Thou My Father God .. Infinite Absolute One Creator Source .. all adoration unto thee I give you my allegiance and allowance. Thou God Life beyond all Thought Streams .. Holy Holy Holy is thine Nameless Omnipresence.
Thou great fathomless Deity Infinitas .. all appreciation and acceptance of your Life .. in and around and beyond mine sin of man here in the garment of ephemerality. Holy Holy Holy is thine Nameless Infinite Being. Thine Omniscience pervades all creatures and things.
Thou Primordial Paradise Father .. all my attention and awareness is upon thee .. all accountability I offer into our relationship. All my mortal attitudes in human character I raise upwards to worship You great Father Mother God.
Thou fathomless Absolute Purity .. Immaculate Homogeneous One .. all my alignment I give to you and to our Holy relationship together. All mine attitudes of dedication and determination to find you Father within my own Heart of Hearts .. I offer my desire .. Pure desire and devotions to You .. Oh Infinite Purity Intelligence and Power .. I lay my human life down upon the altar of your being .. the one Being behind all beings and personalities.
Thou Creator Father .. I give everything to You of my own free will .. for I will to live thine will and way. I will to advance myself into the next higher order for humanity. I will to be accountable for every particle of your Life that I have ever used to create with. Return to me all things so that I may transfigure and then honor and glorify all your energies and substance divine.
For thine is the all-permeating Ocean of Primordial Consciousness .. the Kingdom of all Force and Life is thine. Everything belongs to you .. thou my Father Source .. Everlasting Son .. Immaculate Homogeneous Spirit.
Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation