Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Great Impulse of Infinity

The Universal Father Son Spirit Persons are Infinite Personality which can only be grasped in Infinity.

Yet, thine actual religious experience holds the promise of delivering you ever closer .. as you becometh raised daily in thine own character and consciousness through the ministering spirit of the Individualized Portion of the Universal Father living within thee.

You are inspired by his perfect demonstration of such an idealization of love .. such a generosity of giving .. such a benevolence of realization .. as you are gradually matured in this revelation of the personality of God in your  truly human experience.

And thine own personhood gains the exalted benefits as you ascribe to the Ideal of Deliverance .. as you become the self-directive governing consciousness in your life and world; unifying as one .. determining your place within the great universe of universes.

Michael Of Nebadon
The City Of Christ Michael