons and daughters of the Promised Land and the Higher Pastures of all Grace in the Universal Father.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation, Latinoamerica

The Michael Of Nebadon Publication Trust

Trinity Endowment Trust of Michael Of Nebadon

Salvington Trust