Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Living Forces of Vast Intelligence

Certainly, thine world is experiencing the outward societal effects of very definite inner thought causes set into  vibratory motion and manifestation by the majority.

All events, circumstances, relationship entanglements, and values for your world are the manifest of human thought forces.

All visible effects are produced by invisible thought causes which always set into vibratory force the Life I AM. 

I sayeth .. all is thought made visible and tangible by individuals...

Thine natural force of Life pours through you at all times directly from thine Individualized Godhood .. in all moments of your existence .. and ye are bidden to decide how ye  shall utilize this force of Life. All force acts from within as it passes through you into its outward manifestation whilst seeking to expand its Perfect Existential Ideal. 

The scientists of your civilization are realizing in their studies of matter that all material substances resolve themselves into the study of living energies of aliveness, sentience, feeling and knowing living forces of Life which seek evolutionary development as uniquely Individualized beings. 

Ye are to divest thyselves of the idea of inertness in matter; for all matter is the Light and Life of Existence .. having absolute intention, priority, and  purposeful sentience. It hath within itself the force of aliveness and intelligence by which it acts; without which it could not exist; for all of everything is alive, sentient, feeling and thinking in ways unimaginable to the mortal understanding at this moment of your planetary evolutionary existence.

Beyond this one living force and its appearance as the visible matter is the reality domain of the Third Person of Deity ..  the Infinite Mind. 

The Third Source and Center is the living Source and expression of whose will and purpose are all these visible phenomena which ye bring forth into tangibility by the power of thine thought. 

Verily do I tell thee .. all is alive .. all hath Life in it and of it. 

Life is inherent in all matter, and living beings are Life Itself...

Michael Of Nebadon
21st Century Americas Tour