Saturday, April 27, 2013

And the Mortal shall place Upon Itself Immortality

The ideal blueprint of the flower is within the seed in every detail and description and must become expanded and emerge into its ideal with water and sunshine. Thus, I bring with Me the Living Water of Life Everlasting and I turn thy attention and focus towards the sunshine of thine own god force presence. Learn to partake of this Living Water by calling upon Me in the Person of the Holy Comforter Spirit of Truth to guide you intimately in every detail so that you too may experience the emergence of thine greater Selfhood. Invite the sunshine of the Universe Spirit Mother and Her Associates, the Immortal Host, to radiate their Light of Life upon thy field, to allow thy field to expand, to multiply, to unfold, and be wrought into the flower of Perfection that is thy destiny. Yet, your part is merely to apply My precepts through the Seven Eyes and allow thyself to become encircuited into the Personality Network of the Trinity Deity by making use in your Seven Eyes application each day of the Paradise Trinity Endowment. This Trinity Endowment is thy network which connects you into the Universal Intelligences of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit within this local universe.

Allow God within thee to express right directly through you by announcing to Him that you are willing to have His will be done in you, through you, by you, for you, and as you. That would be the kind of cooperation necessary to have Him respond to you and your request for His help. It is only when we take things into our own hands that the problems and difficulties begin.  Let Him express through you His Perfect Ideal in the way that He has conceived of you and, by working with the precepts each day of the SEVEN EYES, emailing me as often as you like in the working out of God's will through your application of these Seven Eyes. I call the precept application The Seven Eyes because thy working it each and every day will open all thy seven main chakras or energy points, purifying all and quickening thy life into the higher life free from pain and suffering of every kind.

The God force indwelling thy field of receptivity desires to expand His Perfection. You are working with this Infinite Principle of Life that knows exactly what it wishes to accomplish in you and with you, yet it is dependent upon your cooperation and affinity, your attitudes of loving Him and having faith and trust in Him in all ways. Allow Him to help you in every way possible. You are not meant to live this life through your own efforts and limited human intelligence, but you are destined as a mortal human being to learn to bring completion to all lifetimes by saturating thyself with His radiation. This is the transfiguration of thy field of receptivity into light, at one with His Immortality, His Indestructible Perfection, and His Immortal Purity.

In the Eternal Majesty of His Love and Mercy
Michael of Nebadon