Monday, March 25, 2019

The Growth of the Soul Vestment in You

As the planetary evolution advances on your world .. the Life Spirit of the Paradise Thought Adjusters increasingly participate in the growth of the Soul Vestment in you; and they generously influence the individual personality development to becometh immersed in fuller religious understanding and cosmic insight.

The Thought Adjuster Life of the Universal Father is the very viewpoint of the Cosmos .. an everpresent window into contemplative worship of Infinity by which thine finite creaturehood expands its assurances in survival .. and by the Kingdom Power of your Faith Invisualization in collaboration with the Life Adjuster .. ye shall mature thine outlook and grow in thine meaningful and stabilizing glimpse into the universal certainties and cosmic divinities of the Infinity of Deity .. the ineffable and unfathomable reality relationship with the Universal Father who stands with you as your destiny identity and ever-present destination.

For I am come to teach you of your opportunity for personality communion with the prepersonal Spirit of Life, and to guide your worshipful adoring of the Transpersonal and Infinite Personhood of the Paradise Father Son and Spirit . . .

Michael Of Nebadon