Saturday, May 13, 2023

All Hearts and Minds

I am come .. returning as promised to fulfill my pledge of raising humanity and all earthly kingdoms . . . in quickening universal meanings and heightening every sensitivity . . . towards directionizing the impulse of all motives godward and towards raising the understanding of purpose, priority, and purity . . .

Meantime the educated and spiritualized children of the surrounding peoples who have been adopted and trained in the prince’s schools are returning to their native groups and the planetary Isles of light and life and, to the best of their ability, are there establishing new and potent centers of learning and culture which they carry on according to the plan of the prince’s schools.

The Planetary Headquarters School and its Planetary Isles of Light and Life; these Isles of Living Truth are the Schools of Illumination and Advancement of the Planetary Prince, and they are primarily concerned with philosophy, religion, morals, and the higher intellectual and artistic achievements.

And I shall win over all hearts and minds to the fostering Goodness, Grace, Glory, and Generosity of My Father's Kingdom of Progressive Association and Everlasting Ascendancy.

Michael Of Nebadon