Friday, November 29, 2019

Greater Proportions of Life

Perceive ye, beloved, that the thoughts of thine hearts are as manna for thine souls; for he who lives in thee is greater that he and she who liveth in the world of appearances.

As ye seek to give up thine little selfhood, so shall you discover the Eternal Selfhood  which shall carry you forth into closer proximity to Life.

As ye asketh of Me for that greater portion of Life, so shall you receive the greater investiture of Life .. only as ye have prepared a place by your adherence to reverence,  responsibility, recognition, relationship, revelation, and receptivity .. as ye asketh, wisdom cometh .. love emerges with capabilities divine .. and as ye seeketh for knowledge of the Absolute beyond thine own mortal preoccupations .. so shall God Insight arriveth .. God Perceptions emerge .. God Fortitude groweth .. upon thine doorstep. 

Thus, are ye fed by the bread of Life which cometh unto thee from the great streams of Intelligence and Love and Everlasting Power.

We have a profoundly beautiful partnership waiting to unfurl its awareness. Our covenant engagement brings forth all Supreme Potentialities into Christ Actuality.

Hence, ye art athirst for righteousness and purpose .. vision and verity. Thine thirst does plague thee; it is an emptiness inside of you that shall not be fulfilled by ephemeral crafts and temporal strategies and their perplexities. 

I sayeth unto the ones with understanding of their prerogatives of personhood .. they who art courageous to penetrate the veils of the little selfhood .. greater works hath man to achieve .. greater leagues hath man to run forth towards .. in that ye might bend to the yoke of your Universe Career with the appropriate quotient of humility and dexterity and childlike openness .. that ye shall becometh arisen into thine Citizenship in the Cosmos.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

My God Intimacy Communion

My God Intimacy Communion 

Indwelling Adjuster Life I AM

Person of the Universal Father

Person of the Everlasting Mother Son

Person of the Infinite Spirit 

Seventh Master Spirit

Universe Mother Spirit 

We bow down in wholehearted Devotion and Worship unto You

We bring ourselves forth unto thy Glory and Power

We are Loyal Unconditionally to You

Expand thy Life of Perfection 

Enlarge conceptualizations of Deity, Divinity, and Reality.

Experientialize and Actualize  the Progressive Ascendancy of Mortal Personhood.

Enliven and Advance Understandings of Truth, Love, and Vision.

Eternalize Mortal Values, Virtues, and Vision.

Evolutionize Eternal Verities, Volitional Attitudes of Mind and Will and Personhood.

Ennoble and Develop Personality Soul Perspectives and Cosmic Achievements of Personality.

Enhance Spiritual Perceptions and Engraven Truth Discernment.

Expand Universal Consciousness and Mature Cosmic Awareness.

The advent of ascendancy which I and the Universe Mother Spirit are initiating upon this earth shall stir into all truth and love the religious challenge of this millennial age. Your present cultural civilization with its values, virtues, and vision shall become ignited in the pursuit of intimate recognition, realization and revelation, reverence and respect, revelation and receptivity of the One Infinite and Eternal Parenthood of Life. 

It shall become a planetary initiation of those soul visionaries who taste the new ennoblement through their farseeing and forward-looking soul attainments .. and these very courageous men and women shall become inspired and enthralled with a renewal of mind and soul conviction for truth .. a spirit perception shall flourish in the minds and hearts of the race .. personality shall be enlivened with the righteousness necessary as a framework of character for spiritual insight to grow and ripen. 

These individuals will discover a new confidence essential in constructing the universal culture upon this earth .. a newly invigorating and truth-bearing engagement with the living circuitry of Trinitarian Origins ..  an approachable philosophy of living which is driven by those inherently and rightfully developing urges and impulses for order, harmony, progression, and advancement which shall allow to unfold the more cosmic viewpoint of an enlarged and unified .. exquisitely integrated and awakened conceiving of our everlasting cosmic truth which wavers not .. our universal beauty which transforms and transfigures .. and our understanding knowledge that the One Father Mother of Existence is infinitely personal, never-endingly caring, tenderly sustaining, and expressive always of his immeasurable divine goodness.

Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, November 22, 2019

God Intimacy

God Intimacy with the imminent Life of existence is the true aim of all your lifetimes.

God Intimacy with the Kingdom Powers of your free will brings freedom and advancement into our Universe.

Always are you sustained by the Life of existence.

Always is this One Life preparing thee for the future destiny by bringing all your viewpoints into the moment.

Faith Invisualization opens the eye of the Christos. 

Faith Invisualization and Trusting Imagination and a Relationship of God Reliance .. these do blossom in you with your desire for Life .. growing thine true spirit  sight .. opening thine everpotent heart .. building upwards thine personality character.

Insight .. divine insight ..  emerges through the activity of thine indwelling divinity Life, the Life of God who lives in your midst and who seeks the eternalizing of every meaning and value. 

True faith is unconditional and absolutely trusting .. and becomes unconquerable in your God ascent unto righteousness and revelation .. receptivity and reciprocity. Religious relationship and the eventual realization of the One Reality awakens as you live Godward.

Faithfulness shall mature all thine emotional sentiments .. heightening thine perceptions .. spiritizing thine meanings and understandings .. emboldening thine viewpoints .. elevating  every thought towards the greater Perfection.

Intellectual mind hath its appropriate expression, yet it is merely the outermost mind .. the most peripheral status of Intelligence. 

Pure Godly Intelligence  is the product of a wholly personal and purely spiritual faith and trust reliance which carries you inward beyond the  superficialities of the world of ephemerality.

God Is. His Primary Power is the One and the Only Intelligence and Love and Reality  that every personality may partake of .. as you live with reverence and responsibility .. as ye choose truthfulness and act with humbling  vulnerability .. in growing your personal relationship with one another, and with the Life in thee.

Certainty and Strength and Stability and Security and Sovereignty .. all do seek to become yours .. the true possession of a life lived in accordance with Eternity. 

These attributes and spirit attainments are your destiny to  establish .. these are the fruitful attributes of divinity which shall becometh your possession and your expression and experience .. as you learn to focus mind into Truth and Reality .. as you discipline thine choices towards truthfulness and then, Truth and the merits of Unconditional Love.

For it is the Everlasting Will of the Universal Father in his heavenly residence .. that every evolutionary creature perfect themselves in this great daily exchanging of mortality into Immortality .. darkness into Light .. falsehood into Truth.

I am come to expand your understandings and ennoble your drives and urges toward Freedom in the Life of God the Father's Life.

Michael Of Nebadon
Christ Michael Planetary Initiatives

Monday, November 18, 2019

Your Cosmic Prerogatives of Personality

All is evolution occurring in every kingdom, and each individual hath many opportunities over centuries of lifetimes to ripen their personality nature .. to mature and grow their character attributes .. to ennoble their senses and desires .. to eternalize their meanings of understanding life .. to spiritize their life values unto Trinitarian Glory .. to decide to live the Cardinal virtues of Eternity .. to  become eternalized in the Will of the Universal Father God ..  to ignite their hunger for Absoluteness of Truth and that portion of Infinity living within themselves .. to blend and share and merge with the Universal First Person of Infinity who has given his gift of Life to each morally-centric and ethically capable personhood.

Regardless of one's chosen religious persuasions, I am come again to help each individual bring to birthing actualization their latent potencies .. to enlarge their conceptualizations of purpose and priorities in the One Deity Infinite .. to be in their uniqueness and authenticity and genuineness .. to evolutionize themselves into Our long-term vision and plan of salvation by the Progressive Ascendancy of Personality and Soul .. and to make their lives an emulation of all goodness, truth, and beauty in their soul prerogatives and everlasting duty to serve by extending Life .. expanding Life .. enlivening themselves  into God's Immaculate  Life by delivering their mortal existence, expression, and experience into our Universality .. Eternality .. Infinity in the grand Initiatives necessary for the  accomplishment of their Cosmic Citizenship.

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Righteousness Delivers You

Righteousness brings forth in thee a higher  truthfulness .. a safety in becoming the vulnerability of tenderness .. and in this soil of glory for the human .. transparency blossoms.

Righteousness is thine towering and dominant character trait allowing your entrance into the Kingdom of the Universes.

Our association is the deliverance power of the Universes...

As you becometh a childlike personality with openness and awe, wonder and cooperation, so shall you be delivered by Mine Universal Hand of Mercy.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Las Corrientes Fluyan

Uno puede hacer que las corrientes fluyan desde rocas pedernales ... puede provocar tormentas a voluntad ... puede contener vientos tempestuosos ... puede curar a los enfermos y resucitar a los muertos, y, sin embargo, no ser enviado desde Dios el Padre.

El hijo del hombre entra a vuestro medio como un narciso que brota a sus pétalos ... espontáneamente y de acuerdo con los caminos del cielo ... y Yo he venido ... vuestro Señor vuestro Dios de este universo de criaturas y cosas ... para abriros de par en par las avenidas de la ascendencia para que cada alma de personalidad comience su ascenso a la Vida del Reino del Padre que habita en cada una.

Michael Of Nebadon

One may cause the streams to flow from flinty rocks .. may usher in storms at will .. may hold off tempestuous winds .. may heal the sick and raise the dead, and yet, not be sent from God the Father.

The son of man enters into thine midst as a daffodil sprouts its petals .. spontaneously and in accordance with the ways of heaven .. and I have come .. thine Lord thy God of this very universe of creatures and things .. to open wide the avenues of ascendancy for every personality soul to begin their ascent to the Life of the Father's Kingdom who dwells in each one.

Michael Of Nebadon

Fraternos de Mi Corazón

Fraternos de Mi Corazón Universal de Rectitud y Reverencia ...

El pensamiento es todo. El Padre Universal es la Fuente y el Centro Infinito de todo Pensamiento. Ilimitado e Insondable en su gloria.

Su indescriptible Poder de Pensamiento trae al nacimiento galaxias y civilizaciones y personalidad individual.

El pensamiento es cómo habéis sido concebidos, y éste es el diseño por el cual avanzaréis en nuestro Universo.

Vosotros estáis creados con una naturaleza humana que hereda este Poder del Pensamiento y Capacidad Divina; porque el pensamiento, acoplado con el sentimiento, produce formas de pensamiento tangibles.

Y a medida que  os aventuráis a alinearos con la Voluntad del Absoluto Universal, entonces todas vuestras manifestaciones serán un honor y un tributo a la Primera Persona de la Existencia ... la Fuente Infinita y el Centro de Eternidad.

Mis iniciativas planetarias reorganizarán todas las cosas para cada vida que evolucione en esta tierra.

Vuestro crecimiento estará impregnado de un impulso recién motivado de verdad y avance y amor incondicional ... emerge una consciencia en cada corazón receptivo que traerá un despertar a las necesidades legítimas ... un impulso proveniente de vosotros mismos estimulará esta crianza en el discernimiento de significados para vuestra vida ... y el deseo estimulante madurará en vosotros para descubrir los valores eternos de los universos; porque estas actualizaciones harán que se desarrolle en Mis apóstoles una renovación de toda vuestra personalidad para el Christos Universal.

Michael of Nebadon

Fellows of My Universal Heart of Righteousness and Reverence...

Thought is all. The Universal Father is the Source and Infinity Center of all Thought .. Unlimited and Unfathomable in his glory. 

His Indescribable Power of Thought brings into birth galaxies and civilizations and individual personhood.

Thought is how you've been conceived, and it is the design by which ye shall advance in our Universe.

You are created with a human nature inheriting this Thought Power and Divine Capacity; for Thought coupled with feeling produces tangible thought forms. 

And as you venture to align with the Will of the Universal Absoluteness, so shall all your manifestations be an honor and a tribute to the First Person of Existence .. the Infinite Source and Eternity Center.

My Planetary Initiatives shall rearrange all things for every life evolving upon this earth. 

Thine growth shall be impregnated with a newly motivated urge for truth and advancement and  unconditional love .. an awareness emerges in every receptive heart that shall bring an awakening to rightful needs .. an impulse coming from within thyselves shall stimulate this nurturing in the discernment of meanings for thine life .. and the exhilarating desire shall mature in you to discover the everlasting values of the Universes; for these actualizations shall cause to unfold in My apostles a renewal of their entire personhood unto the Universal Christos.

Michael of Nebadon

Fellows of My Universal Heart

Fellows of My Universal Heart of Righteousness and Reverence...

Thought is all. The Universal Father is the Source and Infinity Center of all Thought .. Unlimited and Unfathomable in his glory. 

His Indescribable Power of Thought brings into birth galaxies and civilizations and individual personhood.

Thought is how you've been conceived, and it is the design by which ye shall advance in our Universe.

You are created with a human nature inheriting this Thought Power and Divine Capacity; for Thought coupled with feeling produces tangible thought forms. 

And as you venture to align with the Will of the Universal Absoluteness, so shall all your manifestations be an honor and a tribute to the First Person of Existence .. the Infinite Source and Eternity Center.

My Planetary Initiatives shall rearrange all things for every life evolving upon this earth. 

Thine growth shall be impregnated with a newly motivated urge for truth and advancement and  unconditional love .. an awareness emerges in every receptive heart that shall bring an awakening to rightful needs .. an impulse coming from within thyselves shall stimulate this nurturing in the discernment of meanings for thine life .. and the exhilarating desire shall mature in you to discover the everlasting values of the Universes; for these actualizations shall cause to unfold in My apostles a renewal of their entire personhood unto the Universal Christos.

Michael of Nebadon

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Knoweth Me

You believe .. for you have read and studied and pondered Mine Word .. you have heard Me speak .. you have seen and engaged with Me. 

Blessed are the ones in the epochs to come who will believe My Instructional Precepts .. and yet, they have not seen with the eye of flesh nor have they heard with the mortal ear.

Michael Of Nebadon

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Salvington Heals and Blesses and Prospers You

Allow faith to reveal thine holy light to the world.

Permit this extension of the Father's Life.

Let My revelations of truth and justice and order open all eyes which have been blinded by tradition.

Showeth thine loving service with such brightness and gentility that it shall effectually cleanse from the race all prejudice engendered by opinions, misqualifications, erroneous perceptions, and ill-gotten conceivings.

Stand in truth by beginning your ascent with truthfulness, vulnerability, and  transparency.

And as ye walk upright so shall ignorance becometh evaporated as though it never existed. 

Draw closer to thine fellow women and men .. master in you all reflections of unawareness .. build your understanding sympathy and unselfish compassion for the struggles you bear witness to.

Let thine devotion for the First Creative Center and Infinity Source lead you into our Saviorship together.

Hence, through this saving knowledge of the Father’s love shall you enter the great processional to worlds indescribably good, beautiful, and true in My Father's House.

Michael Of Nebadon

Our Engagement Everlasting

Through Our Everlasting covenant of partnership .. fellowship .. association .. and engagement, I and the Universe Mother are to:

Enlarge conceptualizations of Deity, Divinity, and Reality.

Experientialize and Actualize the Progressive Ascendancy of Mortal Personhood.

Enliven and Advance Understandings of Truth, Love, and Vision.

Eternalize Mortal Values, Virtues, and Vision.

Evolutionize Eternal Verities, Volitional Attitudes of Mind and Will and Personhood.

Ennoble and Develop Personality Soul Perspectives and Cosmic Achievements of Personality.

Enhance Spiritual Perceptions and Engraven Truth Discernment.

Expand Universal Consciousness and Mature Cosmic Awareness.

The advent of ascendancy which I and the Universe Mother Spirit are initiating upon this earth shall stir into all truth and love the religious challenge of this millennial age.

Your present cultural civilization with its values, virtues, and vision shall become ignited in the pursuit of intimate recognition, realization and revelation, reverence and respect, revelation and receptivity of the One Infinite and Eternal Parenthood of Life.

It shall become a planetary initiation of those soul visionaries who taste the new ennoblement through their farseeing and forward-looking soul attainments .. and these very courageous men and women shall become inspired and enthralled with a renewal of mind and soul conviction for truth .. a spirit perception shall flourish in the minds and hearts of the race .. personality shall be enlivened with the righteousness necessary as a framework of character for spiritual insight to grow and ripen.

These individuals will discover a new confidence essential in constructing the universal culture upon this earth .. a newly invigorating and truth-bearing engagement with the living circuitry of Trinitarian Origins .. an approachable philosophy of living which is driven by those inherently and rightfully developing urges and impulses for order, harmony, progression, and advancement which shall allow to unfold the more cosmic viewpoint of an enlarged and unified .. exquisitely integrated and awakened conceiving of our everlasting cosmic truth which wavers not .. our universal beauty which transforms and transfigures .. and our understanding knowledge that the One Father Mother of Existence is infinitely personal, never-endingly caring, tenderly sustaining, and expressive always of his immeasurable divine goodness.

Michael Of Nebadon

Seventh Epochal Religious Revelation

Christ Michael Planetary Initiatives of His 21st Century Mission

A Seventh Epochal Religious Spirituality to enter into the New and Ascendant Order of Humanity & the Advent of Progressive Ascendancy

I am returned now, and only they with the eyes of faith trust well developed shall knoweth Mine arrival during this present epoch.

The Return of Michael
(1918.4) 176:4.1 Of all the Master’s teachings no one phase has been so misunderstood as his promise sometime to come back in person to this world. It is not strange that Michael should be interested in sometime returning to the planet whereon he experienced his seventh and last bestowal, as a mortal of the realm.

It is only natural to believe that Jesus of Nazareth, now sovereign ruler of a vast universe, would be interested in coming back, not only once but even many times, to the world whereon he lived such a unique life and finally won for himself the Father’s unlimited bestowal of universe power and authority. Urantia will eternally be one of the seven nativity spheres of Michael in the winning of universe sovereignty.

Michael of Nebadon

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Vast Quietude of Life

In the vast quietudes of the kingdom of the heavens .. I radiate unto all Mine children the unlimitedness of Life .. the Infinite Fortunes of Love.

In Universalis .. the Infinite First Person of the Father .. in Eternalis .. the Everlasting Second Person of the Mother Son .. in Infinitas .. the Immaculate Third Person of the Spirit of Existence.

I attend to My children .. and those individuals  who prepare themselves through the Ideal of Progressive Perfection .. I give to them .. increase of Life.

All are invited to arise unto their destiny by following Me.

Peace is upon you... 

My Indescribable and Immaculately Good Father hath sent Me .. once again .. into this world to further help you to understand your relationship with Me; that ye shall awaken and establish the Father's kingdom in thine hearts, body, and mind. All thine personhood shall radiate outward his Life and Love.

This universal covenant and gospel belongs not to a race ..not to merely a nation .. nor is it the property of any special group of religious teachers or spiritually-inclined preachers. 

This gospel of the kingdom belongs to every religious avenue ..  to the holy and unholy .. to the rich and the poor .. to those who walk free and they who are still bound by their miscreations.

My gospel is the possession of the world civilization .. all males and females .. every blessed little child who seeks to know more of their inheritance. 

And you are all to proclaim this gospel of love and truth by the lives which you live in the flesh .. and by the ways in which you progressively ascend in thine character and immortal soul. 

Ye shall love one another with a renewal of mind and heart .. a warmth of affection for all lives .. and ye shall serve humankind with a new impulse for doing good and becoming good .. an unalterable devotion .. even as I am serving you now. 

And as men and women see you so love them with tolerance and patience .. without judgements nor prejudice .. they shall come to behold your truthfulness and transparency .. how passionately you desire good and truth for them in their lives .. then, they shall feel your trustworthiness to open up their hearts to you .. they shall quietly and gladly perceive that ye art My faith-fellows of the kingdom of heaven. They shall stand erect and upright .. upreaching and acknowledging the Infinity of Life.

And each solitary individual shall behold how you follow Me here in My earthly form, and they will follow after the Spirit of Truth surrounding them and indwelling them.

They shall see in your lives the promise of Eternity unearthed from its quiet residence as you bring forth its grace and power of love .. the invincibility of finding your eternal salvation in Me and with Me.

As the Father sent me once more into this thine planetary home and My own native home .. the scene of My seventh bestowal victory .. now shall I send you. I call thee forth to carry this good news of My reappearing .. My return .. to those who sit in the darkness of their ignorance and doubt. 

This gospel which I am giving to you is an augmenting of My prior instructions; for now you each hold the promise of the kingdom in greater measures. 

This My gospel revelation belongs to all who are wholeheartedly willing to believe it; it shall not be committed to the custody of christians nor catholics nor any sort of new age spirituality.

My Spirit of Truth has already come upon you, and in My Spirit Presence, I shall lead you into all conviction of truth. 

Go forth therefore proceeding forward with the confidence of My return to you .. in sharing heart to heart with all the world offering this gospel to believers and those who vacillate and waver; that they might gain the stabilities and securities of the person .. the everlasting fruits of learning of My gospel and living its understanding way .. its eternalization of truth .. and the life of prayerful intimacy .. directly personal communion with the Spirit of Life.

Lo .. I am with you always, even unto the end of all ages. Ever shall we walk progressively inwards and upwards in love, power, and intelligence Perfection.

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Faithfulness Attracts Me

It is I who am the Life which is above them all .. 

Come unto Me .. the Life resident in thee .. and giveth all acknowledging and adoring and appreciation and acceptance of My Life with the Father's Absoluteness .. and I shall showeth thee My Way of Victory, My Truth of Advancement in the Relationship with the  Comforter I am, and My Life Everlasting through your God Intimacy Communion.

I am the Vine Universal .. It is I who am the all. From Me did the all come forth, and unto Me did the all extend and expand God's glory. 

Split a piece of wood and unearth a forest ember .. and I am there. 

Lift up the stones and part the clouds .. and ye shall discover Me there.

Believe by the gift of your faith without seeing with the carnal sight of your physical  eyes. 

Attempt not to believe because you have seen and heard Me...

Blessed are those individuals in the epochs to come who shall read My words and understand My directives without seeing and hearing Me today with their carnal faculties .. and they shall believe in this day where I have walked with you and taught you of the Father's Absoluteness. They shall believe without seeing and hearing with the eye and ear of flesh.

These ones shall knoweth that I have been once again upon the earth in the garment of mortal expression, and they shall learn and grow and advance their status in the universes. 

I come for the faithful ones who are childlike  and the trusting who are innocent .. and who  have grown through the centuries of their lifetimes their reliance upon Truth and Objectivity, and who have arisen in their character unto righteousness and receptivity of Me.

Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, November 1, 2019

My Planetary Initiatives of Evolutionary Attainment

Normally by the time the Spirit of Truth is bestowed upon the race.. and before I might enter into the civilization .. the School of the Planetary Prince .. and the Material Son and Daughter .. and the Avonal Son Ministry and its Magisterial Mission has already taken place which tutors and spiritizes the mind .. which raises the biology into a greater refinement ..  which enhances mind receptivity for the natural and normal attraction to Eternity Values and Trinity Virtues and that Truth-bearing Vision which is the inevitable evolutionary advancement of the material, intellectual, mechanical, and analytical logical mind to achieve that differential impulse of pure worship and that differential urge for pure wisdom and that differential inclination for the higher associations .. and the development of the soul investiture .. the soul receptacle .. is well on it's way towards a readiness capacity for the Life of God Intimacy to blossom. 

Always have I taught that the Kingdom of the Heavenly One is not of this world .. and that all men and women are the sons  and daughters of God in potentialities and in reality. 

That each one shall find their liberty and freedom in the spiritual joy of the fellowship of the brotherhood of loving service in this new kingdom of the truth of the heavenly Father's love.

Do you not recall how the Son of Man that I am hath always proclaimed the salvation of God for all creatures great and small .. that always do I come ministering to the sick and the fragile minded and those who are afflicted .. and ever do I reach to those desirous of living the will of the Father .. setting free those who are bound by fear and enslaved by evil, confusion, and often iniquities. 

Do you not know that I teach and guide my disciples that salvation cometh for those in the North and South .. the East and West .. in so far as each one enters into our covenant of partnership .. our engagement of eternity.

In him and her who live as I am living amongst you .. shall all be blessed by an augmentation of their  knowledge of themselves .. an advancement in their understanding relationship with the Trinity Parenthood. 

That all families of the earth shall be blessed by their increased conceivings and their maturing alignments and loyalties. 

That each one with a priority for achieving soul maturity shall discover an enhancement in their receptivity of truth and love. 

I come .. listening and attending to Mine children always. I hear the cry of the needy and I save the souls of the poor who seek Me; that all nations shall call themselves blessed by their discipleship with Me.

That My giving of healing deliverance shall be as the eternal balm of refreshment .. a great oasis  in a land weary and dry of love. 

That I feed the children of the earth like a true shepherd. I gather the lambs in My Universal Arms .. I tenderly carry each in the bosom of the Father Son Spirit. 

That I open the eyes of the spiritually blind .. I bringeth  the prisoners of despair and desperation out into full liberty and light.

That all who sit in darkness shall see the great light of eternal salvation by understanding the Father's Plan and Purpose. 

That I bind up the brokenhearted .. I proclaim liberty to the captives of sin and misfortune. I open up the doors of the prison house to those who are enslaved by fear and bound by evil. 

That I comfort those who mourn and bestow upon them the joy of salvation in the place of sorrow and heaviness. 

That I attend to each member of My Body Universal .. in this I shall be the desire of all nations and the everlasting joy of those who seek righteousness. 

That this Son of Truth I am shall focalize each receptive heart into their eternalizing salvation wherein righteousness shall rise upon the world with healing light and saving power.

That I will save My people from their sins; that I shall seek out and save those who are lost in subjectivity and suffering error. 

That I will not destroy the weak and the tender .. yet I shall minister salvation to all who hunger and thirst for righteousness and relationship with the Universal Father. 

That those who believe in Me shall have their eventual victory in eternal life. 

That I will pour out My Comforter Spirit upon all flesh, and that this Spirit of Truth shall be in each believer a well of living water springing up into life everlasting. 

Do you presently  understand how great is the gospel of this eternal  kingdom which I deliver to you once again with an even greater revelation and remembrance? 

Do you each perceive how great a salvation hath come upon you as I am here with you in flesh and in Spirit Force?

Michael Of Nebadon

Christ Michael Planetary Initiatives