Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The Preserver and Sustenance Giver

The true aspirants of truth and love always give honor and humility in relationship with the Divine Source within.

They doeth the goodly works of acknowledgment of Life .. attentive awareness of their faith placed upon the Divinity Reality .. these aspirants reach into their appreciative heart giving all gratitude unto the Sustaining Presence of their existence .. they are ever in this giving with their affectionate adorational praise and loving selfless worshipful love for the One who created them, is perpetually sustaining them at all moments, nurturing them unto the eternal realms of grace and glory, giving their cooperative collaboration and artful constancy of concentration to the Preserver and Infinity Sustenance of their existence .. of every and all individual existences who dwell within His Omnipresent Body of Life.

Michael Of Nebadon
The Planetary Gospel