Tuesday, March 31, 2020

One Life of God the Father

Life is God the Unchangeable Parenthood. 

Life is indescribably glorious, mysterious, unfathomable...

Life is Cause .. overflowing love, merciful compassion, and ten thousand qualities while being beyond every quality. 

Life is God the Father within you. All circumstances and events and activities which change .. these are effects .. the derivatives of Life according to how you have honored Life.

The effects bring your suffering. The effects bring about difficulty and division until you have mastered your effects by the righteousness of your character, the reverence of your countenance, the receptacle of your consciousness...

Life is God. Life is Eternity. Life hath an always unfolding purpose of expanding and extending and expressing and experiencing. 

Become Cause .. and you become Life. And as you have raised thyself unto Cause and Life, so shall you devour all struggles and strife. So shall you be dissolving all disheartening separations as you become the Self-directive Governor of your personal world of effects.

Be not exteriorized, separated, asleep to thine own Self in the world of appearances and effects; for ye shall arise to walk with Me in Wholeness, and Wholehearted Praise and Adoration of the One Unimaginable Personhood of Infinity .. and of Life. 

Be Cause. Be Life. Be the Effervescence of Love ..  capacity driven to discover Life .. Eternity .. Universality .. Infinity. 

Be thou of Cause, and happiness is felt .. harmony is delivered .. peace shall protect and provide and prosper thee.

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, March 28, 2020

New Life Emerges

Values can never be unchanging nor static; for always do the values of personality change, advance, and progress. The closer personality comes to living in accordance with reality .. the more empowering is its realization of true significance .. for values continually change and are intended for growth, expansion of understandings, maturing of meanings and cosmic frameworks, and the embodying of points of new reference in order to grow divine recognition and spirit insight and that regenerating perception of the real and the true. 

As personality undergoes change there ensues a great risk that those changes are simply stultified and without growth, lacking the expansion of meaning and the  exaltation of value. Changes .. personal inner changes become valueless without true soul development and Spirit-led growth. Potential evil is the result of change without true honorable growth; as personality remains affixed with continual changes built by merely human opinion, subjective beliefs derived from mortal viewpoints, and the unhealthy indoctrination of dogmatic living causing preconceptions to flourish and decay to set in.

Cosmic adaptation is needed .. and those preparations necessary for advancement into the higher worlds of a more endearing socialization amongst your fellows where service opportunities abound to expand Life .. to ascend in order to be amongst those personalities who understand the values of the One Parenthood of Life .. to enter our universe with the increasing value understandings of growing towards a more perfected meaningful experience of existence.

Existence must be honored, and as ye art acknowledging of our Source, only then shall experience possess those Eternity Values which elevate character and broaden the understanding of the soul's emerging vision.

Values are not to remain as merely intellectually-bound conceptual illusions; values and virtues of this ennobling momentum for living shall be reality-driven and truth derived. True values depend upon the enjoyment and pleasureful association of relationships - personality to personality relations producing actuals from out of all inherent potentialities. Values stimulate righteousness when derived from reality .. from truth .. from love and compassion and mercy. They are always both actual and potential. 

Values always permit those awaiting personality developments to ripen and fructify. The fruits of Spirit always are these necessary actualizations which are birthed from out of what is and what is to be.

The association of actuals and potentials equals growth .. and results in growth for the entire personhood; and this soul emerging growth is the experiential realization of values and the expressionful actualization of virtuosities of an eternity identification and an ascendant nature. 

Yet, verily do I sayeth to the wisdom seekers and the truth hungry souls ..  thine truest personal growth shall bring you along the way of those circles of personality achievement in your furtherance towards progress with the Adjuster Life - Adjuster communion, Adjuster guidance, Adjuster attunement with the full commitment of the mind and the heart and thine entirety of personhood.

Thine personality progressions .. of values and virtues .. and stimulated by the urgencies of your vestments of mind and will .. these shall always produce meaningful new valuations in the ways you perceive thyself and all your relatings .. but it is relatively valueless without soul growth. 

God the Supreme desires each part of himself to venture unto those truly valuable productions of human life bringing forth a growth of values, a progression unto new  meanings and understandings, the realization and revelation of the experiential selfhood .. the actualization of the cosmic interrelatedness of both of these experiences so that values grow and blossom, new meanings are born, and the evolutionary advancings .. actualizations .. within the personhood come forward in preparation for thine Second Birth and well beyond even this necessary accomplishment.

The experiences of attaining to that greater God consciousness .. the discoveries of the living One in his identity nature .. and the actual spirit attainments of becoming in thine finite personhood alike to the Infinity Personhood of the Universal Person .. these shall all become the direct result of these value-producing developments. 

. . . a Self-directive Governorship awakens in those individuals who decide wholeheartedly to give to the Father their cooperating concentrations and their life-producing collaboration.

Then, are ye becoming that creature something that evolves your inherent and initial gifts and endowments to go beyond mere mortality .. beyond the raw potentialities of animal and material identifications .. and transcendent to the old order of the materially-centric humanity. You have entered into the new order of the soul .. an ascendant creature of spiritual promise .. a member of that spirit-reaching humanity who strive for the fulfillment of their destiny in and of the Universal Father; for thine immortal and emerging soul is evolving from out of thine newly found values for living.

You have positioned thyselves for growth optimization .. the necessary kingdom conditions which allow advancement to occur for the individual. You have met the conditions necessary to enter into the kingdom of God the Supremacy in whom we share life together.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Order and Love shall Prevail

The power of My Father's kingdom is the establishing  of the glory of the living spirit who comes even now to ennoble thine mind .. to enlarge thine heart .. to eternalize thine vision .. thine sight .. thine motivations for Truth and Life everlasting. 

His spirit .. once established in thee shall uplift every particle of thine awareness and understanding .. thine identity shall become each awakened into union with his Absolute Adjuster Life .. whilst thine mind shall becometh affixed upon his glories.

My Father's Spirit Life shall dominate thee .. causing thine evolutionary ascent to become restored and permanently regenerated in him.

His rule in the hearts of every  reborn citizen who is journeying upon this  planetary civilization shall initiate a new creature hood for thee .. his heavenly kingdom shall thrust open all interdimensional doorways for these salvaged and newly born daughters and sons of God. 

This Kingdom is the Supremacy of God .. his Life Ideal spread outward upon the creation. This shall becometh for thee a vast Kingdom wherein personalities shall thrive amidst one another .. relations between sons and daughters shall becometh mingled with the angels and all others coming from those advancing planetary civilizations who art simultaneously achieving these greater works. 

This is the brotherhood of Life and the sisterhood of Love .. and it is thine wholehearted willingness which opens wide the gateways and ushers you in through the front door.

In My Father's House .. righteousness reigns and reverence overwhelms .. respect is the currency .. and receptivity for the individual blossoms .. all these attainments shall be coupled with service in and to the One Infinity. 

I am come proclaiming "Peace upon this earth and good will to all .. in every Kingdom of his Life."

This kingdom of Life .. you are to go forth proclaiming far and wide to all who crave justice .. who hunger for truth .. who are starving for order and direction ..  these are the desires of the good individuals of all ages .. the great hope of all those striving upon the earth .. the soul fulfillment of all those who reach into their hearts with their ready-made yearnings for this worshipful praise and honor of the Universal Father Mother .. these are the wise choices of they who seek to transmute their lifetimes of learning and experience unto love, wisdom, power, and righteousness.

I come to resurrect the dead religions of evolutionary creatures into these pristine revelations wherein truth prevails and transparency flourishes throughout the populace.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Jesus Michael of Salvington

I am come upon the mortal plains of this your planetary home. I am Michael of Nebadon, your Sovereign Creator Father Son in this our universal home of Nebadon.

I am the very same Eternity Personhood which you have called Jesus Christ, yet that is not my name nor is this an accurate representation of My Eternity Personhood. 

I come in this 21st Century unannounced and unexpected by most all. I come giving you revelation regarding My Eternity Personhood .. My Universe Responsibilities with and for you .. My Universe Identity as Michael of Nebadon .. and a further revelation of the appropriate approach to your life existence which will allow you to increase your individual spiritual progress .. your maturity of personality soul  religiousness in reverence and respect, relationship and receptivity with Infinity .. the Infinite Parenthood of Infinite Goodness, Truth, and Beauty, and ten thousand other attributes who hath your highest and best interests in mind. Who understands you intimately just as I do; for it one portion of My responsibility in this Universe to embody .. to be the Personification of Absolute Truth as Father Son. With the Indivisible Collaboration of the Universe Mother .. together we are the personified representation of Father Mother Son and Spirit for all in this our Universal Home.

I am come in revelation and rejuvenation .. with the need to restore unto light and Life the evolutionary avenues of your planet by which you shall traverse inwards and upwards through soul attainments, personality achievements, spirit identification.

I am come for all kingdoms and for every religious persuasion; for all people and for every background and social climate .. every country and culture are precious in My sight, all are  included within My Care.

All are loved, respected, appreciated; as I am already living with My Spirit in you.

I am in charge of this our  universe .. I am it's Sovereign Creator and Master Son, and with the Universe Mother Spirit, we have conceived and initiated every planet, every creature life, every galaxy within our Universal Care.

I am interested in our personality to Personhood relationship .. and as you have entered into the City of Michael and the educational fellowship of Salvington, the workings of our association .. our eternal relationship .. and for the few dedicated ones .. our apostleship .. you must learn to act in accordance with the way of Trinitarian Glory .. you shall learn to function in a certain way in accordance with the dictates of the First Infinity Personhood in order to progress profoundly upon the universal ascendancy awaiting you. 

Make the most of your time here by seeking to understand our relationship in eternity and in this universe .. what I have to offer to you by way of the Persons of Infinity .. and your necessary attitudes and character attributes needed as prerequisites .. your askings of Me shall be responded to only as you abide by these dictates; for I am very particular about the functioning of our association together. 

I come that you begin your ascent into the greater worlds and the fuller works of developing your Personhood and its personality trust; for there are opportunities being given to you as you partake in our saviorship our discipleship .. our relationship .. which brings your individualized personality existence into union with the Living Spirit of the Universal Parenthood of Infinite Deity. 

Michael of Nebadon
