Sunday, July 9, 2023

Seek and Ye Shall Findeth

Seek with an unwavering determination to findeth truth.

Knock upon thine own ephemerality by penetration upon the doorway of Inner Reality and the Undeniable Authority.

Attempt not to halt thine deliberations until ye have persevered by discrimination and discernment bold and wholeheartedly willing to findeth the Unchangeable One.

Ye shall not stop seeking until you findeth no such surcease for thine challenges and conflicts .. wherein ye shall begin to discover poise and prosperity of a kind otherworldly, righteousness of priorities shall emerge in thine values and vision, and purity beyond description shall dominate you through the Father's Spirit Life within thee.

When they who seek shall findeth .. lo unto them who turn away from His Glory .. for these ones shall be disturbed to the uttermost .. a disequilibrium shall pervade their land within .. and as they are disturbed and discouraged and destroyed out from their self-imposed images and artful deceit .. their egoic maneuverings and tempestuous character traits .. so shall they enter My Prairies and they shall marvel and attest with constancy and conviction of faith .. they shall give all reverence and unconditional loving unto the One who shall expand and extend and taketh dominance and preeminence in his reign over all. 

And only then shall you findeth rest and peace and everlasting tranquility .. allowing the living One to have His way within you. 

Hence, in these ways shall the Kingdom of the Universes establish its reign of Progressive Advancement and Universal Association.

Michael Of Nebadon
The Planetary Gospel