Monday, June 26, 2023

My New Christian Apostles of the 21st Century…


Join the Edentia Society of Jerusem within our Planetary Cities of the Holy Comforter to receive the daily writings of Christ Michael of Nebadon, and to begin your walk with Christ Michael into the Epoch of Light and Life.

The Newly Faithful Believers enter the kingdom now by elevating their life and developing several essentials to faith-entrance into the kingdom.

The Planetary Faith Sons and Daughters . . .

Faith sons and daughters work on intellectual levels and live on spiritual planes far above the conflicts produced by unrestrained or unnatural physical desires. 

The normal urges of animal beings and the natural appetites and impulses of the physical nature are not in conflict with even the highest spiritual attainment except in the minds of ignorant, mistaught, or unfortunately overconscientious persons.

The flesh, the inherent nature derived from the animal-origin races, does not naturally bear the fruits of the divine Spirit. When the mortal nature has been upstepped by the addition of the nature of the Material Sons of God, as the Urantia races were in a measure advanced by the bestowal of Adam, then is the way better prepared for the Spirit of Truth to co-operate with the indwelling Adjuster to bring forth the beautiful harvest of the character fruits of the spirit. If you do not reject this spirit, even though eternity may be required to fulfill the commission, “he will guide you into all truth.”

Evolutionary mortals inhabiting normal worlds of spiritual progress do not experience the acute conflicts between the spirit and the flesh which characterize the present-day Urantia races. But even on the most ideal planets, pre-Adamic man must put forth positive efforts to ascend from the purely animalistic plane of existence up through successive levels of increasingly intellectual meanings and higher spiritual values.

The mortals of a normal world do not experience constant warfare between their physical and spiritual natures. They are confronted with the necessity of climbing up from the animal levels of existence to the higher planes of spiritual living, but this ascent is more like undergoing an educational training when compared with the intense conflicts of Urantia mortals in this realm of the divergent material and spiritual natures.

Having started out on the way of life everlasting, having accepted the assignment and received your orders to advance, do not fear the dangers of human forgetfulness and mortal inconstancy, do not be troubled with doubts of failure or by perplexing confusion, do not falter and question your status and standing, for in every dark hour, at every crossroad in the forward struggle, the Spirit of Truth will always speak, saying, “This is the way.”

By the old way you seek to suppress, obey, and conform to the rules of living; by the new way you are first transformed by the Spirit of Truth and thereby strengthened in your inner soul by the constant spiritual renewing of your mind, and so are you endowed with the power of the certain and joyous performance of the gracious, acceptable, and perfect will of God. 

Forget not—it is your personal faith in the exceedingly great and precious promises of God that ensures your becoming partakers of the divine nature. Thus by your faith and the spirit’s transformation, you become in reality the temples of God, and his spirit actually dwells within you. If, then, the spirit dwells within you, you are no longer bondslaves of the flesh but free and liberated sons of the spirit. 

The new law of the spirit endows you with the liberty of self-mastery in place of the old law of the fear of self-bondage and the slavery of self-denial.’

Begin thine ascent unto our Universe Association and Divine Apostleship by growing into these attitudes, attributes, and those ascendant personality qualities having meaning, value, virtue, and vision in Eternity:

To cultivate faith sincerity. 

To come as a little child. 

To receive the bestowal of sonship and daughtership as a gift. 

To submit to the doing of the Father’s will without questioning and in the full confidence and genuine trustfulness of the Father’s wisdom and infinite goodness. 

To come into the kingdom free from prejudice and preconception. 

To be open-minded and teachable like an unspoiled child. 

To have Truth hunger and the righteousness urge for worship and wisdom gathering. 

To have a thirst for righteousness in growing personality character towards the finer perfection. 

To be willing to experience a change and a renewal of mind. 

 To acquire the motive to be like God and to find God.

Christ Jesus Michael Of Nebadon

Write to our Office of First Contact at The Planetary Inauguration building on the campus of Salvington Planetary Prince School -