Saturday, July 2, 2022

Behold, I Come to Renew

My faith visualizes all spirit values as being found in the kingdom of God; therefore I say, “Seek first the kingdom of heaven.” I see in the advanced and ideal fellowship of the kingdom the achievement and fulfillment of the “will of God.” 

The very heart of the prayer which I teach my disciples is, “Your kingdom come; your will be done.” Having thus conceived of the kingdom as comprising the will of God, I devote myself to the cause of its realization with amazing self-forgetfulness and unbounded enthusiasm. And ever does this bring me great joy of purposeful direction and clarity of heart and mind.

Yet, in all my intense mission and throughout my extraordinary life with the Father within me ..  there never appears the fury of the fanatic nor the superficial frothiness of the religious egotist. Happily do I seek to give all of everything valuable to the Lord of Life .. our Parental  Source and Creator.

My entire life is consistently conditioned by this living faith, this sublime religious experience. This spiritual attitude wholly dominates my thinking and feeling, my believing and praying, my  teaching and preaching. 

This personal faith of a son in the certainty and security of the guidance and protection of the heavenly Father imparts to my unique individual life a profound endowment of spiritual reality. 

And yet, despite this very deep consciousness of close relationship with divinity, I give all the credit and power and glory to the Universal Father knowing with a certainty that all goodness, beauty, and truth come from Him. 

When you stand confronted by opportunities to honor God .. such splendid self-forgetfulness shall equip you with tremendous strength and an all-sustaining empowerment of loving compassion and freedom .. priority of love and purposeful significance. 

Meaningful adoration praiseful affection in every moment gives to each one of you the great possibilities of Eternity...

You begin to understand how the Universal Father finds it possible so fully to manifest himself to one who permits selflessness and humility to reign supreme.

I come as His Personified Representation .. as His Extension Direct with God the Sevenfold ..  the Vine of Life I AM .. the Father Son of Nebadon into thine midst to deliver you from darkness into light .. from fear into love .. from temporal mortality into a Life of Immaculate  Immortality. 

I come to connect people with the Living Father Mother of all lives. To encourage bravery and to extend Life to the weary who seek direction and significance. To elevate the desires of the human heart and the developing emerging soul unto this experience of God in a new way and a true way leading you into the greater abundance of awareness, the fuller prosperities of the divinely attuned attention, and the grandest of all aims and purposes in God acknowledgement. 

Michael Of Nebadon