Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Our State of the Universe is Overflowing with Prosperity

I am the Universal Vine of Eternity for all creatures and every being of the One Parenthood of God. All are within the Kingdom of the Universal Father’s Family.

Thine true religious relationship and the perspectives of God the Father are to be grown from Truth Absolute .. the Father's way is a refinement of your character into righteousness and respect for the One God Life .. recognition of God who lives in thee giving you His Life .. the Life that I AM.

His way for humanity which I do demonstrate to you is responsibility for thine authorship .. the creative freewill endowment .. and the right use of the Life of God living in thee.

The purity of thy religious experience is in perfect alignment with your highest loyalties .. your loftiest convictions of love. It is to thine great benevolence that ye open to My Ideal; for its gospel is sweet and clarifying .. it is strengthening and secure.

These values for humanity shall develop for you only as your sincere inclinations are brought forth .. developed .. and acted upon with constancy and your trust in the Father's Life in thee and in His unfathomable station in Paradise Perfection.

Thine consciousness and its maturing potentialities shall emerge into its intended ripening force .. Mine children .. and ye shall become reordered .. renewed .. and resurrected into the next generation of those evolutionary sons and daughters who shall serve with Me in the Heavens and within My Universe Administration . . .

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation

The Epochal Revelation of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Eternity Door

Ye have opened wider the doorway and have entered upon this great indwelling work of demonstrating your willingness to bring forth the Will of the Heavenly Father. That ye shall know beyond all doubts of your place within existence. That I have been teaching you of your sonship and daughtership with the Absolute Parenthood and Creator Source.
I continue to show ye the way into your own illumination in mind, body, and heart and soul. I have shown you the way to serve and to stand forth in righteousness and utter splendor and humility.

Go thou forth to attain to thine responsibilities, thine covenant with the Infinite Gods. It is in accomplishing thine duty that ye shall not be weary nor shall ye find hopelessness nor even disdain. Be not weary in these tasks which I set before thee today and during this Twenty-First Century advent of My teachings.

Verily I say to those with an open mind blossoming into soul mind overflowing with receptive capacities for Truth and Love .. unto you and for all those who come thereafter down throughout the centuries of generations upon this planet's civilized birthing ..let it be known to all who shall follow in thine walking with the Father Spirit in you .. Always and forevermore do I stand with you, interpenetrating thee and surrounding you in all way of My benevolence. I am near and never am I far away, yet as ye ask and invite Me .. then shall I make Myself known to thee.

I Am a Creator Son who yearns for your freedom and victory, as all Creator Sons do within their own universal trust. Hence, I always stand nearby to you. My invitation is upheld continually, and it is activated as you ask and allow Me to guide your way into all truth and freedom, all thine soul developments  shall become for you a fountainhead that satiates all thine urges for stability and righteousness, security and safety  .. thine everpresent light and life of God the Father shall emerge in thee untouched by the vibrations of the world.
My divine Influence with the Universe Mother and the Planetary Host shall ever be for every personality who yearns to grow into maturity and mastery. Come unto Me all ye who struggle within the world's ways and are thereby burdened by density and the demarcations of misqualification .. and I shall give thee rest eternally.

Taketh Mine yoke .. it's essential discipline and obedience, vigilance and the higher momentums of Our victorious accomplishment; for My yoke shall be upon thee as ye enter our association of ascendancy. My approach is the way by which ye shall live upward while erasing permanently the downward trajectories as ye shall encounter thine Selfhood and Divinity. Thine personal relations with the Infinite Father Son Spirit will allow to emerge all qualities of our divine association. Ye shall be gravitating into His Will and Way wherein the greatest purpose ye shall ever come to know will find its permanency in thee.

All the great achievements which findeth their roots upon thine countenance and character will be an eternal gift .. while My yoke upon you will sustain thee evermore.

Come and learn of Me, for I am the  personalization of the Father Son in service harmonies with the Mother Spirit and the Host of Heaven. We are sent to raise thee beyond thine mortal boundaries and into the higher standards of the Father's grace and generosity.

At last, ye shall discover what thine heart craves and thirsts for in its progression of Godhood.

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Thine Daily Bread of Eternity

Verily I tell to thee .. this is thine golden moment for blossoming in the course of your evolutionary progression. It cometh upon thee to experience the emergence of thine Godhood. Ye shall discover thine nature is of God Himself who resides in you and awaits this very momentous occasion to emerge together.

The mortal shall put upon itself the immortal garment of light. It is this new order of being which is human destiny. Only as ye strive to embody the One divinity shall ye quench thine thirst for righteousness and revelation.

Rejoice Mine children. I AM the very God who speaks unto thee. Mine tenets are daunting to the material minded .. yet for the seekers and aspirants I AM thine encouragement of eternity.

Gather all thine strength and durability .. thine flexibility and fearlessness .. I shall show thee the one avenue of ascendancy which lifts you into your rightful place with the Universe.

I give you thine daily bread by which ye shall arise into the sons and daughters of infinite glory.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation

The Sixth Epochal Revelation of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael Of Nebadon


Thine personality soul is a divine magnet in the power of its vibratory activities. Thine God  Endowment Trust of free will gives the powerful responsibility to choose how ye shall  make use of the Mastery of the M's of Manifestation.

Focus upon these three M's of Mastery.

1. Magnify in focused thoughtful attention your chosen desires and amplify in how you are living each day what ye want more of.

A rightfully aligned demand must be given in order for the supply to follow.

2. Momentumize in mind those good, beautiful, and truthful momentums which take you to the attainment of your chosen goals.

Then .. call forth all those hidden misqualified momentums of energy which have been obstructing your attainment.

Embrace the misqualifications which you are discovering. Through the ownership of thine creative responsibilities of authorship you take back your power from those misqualified effects .. and by lovingly accepting you are the creator of every obstruction to your prosperity .. unconditionally embrace the misqualified conditions of these energy qualities in your field of consciousness.

3. Magnetize the forces of the universes to bring to you all that ye desire which is within the appropriate plan for your individual lifetimes.

These are the ways of bringing forth anything and everything for thine highest benevolence .. thine greatest good and thine eternal  wisdom.

Whether ye shall seek to manifest thine consciousness of divinity, the material substances necessary to live your life in the world of the flesh garment .. or both at the very same time .. these are the very same techniques available to everyone and at all times.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Sixth Epochal Revelation Shall I Reveal to the Worthy

Verily I tell to thee .. this is thine golden moment for blossoming in the course of your evolutionary progression. It cometh upon thee to experience the emergence of thine Godhood. Ye shall discover thine nature is of God Himself who resides in you and awaits this very momentous occasion to emerge together.

The mortal shall put upon itself the immortal garment of light. It is this new order of being which is human destiny. Only as ye strive to embody the One divinity shall ye quench thine thirst for righteousness and revelation.

Rejoice Mine children. I AM the very God who speaks unto thee. Mine tenets are daunting to the material minded .. yet for the seekers and aspirants I AM thine encouragement of eternity.

Gather all thine strength and durability .. thine flexibility and fearlessness .. I shall show thee the one avenue of ascendancy which lifts you into your rightful place with the Universe.

I give you thine daily bread by which ye shall arise into the sons and daughters of infinite glory.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation

The Sixth Epochal Revelation of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Mighty Manna from the Heavens

My manna is thine spiritual nourishment .. thine food from the heavens which I do bring in order to distribute to the spiritual hungry.

I give it out accordingly and in mighty portions to those personalities who are governed by the purest of desire .. to gain the capacity of knowledge of God .. to realize Him as their very own Life. He and she who is athirst for righteousness and renewal .. these are the first ones to come forward and partake.

The material minded, the subjectively bound, the rebellious ones with inclinations for proof and fanfare, the know it all who think .. these shall stand in My presence and they shall starve from prideful arrogance and obnoxiously derived aggressive acts in mind and heart and body.

I come to feed the multitudes with My manna .. Mine elixir of eternity .. ye shall wait not for salvation but you are to take the Hand Universal and begin thine walk from the worldly ways of waywardness and wanton fixtures of mortal mind.

Argue not with little witcheries. Give thine self into Our Selfhood of Sufficiency .. Sovereignty shall become thee as ye are prone to My Advancements Of Ascendancy. 

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation

The Epochal Revelation of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael Of Nebadon