Saturday, August 31, 2019

Aspirations of Acknowledgment

As you aspire to, accept, ask for, and allow the Trinitarian Intelligence of Love, Wisdom, and Power to expand in and through you .. so shall you be entering into the Kingdom of which I have spoken.

Yield to the Infinity Influences .. the Divine Leadings of glory and honor which would have you achieve the destiny of all lifetimes.

Those intimate spiritual forces in you and around you .. desire with you the freedom and promise of Eternity. You are guaranteed with your faithful determination and loving heart to achieve the immortal destiny established by the Deity Persons of Infinity who desire for all creatures great and small to accelerate into the grand universe progressive ascendancy traveling inward and ever upward towards those Trinity Persons of Indescribable Glory and Honor.

...for the God of Love hath given the chief aim and everlasting goal of his evolutionary ascendant creatures from the planetary worlds of space and time.

Michael Of Nebadon