Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Awakening Realization of Freedom

Oh My children of the earth...

I speak to you of progress .. growth .. advancement .. and the  acceleration of thine personhood into the Father's Will and Identification.

Thine voluntary conformity of thy will to God’s will shall produce a personality worthy to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens. And this Kingdom shall become for you the awakening realization of the Father's rule bringing harmony and justice and order to thine lifetime of existence.

It is not enough to produce in you mortal religious feelings and those necessary spiritual impulses which bring good feelings.

Character is needed. Character develops by these cardinal virtues, and those everlasting trinitarian values. You shall become a superbly stable individual. A wildly secure individual. A passionately certain individual who has become filled to overflowing with  self-respect and dignity .. humility .. awe of existence .. and childlike wonder at the Infinite possibilities of your growth in the Life which hath been given to you. 

I advise thee to become stripped away of every quality which hinders this achievement of your union with the Father's Will and his Life .. every wrongly qualified impulse must be heightened unto its righteous rectification in this wholehearted humility of mind and of heart and of thine entire personhood.

As you are truly My apostles .. so shall you properly represent Me upon the earth .. living as I live .. acting as I act .. willing to let go of all which betrays Me; that ye might become truly ennobled in righteousness of character .. enlivened in the conscious sonship with Infinity .. absolutely exalted in your wholehearted willingness to seek truth and love under all conditions.

I encourage you to place great value upon vulnerability, transparency, humility, honorable living, and sincerity. To allow to emerge in you a pure heart which hungers after truth and is athirst for righteousness and respect and recognition of the One God.

Thine fidelity is true loyalty to God the Father, and it is one of My cardinal virtues .. building in you a character teeming with the courage to look and to be seen .. to see all is thereafter to understand and gain knowledge of thyself.

Courage is at the very heart of My  teachings. I  instruct you to fear not .. to avoid not .. to ignore not. Yet to develop in you patience so that you go more slowly and sincerely in your pursuit of truth and unconditional love.

Our association is our apostleship bringing patience to the nervous and anxious ones ..  endurance and perseverance and constancy to the doubtful and weak and injured ones .. strength and determination and penetration in character to the superficial and immature and foolhardy ones who might attempt easier ways to their  advancement.

My religious spirituality shall maketh of thee the new men and women of valor .. courage .. and soul  heroism. 

Come unto Me .. ask and acknowledge and allow and accept and align with the indescribably beautiful will of thine Father God, and all things shall become new and alive for thee.

Michael Of Nebadon