Friday, November 11, 2016

The Sixth Epochal Revelation Shall I Reveal to the Worthy

Verily I tell to thee .. this is thine golden moment for blossoming in the course of your evolutionary progression. It cometh upon thee to experience the emergence of thine Godhood. Ye shall discover thine nature is of God Himself who resides in you and awaits this very momentous occasion to emerge together.

The mortal shall put upon itself the immortal garment of light. It is this new order of being which is human destiny. Only as ye strive to embody the One divinity shall ye quench thine thirst for righteousness and revelation.

Rejoice Mine children. I AM the very God who speaks unto thee. Mine tenets are daunting to the material minded .. yet for the seekers and aspirants I AM thine encouragement of eternity.

Gather all thine strength and durability .. thine flexibility and fearlessness .. I shall show thee the one avenue of ascendancy which lifts you into your rightful place with the Universe.

I give you thine daily bread by which ye shall arise into the sons and daughters of infinite glory.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation

The Sixth Epochal Revelation of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael Of Nebadon