Monday, August 26, 2019

The Vesture of thine Emerging Soul

Perceive Life .. thou child of the universes .. perceive Me as thine formless immaculate Comforter surrounding thee .. guiding thine way unto Truth Absolute .. preparing thee for the worlds of Jerusem our System Capitol.

I even shall eternalize thine propensities for truthfulness; that ye shall begin to unfold with humility and honesty and vulnerability and transparency and willingness.

Be thou ever aware that 'time marches onwards' .. that time lost never returns to you.

I sayeth to the seekers of the Way and the aspirants of the One Truth and the disciples and apostles of the One Absoluteness of Life ..

With care and sincerity and determination, so shall you find the Living One in you; for the Universal Absoluteness of God is an everywhereness .. an everythingness .. even eventually .. an everyoneness.

He is certainly thine Life to be inherited by your fervencies of conviction and confidence and constancy...

With your continuous care and desire for Unconditional Love and the Entirety of the  Objectivity of Truth .. so shall you becometh diligence itself .. and then .. only then .. shall your decisions vanquish all opposing inner currents; so that the vestments of mind becometh gradually the vesture of the emerging soul capacity driven to embrace and understand My vision and verities of Life.

Ye shall grow in maturity and wholehearted willingness to accomplish what must be achieved by each and every individual personality; the awakening .. embracing .. and embodying of those certain trinitarian values and cardinal virtues of Eternity and the absolute vision and plan which hails from out of our Paradise Center and Divine Source.

Let not the cold winds of ephemerality maketh thee toxic to truthfulness .. unwilling to stand naked upon the bridge leading into tomorrow.

Let not thine destructive arrogance and the  presumptuous vanities of the seeds of rebelliousness lead thee astray into pastures of death and decay and the fearful abominations of those trinkets of pettiness and disdain which would carry you further away from the Infinite Goodness of God's Glory.

Michael Of Nebadon