Sunday, October 25, 2020

Personality Development and Eternalizing Attainment

Verily .. verily .. I speak to my earthly children who have sincerely ventured to become God Conscious .. to find the eternal God .. and to become like him in their nature, character, and identity by their loyalties, priorities, purposes of the heart and mind .. and by their absolutely determined seeking to achieve his will of the  perfectionization of their own Personhood; that ye shall become more greatly perfected in your finite domain akin to the Perfection of the Universal Father, Son, and Spirit persons in their residential domain of Paradise.

I sayeth .. ye shall grasp the mystery of all mysteries only by the maturity of mind and heart .. and by the actual spirit-led attainment of thine mortal and incomplete humanly birthed personality .. transmutations necessary in the blossoming towards soul receptivity and soul vision .. attaining in this purpose-filled way the artfully subtle perceivings of divinity .. the broadness of the divine perspectives .. the fulfillment unification of God perception .. and that most subtle of personality transformations bringing spiritual insight to the uniqueness of the individual .. all brought about by genuine personal religious experience.

Now, shall ye become poised to enter into the kingdom of thine deliverance wherein thy Second Birth of Immortality shall prosper thee in establishing thine Universal and Cosmic Citizenship in Nebadon.

Michael Of Nebadon