Sunday, August 11, 2019

Seeds of Sovereignty and Eternity

Thou City of Christ Michael Fellows

I say to the truth-seekers and the humble ones who desire with no hesitation their freedom in God the Universal Parenthood of Father...

I am come .. returned unto thine planetary society to maketh the meek arisen into Christos Totality.

There was a sower who went out upon the lands of the world .. and she took a handful of the seeds of wisdom and purpose .. she then, scattered these seeds throughout the lands.

Some seeds did fall upon the harshness of the road wherein preconceptions have prevailed in the individual, and the birds came quickly and gathered these up for themselves.

Other seeds fell upon the rocks  of subjectivity and opinion wherein the seeds did fall through the cracks between these rocks of mental neurosis and anxieties, and these seeds of knowledge and understanding beckoning wisdom to develop and emerge .. these seeds did not take root in the soil of the human individual consciousness .. and did not produce the awaiting harvest intended.

And other seeds fell upon the  thorns while forming the psychological husks of pride, arrogance, and defensiveness. These destructive attitudes in human thinking and feeling choked the seeds of courage and counsel and intuitive glory ..  and the worms of worldly concrete mindedness came and gobbled them up for their own pleasures.

And finally, other seeds did fall upon the good soil which had already been tilled allowing the nutrients to find their way towards the surface ready to take action .. and these seeds produced a bountiful harvest .. they were received and nurtured and ripened with courage and faith conviction and trustworthiness of heart. These seeds produced a goodly fruitage whilst blossoming the individual's countenance into acceptance and unconditional willingness.

I am come in the twixt of an eye .. as I enter thine ephemeral landscapes to give wisdom and purposeful direction in accessing Eternity with the Father's Life; to enlighten the civilization and its cultural atmospheres on the original sayings .. teachings I had given during My Galilean mission.

She and he who reject Me shall be turned away from the Kingdom of Heaven .. they must await another millenia in their development of faith, trust, and discrimination. These ones who bringeth rejection upon themselves shall have a sorrowful aggravation as they awaken afterwards from amidst their drunken stupor. They shall be inundated with regret and recriminations untold.

I come .. sent by tbe Trinity Persons of Deity .. to bring healing upon your peoples .. to elevate thine capacities for blessings of Infinity Benevolence .. to offer the abundance of prosperity in your awareness and character development .. and to restore righteousness in the evolutionary progression of the world.

Receive Me. Accept My arrival. Open thyselves upwards to Truth Absolute.

Now, are you holding My Universal Hand wherein all advancement shall occur for you.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon