Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Salvington Heals and Blesses and Prospers You

Allow faith to reveal thine holy light to the world.

Permit this extension of the Father's Life.

Let My revelations of truth and justice and order open all eyes which have been blinded by tradition.

Showeth thine loving service with such brightness and gentility that it shall effectually cleanse from the race all prejudice engendered by opinions, misqualifications, erroneous perceptions, and ill-gotten conceivings.

Stand in truth by beginning your ascent with truthfulness, vulnerability, and  transparency.

And as ye walk upright so shall ignorance becometh evaporated as though it never existed. 

Draw closer to thine fellow women and men .. master in you all reflections of unawareness .. build your understanding sympathy and unselfish compassion for the struggles you bear witness to.

Let thine devotion for the First Creative Center and Infinity Source lead you into our Saviorship together.

Hence, through this saving knowledge of the Father’s love shall you enter the great processional to worlds indescribably good, beautiful, and true in My Father's House.

Michael Of Nebadon