Sunday, September 13, 2015

Our Three Universal Precepts

I teach humanity of three essential precepts which the Universe Mother Spirit and the Planetary Administration of the Host of Heaven serve with Me.

1. The growth of character to fertilize and prepare the personality mind to develop the soul, and this soul development is the receptacle for receiving My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter as their direct contact in our fellowship, their personal teacher and everlasting guide .. and then, they are more greatly capable of receiving and merging with the Spirit of Paradise Bestowal of the First Source which is the Life and Consciousness and their eternal destination.

As character develops there blossoms in the personality soul and mind a great and permanently lasting renewal of values .. virtues .. verities .. experiential validations .. and eternal and immortal victories.

2. The Infinite Protocol of the Universal Circuits of Infinite Persons of Deity. Righteous living in relationship with these divine circuits of promise and potentiality through the illuminated highways of the  Fatherhood Motherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Humanity.

3. The relationship of sonship and daughtership by awakening and refining and empowering the individual's inner divine authority of free will applied towards the preparations for graduation into immortality. This gradually unfolds through the initiation of the Second Birth of Universe Citizenship.

Together I walk individuals into actualization of these three each becomes a sovereign being .. illuminated and in a reciprocal spiritual communion and consciousness of their rightful place in the universes.

No longer shall human beings feel the painful effects of orphanhood and abandonment that had become a plague upon the hearts and minds of the kingdoms of the earth.

Michael Of Nebadon