Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Effulgence of Our Eternal Relationship Association

Multilingual Gospel...

I Michael of Nebadon .. have upheld our covenant. 

I have preserved our association. 

I have kept the integrity of our apostolic ventures fresh and pure .. efficacious and plentiful .. overflowing with the knowledge of greater ideals to live and breathe and to become. 

I guideth you unto the hilltops of eternal wisdom .. I strengthen you unto the crest of the wave of righteousness and reverence.

I have sent My Comforter to teach you and guide your deliverance unto freedoms built upon truth and justice and our universal harmonic order of love.

Give thine substance mortal for the Substance of Light and Life.

Asketh of Me for convictions of truth and harmonies of understanding. I wait with the effulgence of the Father's Life to give of thee his greater portion which shall elevate thine mortal status unto an Immaculate and Immortal stature prepared to socialize within the greater circles of personality achievements.

Verily .. ye have a scarlet robe of salvation which ye shall wear upon thine broadening shoulders of character and personhood as ye seek to unfold thine potentialities.

This robe is yet of mortality until ye arise with the holy 11 powers of thine free will and mindal endowments towards prayerful prayerful Intimacy and personality communion .. receptivity and respect shall flourish .. responsibility and revelations shall becometh established. 

These do bring ye into the developments of the soul receptacle .. one who honors the First Person and his Residential Center and Source of Life; the Fountainhead out of which all Life flows and is created.

Yo Michael de Nebadon ... he mantenido nuestro pacto.

He conservado nuestra asociación.

He mantenido la integridad de nuestros emprendimientos apostólicos frescos y puros ... eficaces y abundantes ... desbordados por el conocimiento de ideales más grandes para vivir, respirar y llegar a ser.

Te guío a las cimas de la sabiduría eterna. Te fortalezco hasta la cima de la ola de justicia y reverencia.

He enviado a Mi Consolador para que te enseñe y guíe tu liberación a las libertades construidas sobre la verdad y la justicia y nuestro orden armónico universal de amor.

Da tu sustancia mortal por la Sustancia de Luz y Vida.

Pide de mí convicciones de verdad y armonías de entendimiento.  

Espero con la refulgencia de la Vida del Padre para darte su mayor porción que elevará tu estado mortal a una estatura Inmaculada e Inmortal preparada para socializar dentro de los círculos más grandes de logros de la personalidad.

Verdaderamente ... ustedes tienen una túnica escarlata de salvación que usarán sobre sus hombros cada vez más anchos de carácter y personalidad cuando busquen desplegar sus potencialidades.

Esta túnica aún es mortal hasta que se levante con los 11 poderes sagrados de su libre albedrío y sus dotes mentales hacia la oración, la oración, la intimidad y la comunión de la personalidad ... la receptividad y el respeto florecerán ... la responsabilidad y las revelaciones se establecerán.

Estos sí los llevan a los desarrollos del receptáculo del alma ... uno que honra a la Primera Persona y su Centro Residencial y Fuente de Vida;  la Fuente de donde fluye y se crea toda la Vida.

Eu, Micael de Nébadon, sustentamos nossa aliança.

Eu preservei nossa associação.

Eu mantive a integridade de nossos empreendimentos apostólicos fresca e pura ... eficaz e abundante .. transbordando com o conhecimento de ideais maiores para viver, respirar e tornar-se.

Eu os guio até o topo da sabedoria eterna. Eu os fortaleci até a crista da onda de retidão e reverência.

Enviei Meu Consolador para ensiná-lo e guiar sua libertação para liberdades construídas sobre a verdade e a justiça e nossa ordem harmônica universal de amor.

Dê a sua substância mortal para a Substância da Luz e da Vida.

Me pede convicções da verdade e harmonias de entendimento.  Espero com a refulgência da vida do Pai dar-te a sua maior porção, que elevará o teu estatuto mortal a uma estatura imaculada e imortal, preparada para socializar nos círculos maiores das realizações da personalidade.

Em verdade ... você tem uma túnica escarlate de salvação, que vestirá sobre seus ombros largos de caráter e personalidade, enquanto procura desdobrar suas potencialidades.

Essa túnica ainda é de mortalidade até que você surja com os santos 11 poderes do seu livre arbítrio e doações mentais para a oração em oração. Intimidade e comunhão com a personalidade. A receptividade e o respeito florescerão.

Isso os leva ao desenvolvimento do receptáculo da alma. Alguém que honra a Primeira Pessoa e seu Centro Residencial e Fonte de Vida;  a Fonte da qual toda a Vida flui e é criada.

Io Michele di Nebadon .. ho confermato la nostra alleanza.

Ho preservato la nostra associazione.

Ho mantenuto l'integrità delle nostre iniziative apostoliche fresca e pura ... efficace e abbondante ... traboccante della conoscenza di ideali più grandi per vivere, respirare e diventare.

Ti guido verso le colline dell'eterna saggezza .. Ti rinforzo fino alla cresta dell'ondata di giustizia e riverenza.

Ho inviato il Mio Consolatore per insegnarti e guidare la tua liberazione verso le libertà costruite sulla verità, sulla giustizia e sul nostro ordine armonico universale di amore.

Dai la tua sostanza mortale alla Sostanza di Luce e Vita.

Chiedimi di me per convinzioni di verità e armonie di comprensione.  

Attendo con l'effulgenza della Vita del Padre di darti la sua porzione maggiore che eleverà il tuo stato mortale a una statura Immacolata e Immortale preparata a socializzare all'interno dei più grandi cerchi di conquiste della personalità.

In verità .. avete una veste scarlatta di salvezza che indosserete sulle vostre spalle allargate di carattere e personalità mentre cercate di svelare le vostre potenzialità.

Questa veste è ancora mortale fino a quando non sorgerai con i santi 11 poteri del tuo libero arbitrio e doti mentali verso l'intimità orante e la comunione di personalità .. la ricettività e il rispetto fioriranno .. la responsabilità e le rivelazioni devono essere stabilite.

Questi vi portano negli sviluppi del ricettacolo dell'anima ... uno che onora la Prima Persona, il suo Centro Residenziale e Fonte di Vita;  la Fountainhead da cui tutta la Vita scorre e viene creata.

Moi, Michael de Nébadon, j'ai respecté notre alliance.

J'ai préservé notre association.

J'ai gardé l'intégrité de nos entreprises apostoliques fraîche et pure .. efficace et abondante .. débordant de la connaissance d'idéaux plus grands pour vivre et respirer et devenir.

Je vous guide vers les sommets des collines de la sagesse éternelle. 
Je vous fortifie jusqu'au sommet de la vague de justice et de révérence.

J'ai envoyé Mon Consolateur pour vous enseigner et guider votre délivrance vers des libertés fondées sur la vérité et la justice et sur notre ordre harmonique universel d'amour.

Donne ta substance mortelle pour la Substance de Lumière et de Vie.

Demandez-moi des convictions de vérité et des harmonies de compréhension.  

J'attends avec l'éclat de la vie du Père de vous donner sa plus grande portion qui élèvera votre statut de mortel à une stature immaculée et immortelle prête à socialiser dans les plus grands cercles de réalisations de la personnalité.

En vérité, vous avez une robe écarlate de salut que vous porterez sur vos épaules élargies de caractère et de personnalité lorsque vous chercherez à déployer vos potentialités.

Cette robe est encore mortelle jusqu'à ce que vous vous leviez avec les 11 pouvoirs sacrés de votre libre arbitre et de vos dotations mentales vers l'intimité de prière et la communion de la personnalité .. la réceptivité et le respect s'épanouiront .. la responsabilité et les révélations deviendront établies.

Ceux-ci vous amènent dans les développements du réceptacle de l'âme. Celui qui honore la Première Personne et son Centre Résidentiel et Source de Vie;  la Fontaine d'où sort toute la Vie et est créée.

Michael Of Nebadon 
Michael Sananda Maitreya

Monday, May 18, 2020

The 21st Century Gospel Clarification

The gospel of the kingdom is: the fact of the fatherhood of God, coupled with the resultant truth of the sonship-brotherhood of all women and men .. all kingdoms of life .. human, animal, angelic, elemental, nature, and the holy electron Kingdom. 

Christianity, as it erroneously developed from that epoch  back in Galilean times, is: the fact of God as the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, in association with the experience of believer-fellowship with the risen and glorified Christ.

You are all the emerging sons and daughters of the One Deity. Certainly, I have my expression and experience .. and so do each one of you. 

My disciples misunderstood and misdirected believers early on .. into a dogmatic religion about Me as compared to My directives for them to preach a gospel of God intimacy and God attainment .. God accessibility, approachability, and the sustainability of your advancing approach into freedom from directly within your Individualized divinity .. the Inner Door to the Existential and Absolute of Life.

Now, I personally return into view to resurrect my original gospel talks, so that humanity begins to make those needed corrections to achieve the greater prosperous life by building character righteousness,  reverence, respect and nourishing recognition of the Father's Life. 

My teachings emphasize the Indwelling Life and your right relationship with he who lives in your own highest mind and spiritual heart .. with the One who lives directly in you. 

Certainly,  the Father hath his Paradise Residence far from the earth, and he dwells as the finite and experiential Deity of God the Supreme which is the destiny of your unfoldment. 

Sometimes thine Individualized  Godhood is referred to as the Thought Adjuster in the Revelatory Trust and Urantia Papers which I am giving to humanity. 

Those initial believers back in those earlier times felt themselves suddenly translated into another world, a new existence of joy, power, and glory after I momentarily departed .. and the Universal Father then send the Spirit of Truth to all believers. 

I had told them the kingdom would come with power and presence, and some of them thought they were beginning to discern what I had meant.

Today, in this 21st Century gospel clarification, illumination, and even further revelation, I am giving receptive humanity a greater understanding of their creative nature, their destiny in God the Supremacy, and their creative inception alikeness to the Universal Father who hath a nature of creativity and intelligence on Infinite levels. 

I come into your view in order to restate my original teachings and gospel message for human life .. so that every human mortal being shall have a newly up-to-date version and correct interpretation of this gospel and its instructional directives .. and these clarifying revelations will develop in believers .. raising them to their rightfully  desired conclusions and understanding knowledge .. a personal enlightenment shall grow and flourish upon the lands .. and this newly understandable guidance will prove to be an effective solvent for man’s ever-new and varied spiritual difficulties as individuals invite relationship with me.

The first mission of my newly established Spirit of Truth in you .. is to foster and personalize Truth .. to make luminous and clear the comprehension of Truth. This constitutes the highest form of human liberty and the much sought after understanding of humankind's purpose. 

Second .. it is the purpose of My Spirit Comforter to destroy any and all feelings of orphanhood and abandonment by God.

Third .. it is My desire that you each understand and develop your relationship with Me in order for the Universe Mother and I.. to advance you into the promised actualization. 

Having been among all women and men .. all believers shall transform their living experience and their sense of aloneness and loneliness shall vanish as each believer receives Me .. receives My Spirit of Truth which has come to dwell in thine hearts.

This bestowal of My Spirit shall effectively prepare all normal minds for the universal bestowal of the Father’s spirit (the Adjuster) upon all humankind. 

I am Michael of this Universe of Nebadon. My Eternity Person is of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son. My Spirit of Truth with each of you is the spirit of both the Universal Father and the Creator Son that I am.

Michael of Nebadon 
Michael Sananda Maitreya

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Be as the Great Ones

I tell you the harvest proclaimeth the husbandman. Thine personality character reveals itself as you harvest the darkness or the light.

The world trembles in its relationship to truth. It seeks to uphold its gains in ephemerality amounting to trinkets in eternity.

Can a gnat change the script on eternity's parchments? And wouldst ye be gnats? I tell you there be gnats who draw their broken wings across the pages of time and space, yet they fail in their mission for the greater actualization into love.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Sananda Maitreya

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Sovereignty in the Universes

Blessed of the earth journey into light and life ...

Always have I taught intimacy with the immanency of God the Father who hath delivered a small portion of his Life and Glory to you .. to travel with you .. to guide you upon your very next steps and stages of growth and maturing.

In thine relationship with the Father's Life Spirit in you .. I give you eleven holy powers of your free will; that ye shall becometh sovereign and free as a unique individual traversing the evolutionary byways of Eternity upon this your native home.

Prayer is entirely a personal and spontaneous expression of the attitude of the soul toward the spirit; prayer should be the communion of sonship and the expression of fellowship. 

Prayer, when indited by the spirit, leads to co-operative spiritual progress. 

The ideal prayer is a form of spiritual communion which leads to intelligent worship. True praying is the sincere attitude of reaching heavenward for the attainment of your ideals.

Michael Of Nebadon

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Highest Impulse

As ye purify your human tendencies upwards unto the higher urges, sensitivities, inclinations, and choices .. all things will work out for thee to do you good.

Thine spiritual benevolence is always available and accessible to you as you sincerely ask and acknowledge and appreciate and accept all things.

Those things .. circumstances and relationships .. which displease you and disappoint you .. they trouble you because you have not aligned yet with the Law of Love.  

You have still to deliver yourself from the evil in you. 

And you are not perfectly dead to the lesser loyalties and things .. you harbor secret tendencies which keep you attached to unreal things, ephemeral grounds, and unrighteousness of the heart.

Michael of Nebadon 
Michael Sananda Maitreya

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Illuminated Civilizations

I come from millions upon millions of years in the future where our Universe of Nebadon is brilliant and glorious and majestically overflowing with love, intelligence, and a power of Grace and generosity indescribable. 

Unfathomably gorgeous and enlightened civilizations thrive with an aliveness and advancement of incredible happiness whilst your world remains blind and ignorant and poorly stagnant .. and barbaric and primitive and stubbornly retarded in it's development ..  refusing to grow upwards.

The civilization here upon this planetary world is known by trillions of personalities throughout the galaxies as backward and arrogant and dark and pitifully sad.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Last Supper of Remembrance

This supper of remembrance, when it is partaken of by those who are Son-believing and God-knowing, does not need to have associated with its symbolism any of man’s puerile misinterpretations regarding the meaning of the divine presence, for upon all such occasions the Master is really present.

The remembrance supper is the believer’s symbolic rendezvous with I .. Michael. 

When you become thus spirit-conscious, the Son is actually present, and his spirit fraternizes with the indwelling fragment of his Father.

When they had finished drinking this new cup of remembrance, the Master took up the bread and, after giving thanks, broke it in pieces and, directing them to pass it around, said: “Take this bread of remembrance and eat it. 

I have told you that I am the bread of life. And this bread of life is the united life of the Father and the Son in one gift. 

The word of the Father, as revealed in the Son, is indeed the bread of life.” When they had partaken of the bread of remembrance, the symbol of the living word of truth incarnated in the likeness of mortal flesh, they all sat down.

Michael of Nebadon 
Michael Sananda Maitreya