Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Society of Michael Of Nebadon

Welcome Beloveds,
To assist you to navigate within our Society, I am giving you this outline of our organization, and the opportunities for fellowship, communion, personal growth, and soul completion & graduation that we are offering humanity at this time.

~Michael Sananda Esu (Michael Of Nebadon)

The Michael Of Nebadon Publications Trust
1. Public and Private Writings - the social platforms daily lessons - daily and weekly writings on blogs, videos, audios, booklets, and books.

The Worldwide Initiative and Global Mission of Michael of Nebadon
1. The Universal Family of Michael of Nebadon – Michael of Nebadon Worldwide Communion and Global Conferences, the Universal Family Worldwide Study Groups.

The Worldwide Communities Of Salvington College
1 The Universal Family of Michael Of Nebadon (Public)
2. The Urantia Revelation at Salvington College (Public)
3. The Pathwork Lectures at Salvington College
4. A Course in Miracles at Salvington College (Public)
5. Un Curso en Milagros en Colegio de Salvington (Public)
6. Salvington College Next Generation (Public)
7. Salvington College Preparatory (By Invitation Only)
8. Salvington College (Private Admissions Necessary)
9. Salvington College Yoga (Private Admissions Necessary)
10. The Private Dialogues at Salvington College (Private Admissions Necessary)
11. White Lily Shepherds (Private Admissions Necessary)

All inquiries, questions and/or concerns may be sent to

Our central website at this time is Here you will find all links to the public daily and weekly lessons/writings.

We will have a new website coming shortly, and the address is

A Suggestion
Blessed Ones who have found their way to our fellowship. . . With all that I am presenting to you for your growth .. it is .. let me say .. My suggestion to you .. that you become organized moreso. That you take the time to become certain in your understanding of My keys to the Kingdom.

Never assume that you are sure of My meanings .. always ask for clarification and a deeper direction. Approach this royal road as if it is your vocational career .. for that it is .. the underlying career as a thread of soul curriculum throughout all your lifetimes.

Imagine that your walk with Me here in the physical and eternally in the Spirit of Truth .. is the great doorway of your existence; for who knows when the next opportunities will arise for you on your journey. Yet .. all that you attain in the Sacred Name of the Infinite .. is an eternal attainment that cannot be taken away from you. All that you transfigure will be as the living fuel that motivates and lubricates your existence into the immortal body.

Remember .. I have organized My teachings into essentially three areas: Beatitudes for mind growth and character refinement; Universal Protocol for encircuiting yourself into the ministries of the Three Persons of Infinity; and your Authority of Free Will .. necessary to claim your empowerments and to apply daily My Ideal. It is this Ideal which is the way to embody and become the Father’s First and Immaculate Thought.

As a Son of the Originating Son and First and Only Father .. I extend to you this Thought Ideal while embodying it in all the ways possible. You also must arise from the slumbers of the lethargy of the Race .. and take My Hand within this Universal Protocol. Invite the Infinite Mother Spirit in this Universal Protocol. Build your daily Communion with the Father’s Spirit of Bestowal through the Sevenfold Powers of Authority.

Stay not far and away .. yet come .. participate with Me. Ask and open to receive. Cultivate our Society culture .. by treating our association together as a collegial friendship .. a Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Deity of Supremacy.
I love each one of you .. as you are the emerging flowers of radiant illumination blossoming forth into the initiatory attainment of your Universal Citizenship.

I welcome you to make thyself more transparent and receptive.

Michael Sananda Esu / Michael of Nebadon