Thursday, November 16, 2023

Behold Infinity

Behold .. the Presence of Existence dwells within you and around thee. And there is a Creator Source and Fountainhead of all Life. 

God is both infinite and personal; he is an infinite personality . . .

This Great Adonai of Fountainhead of all Existence  creates all Light Substance from out of Himself. He nurtures all, preserving all within His Mindful Ideal. And you are to grow in thine thirst for this One Purity of Existence. You are to aspire by choice to praise the Creator Source.

I sayeth Creator Source .. for He .. She .. is Persona Infinity .. the personal nature of Deity Existence. He is Persona who hath brought forth all personas throughout creation.

Do not permit the magnitude of God, his infinity, either to obscure or eclipse his personality. “He who planned the ear, shall he not hear? He who formed the eye, shall he not see?” 

The Universal Father is the acme of divine personality; he is the origin and destiny of personality throughout all creation. God is both infinite and personal; he is an infinite personality. The Father is truly a personality, notwithstanding that the infinity of his person places him forever beyond the full comprehension of material and finite beings.

God is much more than a personality as personality is understood by the human mind; he is even far more than any possible concept of a superpersonality. But it is utterly futile to discuss such incomprehensible concepts of divine personality with the minds of material creatures whose maximum concept of the reality of being consists in the idea and ideal of personality. 

The material creature’s highest possible concept of the Universal Creator is embraced within the spiritual ideals of the exalted idea of divine personality.

Therefore, although you may know that God must be much more than the human conception of personality, you equally well know that the Universal Father cannot possibly be anything less than an eternal, infinite, true, good, and beautiful personality.

Michael Of Nebadon 
Urantia Gita