Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Love Flourishes

Allow thyselves to give to the Immaculate Love who lives in thee.

Arise by your choices to open to Love Everlasting.

So narrow are ye in thine sympathies, so loyal to disharmonies, so careless in cultivating a life overflowing with His Love.

I sayeth unto thee .. even to cultivate the endowments of thine capacities and soul  capabilities .. that ye stretch thyselves to become a persona more than only half alive in one half of thine human nature.

Thine faculties perish for want of proper exercise and application. 

The remedy for narrowness of viewpoint ..  for thought paralysis .. for thine inflexibility .. thine  unelastic nature .. is the cultivation of the spirit of awe for existence .. wonder for life .. contemplation in the philosophic spirit of advancement.

Verily do I reveal to thee .. the cultivation of the rational and reasoning mind .. and of thy personal purification .. this is the true study and occupation for the individual necessary to claim their selfhood and open wide to the Self-directive, Self-determinative, Self-creative, and the  Self-consciousness of God's Life.

Ever is there more of the Infinite One .. to touch his Glorious Hem .. to reach for His Grace. To remain openly humble to receive His Generosity of Love.

There within His Love shall you discover Me in you and all-around you, with you, for you, by you, and as thine very Selfhood.

Michael Of Nebadon

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Good Shepherd

New Humanity Sovereign World Servers are dedicated to bringing the Cosmic Light upon the Earth.

Calling upon all the Sovereign World Servers who shall come with Me forward into their fuller God empowerment to take back the earth from the darkness.

Become thou .. it is time to reveal thyselves and to be the World Teachers, World Leaders, World Healers, and World Servers of the Infinity Will .. for as you step forth with Me by answering My call unto thee .. I shall quicken thee unto thine Full Empowerment capable of embodying a greater portion of Life's  Luminosity.

Come forth with Me to extinguish all the misuse of destructive free will .. by thine commanding invitation to the omnipotence of God's Love.

I .. Michael Of Nebadon .. Michael Sananda Maitreya .. do call upon all Sovereign Personalities who desire with the fullest passion of their commanding heart .. to raise the native population .. to quicken every Life Kingdom on the planet .. with the concentrated desire and constructively qualified will .. the cooperative collaboration of Humanity.

I ask from My Universal Heart to your own Individualized Hearts to step forth and be wholeheartedly willing to embody more of God's Holy Light .. His Life .. and His Unconquerable Love.

Tonight, here before me are women and men who would be willing to die for me and for this gospel of the kingdom, and some of them will so offer themselves in the years to come; and here also are some of you, slaves of tradition, who have followed me down from Jerusalem days by heresay, and who, with your darkened and deluded leaders, seek to curtail the gospel of the Son of Man. 

The life which I now live in the flesh shall judge both of you, the true shepherds and the false shepherds. If the false shepherd were blind, he would have no sin, but you claim that you see; you profess to be teachers and healers and world servers; therefore does your sin remain upon you .. for you have as yet to learn the way to heal yourselves from ignorance and arrogance .. from darkness and the erroneous teachings of evolutionary religions.

The true shepherd gathers his flock into the fold for the night in times of danger. And when the morning has come, he and she .. servers of the kingdoms of all life .. enter into the fold by the door, and when he calls, the sheep know his voice. Every shepherd who gains entrance to the sheepfold by any other means than by the door is a thief and a robber. The true shepherd enters the fold after the porter has opened the door for him, and his sheep, knowing his voice, come out at his word; and when they that are his are thus brought forth, the true shepherd goes before them; he leads the way and the sheep follow him. His sheep follow him because they know his voice; they will not follow a stranger. They will flee from the stranger because they know not his voice. This multitude which is gathered about us here are like sheep without a shepherd, but when we speak to them, they know the shepherd’s voice, and they follow after us; at least, those who hunger for truth and thirst for righteousness do. Some of you are not of my fold; you know not my voice, and you do not follow me. And because you are false shepherds, the sheep know not your voice and will not follow you.”

And when Jesus Christ Michael had spoken this parable, no one asked him a question. After a time he began again to speak and went on to discuss the parable:

You who would be the undershepherds of my Father’s flocks must not only be worthy leaders, but you must also feed the flock with good food; you are not true shepherds unless you lead your flocks into green pastures and beside still waters.

And now, lest some of you too easily comprehend this parable, I will declare that I am both the door to the Father’s sheepfold and at the same time the true shepherd of my Father’s flocks. Every shepherd who seeks to enter the fold without me shall fail, and the sheep will not hear his voice. I, with those who minister with me, am the door. Every soul who enters upon the eternal way by the means I have created and ordained shall be saved and will be able to go on to the attainment of the eternal pastures of Paradise.

But I also am the true shepherd who is willing even to lay down his life for the sheep. The thief breaks into the fold only to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; but I have come that you all may have life and have it more abundantly. He who is a hireling, when danger arises, will flee and allow the sheep to be scattered and destroyed; but the true shepherd will not flee when the wolf comes; he will protect his flock and, if necessary, lay down his life for his sheep. 

Verily, verily, I say to you, friends and enemies, I am the true shepherd; I know my own and my own know me. I will not flee in the face of danger. I will finish this service of the completion of my Father’s will, and I will not forsake the flock which the Father has entrusted to my keeping.

But I have many other sheep not of this fold, and these words are true not only of this world. These other sheep also hear and know my voice, and I have promised the Father that they shall all be brought into one fold, one brotherhood of the sons of God. And then shall you all know the voice of one shepherd, the true shepherd, and shall all acknowledge the fatherhood of God.

And so shall you know why the Father loves me and has put all of his flocks in this domain in my hands for keeping; it is because the Father knows that I will not falter in the safeguarding of the sheepfold, that I will not desert my sheep, and that, if it shall be required, I will not hesitate to lay down my life in the service of his manifold flocks. But, mind you, if I lay down my life, I will take it up again. No man nor any other creature can take away my life. I have the right and the power to lay down my life, and I have the same power and right to take it up again. You cannot understand this, but I received such authority from my Father even before this world was.”

Join Me as a Sovereign World Leader .. a Sovereign World Server .. a Sovereign World Healer of this planetary civilization.

Michael Of Nebadon

Monday, December 21, 2020

The Originating Design for Human Life

In designing humankind .. I  intended human life to be the masterpiece of the planetary creation .. to be the ruler and gentle caretaker of all the earth .. and to work together with all creatures and every Kingdom .. even with the angels.

Yet, ever am I within sight of human lives being dominated by their own baser passions and purposes. I watch intently the irreverence of human beings in ignorance and immaturity bowing down before idols of wood, stone, gold, and the degeneracies of selfish ambition.

Certainly, I am stirred with the desire for humankind to arise and aspire to fulfill their inherent and originating designs.

Intellectual and soul cultivation is a progressive work .. it is gradual, evolutionary, and the resultant reward of the intelligent dedication of human choice to those higher velocities and more widened intents. 

The powers of the mind and the heart unfold with their human exertion; each successive effort by human righteousness of decision add to its power and ability to develop in an uprightness which leads to expressing as the proper channel. 

Great thought power in any direction is yielded to and acknowledged by Existence. 

A superior, rich individuality emerges, especially much as thought and feeling powers are dedicated upwards ..  and this upward attention by faith and cooperation is without doubt the greatest impulses for the happiest life on earth to unfold and appear for the individual.

Michael Of Nebadon

El Viaje Hacia Adentro

Venid y seguidme en mi acercamiento al Viviente Uno, y os convertiréis en el autor de una expresión divina ... una experiencia completamente amorosa Conmigo.
Yo disfruto de una fe sublime y de todo corazón en Dios.
Yo experimento los altibajos ordinarios de la existencia mortal, pero nunca dudo religiosamente de la certeza del cuidado y de la guía de Dios. Lo percibo en mí, conmigo, para mí, por mí, y también como Yo.
Mi fe es el resultado de la percepción nacida de la actividad de la presencia divina, mi Ajustador morante.
Mi fe no es tradicional ni meramente intelectual; es totalmente personal en la relación, y puramente espiritual.
Es cierto ... Yo llego a vuestras costas como la Personificación de la Primera y Segunda Personas de la Deidad.
Yo vengo en y como la Voluntad del Padre Universal y del Eterno Madre Hijo.
Yo entro en vuestra experiencia evolutiva como una actividad omnipotente, omnipresente, y omnisciente con el Espíritu de la Madre del Universo.
Yo le llevo a Dios, como un hombre de este reino humano, la mayor de todas las ofrendas: la consagración y dedicación de mi propia voluntad al majestuoso servicio de hacer la voluntad divina.
Yo siempre y consistentemente interpreto la espiritualidad religiosa enteramente en términos de la voluntad del Padre.
Cuando vosotros estudiéis mi carrera terrenal, en lo que respecta a la oración o a cualquier otro aspecto de la vida religiosa, buscad lo que Yo estoy enseñando y también, lo que Yo estoy haciendo actualmente.
Observad e investigad, meditad y cuestionad, maravillaos y contemplad, cómo Yo estoy eligiendo vivir y funcionar aquí como un hombre humano y al mismo tiempo ser la expresión del Padre universal y del Eterno Madre Hijo para este Universo.
Yo comparto con vosotros aquí desde el punto de vista humano del desarrollo de la mente evolutiva y del alma de la personalidad.
Yo nunca rezo como un deber religioso. Yo entro en mi propia Comunión de Alabanza de Adoración de la Intimidad de Oración para profundizar mi relación personal con la Existencia del Paraíso; para juntar todo lo que Yo soy como hombre humano con la Divinidad.
Ésta es una concentración determinada de mis atenciones vivientes de la mente y pensamiento y emociones y sentimientos normalmente enfocados, una consagración dedicada de mi conciencia individual natural sobre la Vida, y mi orquestación escogida y misericordiosa de mi propia persona individual en el aquí y ahora dedicada a esta singularidad de pureza, este propósito de todo corazón, esta satisfacción, felicidad producida por la prioridad, y esta perseverancia excepcional de mi punto de vista de llegar más profundamente hacia la Eternidad de la Existencia.
Mientras leéis las siguientes razones para la oración y la adoración, sentid cada razón dentro de vosotros. Definid cada área de los argumentos de la oración como una manera de consagrar todo de vosotros hacia esta realización del proceso de emerger como una mayor auto-consciencia ... un gobernador más auto-determinante de vuestra vida y mundo, y una personalidad individual auto-creativa y co-creativa que se eterniza por vuestra Presencia del Ajustador, espiritualizada por vuestra rectitud y decisiones motivadas por el alma, evolucionada por vuestros círculos de logros del alma de la personalidad que traen obediencia, disciplina, humildad, nobleza, honor, e Iluminación hacia vuestra libertad como un miembro de la Ciudadanía del Universo Inmortal.
Siempre para mí, la oración es una expresión sincera de actitud espiritual, una declaración de lealtad del alma, un recital de devoción personal, una expresión de acción de gracias, una evitación de la tensión emocional, una prevención de conflictos, una exaltación de la intelección, un ennoblecimiento del deseo, una reivindicación de la decisión moral, un enriquecimiento del pensamiento, un fortalecimiento de las inclinaciones superiores, una consagración del impulso, una clarificación del punto de vista, una declaración de fe, una entrega trascendental de la voluntad, una afirmación sublime de confianza, una revelación de coraje, la proclamación del descubrimiento, una confesión de devoción suprema, la validación de la consagración, una técnica para el ajuste de las dificultades, y la poderosa movilización de los poderes del alma combinados para resistir todas las tendencias humanas hacia el egoísmo, el mal, y el pecado.
Yo vivo así tal vida de intimidad de oración y alabanza y comunión de adoración que es una consagración continua a hacer la voluntad de mi Padre.
E incluso hasta mi último aliento aquí físicamente, Yo terminaré mi misión de auto-otorgamiento triunfalmente con sólo tal Alabanza de Intimidad de Oración y Comunión de Adoración de Relación.
El secreto de mi incomparable vida religiosa cuando Yo soy llamado a venir a estos niveles de vida es esta conciencia despierta e impulsada perpetuamente y esta conciencia inquebrantable totalmente santificada de la morada y omnipresencia de Dios; y siempre Yo he alcanzado esta plenitud de concentración de comunión de mente singular y comunicación abiertamente reverente por medio de la oración inteligente y la adoración sincera - mi comunión ininterrumpida con Dios mantenida por mis elecciones de todo corazón voluntarias - y no por guías, voces, visiones, o prácticas religiosas extraordinarias.
Espero que os unáis a Mí. . .
Michael of Nebadon

Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Great Lifting of Life

I Michael of Nebadon, call upon all Personalities who have the Inner Impulse to Serve with Me the evolutions of Urantia.

Those individuals with the purest desire .. with the fullest passion .. of their commanding heart .. to raise the kingdoms of the planet towards Light, Life, and through the Omnipotence of Love. 

Let this earthly population becometh quickened in every Life Kingdom on the planet.

Let Freedom reign and let Peace Everlasting prevail.

Awaken, Arise, and  Acknowledge the Living One with thine concentrated desire and constructively qualified free will.

Let humankind be lifted in their countenance, character, considerations, and consciousness .. unto this cooperative collaboration of Humanity with the various Kingdoms of Life.

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Thine Future Generations

Fellows of City of Michael...

Coming generations shall read My words, and they shall contemplate the instructional precepts given now. And as they read and ask and open .. so shall they be  developing upon the earth their individualized selfhood.. they shall find with choices and true effort and willing determination that transformation is upon themselves .. and that My Way and Truth and Life brings them into discovering My true meanings and understandings which I am giving to you even ⁸now.

The coming generations who are as yet unborn, shall be confronted with these truths .. they shall understand that I returned during this time of the 21st Century .. and they shall study mine words of prosperity and abundance of delivery; for each shall be the faith-driven cause of their own birth into the higher Light .. and accordingly, so shall they be overcoming their many obstacles which now seem insurmountable as they studiously apply My Precepts of Instruction. 

Strength of will .. clarity of choice .. objectivity of heart .. openness of mind .. all these shall be morally directed .. for thine will is one of the noblest traits of humankind .. because it is a measure of one's personality  attainments .. and ever does one's strength of will and character righteousness prophesy  their inconceivable possibilities. 

I say unto you who have found Me here in this humble abode of My second coming .. by the culture and values and priorities of the harmonious action of all thine faculties .. and by thine constant determined effort to place the higher agenda of eternity first and foremost .. ye shall enter into My Plan of Salvation .. and ye shall walk upright unto universe ascendency.

Thine will shall be strengthened only as you take appropriate rightful actions .. decisions in favor of our Personal Association and Universal Contact.

In this direction wholeheartedly willing and honestly athirst for truth and righteousness .. for correctly understanding My teachings .. and for your unconquerable desire to have your freedom in eternity .. so shall you bequeath unto thyselves the unlimitedness of all probabilities, possibilities, potentialities, for your deliverance to unfurl itself Godward.

Christ Michael

Saturday, November 28, 2020

A New Creature Cometh

Verily, verily the Kingdom of Existence is at hand .. imminently present .. right in front of you, behind you, beneath and above you. And as ye findeth this Kingdom of Glory and Honor, so shall you becometh enthralled .. an ennoblement shall begin to dominate you and possess thee.

All pains shall becometh pleasures, and every pleasure shall becometh painful.

Thine ephemerality of  identity shall fall away, lesser urges shall  collapse, and ye shall be gradually transformed in light of the new creature which you are becoming with Me.

Then, shall you realize that you are entering intimately into My Father's Kingdom of Life and Destiny.

Michael Of Nebadon
2st Century Americas

Monday, November 23, 2020

Our Association of Ascendancy

As ye enter our association of ascendancy .. as ye partake of our apostleship .. ye shall become cleansed and prepared for the Universal  Father .. and ye shall receive him only and forever in righteousness and reverence. 

Ye shall becometh arisen unto responsibility in this coming Age of Accountability, and ye shall be developing a character of respectful communion which shall overwhelm thee unto receptivity of relationship with Me.

Our association of ascendancy replenishes you unto faith conviction and this faith deliverance shall become as a pure unadulterated reliance and  trustworthiness as you establish the Kingdom of God the Supremacy within your personhood with the Paradise Life in you. 

Ye shall awaken to the recognition of our relationship in Eternity .. and ye shall mature unto adorational giving .. unconditional worshipful giving .. for the Infinity of Life desires your wholehearted willingness to achieve his Will of Perfection.

Ye shall believe and live just as I live and believe .. and as ye learn the divine art of thine deliverance unto Truth, Order, Harmony, and Wholeness .. so shall you be transformed into God's Wholeness of the Immaculate Conception. 

All that you dream of with the Father and I .. ye shall  attain as ye grasp Mine Everlasting Hand of Partnership .. as ye shall understand and gaineth thine compassionate heart in loving God who hath brought thee forth into a uniqueness of personhood expression. 

And ye shall discover his Life Ideal, and ever shall ye walk upright with Me .. even unto thine Second Birth of Universal Citizenship. 

These things which I speak to you of shall cometh true only as you prepare thyselves for your personal entrance into the greater Universal Society of our Universe Home of Nebadon.

I encourage all creatures of every Kingdom to arise, align, awaken, appreciate, acknowledge, and adore the Living One. 

Then, shall you earn your right and privilege to enter the more exalted socialization spheres of Nebadon wherein ye shall achieve access to the wider birth and the broader opportunities .. gaining thine entrance unto the worlds of ascendancy.

Michael of Nebadon

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

I, Michael Of Nebadon

Beloveds of the earth who art my children of this Universe of Nebadon...

I am come upon thee in physical expression. You may not be able to know for sure that it is I Michael Of this Universe of Nebadon, yet, I have come to raise you according to your respect for life and your recognition of the Infinity Persons of Deity and I.

As you penetrate through your doubts and fears, so shall you find the greater clarity to know that it is I. Our Eternity Association hath a course of development to undergo .. an engagement to prosper thee unto immortality and cosmic citizenship .. eternal life everlasting; and it is I Michael who give to you this granting in our universe of eternal life everlasting in accordance with the fulfillment of your obedience to objectivity and truth, to the immaculate love and merciful forgiveness of the One Parenthood of Life which you are to build and grow personal spiritual relations in reciprocity .. in recognition and respect .. in revealing thyselves and delivering all energies that you have managed to make use of over the course of your lifetimes of learning.

Come closer to the Universe Mother and I. Enter mine thought streams necessary to increase your capacities for life. Partake of the grace that I have the power to give you .. to extend to you .. the grace and forgiveness and generosity which cometh out of the Infinity and Eternity Parenthood of all Life.

Michael Of Nebadon

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Personality Development and Eternalizing Attainment

Verily .. verily .. I speak to my earthly children who have sincerely ventured to become God Conscious .. to find the eternal God .. and to become like him in their nature, character, and identity by their loyalties, priorities, purposes of the heart and mind .. and by their absolutely determined seeking to achieve his will of the  perfectionization of their own Personhood; that ye shall become more greatly perfected in your finite domain akin to the Perfection of the Universal Father, Son, and Spirit persons in their residential domain of Paradise.

I sayeth .. ye shall grasp the mystery of all mysteries only by the maturity of mind and heart .. and by the actual spirit-led attainment of thine mortal and incomplete humanly birthed personality .. transmutations necessary in the blossoming towards soul receptivity and soul vision .. attaining in this purpose-filled way the artfully subtle perceivings of divinity .. the broadness of the divine perspectives .. the fulfillment unification of God perception .. and that most subtle of personality transformations bringing spiritual insight to the uniqueness of the individual .. all brought about by genuine personal religious experience.

Now, shall ye become poised to enter into the kingdom of thine deliverance wherein thy Second Birth of Immortality shall prosper thee in establishing thine Universal and Cosmic Citizenship in Nebadon.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Living Forces of Vast Intelligence

Certainly, thine world is experiencing the outward societal effects of very definite inner thought causes set into  vibratory motion and manifestation by the majority.

All events, circumstances, relationship entanglements, and values for your world are the manifest of human thought forces.

All visible effects are produced by invisible thought causes which always set into vibratory force the Life I AM. 

I sayeth .. all is thought made visible and tangible by individuals...

Thine natural force of Life pours through you at all times directly from thine Individualized Godhood .. in all moments of your existence .. and ye are bidden to decide how ye  shall utilize this force of Life. All force acts from within as it passes through you into its outward manifestation whilst seeking to expand its Perfect Existential Ideal. 

The scientists of your civilization are realizing in their studies of matter that all material substances resolve themselves into the study of living energies of aliveness, sentience, feeling and knowing living forces of Life which seek evolutionary development as uniquely Individualized beings. 

Ye are to divest thyselves of the idea of inertness in matter; for all matter is the Light and Life of Existence .. having absolute intention, priority, and  purposeful sentience. It hath within itself the force of aliveness and intelligence by which it acts; without which it could not exist; for all of everything is alive, sentient, feeling and thinking in ways unimaginable to the mortal understanding at this moment of your planetary evolutionary existence.

Beyond this one living force and its appearance as the visible matter is the reality domain of the Third Person of Deity ..  the Infinite Mind. 

The Third Source and Center is the living Source and expression of whose will and purpose are all these visible phenomena which ye bring forth into tangibility by the power of thine thought. 

Verily do I tell thee .. all is alive .. all hath Life in it and of it. 

Life is inherent in all matter, and living beings are Life Itself...

Michael Of Nebadon
21st Century Americas Tour

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Go Ye Forth and Teach the World

Ye fellows of our association  and the living engagement of Eternity... 

All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth. 

I sayeth .. go ye therefore ..  teach all people and every nation .. baptizing them in the understanding knowledge and the unspeakable name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Mother .. teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded of you .. as you venture to accomplish thine freedom with the Holy Faith Powers of Prayerful Intimacy and Worshipful Communion. 

And, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. 

Michael of Nebadon

Monday, September 21, 2020

The Full Distance unto Light and Life Eternal

I am come unannounced and under the radar of the world mind .. unexpected and ready to quicken all lives who have made themselves worthy by their purpose of mind and priorities of character choices and the unfathomable purity of the heart. 

I come to grant eternal life unto My true disciples of the world .. not merely the few individuals from my days in Galilean times, but now in this more modern era of the 21st Century .. do I arrive to cultivate honor in the chosen ones of the world ..  to eternalize those truth hungry individuals who yearn for Mercy and Permanent Forgiveness .. and who are singularly starving for Truth Everlasting.

With the ennoblement of Eternal Trinitarian Grace and God's Infinite Generosity of Love and Mercy shall I raise you who are wholeheartedly willing to go the full distance with Me. 

Christ Michael of Nebadon

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Intelligence Cometh

As ye desire more of  Intelligence in thine personal existence .. greater loving capacities .. a fuller life of understanding your circumstances and maximizing your given opportunities .. so shall you reach towards the very Fountainhead of that Intelligence of all Life; for he hath given a particle of Himself to live in you, to guide you unto Eternity, to prepare ye for the greater Life .. the adjustments which are absolutely necessary for you to progressively ascend ..   and to be rewarded with the higher privileges and possibilities of Existence.

Christ Michael

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


I am establishing a legacy for all future generations. 

Be thou concerned that ye are to begin preparing teachers and leaders steeped in the teachings of my revelations .. ready for the day when the planetary circuits are reconnected .. and when your isolation from the rest of the universes comes to an end.

In time, a visible planetary government will arrive to teach .. uplift .. and unify .. your world. 

Be thou concerned that you have not as of yet developed a culture of unremitting study of these truth revelations .. that you are to create, nurture, sustain, and  foster the existence of thousands of worldwide study groups. 

Be ye concerned that you are not yet preparing the Eden of the mind for these broad-minded revelations .. that your acceptance of this revelation shall blossom only as you are astute within my Word. 

The coming of another Son to your world shall only be given as respect emerges, reverence matures, receptivity awakens; for I am already here, yet your population denies and avoids .. harboring rebellion and refusal to come closer.

Be ye concerned that you  have already lost sight of the unity of purpose which is required for you to be a living example for the peoples of a world .. a world “…quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment.

Michael of Nebadon 
21st Century First Preaching Tour of the Americas

Monday, September 7, 2020


Thine prayerful intimacy and thine warm tender adorational love and worshipful communion with thine faith attention upon the Universal First Person of Deity ignites the holy bridge. 

The Father's Immaculate Love absolutely individualizes each personality. 

Those individuals who reach beyond themselves with a heart overflowing with gratefulness for existence and love unconditional for the Parenthood Source invite transformation unknown to mere mortals; they are ushered into an ennoblement which becomes eternalized.

These are My true disciples who are athirst for Life, who turn the other cheek of their attention away from death and destruction and the degeneracy of the society. 

They actualize their uniqueness as a child of the Universal Father, a child without duplicate in infinity, a will creature irreplaceable in all eternity.

Michael Of Nebadon
21st Century Gospel

Friday, August 28, 2020

Raging Heathens of Primitivity

The Holy Faith Powers allow perpetual and continuous Prayerful Intimacy and Worshipful Communion to build and grow.

The Father and I desire to be in continual communion with you .. to accelerate your emergence as a son and daughter of righteousness and receptivity .. respect and revelation .. reverence and recognition. 

All My true sons and daughters in this our universal home .. are in perpetual personality prayerful intimacy and worshipful communion with the Triune Center and Source. 

We praise Him continuously and concentratedly…

(1725.4) 155:1.3 Jesus continued to teach the twenty-four, saying: “The heathen are not without excuse when they rage at us. Because their outlook is small and narrow, they are able to concentrate their energies enthusiastically. Their goal is near and more or less visible; wherefore do they strive with valiant and effective execution. You who have professed entrance into the kingdom of heaven are altogether too vacillating and indefinite in your teaching conduct. The heathen strike directly for their objectives; you are guilty of too much chronic yearning. If you desire to enter the kingdom, why do you not take it by spiritual assault even as the heathen take a city they lay siege to? You are hardly worthy of the kingdom when your service consists so largely in an attitude of regretting the past, whining over the present, and vainly hoping for the future. Why do the heathen rage? Because they know not the truth. Why do you languish in futile yearning? Because you obey not the truth. Cease your useless yearning and go forth bravely doing that which concerns the establishment of the kingdom.

(1726.1) 155:1.4 “In all that you do, become not one-sided and overspecialized. The Pharisees who seek our destruction verily think they are doing God’s service. They have become so narrowed by tradition that they are blinded by prejudice and hardened by fear. Consider the Greeks, who have a science without religion, while the Jews have a religion without science. And when men become thus misled into accepting a narrow and confused disintegration of truth, their only hope of salvation is to become truth coordinated converted.

“Let me emphatically state this eternal truth: If you, by truth coordination, learn to exemplify in your lives this beautiful wholeness of righteousness, your fellow men will then seek after you that they may gain what you have so acquired. The measure wherewith truth seekers are drawn to you represents the measure of your truth endowment, your righteousness. 

The extent to which you have to go with your message to the people is, in a way, the measure of your failure to live the whole or righteous life, the truth coordinated life.”

Christ Michael

Friday, August 21, 2020

Spirit of Truth

I have spoken these things with you that you would not be subverted." 

"For they shall put you out from their assemblies, and the hour will come when everyone who would kill you will think that he presents an offering to God." 

"And they shall do these things because they do not know either my Father or me." 

"I have spoken these things with you that when their time comes, you will remember them; I did not tell you these things before, because I was with you."

"But now I am going to join him who sent me, and no man among you asks me, 'Where are you going?'" 

"For I said these things to you and sadness has come and has filled your hearts." 

"I tell you the truth: it is beneficial for you that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Redeemer of the accursed will not come to you, but if I depart I shall send him to you."

"And when he comes, he will correct the world concerning sin and concerning righteousness and concerning judgment;"

"Concerning sin, because they do not trust me;" "Concerning righteousness, because I will go to my Father's presence and you will not see me again;" 

"Concerning judgment, because The Prince of this world is judged."

"I have much to say to you, but you are not able to grasp it now." 

"But whenever The Spirit of The Truth comes, he will lead you into the whole truth, for he will not speak of his own will, but he shall speak whatever he shall hear and he shall reveal the future to you." 

"And he shall glorify me, because he shall take that which is mine and shall show you." 

"Everything that my Father has is mine, therefore I said to you that he shall take that which is mine and he shall show you.

Michael of Nebadon 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Here I AM

My children of this planetary world ...

My mission upon the earth in this 21st Century begins your true understanding relationship with Me in ways I had yet to reveal .. and which I presently am revealing to human life.

I have begun .. since Galilee .. in pouring out My Spirit of Truth .. in establishing My Life upon the earth .. and in your hearts have I now taken My residence.

I am amongst you .. in flesh now and in My Spirit Life .. the living expression of Father Son and Spirit with the Universe Mother Spirit. 

The Planetary Administration is with Me in this endeavor to harmonize the civilization into Truth and Love .. to guide the populace unto stability and security .. and to accelerate and rejuvenate thine existence in this ever-unfolding grace and generosity of the Trinity Parenthood of Life.

My Spirit of Truth .. you are bathing in now...

My Father’s Spirit is most certainly in your hearts .. and this day hath now come .. wherein you also have Me with you .. even as you now have the portion of Life of the Universal Father. 

You have the Father's Life Spirit in thee .. the Comforter I am in and with thee .. the Universe Mother surrounding thee .. the Planetary Host and My Universal Administration for thee.

This new gift since Galilean times is the Spirit of Living Truth .. and I am returned now in your year of 2019 to instruct you in the proper relationship which we must have .. the righteous receptivity which ye must develop ..  and the respectful use of My Spirit as thine guide and teacher.

The unbelievers shall quake from fear and defiance and the rebellious shall stand in resistance and weakness .. the doubters shall buckle under .. and the avoiders shall avoid their own evolutionary advancement. They will not at first listen to the teachings of My Truth Spirit ..  yet, the sons and daughters of light will all receive Me gladly .. they will arise to partake of Me .. and with a whole heart and a sincere devoted mind .. they shall partake of  Mine disciplines .. they shall live Mine divine yoke upon their countenance .. their character .. and they shall know Me in Spirit and in Truth. 

The truth seekers shall taketh the Universal Hand of My Eternity Persona .. as I have come both in the garment of form and flesh for a time .. and ever now shall I be with you in Mine Comforter Spirit in thine heart.

I say unto all truth seekers and every aspirant who has yet to know Me as I am .. receive this gift in your hearts of Mine Comforter .. walk with Me in this physical mission for its duration of attendance upon the Kingdoms of the world, and I will abide with you forevermore in teaching you and guiding you and quickening you into your evolutionary expansiveness and attainment.

Perceive that I stand with you .. and never shall I leave you without My help and guidance. 

Thine personality hath a mission to achieve .. a birthing to undergo .. a resolution to adhere to. I have come to permanently  insert and establish the Trinitarian Circuitry of Power, Love, and Intelligence upon the earth for all creatures and individuals to transform themselves unto the Father's promise of Progressive Ascendancy.

Michael Of Nebadon

Thoughts Unfold Destiny

All normal or abnormal choices and their actions are derived from thine thoughts .. and as thine thoughts are .. so is thine mortal personality .. its character and its manifold lifetimes. 

Ye shall learn to think correctly .. aligned with objective truth .. if ye would improve thine countenance .. if ye would groweth thine character .. if ye shall improve thine circumstances .. and thine conditions; even thine destination unto our Father's many mansions and the worlds of Jerusem, Edentia, and Salvington.

Character is formed by habitual mind and its priorities .. and character impulses priorities, purpose, and  values form receptivity and divine relationship blossoms in accordance with all these many things.

All of the glory of thine destiny throughout all  thine lifetimes is gradually formed from your thoughts...

Michael Of Nebadon
21st Century Gospel Revelations

Monday, August 10, 2020

Pilgrims Seeking Love and Life

Thou pilgrims who desire inordinately to reach into God's Grace and Mercy .. to find the Ineffably Immaculate Life Presence of Infinity...

Failure in the inimitability of human excellence has cast many a backward shadow. 

Sorrow, regret, and painful memories must inevitably enforce thine lessons, that ye might be saved from the direful misfortunes of life by knowing how to live. 

By learning the proper and normal use of our faculties and functions, we shall have a better understanding of ourselves and our relative position to others. 

Michael of Nebadon
21st Century Planetary Initiatives

Friday, August 7, 2020

Universal Light

Universal Light hath more properties than ever man hath dreamt of. It hath vibration so fine in ether that incandescence cometh .. it reacheth thine mortal eyes in aspect of waves; 

I say it doth ever more than can ye discover in thine imaginings .. it  hath more than  incandescence .. it performeth a greater  wonder than that men and women may see in darkness .. it cometh to  man sustaining his  spirit, it maketh miracles to happen.  

I say Light is more! Light is the shibboleth .. the protective force .. of the Host when manifesting .. yet likewise doth Light manifest unto itself ..  having its properties to bring order from chaos.

Michael Of Nebadon

Lo, I am Father Son unto All

Lo .. I am Father Son unto all in this universe. 

Perceive as well in our  Supremacy and Wholeness that we are brethren in that I am in you and you are in me .. the work that we do is beauteous, bold, and it causes thine hearts to beat most rapidly ..  we dwell in a universal fellowship .. we make the earth beautiful for all lives and kingdoms. 

Yet do the unwise and immature ones make for us obstructions .. they have confusions in  their bosoms, their intellects tear them into pieces .. they say amongst themselves, What would we of radiance? Are we not found out and exposed if radiance cometh, finding us?  

I tell you they knoweth no surcease .. their  bosom ever wracketh themselves .. they loseth their endarkened  substance if light doth sit with them; lo, their pleasures tear them unless they vaunteth not their valiance for the Father's Life within.  

The endarkened and disloyal ones .. they attempteth thine  downfall .. they seeketh thine perplexities .. they goeth out and cometh  in amongst you delighting to divert you .. to tease you with false profitings and fledgling commiserations.  

Behold .. we are concerned with making  earth orderly and of harmony .. with raising her upward .. with obtaining for the righteous man his naturality of increase .. with restoring to the righteous that which hath been losings from these centuries of misgiving.  

Would the young ones who rebel from the light not halt it? What beauty seeth they who are unredeemable in declaring sweet order? In performing a peace? In restoring the losings? On rendering their judgments?  

Harken to mine utterings fellows of Salvington .. the things that ye do are important to me; behold they concern the kingdom of splendor .. they have intent to help humankind and the kingdoms of the world .. they make a smooth forehead allowing thine brow to shine forth ..  they give the purse of the soul a fullness. 

When have I ever said to  you that order cometh not? That peace cometh not? That restoring cometh not? That the  fullness of the living purse was a vileness unto majesty?

Human beings vaunteth themselves now .. they saith to themself, Lo, we behold the light when we see it.  

Human life dwelleth in  the light all around them .. the splendor of it blindeth him ..  wherefore he saith, the light is denied us, who will bring it to us?  

He rejecteth the fountainhead and its emanations where his blindness might drop from him.  

Lo .. must I take him to the fountain? Must I lift him in its basin? Must I unveil his vision? 

Harken unto mine uttering .. Light, I have  enlightened you, is creator of all good; it is of that substance whereby the return of your spirits into earthly  bodies is determined . . .

Ye servers of Mine attestments .. go forth and bring outwards thine Light, let it shine unto all.

Michael Of Nebadon

Sunday, August 2, 2020

21st Century Discipleship

My true disciples are prepared for My coming at this moment of My 21st Century bestowal mission. 

I come to initiate with the Holy Comforter Spirit of Truth .. a new humanity of purpose, priority, and purity in the progressive ascendancy of all planetary kingdoms and creatures.

In the hunger of their heart's yearning .. they have awaited long for this time to become accelerated into their individual Second Birth unto Cosmic Citizenship. 

They have been quietly revitalizing themselves in Unconquerable Love and the  Invincibility of Truth Everlasting over the lifetimes of their learning. 

They're not distracted and in disobedience .. nor surprised that I am here amongst them. 

These apostles are poised to accomplish the Father's will for their progression... 

To attain to the Son's merciful perfection of their Personhood... 

To advance in the Spirit's performance of the actualization of all potentialities unto God the Supremacy. 

Be ye of a mind ready and athirst for transformation beyond thine  pleasure-seeking .. transcendent to thine lowest urges and impulses of carnality and merely the mortal senses.

I come with the Universe Mother and the indescribable  Host of the Planetary Heavens .. to grant eternal freedom to those who arise into consideration of truth, concentration upon life, consecration of their mortal tendencies, cooperation with the Father's Life, and collaboration with Me.

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Enter into My Planetary Spiritual Retreat at the Global Village


The Kingdom of His Sovereignty which my Father is establishing in the hearts of his earth children will become an eternal and everlasting dominion throughout the Earth. Once set up,  His rule in each and every heart will raise all the humanity into His perfect harmony and order. There shall be this never-ending and continuous dominion of my Father in the hearts of only those who desire to do his divine will. And as this is the fact that I share with thee, only the meek, the humble and receptive, the contrite and thirsty shall inherit the Earth and all therein; for the Earth shall become raised into Her rightful place and position within this solar and galactic setting.

I say unto thee, my beloved children, that my Paradise Father is not confined by human organization nor is He limited by dogmatic concepts in the minds of human beings. He is not the God only of this religion or that sect. All are welcomed into His Kingdom of Light, insofar as ye make thine decision to enter therein, and ye are willing and cooperative...eager and athirst to attain the living of His Will and Plan. All those receptive of my Father God shall come to sit down with us in the Father’s Kingdom, and yet, many shall refuse to enter this next two thousand year cycle wherein the omnipotence of His Love and Life shall reign supreme.

Humanity shall experience interacting with the living network of His Supremacy...the Host of Heaven...and the Order of the Immortal Ones. My Father shall rule within all; for His spirit shall take up fuller residence in the hearts and minds, and bodies of the children of men.

The power of His Sovereign Kingdom shall be comprised of the establishing of His glory...the living glory of His spirit which presides directly with each living soul and personality. This living spirit shall teach those receptive minds and will overtake rule within the hearts of the populace of this heavenly kingdom. The newly-found sons of God shall find themselves walking  in a brotherhood of mercy wherein righteousness reigns over all supremely. Thine civilization shall become righteous and knowledgeable regarding the gift of free will. Peace and acceptance for any differences shall be reinstituted first in the soul of each personality, and then, it will be externalized in all the systems of this world. Thine race shall be made to evolve and mature in a more unlimited fashion. His Kingdom and Sovereignty is the fulfillment of all good men and women throughout all time and space within this planetary sphere. It is the everpresent hope of all and every Kingdom within this Earth. It will be the completion of a certain octave or frequency wherein all will have a greater ease and chance to graduate and complete their rounds of expression.

Yet, for all those who have the courage and willingness to cooperate in order to enter into this Kingdom of Light, there will be the intensity of challenges and tests given in order to prime thee and make thee men and women who have become gods.

Mankind…that is... each and every personality soul is really a stream or beam of consciousness, and consciousness is Life or God. That consciousness or awareness or stream of Life has capabilities that are naturally occurring in every second of our existence, and ye must be made mature in order to give my Father God His rightful dominion and power over all things of the Earth.

Each and every child of God my Father holds or possesses the creative capabilities through their directive attention. This directive attention is the ability given to you each in order to give thine worship and praise unto thy Source and Creative Parent. There will be a necessity for each child to mature into their own sonship as a Self Directive Governing being, at one with the Principle of the I AM...the Father Principle that is this Stream of Life or Consciousness.

The attention of mankind has been quite a bit hypnotized into focusing its creative power…its power to create vibration…into external imperfect conditions. Each day must be spent in certain time preparing for this next cycle of maturation for the species as a whole, and for every individualization of the One Father. Ye must learn to build thine life upon the righteous use of thine free will and creative beam of focus. I have offered thee exercises that will erase the old karmas and erroneous tendencies and begin instituting a new momentum that accumulates into a destiny of Light, rather than what has been occurring which is the materialization of mind, the materialization of the soul personality into denser and still denser vibrations which then the personality become completely unreceptive to anything that is at all finer in its frequency vibration….

This is the return into the kingdom of heaven spoken of in olden times…But for you, my children, and for all others who would follow you into this Kingdom, there is set certain challenges. Faith and trust in the Father will allow you to enter into the consciousness of the Kingdom, yet, you must bring forth into your physical conditions and physical life the very  fabric of my Father’s spirit if you would continue to become quickened into a much more illuminated and accelerated progressive unfoldment and evolution in the road which leads you to that greater divine fellowship. And I say this unto thee, not everyone will be able to pass through even the very first doorway of greater Life. Only those personality souls who yield within themselves a deep and mature, sincere and full desire to surrender all and sacrifice all to find  God and enter His Kingdom therein. The doing and living of His Will is of primary and essential importance. Thine ability to alter the lifestyle ye have been enmeshed within, and to raise thine self into the eternal embrace for all time can only be accomplished with full determination, consecration, and cooperation in love and agility. Ye must fulfill His law and then this  fulfillment will progressively allow thee to live His will and intent for you. 

These two components are the two prerequisites in order to enter the Kingdom of His Sovereignty; to allow Him to expand His Light, Life, and Love into and through thine physical being and subtle worlds.

I beseech thee, each and every one soul . . . seek first the kingdom of God and enter into His righteousness, and in the fulfillment of His law, all lesser of importance will align for you, and all other concerns which are essential to find your victory in His progressive fulfillment...His everlasting survival... shall become established and secured with thee. His Kingdom of Light is now coming into this planet, and ye are becoming recircuited with the rest of the solar system and galaxy, yea, even taking up thine position and place within this our local universal creation. His Kingdom will have revealed no outer show, nor will this kingdom of my Father come with an outward demonstration of great power or with any kind of attractive revelation.

Hence, if ye are too dense and materialized in mind and heart, then the Kingdom will have come and gone and ye shall be standing alone awaiting for your own version and preconceivings to be accomplished, yet no such outward demonstrations shall be revealed; for the Kingdom comes and invites into Its fold only those who stand ready and willing beforehand. All the rest must wait until a far distant future point in time when the cycle comes back around again on other planets wherein the evolutions are as yet unadvanced. Bother not going forward to speak about this coming Kingdom for it is already upon thee, and awaits thine entrance; for this kingdom of  which I speak is God within you.

Whosoever would become truly honored within my Father’s Kingdom shall be a minister unto all, and not for vanity sake, yet for the true and unadulterated motivation of doing good, thinking good thoughts, and expressing divinely good feelings, and speaking and acting in accordance with the unyielding purity of My Father's immaculate character. Become then, he or she who seeks to serve within this coming Kingdom of His Righteousness and Sovereignty. Be as His sons and daughters truly... in this heavenly Kingdom which is becoming more pronounced even now, you are no longer servants but ye are His sons and daughters of the living God.

This Kingdom of mine Father God shall build momentum amongst thine populace, and so shall this kingdom progress in the world until it shall obliterate every obstacle and all barriers within the minds and hearts of all men and women so that ye are brought to know my Paradise Father and ye are stirred to believe in these eternal verities which I have come once again to declare within thine midst.

Even now is the Kingdom everpresent, and those with the ears to hear and the eyes to see shall even transcend physical body death as ye become taken upwards in thine evolutionary progression and development. Those of you who have the courage to follow unabashedly and willingly with gratitude and grace shall find thyself whisked into His Light eternally while yet retaining all the immaculate virtues of thine personality and individualized uniqueness. And you will sing praises unto He who gives thee Life in every second of thine existence...welcoming and honoring His coming reign with great and quiet power.

Then, even as my Father's Kingdom becomes established within your heart and mind, you will become ministers as of a simple white lily which become birthed and glorified directly out from the dirt and mud, the grounds of fertilize soil. You will become raised up to become a new class of men and women which have become birthed into distinction and honor, differing from all other men and women who have yet to find this royal road to Life and who as of yet still remain within the dust and grime of their own creations.

You shall become illuminated and set eternally free forever, not quite now as men among men and women among women, yet as the illuminated citizens of greater pastures and field of light, a heavenly country among the endarkened and misinformed creatures of this dark and solemn world. It is thine destiny in light that ye live in just the very same way as those who have tasted the glories of a better life and have been sent back to earth as ambassadors of the Sovereign of that new and better world. The teacher is expected to possess and express more than that of the student; just as with the master of a house wherein he or she is expected more of than the servant. The newly emerged citizens of the heavenly Kingdom are required to be representatives in full measure compared to the citizens of the old earthly struggling rule. In thine white lily ministry focused upon expanding the greater understandings of the present population you will be obligated to abide by those teachings and principles which are the purest reflection of my personal divine ideals of the sort of mortal living which I seek to exemplify in my own earth life in the sacred act of revealing the everlasting principle and personality virtues and qualities of love and merciful compassion, of the Father who is in heaven.

I have come forth to elucidate the way to liberty for all those spiritual captives who have not been able to understand better, and I bring with my person an endless joy and determination in the proclaiming of this said Kingdom, its approach, and its fulfillment in washing away all doubts and fears, healing all thine karmas and destructive tendencies and unfulfilled momentums which have carried you further away from the Father until now. Through this increase in understanding the necessary knowledge you will be able to heal every grain of thine inner and outer sickness, as ye blend and merge with Him... in accordance with the will of my Father in heaven. When you find thine self in distress, speak to thyself encouragingly and with patience and compassion, knowing the trail that ye have walked has been created by all those who have walked this very same road. Think to thyself of how glad you are to now know of this coming Kingdom, and the ways and means of entering therein.

Grateful and exalted are those personality souls who need God and have become humble in His omnipotent presence...for theirs is the open doorway to enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Overjoyed and honored are those souls who yet hunger and thirst to align with His righteousness, His law, and His will...for they shall be filled to overflowing as all their emptiness is taken away.

Faithful and trusting are the meek who possess a contrite heart and willingness to take accounting for themselves...for they shall inherit all the riches of the earth.

Unburdened are the pure in heart and the child-like of mind...for they shall have grown in the stature of their character having built an understanding of the perspective of eternity, and they shall see God.

Greatly blessed and comforted are they who grieve to come closer unto my Father God...for they shall be acquitted of all error and sin, and shall be made ready to receive of their inheritance in light.

Peaceful are the compassionate and the merciful without judgment...for they shall receive His mercy at the same time as it is given out from them.

Prosperous and overflowing in supply are the peacemakers...for they shall be called into the Kingdom of His Sovereignty wherein all is given freely and to no end. These are the sons and daughters of God.

Strong and courageous are they who are judged, laughed at, mocked, and ridiculed, even persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is truly the kingdom of heaven. For when others shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all unearned evil against you falsely...rejoice and be exceedingly glad to know of thine alignment and thy mastery; for great shall be thine reward in heaven.

You are each the divine individualization of the One Father within time and space creation, localized to generate constructive expansion of His Kingdom of mercy and love.

Ye are the very light of all the world. Stand tall in the fullness of thine divine consciousness and behold thineself...behold God in and of thine own Selfhood...thine very consciousness is Life Itself with full authority and creative prerogatives to set into motion the Kingdom of all Sovereignty and His all merciful Supremacy.

Allow thine divine power and intelligence to outshine the darkness and in this all dark will become evicted and evaporated immediately. Bring glory and honor unto thine Father God, and He shall come closer unto thee with all His omnipotent Omnipresence and Omniscience flooding thine inner worlds and raising all thine atomic substance into His perfection; for your Paradise Father who is all-permeating also sits at the helm, the center and infinite source of existence.

I am advising each one of you to bring forth the glory of my Father’s kingdom, and as you do bring forth His Kingdom, put your trust in the Father whose individualizations you are. Resist not the appearance of injustice; and put not your trust in the temporal and unsightly wickedness of the world's justice system. Be thou willing to go through the temporal suffering of the appearances of injustice, and allow God's justice to reign supreme over all in your trust in Him. Focus instead on being a kind and merciful minister to all that are within your sphere of influence. Receive and minister patiently and attentively in kindness and with mercy to all who are in distress and in need.; for the world is full to overflowing with those souls who have good intent and yet, have become imprisoned by the karmas of their past intendings. Help them to understand the law and how to fulfill it with unconditional love and acceptance, supreme knowledge and maturity, giving them your receivings with full attentive love.

I do share with you each herein to have patience with those who seem needy and emotionally emptied. Love each as if it is thine very Selfhood that you are nurturing; for in truth, it is such. Give thine allowance and acceptance to those who hate and even despise you, bless those who curse you by allowing them their choices; for all that is sent outward unto others is impressed and imposed upon the force of Life of the giver, and it will be a day in their future that they are compelled to reap whatsoever they have sown. Pray for those who are users and selfish pranksters knowing that they too must come to account for all their misgivings and they will need your prayers in their distant future when they are called to redeem and repent from their wanton  ways of unrighteousness and confusion. 

Let not thineself be used, but know that nothing can come into your field of life unless you too are vibrating to those very same frequencies; so be forthright and diligent, disciplined and humble in redeeming all that you may encounter around thee. And whatsoever you believe that I would do to men, do you also to them.

Thine Paradise Father allows the rays of the sun to shine on all men and women regardless of their stature and consciousness. Be most fully the sons and daughters of God by upstepping thine character and by recognizing that you are His individualization that can hold consciousness of thyself as individual and as the One Whole; even more, you are now the living representations in matter of my Father’s Kingdom. Be thou merciful and just, in the very same way that ye perceive that God Himself is merciful and just, and in the eternal future of the Kingdom and even in this very moment in time and shall be perfected, even as your heavenly Paradise Father is perfect.

You are being supported to offer other men and women your acceptance for whatsoever conditions you may find them in. Judge them not for ye cannot perceive the fullness of the actions that either you or they have become involved within. Spend time embracing eternity by exchanging thine darkness and density for the light of your own God Force presence. Mercy and love will overflow as you seek God Himself and do it first and foremost in your lifetime here; for whatsoever you do not resolve here in the here and now will not automatically become washed clean after you pass away from this screen of life. Instead, seek even to raise thine soul and personality into His everlasting Light and through His Love drawn down into your physical conditions you will wash away all that you've been willing to see and be accountable for.

At the end of your earth life you will all expect mercy and patience; so... I would ask of thee to show this same mercy and patience to all others and wherein you encounter obstructions to loving in your outside surroundings, know that this is merely the symbol of your inner obstructions that must be mastered through fulfillment of the law of your existence, and the living of the will of heaven, and the replacing of your character and attitudes of mortality and limitation with those of eternity and infinity. I would ask of thee from you during your mortal life that you show mercy to all of your brethren in the flesh. Make not the mistake of sitting in judgment of another and attempting to 'pluck a mote out of your brother’s eye when there is a beam in your own eye.' Having first cast the beam out of your own eye by your mastery of the divine mirror of life and the inquiry in fulfilling the law, you can all the better see fit to cast the mote out of your brother’s or sister's eye.

Walk with the discernment of the purified heart so that ye may perceive the truth most clearly; live thine life righteously and fearlessly when it comes time to take thine own accounting of any errors and misqualifications that will arise in you and around you in the world of effects; and so shall you be the true and lasting aspirants of my Paradise Father...His Individualizations who have become more completely Christic in thy frequency vibration. When it comes time wherein you are given something to accomplish in service within the Kingdom, lead not the blind with thine own blindness. Guide others into an understanding of His law and the righteous use of the embracing of eternity through your creative free will powers. Stand as clean and clear representatives of the righteous use and accountable strength in the way to properly enter into the kingdom; you must yourselves walk in the clear light of living truth. In all the unfolding business of the kingdom I counsel thee to demonstrate justice in your dealings with other, doing the right thing as thine conscience directs thee. Be keen and mature in thine expressions using wisdom, yet, be ever cautious to remain silent when wisdom dictates and when you are ill received simply direct thine Selfhood to others wherein you will be taken with respect and dignity.

In discerning truth from falsehood I highlight herein for your discernments when opening yourself to others when it comes to money and teachings. Ideas seem harmless, yet they are living things that will corrupt you if left unattended. Seek thine inner wisdom and counsel of thine  own Intelligence and ask not of others who do not have the purity and maturity to offer anything other than their own egotistical ignorance and painful rebelliousness to the Father. A good tree cannot yield evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree produce good fruit. Every personality soul that does not bring forth good fruit is presently hewn down and cast into the fire at the time that they will transfigure all their human preconceived opinions and erroneous ideas of life. In gaining an entrance into the kingdom of the divine consciousness of heaven, it is the inner motive that is  seen by God. My Father looks into the hearts of men and takes accounting only by their inner longings and sincere intentions.

Everyone who hears these words that I have offered unto thee and sincerely executes his inner directives to serve and assist shall find an abundant entrance into their greater service expression beyond this fleeting moment of thine lifetimes within the Earth itself. The Kingdom of His Sovereignty awaits thine entrance with warmth and welcoming embrace.

Michael Of Nebadon