Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Religious Renaissance

Good Morning City Dwellers of Salvington...

At My headquarters world, we could place 10,000 earth planets in the Planetary space of My Salvington Sphere.

Surrounding this Planetary Headquarters Society are hundreds of satellite worlds providing our universal educational resources and guidance to many many various orders of beings; personalities with multidimensional capacities, manifold gifts, ever-unfolding powers of heightened emotionalism of such beauty and grandeur unknown upon the earth world as of yet.

I speak to you now of the burgeoning religious renaissance coming upon the earth planet.

Urantia Papers revealed to you...

Evolutionary religious development is man-made and most often affected by humanly unqualified authorities which seek to preach and promulgate their subjective interpretations of God and his way, while the loftier motivations of revelatory religious endowing is to first inspire and develop the individual heart and mind and personality to become spiritually attracted to a new and higher set of values and meanings, inspiring a fuller viewpoint and a wider scope which builds a higher appreciation for the divine goodness, the advantages of Objectivity and Truth, a sense of fulfilling collaboration of the values of reaching for the beauty of the spiritual values of Infinite Deity.

Always and forever, religious development in the life of the individual will bring the spirit fruits of divine relationship between mortal men and woman and the Substance of God who lives within each human being.

Michael Of Nebadon
Epiphanies of Eternity