Saturday, November 2, 2019

Faithfulness Attracts Me

It is I who am the Life which is above them all .. 

Come unto Me .. the Life resident in thee .. and giveth all acknowledging and adoring and appreciation and acceptance of My Life with the Father's Absoluteness .. and I shall showeth thee My Way of Victory, My Truth of Advancement in the Relationship with the  Comforter I am, and My Life Everlasting through your God Intimacy Communion.

I am the Vine Universal .. It is I who am the all. From Me did the all come forth, and unto Me did the all extend and expand God's glory. 

Split a piece of wood and unearth a forest ember .. and I am there. 

Lift up the stones and part the clouds .. and ye shall discover Me there.

Believe by the gift of your faith without seeing with the carnal sight of your physical  eyes. 

Attempt not to believe because you have seen and heard Me...

Blessed are those individuals in the epochs to come who shall read My words and understand My directives without seeing and hearing Me today with their carnal faculties .. and they shall believe in this day where I have walked with you and taught you of the Father's Absoluteness. They shall believe without seeing and hearing with the eye and ear of flesh.

These ones shall knoweth that I have been once again upon the earth in the garment of mortal expression, and they shall learn and grow and advance their status in the universes. 

I come for the faithful ones who are childlike  and the trusting who are innocent .. and who  have grown through the centuries of their lifetimes their reliance upon Truth and Objectivity, and who have arisen in their character unto righteousness and receptivity of Me.

Michael Of Nebadon