Humankind is undergoing a crisis .. of priorities and values .. of verities or truths .. and vision.
Humankind has lost its inner compass .. it's GPS is not functioning well. A renewal of direction .. meaning .. and purpose .. cometh upon the Race shortly.
Return to the Original Design .. beginning with the Spirit Virtues of Nebadonia the Mother Spirit.
Reorchestrate your personal virtues and values into Our Virtues and Values .. then will you correct your motivations and ministrations.
I stand at thine gateway; for I AM the One given the Life Impulse to distribute to all within .. this My Universal Trust.
Come unto Me .. all ye who are burdened by struggles of all kinds .. and I shall give thee surcease .. rest .. through responsibility and reorchestration of your virtues and values .. your verities and vision.
I will .. in My Comforter Consciousness .. guide thee into Our Universal Fellowship together. I shall equip thee with capacities for growing mind into soul .. and thine personality soul into eternal union with the Spirit Force of the Father's Initiatory Life.
Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation
Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation
Michael Of Nebadon Publication Trust
Trinity Endowment Trust of Michael Of Nebadon
Salvington College Trust
Kumara Yoga College of Salvington