Thou Aspiring Fellows of the City of Michael...
All kingdoms dwell within my City. All races and religious persuasions reside in my City. Every blade of grass and each leaf upon its stem, branch, and tree evolve within my Planetary City.
Thine personal salvation shall becometh arisen by elevating your urges, awakened by ennobling your desires and emotions, actualized by eternalizing your understanding meanings, priorities, and purpose; for as you enter the undoing of all personality errors of conception from all lifetimes whilst cleansing all mistaken perceivings of mind, feeling, and will .. so shall you be raised upwards and reared inwards unto Cosmic Citizenship.
The Kingdom of My Father God is present always .. directly imminent .. accessible and achievable as you turn within by faith and trustworthiness .. by growing your character husk and its drives, urges, and motivations for Truth Absolute.
Michael of Nebadon