Sunday, March 31, 2019

Prayerful Intimacy Communion

As ye pray to the Universal Father of Lights .. be thou quiet and remain for a time in the silence of your receptivity.

Give opportunity for thine indwelling spirit life to reach to you in all its subtleties .. allow the Father's Life to speak to thine listening soul.

The spirit of the Father shall touch into thine human experience best when thine human mind is upholding an attitude of true adorational worship.

Worship God through the Father’s indwelling spirit .. amplify and strengthen and illuminate thine mind by your wholehearted commitment and conviction .. by your wholehearted willingness to find the Father, to worship him in spirit and in truth .. as you raise your sight into his Absoluteness of Truth.

Worship .. pure giving of adorational worship .. shall maketh of thee increasingly like the Universal Father whom you do worship.

Our Prayerful Intimacy and Personal Communion is the righteous use of your will, body, and mind. It is through this directly powerful worship that you are transforming your human experience; thine finite selfhood does gradually approach and ultimately attain to the invincibility of the presence of the Infinite.

Michael Of Nebadon

Into the Sons and Daughters of Eternity

Be of good cheer in knowing that your way to God Freedom is well lit .. illuminated with care and mercy.

I sayeth to My believers in the gospel of God's Joyfulness .. love the Life of God the Father living in your midst .. love one another with the fruitfulness of your Intimacy with the Infinite One .. for these are the greatest ways you shall walk with Me.

By living My commandments to perfect thyselves into the sons and daughters of Eternity .. so then .. shall you advance your universe career in all ways which are possible .. and for all the children of the Trinity Parenthood.

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Faithfulness Abounds with Glory

Ye have been faithful in the many small things in living .. yet, our fellowship shall make of thee great in the many larger achievements which await thine entrance.

Doubt not that ye have triumphed .. yet do I tell thee .. take My yoke of obedience and discipline upon you .. go forth into battle with thine ephemeral opponents, and as ye draw upon My strength, so shall you find ways to conquer adversity.

The way of victory in the First Great Mystery will be shown to you only as you open the avenues of your faith and trust and discipleship with the Creative Spirit and I.

There must be neither tears nor shadows of tears as you grieve the death of the temporal apparitions, and as you depart from thine weaknesses in character choices.

You shall find Me in the way of the Spirit of Life; all is Light .. all is Joy .. all is Mercy.

All is Beauty and Truth to those whose eyes have been opened to the great radiance through their worshipful nature .. their praiseworthy attitudes which honor Life.

How shall My Joy bring even the fleeting semblance of that which ye call pain?

I tell you now the end from the beginning .. there is no sorrow in the thought of follies that are passed; what ye are .. and will ye will be .. alone is this destiny worthy of your contemplation.

When I say unto you as I do now say unto you, that as ye are born again of the water of life and the spirit of his goodness .. then all which is of the past shall be eradicated .. it shall becometh perished in his Light.

As ye arise upon Mine Shoulders of Glory .. and as ye art inclined to listen and learn .. so shall you become advanced from thine old earthly bodies into those vestures that are new and of the Immaculate Immensity of his Mercy.

As ye shall find in Truth that ye have been born once more into the Eye of the Spirit of Life .. and when thine fleshly vestment putteth on its destiny of Immortality .. then are ye poised .. and most accordingly ready .. to share the Life of the height that is his Spirit Life.

And even though ye walketh still on the face of the earth .. and meeteth the problems and particulars that earth life calleth upon thee .. you shall be granted the opening to enter into the Life of Eternity as you are determined to know of the Father's Life.

Blessed are they who sit in the silence of Eternity .. who art prone and receiving the vastness of their integration with the Spirit Substance of Infinity .. theirs is the Life of the Universal First Revealing who shall maketh of them his sons and daughters of Eternity.

I speak these eternal verities direct into your hearts .. and My voice goeth through them who respect our association, and who venture forth while holding tightly Mine Universal Vine of Life.

Beloved .. what more shall I say unto you than to instruct you out from your immaturity and ignorance of sorts .. learn how to unconditionally give thyselves to the Father's Kingdom of Life, and all will begin for thee; for ye have yet to initiate thine processional unto Paradise.

Ask with the utmost humility and reverence, and ye shall receive of the greater portion of his emanation.

Seek with the vigilance of the pure priority and prayerfulness, and ye shall find glory opening its doorways.

Knock upon his living altar in you, and it shall be opened unto you by Mine Hand of Purity.

Go forth in peace and with the unadulterated willingness to serve thine Universe Family, and I sayeth to thee .. ye shall find the luxuries of his great procession into worlds of Ineffable Truth and Love and Light and Life opening their gateways to you.

Thine countenance shall becometh blossomed into this relationship .. and ye shall be raised into its oft heralded attainment of personality soul ascendancy.

Michael Of Nebadon

Monday, March 25, 2019

Trustworthy Intimacy with Infinity

Good Evening Student Fellows of Salvington ...

Personality relationship with the Father's Infinity..

Faith Communion with the Individualized Life of God the Father..

Prayerful Intimacy with the Father's Sovereignty and Spirit Adjuster..

Personality Authorship in the claiming of thy creative nature..

Soul Vestment recein the maturation of all urges and impulses..

Personality thirst for the Absoluteness of Infinity allows for the walk to truly begin godward..

Righteousness of character in moral choice and spirit-led decisions opens upward the psychological pathways of faith trust reciprocity..

Progressive Personality Ascendancy in entering the kingdom of Heaven and serving the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Life in the great procession towards Paradise Trinity Parenthood..

These are yet a few of the precedents and enduring precepts of My teaching to humanity.

Faith and trust relations open the inner doorways, and sincerely-held desire and devotion and wholehearted determination willingness shall bear the true fruits of the Spirit-led life.

I share with thee our revelatory religious living .. its attitudes, attributes, and awarenesses...

Assurances of Faith

(1118.4) 102:1.1 The work of the Thought Adjuster constitutes the explanation of the translation of man’s primitive and evolutionary sense of duty into that higher and more certain faith in the eternal realities of revelation.

There must be perfection hunger in man’s heart to insure capacity for comprehending the faith paths to supreme attainment.

If any man chooses to do the divine will, he shall know the way of truth. It is literally true, “Human things must be known in order to be loved, but divine things must be loved in order to be known.” But honest doubts and sincere questionings are not sin; such attitudes merely spell delay in the progressive journey toward perfection attainment.

Childlike trust secures man’s entrance into the kingdom of heavenly ascent, but progress is wholly dependent on the vigorous exercise of the robust and confident faith of the full-grown man.

Michael Of Nebadon
Revelation 102

The Growth of the Soul Vestment in You

As the planetary evolution advances on your world .. the Life Spirit of the Paradise Thought Adjusters increasingly participate in the growth of the Soul Vestment in you; and they generously influence the individual personality development to becometh immersed in fuller religious understanding and cosmic insight.

The Thought Adjuster Life of the Universal Father is the very viewpoint of the Cosmos .. an everpresent window into contemplative worship of Infinity by which thine finite creaturehood expands its assurances in survival .. and by the Kingdom Power of your Faith Invisualization in collaboration with the Life Adjuster .. ye shall mature thine outlook and grow in thine meaningful and stabilizing glimpse into the universal certainties and cosmic divinities of the Infinity of Deity .. the ineffable and unfathomable reality relationship with the Universal Father who stands with you as your destiny identity and ever-present destination.

For I am come to teach you of your opportunity for personality communion with the prepersonal Spirit of Life, and to guide your worshipful adoring of the Transpersonal and Infinite Personhood of the Paradise Father Son and Spirit . . .

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Realities of the Spirit Life

I sayeth unto you .. I have given you of My presence .. now go forth and make righteousness of the wicked things .. teach rectitude to the faithless ones .. bring compassion to those who have lost their hope.

I am a Universe Sovereign who understands thine struggle .. one who makes accessible the inaccessible One.

As you learn to give .. so shall growth blossom in thee. Giving assures your increase in the realities of the Spirit Life.

I come unto the lost and confused .. they project their blindness upon My emanations .. and I say unto them .. learn of My way to progressively advance thyselves in station and stature. Practice My wisdoms and give thyselves to its honesty and truthfulness.

My Comforter Presence hath a great benevolence to give to you. I am surrounding thee now .. as the First and Second Revelation of Infinity. Mine Comforter eternalizes all thine preoccupations into heavenly impulses and receptivity for My truth-rearing guidance . . .

Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, March 22, 2019

Miracles of Glory and Advancement

I am come upon thine terrestrial shores of life to produce miracles of glory and advancement; and as ye participate with Me .. only then .. together .. shall these miraculous transformations of peace and freedom come forth for thee.

Michael Of Nebadon

Thine Holy Deliverance

I say unto you who have the desire to serve with Me in the finer avenues for the advancement of the race ..

I bring thee Peace and Justice and Order and Harmony .. Peace unto you who have arisen in righteousness to give aid to the spiritually  crippled .. sustenance to the weary of heart and mind .. manna of wisdom to the wicked and unholy ones who perpetuate the errors of civilization.

I and Mine Sons do shine forth the ways of the Heavenly unto the children of men and women. We enter into your airwaves bringing the fruits of our bounty for the benefits of all people. Ever and anon are we your benevolence sent by the Will of Infinity to reveal the great procession of consciousness.

I stand with Infinity Himself .. that your race be made holy and honorable in the sight of the First Person of Infinity. I come with a great symphony of blessed ones from far away worlds unto those of your societies, and we do giveth our brilliance to the darkness .. ministering to thine confusions and perplexity .. that you might imbibe our wisdom for the enrichment of all life upon your world.

I am the Living Word of Infinity announcing the Progressive Ascendancy of Personality for all. In this Mine Bestowal Mission, the unresolved shall find its resolution .. the betwixt shall glance once more upon the pathways of light .. the children of the world shall stand erect and fertile while making their great tilling of soul; that each hath a readiness and receptivity for Truthfulness .. and this shall lead thee unto the Great Absoluteness of Truth.

Michael Of Nebadon

Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Truth of the Father's Life

Oh Mine children who are apt to believe in Me here and now ...

I teach you of the Way of Deliverance in accessibility and availability with the One Father ..

The Truth of the Father's Life and his Loving Nature, his Immaculate Character, and his Plan with the Son and the Spirit of Progressive Personality Ascendancy in the Great Procession of all Creatures ..

I teach you that the Father desires all creatures to be in intimate communion with him at all times.

The Life of Intimate Prayerful Worship and Direct Relationship Communion with the Paradise Spirit of Life who has come to live in each personhood as an Individualized non-personal portion of his Life, and to eternalize each moral and ethical one for the grand adventures of the procession of the ages in the worlds of eternity.

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Good Father is the Bread of Life

Verily do I uphold the Integrity of  the Trinity Ideal; that your planetary society may arise into the fullness of Mercy.

Love the Lord thy God who is Individualized as thine destined Life to become eternally one.

Love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and mind and mind.

Build this new trajectory by quickening into the eternalization of every meaning and urge .. all impulses and intentions shall become raised and made holy as you love God with the fullness of your faith and trust and adoration.

Acknowledge him by your invisualizing faith .. your imaginative trust; know that I am with you .. one as Father Son .. as the Spirit of Truth .. and as the Supremacy of God that we share.

Love the Lord thy God with all thine passion and hunger to find his Life amidst all the ephemerality of appearances.

Love the Father's Life in thee; forever does he permanently sweep out your offenses .. like a cloud in the afternoon sky .. thy sins of misqualification evaporate like the mist of the morning fog.

Love the Lord thy Infinite God and Source of existence. He is the Existential Father Thought Ideal and much more.

Forgive thyself of all thine unintentional transgressions of the Father's Law of Life which secures all stability and security in the life of the individual creature.

Love the Lord thy Life of God .. for he is victory guaranteed and truth unwaveringly prescient; I and the Father do know of thine past .. thine present .. and thine future destiny with Me.

The Good Father is the Bread of Life who shall deliver thee from all the appearances of evil and darkness; yet these obstructions are merely errors in the race mind and misunderstandings in the heart of the populace.

All shall becometh blossomed into purpose and purity and adorational humility as you give yourself to the Father's Sovereignty.

I sayeth unto you who attempt your walk with Me .. grow thy character into truthfulness and humility. Mature thine intellectual thinking towards the higher impulses of Eternity; all the meaningless shall then be overflowing with meaning and every misunderstanding shall become healed and whole by your wholehearted commitment and conviction .. your constancy of heart .. your full giving of every credit and glory and power to the Father Life.

Love the Heavenly Father as the Life of thine indwelling Godhood. He is near and imminently accessible to each moral creature who chooses to know him .. decides to spiritualize their urges and motivations .. and their every intention shall be made holy and just as you aspire to this intimacy with the Father's Kingdom and Life.

Michael Of Nebadon

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Transgression of the Law of Life

Thou City of Christ Michael...

Human beings are certainly influenced by evil which is merely the transgression of the law of Life .. the way and truth and life of the Universal Eternal Infinite Persons of Infinite Deity.

As the personality knowingly and deliberately chooses the path of sinful rebellious attitudes and the life of the  iniquitous stand of purposeful againstness .. then they do build an opposing momentum to the Father and his loyal Sons and Daughters.. and they begin to generate an illusory power of  againstness to their God Life and the One Trinitarian Parenthood.

Evil is merely sinful transgression of the Father's Life .. and while inherent in the natural order of this evolutionary world of imperfection .. and especially due to the planetary problems of its administrative default .. it will not devolve into sin and iniquity as an attitude of conscious rebellion unless it is defiantly and stubbornly chosen over and over again.

This rebelliousness and its seeds of evil and sin and iniquity was begun in the higher system of which this world is a part .. it was brought to this world by those who fell from their spiritual light into gross darkness and damnation.

And this fall began gradually to take hold upon themselves .. to strangle all obedience and allegiance from their personality by overt and deliberate choice and by a strongly-held stubbornness of mind and will and attitude .. and by this  subjectivity of mind and willfulness masquerading .. as an absoluteness of fact and reality.

They believed their own subjective opinions to be truth...

I give you here My Revelatory Word to give you more clarity as you contemplate your own choices and deliberations of decision...

1660.2) 148:4.3 “Evil is the unconscious or unintended transgression of the divine law, the Father’s will. Evil is likewise the measure of the imperfectness of obedience to the Father’s will.

(1660.3) 148:4.4 “Sin is the conscious, knowing, and deliberate transgression of the divine law, the Father’s will. Sin is the measure of unwillingness to be divinely led and spiritually directed.

(1660.4) 148:4.5 “Iniquity is the willful, determined, and persistent transgression of the divine law, the Father’s will. Iniquity is the measure of the continued rejection of the Father’s loving plan of personality survival and the Sons’ merciful ministry of salvation.

Michael Of Nebadon
Enhanced Revelation in the Epiphanies of Eternity

Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Possibilities of Life Forever

Perceive ye thine destiny with Me.

Amplify the essential in your life .. and be thou preparing for the fuller God Life to expand and grow.

Guard well thine attentions that you are aiming your creativity towards the Father's Life and expanding his Kingdom.

Treat thou .. one another loyally and with the effulgence of respect and recognition .. allowing for our Engagement of Eternity to seep into mind and heart.

Harken unto Me .. invitingly opening thine petals of mortal mind and heart unto the Comforter Spirit I am.

Michael Of Nebadon

Monday, March 4, 2019

Adoration to the Absolute Father

Thou First Revelation of Infinity .. Universal Father Absolute ..

We give you all praise and worshipful adoration

All acknowledgment and appreciation

We align ourselves with you .. thou First Infinity Revelation and thy Endlessly Flowing Love

We love you .. oh our Universal Parenthood and Creator

We give you our complete dedication and devotion to expand your Ideal of Perfect Love and Growing Maturity...

Michael Of Nebadon