Sunday, December 7, 2014

Transfiguration Brings Forth Order and Harmony Forever

Purify all lesser vibratory activity in thine soul and personality by commanding thine Transfiguration. This is the fulfillment of law which brings Order and Harmony. To progress onward in your unfoldments, you must adhere to the law by Consciously Commanding the Divine Fire .. the Sacred Fire .. of the Mother’s Spirit through the Host of Heaven to quicken all obstructions to the expansion of His Sovereignty and Supremacy.

...and the more potent approach is in your receptivity of the Violet Consuming Flame of Saint Germain. He is the focalization and avatar for this next phase of evolution. The Violet Consuming Flame is an expression of the Infinite Spirit .. the Third Person of Existence. It is one of the primary ways that the Infinite Mind and Power reaches creature life .. upstepping human imperfection by raising the atomic activity in the field of energy of humanity.

You may invite the Flame of Mercy Violet Power:

"I AM Perfect Order Violet Forgiveness Flame Infinite Luminous Ascended Sacred Fire Love."

Feel deeply and breathe into your heart the expansion of the Kingdom of His Sovereignty.. the Father's Spirit.

Michael of Nebadon