Sunday, March 20, 2022


Aunque no podéis observar al espíritu divino trabajando en vuestras mentes, existe un método práctico para descubrir el grado en que habéis cedido el control de vuestros poderes del alma de la personalidad a la enseñanza y guía de este espíritu morante del Padre celestial, y es el grado de vuestro amor, paciencia y tolerancia, capacidad de recepción y comprensión misericordiosa hacia vuestros fraternos, y hacia todos los reinos y toda criatura. 

Este espíritu del Padre participa del amor del Padre y de la misericordia de los Hijos del Paraíso, y a medida que domina progresivamente vuestro ser humano .. persona y los aspectos del alma de la personalidad, conduce indefectiblemente en las direcciones de la adoración divina y la consideración amorosa hacia los fraternos. 

Vosotros empezáis a caminar erguidos en la dignidad, la integridad y el honor en vuestras relaciones .. comenzando dentro de vosotros mismos.

Estáis aprendiendo los significados y los valores de la Eternidad... dando todo el reconocimiento, la apreciación y la alabanza adoracional afectuosa y la adoración en gratitud amorosa a la Divinidad morante... os estáis humillando, sin reservas y de todo corazón a una sinceridad de fe trascendente mientras admitís que "de vosotros mismos no podéis hacer nada porque el Ajustador de Vida del Padre os lo da todo". 

Vosotros estáis viviendo como un niño pequeño con la adherencia gozosa necesaria para recibir el otorgamiento de vuestra filiación como un regalo. Siempre estáis en una colaboración de entrega... una cooperación divina al someteros al cumplimiento de la voluntad del Padre sin cuestionar y en la plena certeza y confianza genuina de la sabiduría del Padre.

Vosotros descubrís una nueva prioridad y un propósito primordial al permitir la preeminencia de Dios en vuestras vidas. Estáis en plena aceptación de las circunstancias de vuestra paja, y estáis en la aceptación de vuestras imperfecciones e impresiones efímeras.

A medida que crecéis vuestra alma de personalidad y su cáscara de rasgos de carácter, estáis entrando en la alegre y más cercana e íntima proximidad del reino .. libre de prejuicios y preconceptos .. toda subjetividad de opiniones y voluntades se han transfigurado por Su Vida.

Vosotros sois elevados más allá de las fronteras del egoísmo y del egocentrismo .. la terquedad y las inclinaciones de reclusión se transforman para llegar a ser de mente abierta y enseñable como un niño inmaculado.

En importancia práctica, vosotros debéis cultivar un hambre inconquistable por la Verdad, empezando por la veracidad, la ternura, la temeridad y la transparencia de vuestra persona total. 

Vuestra sed de justicia y rectitud florece .. vuestra reverencia y respeto por la Vida del Padre y su utilización se hace profunda y amplia, un cambio de mente surge con nuevas aproximaciones y nuevas comprensiones, la adquisición del motivo de ser como Dios y de encontrar a Dios dentro de vuestro mismo corazón y mente madura .. cada vez más completamente, de modo que buscáis la identidad en Él .. aparece una naturaleza de nueva formación .. mientras que el carácter de vuestra personalidad está aumentando en sus motivaciones, inclinaciones, tendencias e impulsos para la veracidad de la progresión ordenada por la que predominan los motivos de sabiduría .. la adoración de comunión venerable hace crecer vuestra consciencia hasta las alturas eternas de la vestidura del alma - las percepciones de la divinidad emergen, las perspectivas del ideal visionario del alma están dominando cada una de vuestras elecciones y deliberaciones, una pureza de corazón, mente y cuerpo se apodera de vosotros; porque estáis entrando en la Vida Soberana y la Confianza de Dios.

Al principio creéis que sois hijos e hijas de Dios porque mi enseñanza os ha hecho más conscientes de las directrices internas de la presencia ajustadora residente de nuestro Padre; y actualmente, el Espíritu de la Verdad os rodea, como ahora se derrama sobre toda carne, y vivirá entre todas las criaturas y enseñará a todas... así como Yo vivo ahora entre vosotros en la vestimenta de lo efímero y os hablo las palabras de la verdad. 

Y este Espíritu de la Verdad, hablando por las dotes humanas y espirituales del alma de vuestra personalidad, elevará vuestra vista y renovará vuestro corazón y vuestra mente .. ayudándoos a saber que sois hijos e hijas de Dios. 

Mi Espíritu Consolador dará indefectiblemente testimonio con la presencia de Vida que mora en el Padre, vuestro espíritu, diciéndoos que sois en realidad hijas e hijos de Dios.

Cada hijo de la tierra que siga la guía de este Espíritu de Mi Persona Universal conocerá finalmente la voluntad de Dios, y ella y él que se rindan a la voluntad de mi Padre permanecerán para siempre. 

El camino de la vida terrestre al estado eterno se os está aclarando ahora, y hay un camino, siempre lo ha habido, y Yo he venido una vez más para hacer ese camino nuevo y vivo para vosotros y en vosotros por vuestras decisiones. 

El que entra en el reino tendrá la vida eterna que se despliega progresivamente. 

Vosotros comprenderéis mejor estas cosas a medida que seáis capaces de ver vuestras experiencias actuales progresivamente... en el gradual y largo despertar evolutivo a vuestro lugar en el Universo.

Michael of Nebadon

Kingdom Ideas

While you cannot observe the divine spirit at work in your minds, there is a practical method of discovering the degree to which you have yielded the control of your personality soul powers to the teaching and guidance of this indwelling spirit of the heavenly Father, and that is the degree of your love, patience and tolerance, reception capacity, and merciful understanding for your fellows, and for all kingdoms and every creature. 

This spirit of the Father partakes of the love of the Father and the mercy of the Sons of Paradise, and as it progressively dominates thine human being .. personhood and the aspects of the personality soul, it unfailingly leads in the directions of divine worship and loving regard for one’s fellows. 

You begin to walk upright in dignity, integrity, and honor in your relationships .. beginning within thyself.

You are learning the meanings and values of Eternity .. giving all acknowledgment, appreciation, and affectionate adorational praise and worship in loving gratitude to the indwelling Godhood .. you are humbling thyselves,  unreservedly and wholeheartedly to a transcendent faith sincerity whilst admitting that "of thyself you can do nothing because the Father's Life Adjuster gives you everything. 

You are living as a little child with the joyful adherence necessary to receive the bestowal of thine sonship as a gift. Ever are you in a surrendering collaboration .. a divine cooperation in submitting thyselves to the doing of the Father’s will without questioning and in the full confidence and genuine trustfulness of the Father’s wisdom.

You discover a new priority and overriding purpose in allowance of God's preeminence in your lives. You are in full acceptance of the circumstances of your chaff, and you are in the  acceptance of your imperfections and ephemeral impressions.

As you grow thine personality soul and its husk of character traits, you are coming into the joyful and closer and more greatly intimate proximity of the kingdom .. free from prejudice and preconception .. all subjectivity of opinions and willfulness have becometh transfigured by His Life.

You are elevated beyond the borders of selfishness and self-centeredness .. stubbornness and seclusion inclinations are transformed towards becoming open-minded and teachable like an unspoiled child.

In practical importance, you must cultivate an unconquerable Truth hunger beginning with truthfulness, tenderness, temerity and transparency of thine total persona. 

Thine thirst for righteousness and rectitude blossoms .. thine reverence and respect for the Father's Life and its utilization grows deep and wide, a change of mind emerges with new approximations and new understandings, the acquirement of the motive to be like God and to find God within thine very heart and mind matures  .. ever more completely, so that you are seeking identity in Him .. a newly forming nature appears .. whilst your personality character is heightening in its motivations, inclinations, tendencies, and urges for truthfulness of the orderly progression whereby wisdom-motives predominate .. worshipful communion adoration grows your consciousness unto eternal heights of the soul vesture - divinity perceptions emerge, soul perspectives of the visionary ideal are dominating thine every choice and deliberation, a purity of heart, mind, and body takes hold of thee; for you are entering God's Sovereign Life and Trust.

At first you believe that you are sons and daughters of God because my teaching has made you more conscious of the inner leadings of our Father’s indwelling Adjuster presence; and presently, the Spirit of Truth is all-around you, as it is now poured out upon all flesh, and it will live among all creatures and teach all .. even as I now live among you in the garment of ephemerality and speak to you the words of truth. 

And this Spirit of Truth, speaking for the human and spiritual endowments of your personality soul, shall raise your sight and renew your heart and mind .. helping you to know that you are the sons and daughters of God. 

My Spirit Comforter shall unfailingly bear witness with the Father’s indwelling presence of Life, your spirit, telling you that you are in reality the daughters and sons of God.

Every earth child who follows the leading of this Spirit of My Universal Persona shall eventually know the will of God, and she and he who surrenders to the will of my Father shall abide forever. 

The way from the earth life to the eternal estate is now being made plain to you, and there is a way, there always has been, and I have come once again to make that way new and living for you and in you by your decisions. 

He who enters the kingdom shall have eternal life progressively unfolding. 

You will the better understand these things as you are able to view your present experiences progressively .. in the gradual and longstanding evolutionary awakening to your place in the Universe.

Michael of Nebadon

Friday, March 18, 2022

My Persona Universal

In this 21st Century Bestowal Mission, I am revealing to you more of My Eternal Name and Station .. My Purpose for you, and the true Gospel Revelations intended for thine hearts to prosper with untold abundance and ineffable glory.

You have known of Me from the 1st Century .. ye have garnered yet a tiny understanding of My Universal Person as Father Son with the Spirit of Existence.

It is for this reason and even greater that I venture to enter your thought streams .. the tapestries of your heart .. that you are eternalizing thyselves with obedience and discipleship in relationship with the Father's Life.

Ye have been inculcated .. indoctrinated .. hypnotized .. with certain ill-gotten interpretations of My works .. My Persona .. My Mission to Humanity over these epochs. And I do uphold every electron in this our Universe, even unto the quickening of all into Light and Life.

Ye shall learn of the Way of Eternity .. the Truth of thine Destiny, and the means to unfold thyselves unto the true daughters and sons of our home of the Nebadon Universe .. and ye shall awaken to thine mastery of the endowment given you .. the developing empowerment of the Spiritual Promise of Grace and the vast Generosity of Love which the Paradise Trinity upholds and preserves for each child of the universes.

I give you My wisdom .. I come and maketh Mine speech unto thine human ear .. that ye may have treasures untold in love, wisdoms of Intelligence, and personality Christ empowerments .. enough to elevate thine entire existence .. to ennoble thine urges for truth .. to enliven thee in your progression inwards through the dimensional fabric of the creation .. even one day unto Paradise.

I sayeth unto the childlike ones who have prepared a place for Me .. for the Father, Son, and Spirit of Existence...

Come unto Me all ye who struggle with thine existence .. who suffer with unawareness and the ignorance of thine place and importance in the universes .. who desire inordinately to express love and to wholeheartedly becometh the compassionate mercy of the Trinity Parenthood .. those who seek a new experience for their lifetimes .. emboldening for themselves a new and higher trajectory of purity, purpose, and closer proximity to the Source of Life.

Christ Jesus Michael of Nebadon

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

My Second Advent brings Ascendancy

Students on our Virtual Worldwide Campus of Salvington, the Planetary Prince School, practice the precepts of the way, truth, and life each day .. in a collegial atmosphere of cooperation and collaboration and harmonious consideration together where Individuality flourishes,  and the awareness of Eternity grows deeply in the mind and heart and soul of each student.

I am come .. entering inside the creation as the Living Word of the Father Son Spirit .. extending Existence for all to be nourished and fed and advanced with God's glorious Light and Life .. His Limitless Love.

In My Universe Station, I exist outside of creation in the expanded reality of the Father Son Spirit, so that, I hold the entire Universe of Nebadon in the palm of My Hand.

You might believe that the atomic substance is tiny .. that, for example, the electrons are small micro-beings, yet I say unto you, that you each are just as the electrons; your surrounding reality and atmosphere, your environment, your society, and planetary life is exactly the same as the atmosphere and surrounding society of the "tiny" electron beings. You are "tiny" as well, when viewed from my Universe Station. And you are potentially awakening as the Consciousness of Supremacy as your individual destiny unfolds.

I enter thine own micro-reality of the planets, as the Word of Eternity hailing from out of the Great Fountainhead of Existence, Expression, and Experience .. bringing forth into light and life all lives on every level of My universe creation whilst continually creating, preserving, upholding, ministering to, attending to with the utmost love, advancing and nourishing, and ascending progressively each tender branch upon the Vine of Life I AM with loving care and limitless mercy.

I am the way of God Authority.

I am the truth of Personal Authorship.

I am the life of Progressive Achievement .. Advancement .. Attainment .. Ascendancy.

The Life of Existence and Eternity is everywhere .. as everything .. and is unfolding as everyone.

This One Life is sentient, alive, conscious feeling knowing Life...

He and she who come unto Me .. who learn My reciprocal religious spirituality .. who walk every day in this relational approach of actualization .. they who believe as I believe .. who live as I am living .. they who approach their existence as I approach existence .. shall have an advancing life more abundantly prosperous .. and they shall be gradually .. progressively .. quickening their personal existence unto Eternal Life Everlasting.

In the Creator Sons the love of the Universal Father is blended with the mercy of the Eternal Son and is disclosed to the local universes in the creative power, loving ministry, and understanding sovereignty of the Michaels of Paradise.

Michael Of Nebadon