Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Melting Away of Extremes of Pleasure and Pain

My Tweets in regards to December 21st, 2012, and afterwards…

The extremes of pleasure and pain will be melting into an immediacy; so that, if you seek to solve your problems through the pleasure of the senses and its outer world of appearance, you will immediately experience pain. Time is collapsing a bit in the third dimensional density as we make our collective journey beyond 3D into the higher frequencies of 4D and then 5D.

The collective humanity...our thoughts and feelings and subconscious understandings and attitudes have been reaching for pleasure in order to offset the pain we experience. This will be ending and what will re-emerge is a facility for being able to transcend flipping back and forth between pleasure and pain. Pleasure will no longer work to distract us from the experience of pain. And pain will no longer be pleasurable.

So, what you experience to be pleasureful will actually become painful for you. And what you experience as that masochistic and sadistic pleasureful state of being in pain and inflict pain on thyself and others, will evolve rapidly into simply the immediate experience of pain for thyself and for others...immediately.

Pleasure of the senses and the outer appearance world will be painful, and pain will no longer be pleasurable. The Immaculate Perception and the technologies of Spiritual law will override this flipping back and forth ad transcendence will occur for those who are able to transcend this deeply ingrained consciousness of duality an polar opposite extremes.

Polarized viewpoints will fade away at this time. For and against will blend together, rich and poor, black and white, all will be quickened into Light; and a kind of universality for the Race of humanity.

What will be collapsing are the extremes and polar opposites, the disintegrations, the separations; thus, union, integration, balance...!

Civilization is going through an initiation in the use of the Life Force; descent of the Cosmic Christ Sacred Fire Love is underway for all. each must bring balance and harmony to their momentums of energy. Their accumulations must be accounted for. Each must learn of the Law of Existence and how to apply this great Law to their own life and existence.

What will be collapsing are the extremes and polar opposites, the disintegrations, the separations; thus, union, integration, balance...! The separation between spirit and matter will come to an end in terms of the perception of differences...a renewed perception of similarities will emerge.

Humans are in a fetus state of their existence which will be taking a quantum leap forward through the renewal of divine energies from the Source and Center moving through this part of the creation...

We who exist in the higher octaves within this universe have been guiding you and moving this local universe into position so that we can maximize the opportunities to engage with and embrace the new frequency of Love, Light, and greater Life Everlasting for all who have the receptivity and the biochemical alignments with which to receive the restoration and renewal...

The major redemption of life throughout our local universe has been occurring and this is a great part of its expansion into a higher frequency of light...

Now, the duality of polar opposites and extremes will begin to melt away in favor of greater blending and merging; union and integration...

Again I say unto you...Own thyself or ye shall be owned! Claim thy divinity or else ye shall be claimed for another's agenda...