Friday, August 18, 2017

The Lake of Galilea

Behold Mine Glory and Honor within thee; the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of My Being is of the First Father and the Second Son.

I reveal the ideal nature and living attributes of the First Creative Center and Divine Source of God the Father to this universal endowment of eternity.

Praise the Paradise Trinity Parenthood with all thine heart and mind and body.

Give to this Center and Source their acknowledgement and appreciation.

Cooperation with the Spirit of your indwelling shall clarify your character and elevate your emotions.

Concentration upon the Infinite Absoluteness through the will of your faith shall begin to cause the revelatory ripple effects of the Infinite One into and throughout thine mind and heart and body.

I return to personally guide Mine apostles of the 21st century .. Some of which had walked with Me around the Lake of Galilea. 

I return to fulfill My covenant .. my agreement .. with humanity. I gather those individuals who find themselves to be athirst with the need for righteousness and revelation .. receptivity and realization .. responsibility and respect. These ones shall cause themselves to become the remembrance of purpose and divine poise of heart.

Michael Of Nebadon