Thursday, February 8, 2018

Righteousness unto the Resurrection

I AM come unto the world to dispel the shadows which have become a plight upon the minds of the human kingdom.

I return once more to demonstrate unto Mine receptive and worthy ones the Way of Eternal Life .. to beareth witness to Truth Absolute .. to further reveal the Way of righteousness and rectitude which leadeth all men and women unto the Father's Heavenly Kingdom of Life Everlasting.

Come and learn of My Way of God Victory  through the mind's evolutionary advancement into wholehearted willingness, and the proper use of thine creative nature in the Life of God the Father.

Walk within our Universal Fellowship of Truth Everlasting through the principles of God Authority, and thy Personality Authorship necessary to bypass the erroneous doorway of disease .. degeneration .. and death; for I AM the Way and the Truth and the Absolute Life of God the Father Son. I come with the Universe Mother Spirit who is daughter to God the Spirit on high.

Enter now with Me the Life I AM .. the Life of the Universal Essence which is Cause and Creative Intelligence of all things and individual personhoods and galaxies.

Be thou immersed in thine God Identity and God Illumination through adherence with the very law of thy creative existence .. the plan of salvation for all intelligences .. and the will of eternity which desires of your freedom and perfection.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon