Friday, August 16, 2019

Salvington Amphitheatrum

Teaching in the Amphitheatrum of Salvington...

I am with you each .. I have established My Spirit Life in your field of consciousness. And, I am in thine midst physically; expressing through a human physical form now.

I come forth into view to restate My original teachings in this 21st century. He and she with their eye of faith trust open and active shall be led to Me.

The humble ones shall put behind them their self-importance, their impulse to teach others, their attempts to inadvertently usurp My Sovereignty in this Universe.

I sayeth unto you once more...

The kingdom of the heaven of heavens is accessible, attainable, achieveable, and is directly at hand.

By thine simple childlike faith in the Parenthood of God shall you find your personal entrance to enter the kingdom of our Father's Life; and as ye enter with an immaculately conceived character and personhood, so will you become the newly immortalized daughters and sons of God.

Love is the Omnipotence of God the Father .. it is the Unchangeable Rule which gives to you entrance. You must fill your field with God's Love and Mercy.

To live in the Kingdom of Life requires you each to pass through the portals of its gates by the Power of Love.

Thine unflinching supreme devotion to God is essential while ever further shall you learn to love your fellows as thyself; for the realization of God the Supremacy hath an awareness and acknowledgment of the Wholeness I AM.

Our Eternity Engagement requires your discipline, obedience, humility, and reverence  to the Will of the Father; and this Engagement shall begin yielding the fruits of the spirit in thine personal life.

It is the law of the kingdom that you enter through the front door of direct relationship and respect and responsibility and reverence and reciprocation and revelation and receptivity.

These are yet a few of the Trinitarian values which you must fill thyselves with .. raising thine Integrity and honoring thine God Life.

Verily verily shall you carry My gospel news  to the far corners of the earth .. to the uttermost parts of all Empires .. and this restatement of My gospel is the beginning of the spreading outward of the gospel of the kingdom to the outside world.

Be thou forthright and of truthfulness in acknowledgment of the Existential Ideal and His Perfection .. the Expressionful Word and Vision of Personality Alignment and Perfection .. and the Experiential Act of giving thyselves to the Circuitry of God the One Infinity.

Michael Of Nebadon
The City of Christ Michael