Saturday, February 25, 2017

Endowment of Will

Endowment of Will...

"Oh great and infinite Parenthood of Spirit .. I honor you with my attention and awareness placed with you. I praise you with all of my adorational worship .. that you be exalted and held high in me. I give you my allegiance and allowance to expand in me and take full control to establish harmony and order.

"Everlasting One .. I so appreciate you in my life as my life. I ask deeper alignment with you. I give you all of me."

Now are ye arising upon the new day .. quickening the trajectory of your existence .. Paradiseward.

Walk within dignity and faith .. trust and charity .. hope and expectancy ..

My Universal Administration is presently conducting all thine benevolence of God to the kingdoms of the earth. You are cared for and caressed into liberty .. the avenues of ascendancy are open for each truth-thirsting personality soul to reach into the Kingdom of the Heavenly Host.

The Initiatory Father is revealed on the Originating Mother Son .. and the Preparatory Spirit offers to all evolutionary minds the way .. truth .. and life.

I am with you now. Call upon Me in the Comforter .. Invite Me by adherence to the law of cause and effect. .. knock upon the doorway of Supremacy through the Spirit of God in you now.

I come to weave into and throughout humanity the everlasting fabric of Our vibratory influences.

Michael Of Nebadon
University Of Salvington