Saturday, August 31, 2019

La Palabra Viviente

Yo vengo como la Palabra Viviente del Hijo Eterno ... el Hijo del Padre combinado y al unísono. No creáis en vuestras imágenes erróneas de Mí como un místico débil, apacible, dulce, gentil y amablemente afeminado; porque eso ciertamente no lo soy. Soy la Palabra invencible y la Ley inexorablemente armoniosa por la cual los planetas giran y los universos se sostienen en gracia y constancia.

Mi enseñanza es emocionantemente dinámica y os levantará de la muerte, la degeneración, la enfermedad y todas las divisiones. Yo os demuestro que una vida vivida bajo la premisa de hacer el bien, alcanzando ese Bien Indescriptible del Padre Hijo Universal y del Espíritu de Vida ... que esto os fortalecerá y hará de vosotros los hombres y mujeres dignos de entrar al Reino de los Universos ...

Christ Michael

I come as the Living Word of the Eternal Son .. the Father Son combined and in unison. Believe not your erroneous pictures of Me as a weakly, mild, sweet, gentle, and kindly effeminate mystic; for that I am certainly not. I am the unconquerable Word and the inexorably harmonious Law by which the planets spin and the universes are upheld in grace and constancy.

My teaching is thrillingly dynamic and it shall raise you from death and degeneration and disease and all divisions. I demonstrate that a life lived upon the premise of doing good, reaching for that Indescribable Good of the Universal Father Son and Spirit of Life .. that this shall strengthen thee and make of thee the men and women worthy to enter into the Kingdom of the Universes...

Christ Michael

Aspirations of Acknowledgment

As you aspire to, accept, ask for, and allow the Trinitarian Intelligence of Love, Wisdom, and Power to expand in and through you .. so shall you be entering into the Kingdom of which I have spoken.

Yield to the Infinity Influences .. the Divine Leadings of glory and honor which would have you achieve the destiny of all lifetimes.

Those intimate spiritual forces in you and around you .. desire with you the freedom and promise of Eternity. You are guaranteed with your faithful determination and loving heart to achieve the immortal destiny established by the Deity Persons of Infinity who desire for all creatures great and small to accelerate into the grand universe progressive ascendancy traveling inward and ever upward towards those Trinity Persons of Indescribable Glory and Honor.

...for the God of Love hath given the chief aim and everlasting goal of his evolutionary ascendant creatures from the planetary worlds of space and time.

Michael Of Nebadon

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Vesture of thine Emerging Soul

Perceive Life .. thou child of the universes .. perceive Me as thine formless immaculate Comforter surrounding thee .. guiding thine way unto Truth Absolute .. preparing thee for the worlds of Jerusem our System Capitol.

I even shall eternalize thine propensities for truthfulness; that ye shall begin to unfold with humility and honesty and vulnerability and transparency and willingness.

Be thou ever aware that 'time marches onwards' .. that time lost never returns to you.

I sayeth to the seekers of the Way and the aspirants of the One Truth and the disciples and apostles of the One Absoluteness of Life ..

With care and sincerity and determination, so shall you find the Living One in you; for the Universal Absoluteness of God is an everywhereness .. an everythingness .. even eventually .. an everyoneness.

He is certainly thine Life to be inherited by your fervencies of conviction and confidence and constancy...

With your continuous care and desire for Unconditional Love and the Entirety of the  Objectivity of Truth .. so shall you becometh diligence itself .. and then .. only then .. shall your decisions vanquish all opposing inner currents; so that the vestments of mind becometh gradually the vesture of the emerging soul capacity driven to embrace and understand My vision and verities of Life.

Ye shall grow in maturity and wholehearted willingness to accomplish what must be achieved by each and every individual personality; the awakening .. embracing .. and embodying of those certain trinitarian values and cardinal virtues of Eternity and the absolute vision and plan which hails from out of our Paradise Center and Divine Source.

Let not the cold winds of ephemerality maketh thee toxic to truthfulness .. unwilling to stand naked upon the bridge leading into tomorrow.

Let not thine destructive arrogance and the  presumptuous vanities of the seeds of rebelliousness lead thee astray into pastures of death and decay and the fearful abominations of those trinkets of pettiness and disdain which would carry you further away from the Infinite Goodness of God's Glory.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Awakening Achievements and the Glorious Living

Thou seekers of advancement and soul refinement...

Discernment brings thee freedom .. and it is this volition of mind which shall awaken thee in good measure beyond death and degeneration and divisions and dissension; for thine personhood shall be discovering its connection relationship with the Father's Reality which is his very Kingdom of Heaven.

Our Engagement of Eternity is a Living Reality that I call you to enter into. And in this you must discard all your own subjectively qualified notions of Truth and Reality; for My Wine of the Universal Father's Ideal shall not mix well with thine own wines of preconceived opinions about the approach to the Father's Life and Kingdom. In our association, you shall be faith trust discovering thyselves  as daughters and sons. Your relationship with Me .. with the Father Son Spirit .. hath a new quality .. a tender reciprocity .. a devouring desire .. which quickens you within My baptism of everlasting fire.

My Love is a fire that ignites thine atomic structures .. giving  thee Life in greater portions; as you are becoming lifted out from the collective race consciousness; as you are raised and made ready for the higher worlds; in this I have attempted to tell thee; that in My Father's House are manifold worlds without end which shall be those residential landing achievements for those individuals who believe as I believe, and live as I am presently living My own life in the garment of ephemerality.

And these worlds are actualities for many millions and trillions of others of My Universal Fold .. other creatures from many a world who have My Universal Hand upon their very brow .. guiding each precious jewel of personhood into their reception of the greater Life of My Father.

Hence .. our Fellowship catapults thee unto becoming the privileged sons and daughters of a loving and divine Father .. an Infinity Parenthood .. and the qualities of this religious relationship shall mature in thee only as you taketh thine rightful steps forward with My Hand upon thine personhood.

Verily, verily, I say to you, when the Father’s will is thine law .. then, ye shall merely be touching the living hem of his garment .. you are beginning thine evolutionary journey with Me .. hardly yet are you established in his kingdom. 

Yet, the Father’s will becometh truly your will from that place of greater union and cooperative collaboration, then are you truthfully entering into the kingdom of the heavens .. you are identifying in your holy allegiance with He and I .. the kingdom is becoming your own more established reality realization .. his Existential Thought Ideal is expanding in thee unto this Expressionful Perfection of Personality Ascendancy. It is a demonstration of your perfectionizing personhood which hath momentums generated towards graduation in the Second Birth.

Only now, shall your Experiential Acts in living be well attuned in righteousness and reverence .. respect for Life Everlasting .. so much so that your mortally-originated viewpoints and experiences are elevated with Me into the more abundantly prosperous Life Eternal. 

When the Father's will is thine own inheritance of protection and love and safety and assurance realized .. wherein joy and happiness abound .. then, are you ennobled in experience and in Truth.

You are no longer mere subjects and slaves to an 'imposing law' which seems to come from outside of you .. but as you believe in My resurrected gospel of divine daughtership and sonship .. then My Father’s will becomes your will and your way of life. You are elevated unto the exaltations of this higher relation .. this majestic position of all the free worlds of  ennobled children of God. You are beginning thine ascent as the liberated sons and daughters of the Kingdom of Progressive Ascendancy.

I sayeth to those personalities who art prone to be listening intently for My Word in spirit and in truth, and also in Its enlivening and materializing Influence... 

Paradise .. as ye may call it .. is the very throne of the Infinity of God .. the One Unnameable and Indescribable and Ineffable Glory and Power and Goodness and Truth and Love who hath created all .. and brought forth all Life from out of Himself. 

Paradise is the everlasting beginningless and endless dwelling place of the Person of the Father. Throughout all the heaven of heavens .. ever does he fill all things .. ever does he hold all worlds in his creation in the palm of his Hand .. forever shall he proclaim his laws and his ways to the universes upon universes. 

And the Universal Father has given a portion of his Life .. with the intention and plan to expand this Life .. to rule as Loving Majesty within the hearts and minds of all his children on earth and in all the manifold worlds of his creation. And, by the very Spirit of this Life which he hath sent to live within the emerging immortal mind and soul of every morally-centric creature .. shall you discover your blossoming reciprocity of relationship giving you all happiness and harmonious living .. overflowing with justice and order and trustworthiness shall you unfold thine divinity nature.

I come into your human viewpoint to further gain your perspectives .. to view as you view .. to walk as you walk .. to live as you are living. And I call thee forth to also view as I view .. to live as I am living .. to walk as I AM .. from the perspective of the Trinity Host and the Sons of Paradise .. from the point of view of Creator, Upholder, Preserver, Sustainer, and the Establisher of Life in the hearts and bodies and minds of all creatures.

Michael Of Nebadon
City of Christ Michael

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Tenacity Strengthens thy Discernment

Thou children of the 21st Century...

Ye are walking with Me... Believing in the Way of Victory .. the Truth of Perpetual Communion .. and the Life of Progressive Ascendancy of Personhood.

He who walks with Me in Spirit and in Truth .. they shall have Life Eternal.

I sayeth unto Mine apostles of the world .. Refine thyselves .. quicken all impulses unto the values of Trinitarian Reality.

Mature thyselves .. into the eternal ennoblement of thine mortal life unto those Cardinal virtues which bring you into the Kingdom of My Father God.

Surrender thyselves in mind, will, and entire personality unto the Life I AM.

Sacrifice thine ephemeral tendencies for seekings of pity and feelings of victim .. for others to recognize and love you .. and now reach for My Universal Hand of God the Sevenfold who cometh as I AM .. to guide thee upwards in Ideal .. in Vision .. in Intimacy with the Father's Life.

Michael Of Nebadon

Monday, August 19, 2019

Divine Augmentation of Life

Verily verily do I come to instruct thine mortal wits unto righteousness and realization...

The Kingdom of Heaven is alive .. it is real and true .. stabilization abounds for those who deliver themselves to Me .. the Trinity Parenthood which I represent.

Thine entrance is a transmutation and expansion. It is all a question of how you apply your free will intention, desire, devotion of attention, dedication of heart and mind, discernment of loyalties and allegiance.

Focus thine heartfelt yearnings upon the Totality of Life, and you shall find the Living One .. ye shall becometh alike unto his nature and his character .. and you will know his Order and Harmony. Your life relationships will become harmoniously attuned to loving and caring.

We have a work to progress in .. the Universe hath a purposeful need for actualization which you are meant to participate in.

Be ever and anon placing thine awareness upon the Spirit of Life, and ye shall grow his Presence in you and through you; for thine mortal existence is designed to be augmented by the ever increasing vibratory Life of God the Father .. the Supremacy of God who is the Infinite Glory of the time and space creation.

Hence .. do I guide thee unto every Truth and all Life...

Christ Michael Of Nebadon
City of Christ Michael

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Thine Gradual Ascendancy into Light and Life

Urantia Fellows of Mine Revelations unto all the Planetary Life...

You are learning with the Mother Spirit and I .. the powers of your mind and will .. the righteous use of your personality .. the growing and emerging soul vesture capable of holding a greater portion of the Father's Life.

Act with will once you know you are acting in righteousness.

You already know with certainty that to reach for the Father's Life with your will and mind and body and personhood is the right thing .. so just take action now.

...daily using the 11 Kingdom Powers to build Intimacy with the Spirit who lives in you.

This Spirit has spirit mind and spirit  feelings, and yet, its destiny is to blend with you in order for it to have personhood and personality.

Then shall you have the greater Spirit Life in order to begin your journey beyond the terrestrial landscape of this planet.

Ye shall grow in faith assurance and trusting certainty of your future in the Father's Life as you build intimacy and closer proximity with the Life Adjuster or Spirit Life of God the Father living in thee.

And as you enter this intimate relationship .. as you deliver your darkness and immaturities to the Life .. as you taketh My Universal Hand and grow into our Engagement and Association .. then shall you know more of the God Life. You will be progressively ascending day by day.

(1601.3) 142:5.3 “The Supreme Spirit shall bear witness with your spirits that you are truly the children of God. And if you are the sons and daughters of God, then have you been born of the spirit of God; and whosoever has been born of the spirit has in himself the power to overcome all doubt, and this is the victory that overcomes all uncertainty, even your faith.

Michael Of Nebadon
Urantia Fellowship

Friday, August 16, 2019

Salvington Amphitheatrum

Teaching in the Amphitheatrum of Salvington...

I am with you each .. I have established My Spirit Life in your field of consciousness. And, I am in thine midst physically; expressing through a human physical form now.

I come forth into view to restate My original teachings in this 21st century. He and she with their eye of faith trust open and active shall be led to Me.

The humble ones shall put behind them their self-importance, their impulse to teach others, their attempts to inadvertently usurp My Sovereignty in this Universe.

I sayeth unto you once more...

The kingdom of the heaven of heavens is accessible, attainable, achieveable, and is directly at hand.

By thine simple childlike faith in the Parenthood of God shall you find your personal entrance to enter the kingdom of our Father's Life; and as ye enter with an immaculately conceived character and personhood, so will you become the newly immortalized daughters and sons of God.

Love is the Omnipotence of God the Father .. it is the Unchangeable Rule which gives to you entrance. You must fill your field with God's Love and Mercy.

To live in the Kingdom of Life requires you each to pass through the portals of its gates by the Power of Love.

Thine unflinching supreme devotion to God is essential while ever further shall you learn to love your fellows as thyself; for the realization of God the Supremacy hath an awareness and acknowledgment of the Wholeness I AM.

Our Eternity Engagement requires your discipline, obedience, humility, and reverence  to the Will of the Father; and this Engagement shall begin yielding the fruits of the spirit in thine personal life.

It is the law of the kingdom that you enter through the front door of direct relationship and respect and responsibility and reverence and reciprocation and revelation and receptivity.

These are yet a few of the Trinitarian values which you must fill thyselves with .. raising thine Integrity and honoring thine God Life.

Verily verily shall you carry My gospel news  to the far corners of the earth .. to the uttermost parts of all Empires .. and this restatement of My gospel is the beginning of the spreading outward of the gospel of the kingdom to the outside world.

Be thou forthright and of truthfulness in acknowledgment of the Existential Ideal and His Perfection .. the Expressionful Word and Vision of Personality Alignment and Perfection .. and the Experiential Act of giving thyselves to the Circuitry of God the One Infinity.

Michael Of Nebadon
The City of Christ Michael

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Textures of the Holy Trinity

I preach sermons unto you, and they fall on your ears as accolades of splendor .. and I say to you Mine preachments of glorifying the Life that hath brought all lives into existence.

Amplify the reality of Unchangeable Glory as you gaineth thine wisdoms by transmutation of all darkness and imperfection.

Rejoice My children who art inclined at times to hide from thyselves .. to churn up thine sensibilities of attachment to material things .. and yet, who yearn fervently for your eternal freedom in Me and with Me.

Celebrate .. be of joyfulness in realization that the Life of Infinity lives in closer proximity to you then you might ever imagine.

Strive not to bring circumstances to perfection; for they never shall meet these unholy expectations. Deliver thyselves beyond the borders of ephemerality .. that ye findeth security in Me .. in the Father Son Spirit of the Living One.

A new sunrise cometh upon the plains .. thine wheat is coming close to its harvest time .. it spreads itself outward upon the lands. I proclaim to you that the earth is readying herself to blossom unto her Immaculate Conception, and all creatures might choose their loyalties. So, be thou in allegiance with thine Progressive Ascendancy of Personhood.

I come making plain and simple the avenues of your deliverance into Love .. Unchangeable and Unconquerable and Unconditional Love.

Make no false speakings .. for thine tongue hath been designed to praise the luminosity of existence. Thine eye hath a design of deliverance .. to see and perceive and know truthfulness and Truth Everlasting. And thine ear shall not remain waxed over with the atrocities of untruths .. it is destined to hear the Absolute, to listen with obedience, and to attune to the Word of Existence.

Attain to this generosity of character .. just as the Universal Absoluteness hath a character that is Generous and of Infinite Goodness .. Charming and Caring and Always Loving. Heed no false manners that have not their tributaries touching the holy splendor of the earth's new soil .. the reverberations of the Father Son Spirit shall maketh of thee a new creature.

Again I sayeth, pretend not to already know, heed not to the superficial appearances of mind and body which attempt to usurp the Living One. Wisdom is garnered by your faith-driven trust in the Father's Existence .. it emerges in those personalities who harken unto Him .. to the Person of Infinity who cometh unto you singing Opportunities and Openness and Offerings without stain nor false enchantments.

Thine Universal Citizenship beckons thee to arise into maturity and the rightful knowledge of thyselves, and the acceptance of thine relations with Me shall cause thine field of vibration to shake and then shimmer with happiness.

I arrive to maketh of thee women and men of succor .. capable of receiving the generosity of the Life who stands waiting for your coming forth into Universal Citizenship.

Michael Of Nebadon

Monday, August 12, 2019

Blessed One

Blessed Lwanda...
Follow in My Way and Truth and Life.

Learn precisely what I teach today during this 21st century ministry; for it is the very same Precepts of all prior ministries I have conducted for all lives upon this earth.

Come to deepen all understandings of these three attributes and directives.

Work on applying My Precepts which show thee daily and hourly how to enter the Kingdom of God Intimacy with the Father's Life.

I showeth ye the approach necessary to grow thine personhood and its character towards perfect righteousness and respect, dignity and full adorational acknowledgment of this One Purpose and Aim.

This obedience and discipleship with Me brings forth an everpotent alignment of thy personhood and its mind and will instruments with the Living Spiritual Forces of the Trinity Parenthood of Life.

Be thou earnestly allowing daily and hourly this great reordering of your mortal life vibratory field, so that God's Immortality shall become established in you.

His Individualized Life is continually working to eternalize your meanings of your priorities and purpose as a mortal and material being striving for advancement in the Great Processional of Life.

His Life in you hath a purposeful Impulse of his Will to maketh of thee fit for Eternity by resurrecting your vestments of mind, your urges of Will, your values for living that these values may reflect the Trinitarian Values which guide and impulse all living creatures throughout the Universe of Universes.

Now shall you discover in these exalted values an allegiance with Love Unconditional .. an overriding ennobling of thine mortal frame and its personality inclinations .. a new day shall arise for those who bring forth the strength and courage and faithfulness and trustworthiness and unconquerable conviction so that full confidence is brought into your relationship with the Fatherhood and Motherhood of God; that ye might give thyself completely to the Individualized Life of the Absoluteness of Infinity who is living in and with thee.

Thine vestments .. values .. virtues .. these becometh immersed and nourished by the Father's Absoluteness and his Majesty.

You are now made ready for My Engagement with thee. For thine vestments, values, and virtues prepare thee for My vision .. the vision of the Person of the Second Revelation of the Primal Center and Source .. the Son of Paradise.

Then you shall discover a total replenishment of joyfulness and hope and direction and purpose. Purity shall institute itself as you fulfill the great law of Order and Harmony. Happiness shall fill thine coffers with this perpetual fulfillment of having entered the Kingdom of the Heavens  through doing the Will of God Victory.

The Father's stability, safety, security, serenity, certainty, sovereignty .. and a plethora of a thousand goodly attributes shall be coming your way.

And I .. Michael of our Universe forever stand with you .. surrounding you in My Comforter Spirit .. and at one with thine destined Life .. this Life of the First Person of God the Father .. his gift bestowed upon thee to make of thee his Immortal sons and daughters of Eternity.

(1213.5) 110:7.10 During the making and breaking of a contact between the mortal mind of a destiny reservist and the planetary supervisors, sometimes the indwelling Adjuster is so situated that it becomes possible to transmit a message to the mortal partner. Not long since, on Urantia, such a message was transmitted by a self-acting Adjuster to the human associate, a member of the reserve corps of destiny. This message was introduced by these words: “And now, without injury or jeopardy to the subject of my solicitous devotion and without intent to overchastise or discourage, for me, make record of this my plea to him.”

Then followed a beautifully touching and appealing admonition. Among other things, the Adjuster pleaded “that he more faithfully give me his sincere co-operation, more cheerfully endure the tasks of my emplacement, more faithfully carry out the program of my arrangement, more patiently go through the trials of my selection, more persistently and cheerfully tread the path of my choosing, more humbly receive credit that may accrue as a result of my ceaseless endeavors — thus transmit my admonition to the man of my indwelling.

Upon him I bestow the supreme devotion and affection of a divine spirit. And say further to my beloved subject that I will function with wisdom and power until the very end, until the last earth struggle is over; I will be true to my personality trust.

And I exhort him to survival, not to disappoint me, not to deprive me of the reward of my patient and intense struggle. On the human will our achievement of personality depends.

Circle by circle I have patiently ascended this human mind, and I have testimony that I am meeting the approval of the chief of my kind. Circle by circle I am passing on to judgment. I await with pleasure...

Michael Of Nebadon
Urantia Fellowship

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Seeds of Sovereignty and Eternity

Thou City of Christ Michael Fellows

I say to the truth-seekers and the humble ones who desire with no hesitation their freedom in God the Universal Parenthood of Father...

I am come .. returned unto thine planetary society to maketh the meek arisen into Christos Totality.

There was a sower who went out upon the lands of the world .. and she took a handful of the seeds of wisdom and purpose .. she then, scattered these seeds throughout the lands.

Some seeds did fall upon the harshness of the road wherein preconceptions have prevailed in the individual, and the birds came quickly and gathered these up for themselves.

Other seeds fell upon the rocks  of subjectivity and opinion wherein the seeds did fall through the cracks between these rocks of mental neurosis and anxieties, and these seeds of knowledge and understanding beckoning wisdom to develop and emerge .. these seeds did not take root in the soil of the human individual consciousness .. and did not produce the awaiting harvest intended.

And other seeds fell upon the  thorns while forming the psychological husks of pride, arrogance, and defensiveness. These destructive attitudes in human thinking and feeling choked the seeds of courage and counsel and intuitive glory ..  and the worms of worldly concrete mindedness came and gobbled them up for their own pleasures.

And finally, other seeds did fall upon the good soil which had already been tilled allowing the nutrients to find their way towards the surface ready to take action .. and these seeds produced a bountiful harvest .. they were received and nurtured and ripened with courage and faith conviction and trustworthiness of heart. These seeds produced a goodly fruitage whilst blossoming the individual's countenance into acceptance and unconditional willingness.

I am come in the twixt of an eye .. as I enter thine ephemeral landscapes to give wisdom and purposeful direction in accessing Eternity with the Father's Life; to enlighten the civilization and its cultural atmospheres on the original sayings .. teachings I had given during My Galilean mission.

She and he who reject Me shall be turned away from the Kingdom of Heaven .. they must await another millenia in their development of faith, trust, and discrimination. These ones who bringeth rejection upon themselves shall have a sorrowful aggravation as they awaken afterwards from amidst their drunken stupor. They shall be inundated with regret and recriminations untold.

I come .. sent by tbe Trinity Persons of Deity .. to bring healing upon your peoples .. to elevate thine capacities for blessings of Infinity Benevolence .. to offer the abundance of prosperity in your awareness and character development .. and to restore righteousness in the evolutionary progression of the world.

Receive Me. Accept My arrival. Open thyselves upwards to Truth Absolute.

Now, are you holding My Universal Hand wherein all advancement shall occur for you.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, August 10, 2019

My Gospel of Love and Truth and Life

My gospel is of the Father's Life .. and as ye partake of his Life, so shall I and the Universe Mother Spirit give to thee a greater portion of the Father's One Life.

These things I do in his Name and Honor...

His Kingdom is entered into as you recognize his Life as an everywhereness; that ye live in him, and he lives in thee.

This is the fact ideal of the One Fatherhood of God blended immaculately with the acknowledgement of his Truth and Life dwelling in all and as all creatures and personalities.

This is your receptivity, recognition, and awareness of the daughtership and sonship of all Life.

He and she who walk with the Trinity Parenthood of Life shall give themselves away to their own Individualized God Life only to have the Goodness of the Father's Life give back to them his Life .. you become a unified personality of God the Supremacy of Life.

. . . And ye shall accept this Life in all your moments of living .. entering gradually by your claiming thine endowments of your creative nature, your growth into character illumination, your righteousness of use in free will, your developing personality achievements into Cosmic Citizenship.

I teach thee Prayerful Intimacy Communion with the Living God who resides in you with a portion of his Spirit and Life.

Christ Michael
City of Christ Michael

Monday, August 5, 2019

Orad Conmigo

Orad conmigo, Amados de la Tierra

Nuestro Padre Infinito ... que tiene su Cuerpo como la creación y cada vez más grande ... que abarca todo el cielo de los cielos ... el universo de los universos.

Tu nombre es santo

Tu benevolencia está siempre presente ... Soberana ... y Absoluta para que todos puedan entrar en ella.

Lo más sagrado es tu Presencia ... la Una y solo Única Vida Eterna de la que somos parte y formamos parte con y de.

Tu Reino ha venido incluso ahora ... y tu voluntad es la plenitud de la armonía ... el orden ... y la regocijante alegría para todos los que estéis dispuestos a participar de tu Presencia y Poder a través de tu Pureza y Perdón Eterno ... Tu Propósito y Plan para la Salvación de todos los reinos de esta tierra.

Pedimos que tu Orden y Armonía se establezcan en la tierra como lo es en todo el cielo de los cielos, que es tu Santo Cuerpo y Vida Eterna.

Danos hoy nuestro pan diario de Conocimiento Comprensivo ... Consejo y Coraje ... Adoración de ti y Sabiduría de nuestra existencia en ti.

Entendemos que nos perdonas nuestras deudas y todos los escombros mortales solo a medida que nos elevamos hacia el cumplimiento de nuestra naturaleza creativa ... nuestra identidad correcta ... nuestro uso de la Vida en que se encuentra ... nuestras deudas mortales que hemos cubierto con su Inmaculada Radiancia será limpiada y elevada a tu omnipotencia de la luz y eterna integridad de la vida.

Oh, Dios nuestro Padre ... nosotros somos elevados solo a medida que nos elevas a través de nuestra obediencia contigo. Somos vivificados eternamente en tu Prenda de tu Inmaculada Concepción.

Michael Of Nebadon

Pray with Me Beloveds of the Earth

Our Infinite Father .. who hath his Body as the creation and ever greater .. encompassing all the heaven of heavens .. the universe of universes.

Thine Name is Holy.

Thine Benevolence is Everpresent .. Sovereign .. and Absolute for all to enter therein.

Holiest is thine Presence .. the One and Only Life Everlasting which we are part and parcel with and of.

Thine Kingdom is come even now .. and thine will is the fullness of harmony .. order .. and rejoicing happiness for all who art willing to partake of thy Presence and Power through thine Purity and Everlasting Forgiveness .. thine Purpose and Plan for the salvation of all the kingdoms of this earth.

We ask for thine Order and Harmony to become established upon the earth as it is already throughout the heaven of heavens which is thine Holy Body and Everlasting Life.

Give us this day our daily bread of Understanding Knowledge .. Counsel and Courage .. Worship of thee and Wisdom of our existence in You.

We understand that you forgive us our debts and all mortal debris only as we arise into the fulfillment of our creative nature .. our right identity .. our use of the Life thou art .. our mortal debts which we have clothed upon thine Immaculate Radiance shall be cleansed and raised into thine Omnipotence of Light and Everlasting Wholeness of Life.

Oh God our Father .. we are raised only as you raise us through our obedience with thee. We are quickened everlastingly into thine Garment of the Immaculate Conception of You.

Michael Of Nebadon

Behold the King and Queen of Christos

I shall not showeth thee the kingdom nor the king .. the queen shall remain still invisible to thee. 

Ye must open the eyes of thine soul .. then shall you becometh a true child of the kingdom  .. and with your determination and constancy of desire for Absoluteness and Unconditional Truth, ye shall become raised into a certain son and daughter of the Holy One of all queens and kings; as thine holier yearnings of the soul are ripened and do glow with prominence and priority.

And as thine personality mind progresses ever and anon .. you shall strip away all garments unholy and unjust .. the kingdom of the soul will come and you shall be no more; for ye art a kingdom in thine soul .. as thine yearnings are glorified .. and as thine hunger and desires are ennobled with Trinitarian Impulses.

Thine personhood develops unto its further destination as the vesture of the soul. Thine personality shall rise up and be itself a king and queen .. only as you art the Self-directive Governor of your inner and outer worlds.

For every man, woman, and all creatures are king and queen in potential .. only in accordance with their capacities to receive the One King and Queen of all Life.

This One Infinite Deity is Love .. and as this Omnipotence of  Love is received and made to be thine holy nourishment .. so shall it become the greatest power in thine life ..  it shall becometh the Christos of Life in thee.

And in this Christos shall you findeth your kingdom of Stability and Security and Safety and Certainty .. even Sovereignty with the Father's Life in you.

So Christos is king and queen; and every woman and man who lives as Christ within themselves .. they are Sovereign and Serenely Just .. having become birthed into a new order and a brightened harmony.

And everyone may have this Christ development in themselves to come forth and ignite all lesser urges and impulses.

They shall arise and standeth out amongst their brethren whilst embracing all personalities and all bodies and expressions and every individual as a portion of this Christos Totality. And this transformative change is merely the initial advancement for the individual In their Universe Career as they proceed inwards and upwards in the Processional of Achievement.

The Individualized Indwelling Spirit Life of the First Mystery seeks to become personalized even as you are driven to become eternalized. 

The two shall becometh One Christos .. One Totality .. One Supremacy .. and these changes are only the beginning of embodying the greater fullness of God's glory.

Ye shall then sayeth .. Christos is who I am .. Life dwells in my soul .. . And my carnal body is it's temple. I perceive with mine eye of faith, trust, God reliance that all are the emerging Christos Totality .. the Wholeness of Life to be discovered everywhere, and with everyone.

The temple you see before thee is just envelop of the indwelling king and Individualized queen .. and women and men may call forth the very same Christos upon themselves if they only will surrender iniquities and errors and all darkness.

She and he who will cleanse his mortal field and carnal form .. purifying his every priority and purpose .. and amplify a character of honesty and a absolute purity .. they shall make of themselves a pure expression and experience of the One Existential Ideal; elevating their life existence so purely .. that love and mercy and righteousness and wholehearted willingness may dwell untouched  within their mortal field. The true king and queen shall come forth for all the world to see.

The ephemeral kings and queens made of the earth are merely clothed in royal robes .. they do sit in States of governments and religions of unsightly egoic piety only so that their fortunes may deepen and the positions might oppress .. that men and women may stand in awe of them and worship them with ghastly consequences. They desire in error merely to be seen by others as holy and pious and pure and authority.

Yet .. I do sayeth to they who are sincere in wanting advancement .. that a king of heaven may wear a fisher's garb .. and a queen of the heavens may sit in mart of trade .. each may till the soil of their property .. or be a farm hand in the field of the harvest.

A queen of the heaven of heavens might be a slave imprisoned by mortal chains whilst a king might be unnoticeable and unknown.

A king of the Holy One may be adjudged a criminal by the mortal laws of women and men. They might remain confined in a prison cell and may die an unfortunate death.

Women and men seldom perceive what others truly are. Their human senses have yet to become refined .. they may sense what seems to be .. feeling the possibilities .. and intellectualize that ideal which seems to be and that which is as destiny only.

The carnal minded woman and man behold only the outer appearances of the outer man who sits before them. Yet, raise their sights and harness their true sight and the temple of the king and queen is made known.

They learn to see with the eyes of faith and trust .. to hear with the ears of truth and justice, and to speak with the tongue of compassion and mercy and kindness and propriety.

The woman and man of God is absolute in heart; she sees the queen and king with her heart; he perceives with the mind of soul.

And when ye arise to the plane of Christine consciousness .. ye shall know that you .. of your own Selfhood at one with God .. are certainly king and queen. That Love is Majesty. That Mercy endureth throughout all travesties of ephemerality.

That your own Individualized and Indwelling Life of the Universal First Center and Infinity Source is Love .. is Christos who is a living everywhereness.

You knoweth with all faith, trust, and assurance .. that the son and daughter of God is present with you .. as You.

You men and women of the 21st century .. prepare thyselves to meet your queen and king in the unfolding grace which is thy destiny.

Michael Of Nebadon
The City of Christ Michael

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Acknowledgment and Adoration Advance the Personality Soul

Universe children .. thou art cared for at every turn in thy consciousness .. the nearer to the kingdom gate you come .. the more spacious is the room you find yourself in.

All bold men and women who long for the realization of their personal existence in the Kingdom .. leave behind thine carnal thoughts and more materialistic feelings .. ask for the Life of God in you which I AM with the Father Universal to eternalize your feelings and spiritize thine thoughts.

Come into My Father's House with a cleanliness befitting an emerging son and daughter of salvation.

Ask Me to begin thine more accelerated Purification of all thine destructive passions and carnal desires which build sinful momentums pulling you away from the Lord thy Life.

Enter the Kingdom of Reality as though through the eye of a needle with only thine highest sensitivity .. thine most refined countenance of character; for the Kingdom of our Universe is as a narrow gate wherein most are unable to pass through with the densities of rebellious inclinations and againstness.

All shall becometh purified and prioritized unto the Will of the Heavens.

Be ever as those few personalities of your world who wholeheartedly give themselves to this surrender and sacrifice of the lesser ephemeral things whilst giving all acknowledgment and adoration and appreciation and acceptance and allegiance to the First Revelation of Trinitarian Glory.

Michael Of Nebadon