Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Sovereignty in the Universes

Blessed of the earth journey into light and life ...

Always have I taught intimacy with the immanency of God the Father who hath delivered a small portion of his Life and Glory to you .. to travel with you .. to guide you upon your very next steps and stages of growth and maturing.

In thine relationship with the Father's Life Spirit in you .. I give you eleven holy powers of your free will; that ye shall becometh sovereign and free as a unique individual traversing the evolutionary byways of Eternity upon this your native home.

Prayer is entirely a personal and spontaneous expression of the attitude of the soul toward the spirit; prayer should be the communion of sonship and the expression of fellowship. 

Prayer, when indited by the spirit, leads to co-operative spiritual progress. 

The ideal prayer is a form of spiritual communion which leads to intelligent worship. True praying is the sincere attitude of reaching heavenward for the attainment of your ideals.

Michael Of Nebadon