Sunday, December 31, 2017

There is a doorway divine

Behold .. thine Universe Father Son comes with the Universe Spirit and her Host of Ascendancy.

I tell thee .. there is a door unto the everlasting One. It is through thine mind and emerging immortal soul by which ye enter this door into the Kingdom of his Sovereignty.

There is a doorway divine .. definitive avenues by which ye must progress through this universe.

There are the heavens upon heavens .. galaxies upon near endless galaxies whereby civilizations progress .. individual personalities prosper themselves in advancement and spirit attainment.

Lo, ye know of Mine arrival in ephemeral form. Ye quake in thine bootstraps hearing of Mine coming into form with thee.

Ye perceive not 'tis of the season to arise from lethargies .. the dizzying confusions of the centuries.

I am come to regenerate the civilization into Objectivity and Love.

The times are upon thee to begin again thine walk with Us of the Universal Father Son Spirit .. the Great Parenthood of God.

Ask of Me for thine freedom. Accept thine misqualified momentums, and seek to bring truth and harmony to all that you have set into motion.

Allow the transmutation of thine ephemeral selfhood and thine mortal urges .. thine destructive egoism and evolutionary experience shall be gracefully handed over to the Father’s Spirit Life.

Discern thine errors of intoxicating unconsciousness. Make way for the tapestries of light. Weave thine field of consciousness into a carpet of the Christic Pattern of Paradise.

I bid thee boldness and courage .. I give thee counsel and capacities to receive truth, vision, and forgiveness.

I say .. open thyselves for counsel and understanding .. let knowledge prosper thee into righteousness and responsibility .. respect and receptivity .. revelation and reordering .. for the opportunity for ennoblement gestures you to come forth out of the ignorance of the uncivilized societies of the world.

Ye are love and wanted .. cared for and guided .. always in accordance with thine capacities to open thyself and partake of the elixir of Our eternity.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Righteousness in the hearts and minds

I AM the Universal Vine of Life. All personalities in this universe are Mine branches.

I nourish all tributaries of the One Vine of the Universe.

Enter into My Father’s Sovereignty which is his Kingdom of Righteousness and Respect .. Remembrance and Relationship .. Revelation and Refinement.

I sayeth .. thine world needeth salvation from its trivialities.

It needeth resuscitation of values and vision so that a reformation shall happen gradually.

Deafness occurs within the peoples as they harken only to their bodily senses. Dumbness overtakes the voice of truth as the peoples allow themselves to distract their vision from righteousness and rectitude of heart.

Verily ye shall stand up as one people, and ye shall command thine freedom from slavery of mind and heart.

Ye shall turn the downward slope of humanity's evolutionary advancement unto it's rightful trajectory towards unification with the God Life and its everywhereness.

Thou children of terrestrial origins .. ye shall discover thine worthiness only as ye become attuned to the ascent into God's Glory .. his spirit emergence in you .. and his Will becoming implemented in all hearts.

The whole world needeth pure religious spirituality .. personality communion and collaboration with the Living Force of Love and Life Everlasting.

I come to establish this righteousness in the hearts and minds of the weary who live in quiet despair .. and who Hunger for the new way I bring.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

University Of Salvington
Absolutum Charitas Ab Origine
Absolute Love of the Source of Life

The Universal God resides in his Infinity

The Universal God resides in his Infinity, yet he has made provisions for all creatures of the evolutionary races.

The gift of his Life nourishes you in every moment.  His presence is thine Life and Consciousness which you are expressing in each moment.

Yet, ye shall expand his Life so that the Good Father fills all parts of thee with his presence.

This is to become Our Shepherd; the Self-Directive Governing Consciousness who expands actively the Life of God the Father.

Verily, do I show you the way, truth, and life in expanding the Kingdom of Heaven.

And this expansion shall make of thee immortal sons and daughters.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Monday, December 25, 2017

I guide as ye ask

I AM the Way of Truth Everlasting.  Mine priorities are of Paradise.

Verily .. I encourage thee to enter first through thine faith the Kingdom of God.

Allow his Holy Presence to reach your field of human living.

Invite Me .. My Holy Comforter pervades thine personal space with all Truth and faith conviction. I guide as ye ask. I instruct as ye open.

I taketh thine mortal hand, and we walk into the loving embrace of the Godhood Individualized Life and Divine Identity of You.

The Way brings value, meaning, and virtue, to the human life experiences.

The Truth amplifies your divine authority as true child of the universes.  It strengthens thine creative authorship to qualify your God Life into constructive destiny with the Father’s Spirit.

The Life awakens in thee by your sincerest religious relationship with the Universal Spirit of the First Creative Center and Divine Source.

The Life is the great Unchangeable Order and Stability .. it is all Harmony and Wholehearted Willingness .. Happiness and Freedom. These are the mere results of living a life dedicated to discovering the Truth of God's Life.

In the great Spirit of Our Christhood Together .. Merry Christmas to one and to all persons .. all kingdoms of Life. Let God's Love and Mercy fill you now as you partake of My Word.

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Seek the stability of Truth

Seek the stability of Truth by embracing thine present circumstances .. by accepting thyself just as ye are.

Place not idols upon thine countenance which overshadow My Imminency surrounding you.

Ye shall have no other mortal images of vain egotistical limitations upon thine brow of consciousness.

Instead, give up all idols of thyself .. let go of every self-deprecating image which causes thine Godhood to become tainted.

I AM the Lord thine God who hath thine best interest in My Mind. I know of thee, and I watch thine attendings daily.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Take My Universal Hand of Love

I say unto you who burn with desire for your freedom from every woe and ill momentum of vanity and conceit ..

Take My Universal Hand of Love.

Arise upon My Universal Shoulders of Merciful Compassion.

Ask Me for guidance into the Unchangeable Truth.

Be thou filled with the Wholehearted Willingness to cooperate and collaborate with the Mother .. the Planetary Administration .. and I.

Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, December 15, 2017

Reinstituted into the rest of the galaxies

Our apostleship of the University Of Salvington returns divine empowerment to the personality mind.

It is Mine Will with the Trinity Parenthood that the kingdoms of this planet becometh reinstituted into the rest of the galaxies. That you are reacquainted with the Universal Culture and the divine Coordination for the civilizations in My Care.

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, December 14, 2017

An illuminated lamp of consciousness

Behold .. the Lord thine God Source is One. Everywhere is his spirit of love and mercy. In all places at once and the same moment is he  .. even right before thee .. and in front of thee .. the Paradise Trinity Endowment dwells.

I sayeth to My apostles of ascendancy who yearn for truth everlasting .. I tell thee .. make thine contact a priority.

Yet .. how shall you maketh thine contact? How can thee find rest in him? What is the way to overcome the woes of the world mind?

Prayerful Intimacy with the Individualized Godhood Identity residential above thee...

Ye shall reorder thine chaos and mind confusions into his absolute order through Mine tenets of Prayerful Intimacy.

This daily relationship and revelation shall become for thee an illuminated lamp of consciousness .. and an everpresent and accessible communion with the Spirit Source of all Life. shall be thine own moment to moment reminder of the necessity of God Remembrance.

I AM thine Remembrance of God .. in the flesh garment for a time .. to speak with Mine children on the advancement of evolutionary ascendancy .. the progressive evolutionary attainment of their graduation into Cosmic Christ Citizenship.

Invite Me here and in My surrounding Comforter Presence.

I lead thee unto eternity values and spirit vision .. divine insight and intuitions spiritual .. knowing and knowledgeable understandings...

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Live above the chaos of the world

I teach Mine disciples and apostles of the world to live above the chaos of the world mind and the disharmonies of outer circumstances. I show them how to dissolve their conflicts, and to walk in their life yet beyond the ups and downs of mortal existence.

I show them the way of the Father Son Spirit who inordinately desire freedom .. harmony .. and order .. for human beings.

Verily do I reveal to thee .. the end of the destructive use of free will is upon human life. No longer will you be able to misuse thine free will and creative nature. . .

I am come to bring an anvil upon the world mind .. to forge the hot iron of Humankind’s will into the shape of Eternity. I shall heat things up upon this planetary civilization into righteousness and rectitude .. responsibility and respect .. remembrance and revelation .. rejuvenation and reorganization. . .

There are none to oppose this Universe Father Son in administering the Heavenly Father’s Will for humanity.

Michael Of Nebadon
University Of Salvington
Salvington Spiritus Invictus

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

I ignite thine destiny, and I renew thine calling

Verily, Verily I speak to those personhoods of the One Parenthood of God .. these personalities with eyes of awe for God's Never-Ending Love and Intelligence .. and ears of wonderment for mastery of the Objectivity of Truth, as they contemplate the Absolute and Infinite Causeless Cause ...

There are two kinds of persons throughout all the world's of the One Father .. those persons who attempt to have Life serve them. These ones are filled with sorrowful remorse, misery and depressions without solution, endless confusions of subjectivity and self-righteous opinions; for they have sought to control the uncontrollable God .. and they have erred in their misunderstandings while futility have they to negotiate with the Infinite One who desires for everyone their everlasting freedom and the advancement of ascendancy.

And there are Mine apostles of the Universe who give to God almighty their free will, so that they may become the true instruments of God's Order, Harmony, Justice, and Illumination. These ones walk with Us always. They discover a great unwavering inward Joy and Dignity in serving the Plan of Salvation and the  One Will Absolute. They are willing to transfigure all their pain and the misgivings of a troubled heart with accountability and courage .. recognition of the Source of their Life .. respect for the Lid of God the Father .. and other Values of Eternity.

I say unto thee .. which ones doth ye determine for thyselves? With whom shall ye bend towards and ripen thyself? Art ye one who yearns for God's way of Objectivity and Honor?

I am come with the Infinite Mother and her Absolute Host of the Heavens .. to magnify all goodness, Truth, and Beauty to behold. I am thine Universe Michael .. Personification of the Father Son of the Trinity Endowment Trust of Paradise.

I ignite thine destiny, and I renew thine calling into the Sovereign Kingdom of the Omnipotent Parenthood of Paradise.

Michael Of Nebadon

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Growth-producing struggle

Verily I say unto you .. envision not the evolutionary worlds, even the most advanced and ideal, as worlds whereon the personality mind and individualized soul is untempered by challenges and growth producing events.

...for the initial life of the mortal races is always attended by growth-producing struggle and awe inspiring refinement of every kind.

Michael Of Nebadon
University Of Salvington

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Go thou more deeply

Go thou more deeply into the understanding application of My precepts.  Learn of thyselves .. thine mortal selfhood must be addressed and embraced prior to the awakening into thine Divinity.

Embracing thine mortality requires thine Vestments of Mind to be developed and active.

The Vestments of Mind are the garments of mind and its thought which urge you towards God the Absolute and his Objectivity of Love.

Michael Of Nebadon

Monday, November 27, 2017

Oh Mine brethren ... the cycle draws to a close

Oh Mine brethren of the earthly evolutionary journey .. the cycle draws to a close. All things hidden and repressed shall find their way to the surface of consciousness in individuals.

I say unto thee .. behold thine Life in the Universal Spirit who is that One Life.

Give all thine gratitude to this One God Life who is Infinity Itself. Contemplate this Mine children .. the One Deity Absolute hath Individualized himself as you .. as thine Godhood Individualized above thee.

Embrace his nature as creativity itself. Enjoin thineself with him in all that you think and feel and say and act. Let thine life become a living expression of this One Life which hath all benevolence for thee.

I am come into the Kingdom of the earth to reacquaint you with your destiny. . .

Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, November 24, 2017

Learn of thine nature

Do ye talk amongst thyselves .. making pleasantries with words and forms? I say that ye shall stand before civilizations and thunder forth decrees and commands .. fiats shall ye speak.

Learn of thine nature. Transfigure thine mortal misqualifications into the Light of Existence.

Becometh thine identity in spirit and in wholeness, and ye shall be demonstrating your allegiance unto the Source of that Life which you are given.

Expand this Life and Identity throughout thine mortal stature raising this temporal stature of your being into its designed intent of the immortal and universal citizenship.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Living Truth

The Living Truth shall become revealed to those personalities who venture forth in themselves...

They who willingly empty their cup of sorrowful human intellectual misunderstandings, and strive to Understand the intention of the Heart of Eternity.

Truth is what you are beyond the veils of those  imperfect vibratory activities.

This Living Truth is Immaculately Conceived .. it is Unconditional Certainty. It brings to all personalities an Unchangeable Order and Stability .. Security of mind and feeling and Harmony in circumstances flourish .. Safety and Sentience blossom forth.

How then, shall personality mind awaken to itself as Living Truth?

Daily Prayerful Intimacy with Infinity Individualized is Mine Way to the Father’s Kingdom of Love.

Seek ye this religious relationship .. this reverberation of mercy in every possible moment.

Gather thine thought attention and direct this creative attention towards the Absoluteness of God above you.

Be thou .. Mine Salvington Sovereign Shepherd of Supremacy.

The Selfhood of Christ .. the Self-Directive Governing Consciousness and Intelligence... 

Faith Invisualization opens the doorways within you. Imagination Trust penetrates the veils of forgetfulness. Impregnation Breathing allows the individual personality mind to become the receptacle of Truth.

These are yet a few of My Preceptual Teachings...

With Impregnation Breathing you are daily  exchanging the garment of mortality for the Living Garment of God's Truth.

I say unto thee .. reach and I shall answer thee with loving balm and comforting guidance.

Empty thyself .. and ye shall become filled to overflowing grace.

Transfigure thine misqualification, and all Truth necessary shall appear to you .. in you .. of you .. all will be revealed unto thee.

Be thou seeking, discovering, contemplating .. and the Living Cause .. thine Absolute Living Truth .. shall be made known to you.

The manifestation of ephemerality of appearances shall appear as naught, as the Cause of thine being appears in and as your consciousness.

Cause is the All .. the Aught .. the One which nourishes mind and personality into soul receptacle.

Ye shall know thyself directly as Cause .. and all withering effects shall become illuminated. Death shall see ye not. Disease shall run hither and away.

I come to raise those individuals of your civilization into the promise of eternity .. into  their own Individualized Godhood which dwells directly above each human being.

For this evolutionary advancement is the next growth phase for human life. Moreso than any religious beliefs and spiritual relations .. the new order if humanity shall come to any and all who partake of My Father’s Kingdom

Verily do I say to you .. empty thine cup of ephemerality. Open thyself into receiving. Humble thine countenance and mature thine character.

This is thine very moment upon the clock of all lifetimes. Mastery of your creative authorship is upon thee to advance thine career in the universe.

Michael Of Nebadon
University Of Salvington
Absolutum Charitas Ab Origine

Monday, November 20, 2017

The Wheat Separates from the Chaff

Again and still again I come unto them .. the weary travelers of thine earth's evolution. They cry out to Me .. weeping for My Grace .. and when I appear as I do in this My bestowal .. they are of a mind unable to receive Me.

Alas .. I come to separate the wheat of humanity from it's chaff of unreceptive ones who hold not the capacity to nourish themselves. 

They shall continue to weep and these ones shall remain athirst .. hungry .. on their knees in search.

They shall find Me not .. nor shall they have the Grace from out of Mine Being to help them in their progressive evolutionary advancement.

I say unto Mine ready children .. prepare thyselves for advancement through your own Individualized Life.

Ye shall reap all that ye have sown with mortal thoughts. All that ye have placed into creation must be retrieved and returned to the Father. And He receives not his Immaculate Consciousness of Life while tainted with human thought impressions and imperfections.

Lo .. unto the children of Israel .. the children of the world civilization .. O shall I do the Father’s bidding and 'pluck' out from amongst ye the prepared ones who have made of themselves servants of the Infinite One .. his commandments to bring thyselves upon his altar of perfection. 

These are Our children .. of the Mother and I. These children shall raise all their lifetimes into becoming the Divine Shepherd of Sovereignty .. the Shepherd is of the Cosmic Christ who gathers their lost sheep of thought and feeling, and removes their vibratory anesthesia of unawareness through the process of transfiguration.

I announce to thee once again .. I am Michael Of Nebadon .. Trinity Father Son Personified .. the Hand of God the Sevenfold who reaches thine heart through the Godhood Individualized Life of thee...

Michael Of Nebadon

Your choices

Beautiful children of this planetary civilization .. you have a destiny which shall be unearthed and achieved according to your choices.

Two shall be standing in the field of life .. one is quickened and ascended while one is left to remain and tend to their personality pastures still further; to mature the vestments of their mind, to focus upon the values of their religious relationship, and virtues of the heart.

I have indeed prepared a place for you to arise towards .. to establish thine greater spiritual status and to secure a more abundant existence .. a prosperity of expanding experiences in life.

Worthiness develops as ye raise thyself into thine Godhood Individualized.

Worthiness is as a frequency .. a vibratory activity .. wherein  humility must be developed.

Worthiness develops with righteousness of choice .. boldness of courageously endowed decisions.

Be thou of a mind which seeks Objectivity of Love.  Master thine understanding. Mature thine comprehensive knowledge of things eternal .. truly valuable and earnestly sincere.

I am come to fulfill our covenant agreement together. To shine clarity upon the way .. and to help you to enter therein to the Father’s Spirit Life and Kingdom.

Michael Of Nebadon
University Of Salvington
Salvington Spiritus Invictus

Friday, November 17, 2017

Understanding must be converted into experiential knowledge

Understanding is not just an intellectual feat. Just as eating food is worthless if we merely place the food on the tongue without taking it any further into the body.

Eating is worthwhile only when the food is chewed and swallowed and digested and assimilated in the blood stream and transformed into muscle and bone .. into strength and vigor.

So too .. understanding must be taken more fully within ..  to  permeate all the levels of one's consciousness, and to invigorate all the moments of one's life. Understanding must be converted into experiential knowledge .. a knowing must emerge from that understanding as you transmute mere words and thoughts into deeply held feeling and experience.

I do tell thee Mine children .. thine earth planet is nearing the time when it shall taken upon herself the garment of Immortality. Planets too aspire towards greater actualization in the Father. Planets are embodied by Individual Beings and their Consciousness pervades the form of the planet.

Virgo is the being who embodies this planetary orb. She is the One who embodies your home planet. She desires to evolve herself, and she has withstood eons of time in holding the civilization into its Integrity as a creation of the Father. Virgo desires to advance her own expression, and to raise this form of a planet into its evolutionary destiny.

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Jewel of Humanity

Oh Mine brethren upon this earthly jewel of a planet .. become as the nature of the Universal Spirit inhabiting all creatures and beings .. his nature is merciful compassion .. his character teems with everlasting glory of love and tender kindness.

Be thou .. Mine children .. the nature of God I AM and God thou art.

Become him in thine understanding knowledge and experience; for ye possess in thine very midst a portion of God's Life and Consciousness.

I am thine Creator Father Son Michael. I come to give thee passport unto realms of glory and benevolence. I offer thee eternal wisdom which shall elevate thine stature of existence.

For it be thine destiny that the mortal place upon itself the immortal .. and the corruptible become quickened and ascended into the incorruptible One.

I show ye the way to forgiveness for all errors and misconceptions that have transpired for thee .. all things temporal shall become illuminated and then accelerated in their  transformation .. and ye shall find thine entrance unto the Kingdom of God's Immortality and Immaculate Conception.

Ye shall maketh good deeds out of the mists of darkness .. thy character growth shall unveil from within thee a nature of priceless Virtue and everlasting Value.

Mine Vision shall awaken thee from the torrent of materially-centered density .. and the non-deliberate misintention and misqualification of God's Life.

Misinterpretation and misperception shall straighten itself towards the Absoluteness of God's Objectivity .. his Love hath no bounds nor limitations. 

This visionary ideal which I bring to your race shall destroy thine quiet loneliness and utter struggle for peace.

Mine verities shall eradicate all thine inner obstructions.

These are but the ephemeral clouds which momentarily hide the light .. and these will become faded away as thine lips speak holy praises and thine thoughts take direction constructive .. and thine feelings generate harmony and balance.

Thine Faith Invisualization and Imagination Trust shall cause to appear the glory of our Initiatory Father’s Kingdom.

Verily do I invoke thine best interests when I instruct thee on Prayerful Intimacy with the Individualized God Identity above you.

Goodwill to all and peace unto each one...

Michael Of Nebadon
University Of Salvington
Absolutum Charitas Ab Origine

Monday, November 13, 2017

A bridge in your personal consciousness

Behold .. the Father lives directly above thee in his unique individualization. He works towards your righteousness of mind .. and he quickens you into his everlasting vibratory Presence as you open thyself to receive of him.

Command thyself into His Holy Altar of Love and Mercy by understanding your personal relationship with the Good Parent of your existence; for ye are created to cooperate with God, to collaborate with Him, and to enter into this holy matrimony of eternal union one day at a time.

Again I say unto you .. believe as I believe. Live as I am living amongst you. Walk in this religious sacredness of knowing with your faith vision that God the Nameless One is with you at all times...

...that he is Individualized above you, aware of you, and is streaming his Immaculate Life Current ..  his Life Everlasting .. directly into your solar plexus so that you shall distribute this God Life of Himself throughout all thine field of life in the physical octave.

This association with God Individualized expands with your daily Prayerful Intimacy .. a bridge is created in your personal consciousness with your Individualized God Presence above. This daily activity of your Prayerful Intimacy with Gid Individualized shall offer him the opportunity to quicken thine mortal Life into greater union with Us.

Prayerful Intimacy gives to the Universal Father Spirit above thee a way to reach you in your mind, in the fullness of your feelings, and in the purifying activities of raising thine physical vessel into the resurrection and ascension.

Mine precepts of thine daily tenfold Prayerful Intimacy concentrates your attention of thought and feeling into these ten free will natural powers of your creative nature:

Intention of Vestments, Values, Virtues .. Invitational Adoration and Pure Worship .. Instruction of the Soul Receptacle .. Identification with the Individualized  Godhood Presence .. Inquiry of Fulfilling God's Law of Harmony .. Invisualizing Faith .. Imagination Trust .. Impregnation Breathing .. Invitational Decree .. Integration Atonement.

I come to extend to you the understanding wisdom of the Second Center and Divine Source of the Eternal Son of Trinity Paradise.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Help you to dissolve your unnecessary defenses of heart

I am the very same One who came as Jesus of Nazareth. I come once again using the name of Michael Of Nebadon. It is My Universe Identity which ye shall come to know and better understand.

You expected Me to arrive upon your terrestrial shores in a Great Mothership with a vast assembly of loving beings from throughout the galaxies.

...and I have come in exactly this way, and I have taken upon My countenance a mortal form .. a physical vessel .. in order so that I may reach you .. penetrate thine sophisticated mind .. and help you to dissolve your unnecessary defenses of heart.

I say unto you .. I am come to fulfill our covenant agreement together .. to help raise into their promised potentials those personalities who have sought truth over the centuries of lifetimes. I come to help guide you into your Second Birth;  for did I not say to you that ye shall become born again through the Hand of My Father God before ye shall enter into his Kingdom.

I had come back then to initiate the New Dispensation of what you have called Christianity, and I come once again to co-initiate with Saint Germain .. this next Dispensation which we call the Age of Unity and Accountability.

The opportunity which is before thee is truly magnificent .. golden .. and rare in it's occurrence. The higher administrative orchestrations to bring this bestowal to you in this simple and empowering way shall raise you into the new order of humanity.

Be thou of a mind which opens into truthfulness and faith. Now is the day of thine revelation.  It is come when all things shall make themselves known to thee.

Ye shall see and know and hear .. and ye shall partake of the counsel of your ascended family members who have gone the long way with thee .. walking with you unbeknownst to thee .. watching you struggling for the smallest kernel of understanding truth and unconditional love and acceptance.

Again Mine children .. I am here and available to you. Come closer .. enter our association together.

I am a real man, and the very same Spirit Persona .. Christ Michael .. thine Universe Father Son from the beginning inception of this universe given to Me to raise upwards into the nature and likeness of the Trinity Harmony of Paradise Trinity Perfection.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Shall rule the earth within a short time

My Father's Kingdom shall rule the earth within a short time from now; for the cycles of the destructive free will of humanity have come to a close. There shall be no further destructive use of the free will gift and creative endowment which had been given to human beings for their freedom and caretaking of the earth and her kingdoms.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Sovereignty and Truth

God is Sovereignty and Truth...

Sovereignty brings forth Objectivity raising the personality beyond the bounds of their subjective opinions which may or may not be true.

Sovereignty makes the unknown to be known so that you can advance thyselves further into vast ideas and heartfelt experience.

Sovereignty allows certainty to emerge in the life of the individual, and certainty establishes security.

Sovereignty destroys all uncertainties for the personality, and any insecurity becomes evaporated.

Sovereignty paves the way for stability to flourish in the life of the person, so much so that all things become ordered and harmonious.

Sovereignty is Truth, and Truth is Sovereignty.  Truth Absolute is the One God Life which has its entrance right within our breathing.

Sovereignty shall raise thee into honorable choices and moral character shall be developed well and good.

Sovereignty quickens thought into this primordial peace and prosperity of stillness.

Sovereignty is God's Supremacy.

Ye shall say ...

"I AM Perfect Order, Primordial Peace, Paradise Perfection is now Released."

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Be attending to thine Godhood

I say unto the inattentive ones who believe themselves to be My teachers of the world .. I am now in thine midst. I come to raise upwards the children of earth.

Speak not as though you speak for Me. Mine voice is sturdy. I prevail in all things.

Be thou attentive. Speak nor about Me as if I am not here.

Insult not thine person. Demonstrate not thine wickedness of heart.

I have brought you here to learn and grow into righteousness and remembrance of God.

I have stirred thine destiny desires .. and I am quickening My disciples and apostles of the world even now as I speak unto thee.

Be attending to thine Godhood. Reveal to thine humankind the possibilities of purification resurrection and the ascendancy of thine life and world into stability and security and safety as ye expand My Father’s Sovereignty and Supremacy.

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Walk in accordance with their own vision

Allow the people in your life to have their preconceivings of Me. Give them opportunity to arrive in free choice unto the desire for Light and the greater Life everlasting.

Permit them to walk in accordance with their own vision, albeit it is overflowing with subjectivity and the preconceivings of opinions and delusion. Yet, evolutionary progression takes time and space.

We must allow each personality mind to choose freely what he or she desuees. To determine for themselves their goals of destiny.

...and alas, when the personality mind tires of their own misgivings .. their own miasma and confusion, then shall they become truly soul inclined .. receptivity itself .. the person possessing soul nature who hungers for Obedience and and thirsts for the advent of Accountability and the benevolence of the  Objectivity of Love.

Michael Of Nebadon
University Of Salvington

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Allow then .. this new understanding

Verily, the things of the world are effects which are absolutely derived from causes within humankind.

Thought when intensified becometh feeling; for all is really only a derivative of the Father's Initiatory Thought.

Thought intensified into feeling accumulates with time. Thine thought builds momentum through this accumulation, and these accumulated vibratory impressions gather force while gradually finding their way into expression.

These accumulations of thought becometh attributes of qualities .. attitudes of habits .. and acts of the personality mind.

I say .. impregnate thyself with the Pure God Qualities which shall generate your unconditional freedom.

Gain thy godly momentums .. deepen thine inspirations of insight and intelligence .. crystallize thine intent and plan .. allow thine ideal to prosper thee.

As you gain thine understanding of creation .. thine nature of creativity which is Love .. ye shall harness the powers of this Creative Love; for all Creative Power is God.

God is the One and Only Consciousness and Intelligence which ever can think and act in your life. Only the God Force creates with the Powers of His own Love.

Be thou God's Life. Enter into thine Godhood I say. Expand his Kingdom of Immaculate Thought. Let him prosper all creatures and kingdoms with his perfect Thought.

Allow then .. this new understanding to cometh to ye.

Permit this Universal Light to give inspiration and instruction to thee.

Thine mortal life shall renew itself within our Comforter Spirit Association. Ye shall become a new creature birthed once again through the Initiatory Thought of God Himself .. and thine mortal shall place upon itself the Immortality of God's Holy Thought.

Michael Of Nebadon

Mine Spirit of Truth

Mine Spirit of Truth is bestowed upon all sincere believers; this gift of My Spirit which the Father ordains and has designed for the advancement of all peoples did not come only to My apostles at that time. The one hundred and twenty men and women assembled in the upper chamber all received this new teacher, as did all the honest of heart throughout the whole world.

Verily do I say unto thee .. this new teacher with whom ye shall embark with upon thine journey to the Father Individualized is bestowed upon humankind, and every personality soul receives Me in accordance with their love for truth and the capacity to grasp and comprehend spiritual realities.

Mine pure religious spirituality is delivered to thee away from the misguided custody of religious and spiritual intermediaries of every kind. There shall be no one to intercede in thy behalf other than the Planetary Host who art thine universal brothers and sisters, and having walked the same journey they are qualified to do so.

The religious priests of this world are unqualified and shall not lead thee into truth and righteousness; for they themselves have as of yet walked this way. All sacred classes and exclusive religions controlled by human misrepresentation shall not ever nor ever shall they interfere with your advancement into Light; for the true religion which I bring once again to your race finds its real manifestation in the individual souls of all women and men.

The religion of Mine return is once again the stimulus for thine personality soul advancement into Universal Citizenship and its Immortality in both service and life expression. It fosters the highest type of human civilization in that it creates the highest type of unified spiritual personality while it proclaims the sacredness of each unique individual personhood who comes to recognize their rightful place in the Totality of God.

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Thine masculine current ... thine feminine current ...

Thine masculine current of expression acts through mind and thine feminine urge .. the feminine current .. acts through feelings or emotions which are of your human expression.

Yet .. until the personality is sufficiently transfigured, mind thoughts and emotions of feeling are not yet stable and reliable. These tend towards being the irrationally driven influences which cause your problems and struggle.  You should not believe in your own human mortal thoughts and feelings as of yet.

Instead .. I am teaching Mine apostolic associates of the University Of Salvington to  reach for thine Godhood above thee .. it is thine own Divinity residing nearby but through the earthly octaves beyond the chaos and confusion.

Verily do I say unto you .. grow awareness of thine Individualized God Life through Prayerful Intimacy each day.

Prayerful Intimacy is My Approach of Ascendancy for the individual personality mind to grow it's receptivity and revelation .. to ripen it's realization and relationship remembrance of God. To expand this Godhood into and throughout thine human experience.

Penetrate thy mortal self and its unstable feelings and thoughts which shall not be relied upon if you desire truth, beauty, and goodness to flourish in you.

Penetrate thine mortal vibratory imperfections with the God Governing Directive Force in you, and become the Sovereign Shepherd of Supremacy. Allow the Father's Vibratory Activities and Divine Intelligence to expand and clarify your human experience and expression. I teach thee to advance further thyselves through the simplicity of Prayerful Intimacy and Eternal Association. In this way shall you bring forth all peace and joyful fulfillment.

Trust in thine higher Mind of Christ .. and the loftier feelings of thine Christ Selfhood shall emerge with higher sensibilities, higher and more elevated thinking, higher and more refined constructive feelings. Thine Individualized Godhood emerges .. by applying the Tenfold Precepts of the Kingdom - Prayerful Intimacy with the Individualized Kingdom of God.

Prayerful Intimacy of the Tenfold I's shall open thine Eyes of Eternity. Prayerful Intimacy with the Individualized God Identity above you shall clarify righteous decisions .. responsible acting without the struggle of mistakes. It is the way of thy Second Birth Initiation into Personality Soul Immortality .. Universal Citizenship.

You shall not act from human reactions of feeling and the irrationally driven thoughts of mechanical and materialized and misqualified mind; for these influences are of your own  misqualifications from the lifetimes of exploration and experimentations with your creative nature and free will. These mortal influences are needing to become restructured into truth, and reordered into the New Order of Humanity through the gift of the  Transfiguration.

Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, October 27, 2017

The Vision of Eternity

Ye shall discover the Vision of Eternity only as ye give everything you are .. and everything that you have .. back to God .. in the same way .. the very same vibratory purity .. by which he gave his Energies and Life Substance originally to thee.

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Private Dialogues of Christ Michael Of Nebadon

The Private Dialogues of Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Peace and goodwill to all here in Salvington

You each are encountering yourselves during these past days.

You are facing yourselves more directly...

This needs courage...

The courage to allow yourself to be just as you are.

Imperfect creatures working towards embodying more of the Nameless One

Our Infinite Persons of Trinity Paradise are limitless .. and you each are encountering yourselves in much limitations

So you seem far away from God's unlimited Stature

How much Infinite Love are you willing to partake of?

I say .. give up your attempts to be someone with something

Your daily unfoldment of receptivity...

This is the area which you need to work on.

Only as you give everything to the Lord God of your being individualized and the infinite persons of the Trinity Fountainhead, only as you take nothing for yourself but give all to the nameless one then you will find your worthiness then you will open up the space inside of you to receive in much greater measure.

But you must be willing to end all pretensions, every vestige of your mind and energy that wants to pretend it has already arrived or pretend that you are already perfect or pretend that you know everything these things have to be transfigured in order to open to receive of God's infinite love.

I say to you each you must be willing to give all your love away to the god presence individualized above you and Beyond the chaos of the Earth. Possess nothing for yourself and recognize that God above you streaming into you possesses all things and this individualized portion of the infinite is still only a derivative of the infinite Paradise Fountainhead of Life.

Unworthiness and low self-esteem can only become transmuted through this prayerful intimacy of giving everything away to the god force your own I am and the great infinite I am that has brought forth your own God Individualization of Life.

And as you give all away and worship the Lord thy God In His Infinite stature.. loving him with everything .. all of your being .. only then will you feel the cool breeze of God's absolute caring reaching you, and you'll find that you have some realization of him, that you come to know his nature, that you in your stature as a creature begin to understand the magnitude of his love, which has no end .. for He/She is Limitless.

And through it all I walk with you in the absolute humiliation of embracing the darkness and density .. finding humility of emptiness .. by giving every credit and power and glory and honor to the almighty God.

In this we walk together .. I in the Comforter Spirit and also in My physicality here for the time being.

I say to you now.. give everything away to the Infinite God who is individualized above you residing in higher octaves .. beyond the Earth, but directly and  immediately accessible to you; for you are this streaming Life of his Consciousness ..  his energy ..  his substance .. which comes out of your own Godhood, and that Godhood comes out of the Infinite Fountainhead.

Thus, the only way to become free is not to try to become God here only .. but to give everything of your mortal nature to him through your own Individualization. Give it all away to him, and he will return it in good measure with infinite blessing.

Michael Of Nebadon