This living gospel ideal that I offer Mine aspirants who desire full union with the Father Principle within them .. it is a gospel of the resurrection of the dead and of the dying .. and of those who mistakenly would decompose due to tbe lack of bringing forth tneir own life force into flesh and bone .. it is an ideal built upon faithful trust and the willingness to raise thine accountability .. to own tnine creative powers .. thine godhood .. it is a royal road of eternal life through the One Sonship of the Christos all-pervading, the daily drawing upon the omnipotent love of God which is made manifest to men through the living administration .. the Host of Heaven ..
My human flesh is even now becoming rarified and refined. I come to demonstrate to you with eyes to see and the ears to hear .. a mind of receptivity and utter and complete humility .. I am in the tnroes of this transmutation .. being changed to higher form by love divine .. and once this transmutation is complete at the end of this round of my service to you .. I can manifest in flesh, or in the higher planes of life, at will. What I am doing .. all men and women can do as ye abide obediently with My ideal ..
Behold .. it is the gospel of the omnipotence of mankind once He and she is attuned and rectified with the Primordial Consciousness of the Source within.
-Michael of Nebadon